dannimogen · 5 years
Hi everyone!! a lot of you may know that @fluoresensitive is an Author!!!! recently Mx Yah Yah decided to try getting in contact with @playchoices to venture into interactive story telling and add more to the horror genre of the app. By reblogging and liking this post and tagging playchoices in the comments you are giving Yah Yah Scholfield the visibility they deserve and telling pixelberry you are gonna support their storytelling ventures through their app. If you can message their social media accounts in support of Yah Yah. Their tumblr is above, their ig is @/choicesgame, facebook is this and their twitter @/PlayChoices!
If you aren't accustomed to Yah Yah's writing they have an anthology coming out soon, have been published on several magazines and sites, have a successful patreon and are simply an incredible writer. From vampires to sweeney todd to women with a killer instinct Yah Yah is a versatile and captivating horror writer who has much to contribute to the world of interwctive story telling and even elevate it.
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dannimogen · 5 years
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Back from the grave to say that wow a) I love my mc b) how tf did y’all get 50 xp already and c) the choices fandom should never be allowed to use acronyms for book titles again thanks for coming to my ted talk
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dannimogen · 5 years
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Luz when our daughter transferred to Bernhardt
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dannimogen · 5 years
Me, getting notifs on this blog: y’all still go here??????
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dannimogen · 5 years
Oof, really? It’s actually one of the better ones as of late 😭
Yup really! To be honest I haven’t played anything in the last couple months, except for Bachelorette Party. I haven’t even like finished like Open Heart or AME and shit. I’ve had choices download since the release day, and for years I played almost every chapter eagerly in the day it was released, but lately I can’t work up excitement for any of their books. It feels like the quality of writing has just gone consistantly downhill, and even in non romance books everything feels like it’s about romance. Even the newest books people call god tier just don’t really appeal to me. And I guess part of that is not just the writing quality but also that I’m just so fed up with their treatment of LGBT+ fans, which also seems to only get worse and worse. When they first started I was happy just to have female LIs, but now that they’ve grown so much and have a lot more resources and a supposed commitment to diversity I kind of expect a little more. Like when they first dropped books with even LI ratios I think we expected that to be the new norm but instead they’re still churning out fucking 3:1 books? It’s like now we know they can do better but they just don’t care. And on top of that it seems like every week there’s some new shitty careless thing they did. Oh, this week it’s asking people who chose to only romance women if they still want to have sex with a man in the elementalists! Oop, now you’re being forced to cuddle with Jax or Adrian with no opt out! On today’s agenda is the fact that PB has obviously not taken the time to customize any of the TRR 4 dialogue to indicate that Hanna and Mc will not just get pregnant like that! Now the Nightbound cover is changing to explicitly tell me I belong to a man! And PB never seems to care or listen to any of the criticism for any of this, and if they ever address it it’s always with an excuse and never an apology. And it’s all just so tiring and annoying and shitty and it’s hard to bring myself to enjoy any of these honestly mediocre books when I know PB will never care about or respect their LGBT fans. I’m just done, and I’ve been on the verge of deleting the app for a while now. I think I’ll keep it for Aisha/bachelorette party (funny how even a book with an all female main cast manages to have a 2:1 ratio) and then that might be the end. Rip @playchoices, it’s been a fun few years...
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dannimogen · 5 years
I just found out my brother was killed in an accident, but I guess that’s just one else stupid hetero for you to worry about right? Congratulations I truly hope this makes you happy
This is absolutely the funniest ask I’ve ever gotten thank u for the laughs
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dannimogen · 5 years
I miss u. The Choices fandom may be a dumpster fire but I miss you
you are very sweet omg,,,,, I can’t promise I’ll come back but bachelorette has made me 👀 so we’ll see,,,,,
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dannimogen · 5 years
ppl who combine their choices blog with their main blog are braver than any us marine
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dannimogen · 5 years
Some of them are past being annoying, some post things/send asks so fucked up they make me think "are you mentally alright?? Shouldn't you be seeking help??" I mean I rarely see them, tbh I guess I'm following the right side of the fandom thankfully
Anon that’s so valid fjdkfj like. It just seems like it’d be exhausting and bad for your mental health to constantly search out drama,,,,
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dannimogen · 5 years
I hate this fandom lol I should've just kept on playing choices peacefully without ever knowing there was a whole ass fandom here on tumblr cuz boyyy some of these people are so fucking toxic and are.. Proud to be toxic like?? Are they 13 year olds or what
They’re grown ass adults which is the sad part lmao,, but yeah I RARELY get on this blog anymore bc the fandom is annoying as hell
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dannimogen · 5 years
Hiiii! I LOVED your Sonia x MC fanfic, and I was thinking if you could maybe write some more? I know the fandom doesn't really care about TH:M anymore, but I miss herrr
Omg thank you so much.... I really really want to write more for that pairing but I’ve been going through such bad writers block lately but I’m gonna TRY and get one out within a month (but no promises djskdj I’m notoriously bad at deadlines)
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dannimogen · 5 years
ur so valid
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dannimogen · 5 years
your dumb posts make me proud to be homophobic 😌
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dannimogen · 5 years
lol it’s funny how people claim to care about lesbians but only under certain conditions.... like oh i’ll care about and support you if you’re a traditional feminine looking she/her lesbian who never talks about her sexuality but i draw the line at he/him they/them gnc fat butch lesbians >:(
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dannimogen · 5 years
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@rafhina lmao so just because i was in a server where a couple people said something biphobic (and were immediately called out and corrected but thats another story) i’m suddenly a biphobe who erased someones sexuality?? even though i was never a part of any of those conversations?? if you look at the screens yall posted you would see that i’m sticking up for bi women and saying that no one should assume someone’s sexuality so ? 
and also even if your argument had ANY merit how does that excuse your friend’s blatant lesbophobia and transphobia?? don’t think i don’t notice how you’re avoiding the subject 
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dannimogen · 5 years
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@rafhina lmao so just because i was in a server where a couple people said something biphobic (and were immediately called out and corrected but thats another story) i’m suddenly a biphobe who erased someones sexuality?? even though i was never a part of any of those conversations?? if you look at the screens yall posted you would see that i’m sticking up for bi women and saying that no one should assume someone’s sexuality so ? 
and also even if your argument had ANY merit how does that excuse your friend’s blatant lesbophobia and transphobia?? don’t think i don’t notice how you’re avoiding the subject 
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dannimogen · 5 years
so @rafhina @michellenguycn yall out here supporting your friend’s lesbophobia and transphobia huh? 
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Lmao just in case any of y’all still support wesporters and her crew,,, way to be lesbophobic and transphobic in the same breath :)
*edited to show the original screenshot before she edited her answer*
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