dantheman2022 · 1 year
Week 6 Blog Post
After reading chapters 4 and 5 in the Social Organization I’ve learned how important online community building on social media is. Networking and building followers is key to putting your name out there and allowing other business professionals to know who you are. For an example, building your following on LinkedIn can help you in the long run when it comes to finding a job because these professionals can provide you with job opportunities. 
An article on inspiring ways to build your social media community: https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbescommunicationscouncil/2021/03/25/16-inspiring-ways-to-build-a-community-on-social-media/?sh=560c17a630b9
After completing the Hootsuite/Podium Module 4, I’ve learned that building an online community is strongly encouraged when trying to build your profile and name. These principles apply to the client I’m working with for the client project because in the business landscaping, getting your name out there and networking is extremely important. Having an online presence will allow you to become more popular on social platforms for other clients to view your services.
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dantheman2022 · 1 year
Week 4 Blog Post #2
Week 4 Blog Post 2
1. Algorithms:
I think algorithms have created lots of problems on social media especially regarding politics. My personal opinion is that a lot of the algorithms regarding politics are put out there to stir the pot and try to split up the population. I think during the last election it was at its worst. I think people had nothing better to do during covid than to start arguments with people on different platforms. I think both sides of the political spectrum should be able to bounce their beliefs back and forth and still be civil at the end of the day. I think social media has completely ruined that.
2. Advertising
I think advertising on social media is the best way to target customers. I do think the data that is collected from user of social media could become dangerous and invade the privacy of users. I am sure everyone has been speaking about some sort of product or event and then gone on social media and saw an ad for it. That is where I think there it becomes an invasion of privacy.
3. Exposure
The exposure on social media for every individual seems to be based on their beliefs and things that interest them. This is all due to the way social media is built. I think in some ways this is great because it provides content that users are always going to be interested in. I think this is bad, especially for politics because it can prevent people from seeing the other side of things.
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dantheman2022 · 1 year
Week 4 Blog Post #1
Week 4 Blog Post 1
I think the most important qualities for a social media consultant to have is great written communications skills. On top of that I think it is important fo someone in this role to be very creative and persistent.
If I was a social media consultant my main strategy would be to follow the current trends of social media and ideally find ways to stand out. I think finding the way to stand out is what makes or brakes a social media marketing team. The whole idea of marketing is to find great ways to put your business on display. In my experience, I have used social media post to put the business on display in our local community.
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dantheman2022 · 2 years
Week 3 Blog - Social Dilemma
   The Social Dilemma documentary really opened my eyes to the issue we face when it comes to big data and algorithms. From a business stand point it great because it forces people to get extreme amount of exposure. As a consumer it is dangerous because you cant get away from being drawn into buying things that you want but maybe do not need. 
Also, I think these algorithms are dangerous when it comes to the views of individuals. I think this was a big issue that came clear to me during the pandemic. For example on social media it seems that the algorithms creates controversial content that makes people argue on platforms. I think this is one of the main reasons our country has grown to come so divided. 
My personal opinion is that Elon Musk buying twitter was a move that shed light on the issues that social media has created. I hope in the future there is something done to fix the way big data and algorithms are used. 
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dantheman2022 · 2 years
Week 4 Blog Post 2
 1. Algorithms:
I think algorithms have created lots of problems on social media especially regarding politics. My personal opinion is that a lot of the algorithms regarding politics are put out there to stir the pot and try to split up the population. I think during the last election it was at its worst. I think people had nothing better to do during covid than to start arguments with people on different platforms. I think both sides of the political spectrum should be able to bounce their beliefs back and forth and still be civil at the end of the day. I think social media has completely ruined that.
2. Advertising
I think advertising on social media is the best way to target customers. I do think the data that is collected from user of social media could become dangerous and invade the privacy of users. I am sure everyone has been speaking about some sort of product or event and then gone on social media and saw an ad for it. That is where I think there it becomes an invasion of privacy.
3. Exposure
The exposure on social media for every individual seems to be based on their beliefs and things that interest them. This is all due to the way social media is built. I think in some ways this is great because it provides content that users are always going to be interested in. I think this is bad, especially for politics because it can prevent people from seeing the other side of things. 
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dantheman2022 · 2 years
Week 4 Blog Post 1
I think the most important qualities for a social media consultant to have is great written communications skills. On top of that I think it is important fo someone in this role to be very creative and persistent. 
If I was a social media consultant my main strategy would be to follow the current trends of social media and ideally find ways to stand out. I think finding the way to stand out is what makes or brakes a social media marketing team. The whole idea of marketing is to find great ways to put your business on display. In my experience, I have used social media post to put the business on display in our local community.
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dantheman2022 · 2 years
Social Media Assignment
I decided to take a lot of time away this weekend when I was out of town. I ended up waking up very early both days this weekend to go fishing on the lake I was staying on. I woke up at 7am and fished until 1pm both days. I left my phone in my fishing bag and was able to focus on having great conversations with my girlfriends Dad and Grandpa. Once we got back to the house I made the effort to not go on my phone until after dinner time. This was very easy on Saturday because there was football on all day which left me with no reason to go on my phone. Sunday on the other hand was quite difficult due to fantasy football notifications. I was able to manage not looking at my phone until after 2pm. I personally love being able to put my phone away when I am with people that I enjoy spending time with or when I am doing things that I enjoy such as fishing or watching football.
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dantheman2022 · 2 years
Blog post #1
I try my best to not let social media influence my life, but I will admit at times I can’t resist it. I would say that I go on social media the most when I am at work. I use it as a few minute break from the task I am doing at work. I would say that I go on instagram the most because it is the easiest to scroll through feed and see what people are up to. I think having internet constantly available has its pros and cons. The obvious cons that come with this is the constant distraction that phones create. Sometimes you can start scrolling and lose track of time. The pros I would say are mostly for learning and networking purposes. I am constantly looking things up throughout the day that I am curious about. It is great being able to learn about anything you want to in seconds. Networking is a huge benefit that comes with having the internet at your finger tips. Making connections on LinkedIn at business events is super easy with apps like this. 
Whenever I go hunting I usually don’t have access to the internet for long periods of time. It is honestly great. I think not having access helps to stay in the moment and truly enjoy time with good friends and the outdoors. I can honestly say I do not miss it at all when I go hunting or fishing. 
I would like to work on setting my phone down after 10pm. I thinks this would be good for my sleep schedule and would force me to read or do something else. I also think that deleting social media such as tiktok would save me a lot of time in my day. 
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dantheman2022 · 2 years
Blog Post 1
My name is Daniel Carnaghi and I am currently attending Central Michigan University pursuing a degree in Business Administration. I am from Sterling Heights Michigan and graduated from Cousino High School. My hobbies consist of beer league softball, hunting, fishing and golf. I currently work at ITT Inc. as a Sales Intern and plan on getting hired full time once I graduate. One career goal that I have is to be making over $100k per year by the age of 28. A long term career goal I have is to become the general manager of a company at some point in my career. I think my drive and leadership skills will lead me in the right directions. What I hope to accomplish in my blog is to engage with my classmates and put my skills on display. A company that I think has great social media management is Coca-Cola. Their products are know by consumers all around the world. The company has been around for a long time but uses it social media to stay relevant. 
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dantheman2022 · 3 years
Social Media Assignment 1: Part 2
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