The Deer Hunter 1978
I have mixed feelings about this one. Yes it is incredibly well made, and all the emotions on the home front are real. Yet the criticisms are entirely valid. It invents a fictional horror as a metaphor, as though showing anything real of the war was not useful. Its not even really ‘about’ Vietnam as it never honestly shows or examines the conflict. It does paint a racist, one sided view, and shows how our good ole white boys suffered at the hands of evil, subhuman Vietnamese. It shows nothing of the conflict or people of Vietnam (who suffered far more than the group of buddies here). Nothing of the US military machine, or responsibility. It drops us from Rust Belt Buddy Movie, to DeNiro with a flamethower at the Vietnamese, then jumps to Russian Roulette. There is no narrative between the film’s major sections. It doesn’t use any real atrocity and horror to show the damage to these guys, but an artificial one, created for affect, and ends up being blatantly racist. The women at home are pure 70’s male creations of womanhood. The closing ‘God Bless America’ is moving, yet plays like the US absolving itself for the entire Vietnam debacle. I don’t think the film makers meant any harm, but they were, like the characters, just unthinking and ignorant of what their film would really convey. Good intentions don’t get them off the hook.
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Tokyo Story 1953
Is about Shukishi and his wife Tomi take the long journey from their small seaside village to visit their adult children in Tokyo. Their elder son Koichi is a doctor, and their daughter, Shige is a hairdresser. They don't have much time to spend with their aged parents, and so it falls to the widow of their younger son who was killed in the war, to keep her in-laws company. This was a hard movie to watch for me. It was difficult to continue and felt long and drawn out.
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Casablanca 1942
Rick Blaine, who owns a nightclub in Casablanca, discovers his old flame Ilsa is in town with her husband, Victor Laszlo. Laszlo is a famed rebel, and with Germans on his tail, Ilsa knows Rick can help them get out of the country. The movie to me was fine, alittle over hyped but i can definitely see its influence in films made today.
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Chinatown 1974
DescriptionWhen Los Angeles private eye J.J. Gittesis hired by Evelyn Mulwray to investigate her husband's activities, he believes it's a routine infidelity case. Jake's investigation soon becomes anything but routine when he meets the real Mrs. Mulwray and realizes he was hired by an imposter. Mr. Mulwray's sudden death sets Gittes on a tangled trail of corruption, deceit and sinister family secrets as Evelyn's father becomes a suspect in the case. Engaging story, and good neo noir movie.
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Vertigo 1958
An ex-police officer who suffers from an intense fear of heights is hired to prevent an old friend's wife from committing suicide, but all is not as it seems. Honestly a great movie, enjoyed the vision that Hitchcock gave us.
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The Tribe 2014
While attending a boarding school for the deaf, a young man joins a gang of criminals to become a thief and a pimp. Mr. Slaboshpytskiy alternates between long, fixed takes and jostling hand-held following shots. He pays close attention to body language. Things turn very nasty at the end, as petty criminality gives way to rape and murder and the camera starts to feel like an instrument of exploitation. Its a very mature movie.
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Psycho 1960
Is about a Secritary on the run after stealing $40,000 from her employer in order to run away with her boyfriend, and is overcome by exhaustion during a heavy rainstorm. Traveling on the back roads to avoid the police, she stops for the night at the ramshackle Bates Motel and meets the polite but highly strung proprietor Norman Bates, a young man with an interest in taxidermy and a difficult relationship with his mother. Excellent direction, screenplay, cinematography, score and acting. The plot is chilling, creepy, dark, horrific and has a one of a kind fantastic twist ending. The film has many creepy scenes and the shower scene is still spine tingling and timeless.
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Punishment park
In this fictional documentary, U.S. prisons are at capacity, and President Nixon declares a state of emergency. All new prisoners, most of whom are connected to the antiwar movement, are now given the choice of jail time or spending three days in Punishment Park, where they will be hunted for sport by federal authorities. The prisoners invariably choose the latter option, but learn that, between the desert heat and the brutal police officers, their chances of survival are slim. It was a good film, very interesting to see how a foreigner viewed American politics.
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Her 2013
Her is a story about a man who falls in love with his AI, staring Joaquin Phoenix and Scarlett Johansson. The movie pushes the viewer to early on, feel like Joaquin’s character is struggling with depression and loneliness. He then starts a new program with developing AI software. The program start to display amazing levels of consciousness and complex emotion. They begin a relationship and they do their best to please each other. The relationship seemed to be genuine and their performances really showed the chemistry they had while filming. The program really makes the viewer believe in its presence and make the movie seem like its about a relationship between an actual couple. And the story really surprises you when the program reveals that it was cheating on him with other programs who all had personalities of their own. Definitely a good film, very original and a nice change of pace for the frequent movie goer.
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