danielle-sea-sings · 5 years
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Day 7
Mental practice day! My voice has been getting tired too quickly, and I know that means I should sing longer.
BUT it also means that a good day off (which is actually pretty hard for me to do) can be helpful too. It’s important for voices to recuperate in between strenuous or long singing sessions!
Today, I practiced a lot of the long runs in the music I’m studying - singing them (in my head) in a bunch of different groupings, tempos, and silly styles, because why not?
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danielle-sea-sings · 5 years
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Day 6
Richard Shephard’s beautiful arrangement of these words were the offertory this morning at church. His version has a flowing melody line with some gorgeous harmonies provided by piano!
Most of what I learned practicing and offering this music this morning was that my “magic singing tea” which is just yogi throat comfort tea with honey IS actually magic. I forgot it 🙄
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danielle-sea-sings · 5 years
Day 5
Recently, my Saturday practice has been combined with my time teaching classes. I’m lucky to bring music to Centerstage’s Joy of Acting classes! As you can see in this picture, the students there are awesome - super kind and helpful!
Today we did some group song writing, so I mostly played guitar - but forced myself to do some finger picking for a challenge! I played a bit of piano in one class, too!
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danielle-sea-sings · 5 years
Day 4!
Well, we recorded! Tom sounded amazing on the harpsichord! The space was absolutely gorgeous! Charles is the best for setting the whole thing up! I am so lucky and so glad it is over!
We got enough recorded to make two decent competition recordings, so we’ll be working on that this week!
And tomorrow my practice will most definitely be on a different instrument! 👍🏼
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danielle-sea-sings · 5 years
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Day 3!
I am so lucky to just casually rehearse, take lessons, and sing services in this gorgeous building every week! Ware Episcopal Church was built in 1690 and has most of its original parts - including amazing acoustics!
One more day until recording, so today was Handel, Handel, and more Handel!
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danielle-sea-sings · 5 years
Day 2!
Though this definitely wasn’t the most serious part of my practice time today, it was the most fun! I have a little lady client who absolutely loves this song, so I’m hoping to be able to connect with her using this fun movement activity!
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danielle-sea-sings · 5 years
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Day 1!
It’s fitting that I begin the 100 days of documenting my practice today, as it’s an exciting day in music for me! Today I confirmed a good friend from high school who plays beautiful trumpet to duet this piece with me at the end of the week for a competition recording!
This piece was new to me on Monday and is quickly becoming one of my favorites! The next few days will consist of a lot of Handel since recording is Friday!
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