daredxevil-blog1 · 9 years
{I hit 100 followers after one week! Yowzah! Who would like some starters?}
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daredxevil-blog1 · 9 years
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   “But that also means that we can change things, right?” Karen then asked, looking over at him. “It means that, if we don´t like where we are, we can get up and change it,”
  “Yes, it means that precisely. Some people.. forget that I think. They give up when something doesn’t go their way.”
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daredxevil-blog1 · 9 years
{Im sick as a dog so replies will be slow}
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daredxevil-blog1 · 9 years
she feels like she knows well enough to not play the pity card with him. they are two sides of the same coin, and she wouldn’t want any ‘sorry’s’. they don’t cure blindness. they are sharing, and while she feels like he’s being honest with her, she knows she can’t completely return the favor. she briefly wonders if she’ll ever tell anyone the real truth; if she’ll ever want to. julie scoffs out a laugh, “ car accident. dad had been drinking. roads were icy. it was five years ago. i was seventeen. ”
There was only a moment of true silence that filled the small shop before she  answered him with a tiny laugh. He presses his lips together nodding his head. He wasn’t one to have pity on people with  disabilities. He found from experience that they didn’t want it, nor did, after some time did they even have pity for themselves.
“Five years. Wow.” he nodded. He had been living with it for almost fourteen years now and still every day he wishes he could see the sky like it was once more. The closest he ever got to that was on top of his apartment building at sunset. The sky, he remembers looked like what he sees now twenty-four seven. 
“Well you seem to have got the ropes now.”
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daredxevil-blog1 · 9 years
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                   ❛       This should prove to be EVENTFUL. Our …                                   last encounter, I’m sure we were both left unsatisfied. 
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                    “Unsatisfied is almost an understatement.                                           Though you would know what understatements are.”
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daredxevil-blog1 · 9 years
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    “Fate?” Karen then asked, looking back at him. “Well…sometimes I like to believe that there´s some higher power, that things are all planned out for us, but I don´t think that we can´t take fate, and whatever it holds for us, into our own hands. What about you?”
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    “I don’t. I don’t believe in it at all. I think we end up somewhere because we made it happen, intentionally or not. I don’t think there is some destined, plan for us.” he sighed. 
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daredxevil-blog1 · 9 years
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          an eye brow raises in a peculiar manner as James speaks       a chill running down his spine in almost both arousal and fear.
                 his own hand grabs at himself, rubbing through his constricting pants         feverishly. 
                           “Perhaps you could help.”
Keep reading
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daredxevil-blog1 · 9 years
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   She’s a bit surprised by the touch and    she can feel her hairs raise but she     takes a moment to relax, drawing    a deep breath from her lungs. “Ah…I see.    I thought perhaps you had a hot date.”    Her tone is teasing and she can’t help the    smile that crosses her face.
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   He feels her arm muscle stiffen at    his touch. Natural for someone not    used to the blind and their coping    with following someone blindly.    “No hot date for me. I’m not much    into dates and such.”
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daredxevil-blog1 · 9 years
{Guess who is back and has internet? THIS GIRL! To any new followers I don’t have interactions with yet and would like to, like this for a starter. (I don’t only play Matt so look at my muses if interested)}
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daredxevil-blog1 · 9 years
{I will be home in a few hours and will he straight to my replies!}
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daredxevil-blog1 · 9 years
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                                                     humanized vigilante
                                  independent matt murdock/daredevil roleplay account
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daredxevil-blog1 · 9 years
{I literally cannot wait to get back to internet Monday. Not doing replies is killing me...}
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daredxevil-blog1 · 9 years
No need to download anything, we can find another way. Hmm, does chatzy work for you on mobile? I have kik too, so we could probably chat through there!
I've never used chatzy. My kik is aushiptime let me see if chatzy works! :)
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daredxevil-blog1 · 9 years
Matthew nods at her decision with assurance that her choice is a good one. His knowledge of flowers is limited at best. He hardly remembers them from his childhood. Though living in the city for as long as he has, flowers dont exactly grow on the sidewalks in Hells Kitchen.
Her voice as she asks her questions makes him smile. He would have asked first but his curiosity hadn’t got the best of him yet.
“Since I was twelve.” He nodded his head glancing in her general direction. “Car accident. I was blinded by this.. chemical.” he sighs as he recounts the last moments he saw things as they were and not completely burning in flames as he saw them now.
“And yourself? Since we are sharing.”
if matthew hadn’t been sure before, he most definitely knew when her hand grasped his upper arm. a small smile came across his lips. He oddly enough hadn’t met many like himself. though in honesty he hadn’t met anyone truly like himself. the chemicals in blinding him did more than that.
he walked with her, deeming his walking stick unnecessary. he tucked it underneath his arm as she started naming off flowers. 
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“smells are best for me, and touch. all flowers look beautiful i’ve been told, so perhaps the hyacinths? what do you think? I trust your judgment completely.”
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daredxevil-blog1 · 9 years
{In the three days I've had this account I have now reached 83 followers. Wow. Thank you guys SO much. I'll be making a follow forever once I reach 100!}
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daredxevil-blog1 · 9 years
{Can I point out that I would LOVE to see more Wesley’s, Vanessa’s, Foggy’s and Fisk’s but at the same time, I really love the small community of players we have right now.}
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daredxevil-blog1 · 9 years
Threads I want
A hardcore fight scene with Matt, not the masked man. He didn’t have time to change and someone came to kick his ass (related to Fisk or not)
Where someone takes care of Matt like Claire did. 
A really fucking hot sex scene where someone just dominates the fuck out of Matt
A torture scene where either Matt tortures someone for info or they torture him.
A bad argument with Foggy.
Someone is present for his TERRIBLE nightmares and maybe in the middle of the night he tries to kill that person (not intentional just the acts of fear from his dreams) then him have to explain them.
I just want all of these and when I say, I do not care who they are with, I truly mean, I do not care who they are with. Hit me up.
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