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Espeon and Sylveon ko-fi doodle for a ko-fi supporter!
I'm accepting pokemon ko-fi doodle requests here! ✨
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dark-disasters-blog · 3 years
Catified Anne!! Really happy with how she turned out! 💕
Please Do Not Copy/Repost/Trace/Steal
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dark-disasters-blog · 3 years
Sorry I haven't posted in a while! I tend to forget I have social media haha
Anywho, I have started that SixFanarts challenge but with Pokémon! So first up is Shiny Zoroark! ⭐
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dark-disasters-blog · 3 years
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this probably isn’t a new idea by any means but when I was a kid I had a white flygon OC who lived in the arctic and I suddenly began thinking about it again the other day and with regional variants being something that exists, this idea actually has canon basis now, so I revamped this concept into a whole fake ice-type trapinch line
inspired by snowmen, warm winter clothes, skiers, snowflakes, and of course all the cuteness of the vanilla trapinch family!
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dark-disasters-blog · 3 years
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“Add more dragons” is always the best course of action.
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dark-disasters-blog · 3 years
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First Lumity fanart and I haven't even started watching the show yet
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dark-disasters-blog · 3 years
So many anti friend groups are just straight up cults and it's genuinely terrifying to see and be part of.
If you're scared of your friends for whatever reason, it you're scared of liking being in a specific fandom or liking a specific ship because you think you'll lose all your friends over it, if your friend group is essentially built on the idea that you're all good and everyone else is bad, if your friends use social ostracization and online stalking and harassment campaigns as threats and weapons, if your friends use fear and moral panic to keep people in line. . . . .
Please get out of there. This isn't even about shipping or fandom or whatever, it's about staying safe and not getting sucked into a literal cult. Cut them off, block them on all your social media, remake accounts if you need to, and make new friends who don't leave you feeling like you're walking on eggshells around them. Just stay safe.
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dark-disasters-blog · 3 years
Pokemon Rant: One Version for All
So, I highly doubt it will happen, but I really hope that BDSP will be the last of the two versions. The style has long overstayed it’s welcome, and the existence of 3rd enhanced versions prove that a lot of these games can just be put into one plus having more added in. How the two different versions are handled does not warrant the existence for there to be two versions. The only difference is a small number of pokemon and that’s not enough. 
What would truly warrant the existence of two versions are two different stories, different pokemon (potentially different starters or final evolutions), and different game locations. Aside from pokemon you may want, there’s no reason to get the two versions as they’re essentially the same game. The only reason that we got two versions was that the games only allowed one file and my sister and I both liked to play, so we got two versions just so we can play at the same time without sharing a file. And guess what? The Switch can allow for multiple files, there’s no more reason for us to get two of the same game. And now that they’re Switch games, automatically, every single one comes out from Pokemon are more expensive at 60 USD, and being more expensive, there’s less appeal in getting both versions. 
Let’s Go Eevee/Pikachu, wasn’t worth it in there being two versions. It was essentially the same game, each not even having the full Kanto dex, and no new unique locations or story to see. It could’ve been just Let’s Go, and you could pick Pikachu or Eevee. Nothing changes if it was just one version. 
The Pokemon Mystery Dungeon remake actually made it one version, combining Red and Blue and guess what? It works amazingly. There’s no difference in story, back in the day, the only difference was pokemon you see and the console; they just made it one game and it’s amazing. I still need to beat it but it’s been amazing as a remake. it makes me hopeful that they’ll one day do an Explorers’ remake and combine all 3 into one. 
Sword and Shield, based on what I’ve seen, there’s no reason for there to be two versions. Different pokemon and two different gym leaders wasn’t enough to warrant there being two versions in my opinion. By how they went about it, the climax could’ve easily set up you picking the sword or shield. Or playing the very likely speculation that the Isle of Armor was supposed to be apart of the main game, just replace Kubfu with a pre-evo for the legendary wolves and set up that your choices or battle preference shapes which wolf you get. It could’ve even better build up Hop getting the other if he got the sibling of yours. There was no reason for SwSh to be two games. 
And now there’s BDSP as another pair of the same game getting released, and Platinum exists to prove that these two games could easily be just one game. They SHOULD be one game. It should be a Platinum remake and not a Diamond Pearl remake. Platinum is what everyone wants, it was the better version that took the same story and setting of DP and made improvements. Now it’s still debatable if Platinum is even going to be included in this pair of remakes. We do have Platinum npcs and the Platinum dex it looks like, but that doesn’t guarantee much for me as those are easy to include and they said it’s a faithful DP remake. But it’s not the Sinnoh remake I want as my ideal one would be a mixture of all 3 plus more content added to it (walking pokemon, megas, unloackable events like finding Darkrai, Shaymin, ect that I can do anytime I want and not wait for that one time event that I can’t do anymore.). And yesterday, what we saw I’ll acknowledge is a little promising, but it’s still not what I want exactly and I’m going to be holding off getting them until I hear from a lot of reviews and what they have to say. 
The one thing that makes me hopeful is what Gamefreak is working on: Legends Arceus, which is one game, not a pair. And so far it’s looking like it could be doing the changes Pokemon has needed for a long time, and between the two games that are coming out, this experiment is the one I’m more interested in. And between SwSh and the backlash that was received upon the first teasers of LA and BDSP that this 2nd look shows a lot of improvement, I want to be hopeful that the backlash for the persistent release of two versions will have BDSP be the last of the two released versions. 
Mindful, I’m not that hopeful, but I want to be. I don’t know about you guys, but I am tired of the two versions that barely have any differences to them. If they really want to keep at it, then I say they better change it up, not only in pokemon difference, but game locations, and in story. Really warrant the two versions. Pokemon is the highest grossing franchise to exist in media. They make so much money they can afford so much for their games, but those games have been lackluster for a long time. Monster catching is my favorite type of genre of game to play but I haven’t replayed the newer pokemon games as much as I have the old ones (with Emerald, Platinum, and SS being the ones I replayed most). SwSh is even the first one I skipped out on. And as curious as I am for LA and BDSP, I’m also ready to skip out on them to. Especially knowing that all 3 are going to $60 and if I’m going to spend that money, I want it to be worth that price. And then there’s thinking of those who want the full pokemon experience and will get both versions despite it being the same game, and that’s going to be 180 USD, + any paid DLC that comes later, which potentially was cut content from the games playing off IoA at least looking like it should’ve been in the main game. 
So the two versions are just aggravating, especially knowing that there’s so few differences that its not worth there being two versions, and it can get so expensive. I don’t have high hopes, but I really want BDSP to be the last of the two versions. In my personal opinion, it’s not worth continuing the two versions anymore. 
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dark-disasters-blog · 3 years
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dark-disasters-blog · 3 years
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A quick pseudo watercolour because heck, this Pokemon…!
 I’ve been waiting for this Pokemon for the last 20 years!!
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dark-disasters-blog · 3 years
Not really directed at anything specifically, more just based on things I’ve heard from friends and what they say others are talking about. Just needed to get this off my chest.
So… “Syren” airs, and Chat Noir gets upset by a secret that is neither Plagg’s nor Ladybug’s to tell. Both the fandom and the show/writers think he is right for doing this, even as he threatens to quit while Paris drowns if not told the secret. He is ultimately rewarded in the end with the secret because, according to one of the writers, “Chat was correct and deserved to know.”
Later down the line, “Truth” gets a synopsis.
It hasn’t aired, it simply gets a synopsis (I must also add that a previous synopsis in the same season had been wrong).
Based on said synopsis, the fandom gets riled up about Luka supposedly being upset by a secret Marinette is keeping (her identity), going on about how he “doesn’t have a right to Marinette’s secret,” “is being extremely entitled,” and “doesn’t deserve to know Marinette’s identity,” as it is “Marinette’s right” to tell whoever she wants.
In truth, the actual episode features Luka struggling and fighting against the akuma, because he actually believes that he is not, in fact, entitled to Marinette’s secret, wanting her to share it rather than it being forced out of her. He is then “punished” for this when the show has the couple break up due to Marinette believing that she’s not allowed to have a boyfriend, all thanks to her secrets. Nevertheless, Luka maintains his previous stance and wants Marinette to tell him things whenever she’s ready to do so.
“Gang of Secrets” airs two episodes later, featuring the exact opposite philosophy. Over the phone, Marinette’s friends claim that they want her to talk with them when she’s ready, only to barrel into her room minutes later and insist that she talk to them. She refuses, kicking them out, and they get akumatized without resistance in order to force her to tell them her secret. After the fact, without so much as an on-screen apology from them, Marinette folds and talks about (some of) her problems. This also features another “whenever you’re ready” from Alix that may or may not be a simple joke given how the group laughs at it. Once all but Alya and Marinette are left in the room, Marinette has a mental breakdown and gives Alya her most precious secret: her identity as Ladybug.
Upon this episode airing, the fandom is upset at Marinette, not for telling her secret, but for not telling Chat Noir her secret instead of Alya, because Chat deserved her secret. This is also after “Chat Blanc,” where Marinette is aware that “her love with Chat” and Chat knowing her identity nearly led to the end of the world, and it is later confirmed in “Sentibubbler” that Marinette has actual trauma over the moment, never made aware of the specific mistake Chat made (i.e: keeping his knowledge of her identity a secret) that caused the issue in the first place, thus leaving her with all of the blame as the timeline is scrubbed away and Adrien is left with no actual lesson, even from Bunnix who could’ve chided him for his priority on love over safety. Chat received no consequences for this (not remembering his time as an akuma) and was even rewarded for his erased-from-time decisions as Ladybug laid her head on his shoulder, happy to have him back after the nightmare she’d lived where everyone was dead because her partner prioritized dating her over telling her that he knew her identity, despite her repeated stressing that no one must know.
(”Glaciator” also follows this formula, forcing Ladybug to apologize first and then having her blush when Chat kisses her cheek after he’d put up a huff mid-battle, while Marinette is blamed both for Andre’s akumatization and not going to a date that she didn’t promise to go to.)
Cut to some time later, when “Crocoduel” airs. Marinette, believing that she only causes problems for Luka and that he would rather be away from his own birthday party than be around the girl who “broke his heart” and “got him akumatized twice” (the first time being Silencer, something that apparently she, Alya, and the show blame her for), asks Juleka in private to make sure Luka isn’t present at the party. She later apologizes for this, admitting that she was unreasonable in her request.
The fandom proceeds to go off on Marinette, stating that she is selfish and that Luka “deserves better.” This is in direct contrast to episodes that feature Marinette/Ladybug apparently slighting Adrien/Chat (according to the fandom), where rejection is not wished on the ship itself, but rather a desire that Marinette/Ladybug apologize to Adrien/Chat and repent for her sins so that he can be happy and they can get together.
Interestingly enough, complete radio silence is given on the friends who had forced Marinette to go to the event in the first place (and also had supposed “whenever you’re ready” development in “Gang of Secrets”), not consulting with Luka on the matter nor considering what either would want, and only asking for Juleka’s permission in what is essentially an afterthought (having made plans without her input first). This is made doubly “interesting” by the fact that the action of said friends is what leads to the supposed “end of Lukanette,” with them officially confirming becoming friends.
Finally, cut to the most recent episode (at the time of writing this), “Wishmaker.” In this episode, through two different instances of Second Chance, Luka discovers the identities of both Ladybug and Chat Noir, shocked and later saddened by both revelations. When asked by Ladybug, he makes the decision to not tell her that he knows anything, though the current reason for this is unknown.
The fandom, once again, goes up in arms. They are upset by Luka’s lie (to a hero who he now knows is extremely stressed about her future and needs little else to worry about) regardless of whatever the reason may or may not be revealed to be. This is a far cry from the “golden boy” Adrien Agreste, who has not only lied (whether by omission or otherwise) on multiple occasions (”Copycat,” “Miraculous New York,” and “Chat Blanc”), but when Ladybug’s identity was put into his hands (the hands of a permanent hero who has one of the two exact miraculouses wanted by Hawk Moth), he chose not to say anything so he could date her.
Neither had a magical charm to protect them while one of them had a rabbit hero to erase his actions as if that removes what he would’ve done if given the chance, while Ladybug is left with the guilt and trauma. Both were told that identities are precious, and one lies for reasons riddled with ambiguity while the other lies in order to date the person who has already rejected one side of himself. One is a “threat” to the endgame ship and is either sympathized with or criticized depending on what will make his own ship look worse (and whose likeability seems to coincide by how “threatening” he is and what importance he receives in comparison to his “competition”), while the other is part of the endgame ship and is treated accordingly by the show and fanbase, his actions defended and validated while the blame falls on the other side of his ship.
In the end, Marinette and Luka are dealt an equally bad hand, and both are dealing with consequences of Adrien’s actions. Adrien had gotten to peacefully date “Ladybug” in a removed timeline because he selfishly kept a secret (and, again, was ultimately rewarded for it), while Marinette suffered dating Luka because she selflessly kept a secret (leading to him being akuamtized and her to nearly have a mental breakdown). Luka, meanwhile, who has had a track record of being incredibly selfless and having a history of always keeping Marinette’s feelings/best interests in mind, now knows both Ladybug and Chat Noir’s identities, and the latter being because Chat Noir let himself get hit by the akuma’s powers in the first place.
Yet it’s Luka who gets heat, and Marinette who gets heat, while Adrien isn’t even so much as on the back burner.
Isn’t history fun?
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dark-disasters-blog · 3 years
we need #HELP
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PLEASE take the time to learn about what is happening in Turkey at the moment
this is not a joke.
TURKEY IS BEING BURNT DOWN! and It’s not a natural disaster, it’s arson. literal terror. a crime. there are 81 fires going on in 23 different cities. this has been going on for 2 days. people are dying, losing their homes.
helicopters, drones, planes and thousands of firemen are currently trying to control fires in 10 different locations in southern Turkey. so far, three people have died, hundreds of animals have perished and several settlements are being evacuated.
A WHOLE country is on fire please that is not something you can underestimate.
please use your voice for us.
please dont stay in silence.
You can deposit your cash donations by typing “MANAVGAT YARDIM” in the explanation section, to the account numbered Adalya Health Education and Culture Foundation, Vakıf Bank Lara Branch (TL) IBAN: TR22 0001 5001 5800 7273 6305 85.
(USD) Iban No: TR02 0001 5001 5804 8019 7521 30
(EURO) Iban No: TR83 0001 5001 5804 8019 7521 27
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dark-disasters-blog · 3 years
Despite the fancy survey, changes to the UI and TOS reveal we’re getting the service in the future whether we want it or not. Obviously, Post+ is a terrible idea that is trying to bank revenue on user content. Unlike patreon or onlyfans, tumblr’s primary focus is on FAN content. The legality of this is NOT in the users favor and as the new tumblr TOS states, said users will be entirely liable for whatever legal matters arise.
Besides filling out the survey, it’s time to show tumblr we mean business and show our displeasure by hitting them where it hurts.
Ad revenue.
We’re proposing a 24 hour log off as phase one of this protest.
AUGUST 6th, 2021        12 am Eastern Time (US)          5 am Greenwich Mean Time          6 am Central European Time          8 am Moscow Standard Time          1 pm Australian Western Time          2 pm Japan Standard Time          3:30 pm Australian Central Time          4 pm Australian Eastern Time AUGUST 5th, 2021          11 pm Mountain Time (US)            9 pm Pacific Time (US)
So no posting, no queues, no likes, and no reblogs!
Like this post and share it AS MANY TIMES AS POSSIBLE. Use the hashtags #tumblrlogoff2021 or #postplusprotest on ANY and ALL social media.
Maybe, maybe not. It’s an attempt at doing SOMETHING.
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dark-disasters-blog · 3 years
Why Marinette was not given the Black Cat Miraculous:
Plagg: What if I told you that I knew a way to make all your problems…disappear?
Marinette: I’d say that sounds illegal.
Marinette: I’d also say, “go on.”
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dark-disasters-blog · 3 years
LfM Ch 22: Bee Gone, Wasp!
Marinette deemed that Audrey was a blessing. From her theft in the competition to her stinging Audrey as Queen Bee, Chloe was banned from attending the show. Audrey made it very clear to the guards that if the blonde showed up, she was to be escorted out swiftly.
As there was time before the show, Marinette and Kim (who was brought along by his mother) both got to enjoy the little show of Chloe being literally carried out kicking and screaming. Hawk Moth may akumatize her again, but this was well worth the show.
Only big shame was that Aurore wasn’t here yet to witness it. Her friend wanted more time to decide between the dresses she made, but assured her she’d be there soon.
“Honestly, this is the real show,” Kim decided beside Marinette, earning a giggle. “I could watch this for hours.”
Chloe tried to dash back in, but was grabbed again.
“Do you think she’ll ever give up?” Marinette wondered.
“Maybe when she’s bored enough,” Kim offered.
“Then she’ll spend hours bashing the show,” Marinette said, grinning. She knows well that not everyone would believe her. Audrey or Gabriel may even go after the blonde for doing so. Marinette was looking forward to watching the chaos unfold.
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dark-disasters-blog · 3 years
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dark-disasters-blog · 3 years
Also some fanart of @kinschi 's au!
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