danielsgamedev123 · 4 months
Assignment 3 PostMortem
We have a formal extension for assignment 3 but i will try to give a postmortem for what we have done now as this Assignment 1 is due before we have handed in Assignment 3 Currently what i have learned is that level design is hard, there is so much testing and troubleshooting minor details like jump height and having to replay the game and level multiple times to make sure that it is something that we are happy with. We were able to successfully use the feedback from our playtesting sessions to add new enemies and more levels which we are happy with at the current state. In Future we would like to add our own character rather than the one given to us in the platformer package (who knows we might have some spare time before we finish) So far this has been a rewarding experience to build a game that we are happy with although it has been a little bit challenging but thats to be expected and nothing good comes easy. Working with Lukas and Jp has also been a very enjoyable experience and they are both great and fun people to work with. Im glad that we could all agree on the direction we wanted the game to go in
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danielsgamedev123 · 4 months
Assignment 3 Playtesting
Player Demographics
For the playtesting we have a mix between novice gamers and more experienced gamers Key Findings
Our key findings in playtesting were that players found the controls comfortable and not clunky which was a relief to hear meaning that this would most likely make its way into the final design Player found that there need to be more enemies which we agree with so we are going to try to implement up to 4 enemies of differing difficulties Players also wanted more levels which is something that we are in the middle of developing so its good to see that we are on the right track
this playtesting has concluded that we seem to be on the right track and just need to polish a couple of things off
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danielsgamedev123 · 4 months
Assignment 3 development begins
i have formed a group with Lukas and JP we have decided to build of Lukas's idea of Dead Boy Rise which is a platformer game where the player can find power ups and buy power ups to progress through different levels more difficult than the last. We have added core mechanics to the game such as controls wasd, Lshift and Spacebar Level design is another thing we are working through and we would like to have 4 levels for the finished product As most of us are not very skilled in design we are most likely going to use assets given to us in the first development journey just so we can make sure of the gameplay first. Who knows we might magically become gifted in design ( I wish )
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danielsgamedev123 · 4 months
Racer PostMortem
This project taught me about off screen spawning of sprites and a different style of scoring system that works with if-statements
I feel both of these things that i have learnt will be useful to me in the future as a lot of games contain both of these features if i were to do this project again i would make my own sprites despite being unhappy with them as i feel it would make the game feel more like my own
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danielsgamedev123 · 4 months
Racer Development post
One of the main difficulties I encountered was implementing the scoring system. It took me a while to figure out how to add it through gdevelop but after reviewing the workshop I managed to figure it out. Throughout this whole semester I have a struggled with pixel art and creating my own sprites, once again this was no exception. when creating pixel art myself it never turns out how I imagined it in my head and I haven't seen myself improve of the semester which is a little bummer. i was also struggling with spawning the cars off screen then adding them to the scene but after a little tweaking i managed to figure it out.
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danielsgamedev123 · 4 months
Racing Elevator pitch
Dodge Racer
In this racing game race against other cars while avoiding obstacles on the road these obstacles will slow you down and lower your score
players can increase their score by passing other cars and avoiding obstacles
players will end with a score based on points <50 points the player loses, >50 but below 100 = bronze, 100 - 200 = silver, >200 = gold
control with wasd and arrow keys
Dodge Racer is perfect for anyone wanting to kill some time and set a highscore!
Race through different settings while trying to avoid obstacles and pass the cars!
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danielsgamedev123 · 4 months
Asteroids Postmortem
This development process to me was the more enjoyable out of what we have been given in this unit. Compared to the platformer journey i felt much more prepared and more knowledgeable which i feel also helped me enjoy the project more as i wasn't as worried about messing up and just figured i would have fun with it. I was able to make a level based asteroid game which was my main goal. I feel this game is enjoyable to the player as its just fun to shoot and avoid things. I believe that i could work on making my own sprites and animations rather than just relying on the ones that are provided to us. I feel this will make the game look better and that i have something else to work towards and be proud of. I would like to work on making music for my games but that would probably be a little while off as i have no idea how to compose music or anything to do with it at all unfortunately lol!
To improve upon this game, I would listen to all feedback given and fix any issues that players have with it, i would also add my own sprites and animations, and i would also like to have music in the game but that a job for next time.
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danielsgamedev123 · 4 months
Asteroids Development Post
Another week another development journey!
This time we were working on an asteroid shooter like game. Once again we were given the basics to get a somewhat functioning game started although this time the project wasnt fully completed by the end and we were left to fend for ourselves! By this i just meant that we were only given a way to implement a loss condition and not a win condition. Although this was a pretty simple fix as i just managed to add collision between the bullets that the ship fired and the asteroids needed health for the different sizes (3 for large, 2 for med, 1 for small). After this was swiftly implemented, a win condition could be added, for this a variable was created called score and once the player got a score above 100 they progressed to the next level which was basically the same as the first with higher spawn rates lol.
I did try implementing power ups as drops from the asteroids but i had a little bit of trouble making them randomised, i think that i just need to work on that a bit more. Like in the elevator pitch, i also add some cover that will randomly spawn at the beginning of the scene that will break asteroids for the player but wont count towards the score.
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danielsgamedev123 · 4 months
Asteroids Elevator Pitch
I have decided to make a asteroid game like the classic space invaders but instead the player isnt locked on the x-axis
The player will be able to shoot in 360 degrees and also collect power ups that can change the way they shoot. The player will be able to shoot using M1 and move following the mouse. Collecting a power up will instantly change the shooting style for a short period of time.
the classic ships in space invaders will be replaced by asteroids but i think that i will keep the idea of having some cover. also like space invaders i think the player should have 3 lives so that its not the end of the world if they die.
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danielsgamedev123 · 4 months
Platformer Postmortem
Look back i feel that i had to high of expectations going into my first game development process and that i overestimated what i knew and how much time that i had. in this next development journey i will try to have more "realistic" expectations. This Platformer development process did teach me a lot, such as using different animations to make sprite come alive and again changing variables using objects. Most importantly it taught me about level design as i had to spend quite some time making sure that the player could reach all the coins and not get stuck. Another thing i made sure to consider during the development was the controls as Gdevelop only uses arrow keys as a default while i feel like most people are use to using wasd as it feels more natural
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danielsgamedev123 · 5 months
Platformer development post
We were given the basics to start our development on our platformer game but i still had to figure out the tricky stuff like creating specific sprites
During my game development on the platformer I figured out how to get gold coins to change the score after colliding with the player. i feel this will be a useful mechanic in the next development process I also added more levels and enemies moving on platforms which the player can jump on as i struggle with artistic creativity I wasn't able to create anymore sprites than the ones given to us (believe me i tried they turned out horrible lol) due to this, i figured that i would just further work on a game using the materials that were given to us
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danielsgamedev123 · 5 months
Platformer elevator pitch
You will play as a lumberjack that is trying to find his daughter.
The Player will fight their way through with their axe hoards of enemies which are types of trees
after completing a level the player will go to the next level but if they die they will fall down to the underground where they have to fight their way up again
Different enemy types will be different types of trees
Oak & Birch trees are basic "low-level" enemies
Willow trees are stronger enemies but rarer
Redwood Trees are "boss-like" enemies
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danielsgamedev123 · 6 months
Hello, My name is Daniel, i'm currently studying Information technology at QUT. my interest in games started at a young age playing games on wii and PS3. As i've got older i've continued playing games with my favourite game series being borderlands
My interest in game design started when i was learning to code and figured that i would like to code something that enjoyable and that i could have fun with.
My goals and objectives for this unit are to expand my knowledge on game development and create a game that i am proud of.
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