darkgeo · 11 years
Great day
It was a good day.
I dropped the kids at school and got home for a work from home day. Then my mom picked up the kids for me and had them back around 3, so I had a good 5 hours of work time.
Then Kenzie needed some warm clothes for a school field trip coming up where she is going ice skating, so a quick dash to Target/Goodwill to get some things and home to make a yummy dinner while watching the Hawks trounce the Saints.
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darkgeo · 11 years
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Triple cheese/double salami, says the boy. #protein #snacktime
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darkgeo · 11 years
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Thanks Nama for picking them up. First he wouldn't let me put him down, then he crashed on the floor. Hazel was easy. Back to work for me ;-)
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darkgeo · 12 years
I love this idea! Spread it!
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darkgeo · 13 years
One teachers approach to preventing gender bullying in a classroom
“It’s Okay to be Neither,” By Melissa Bollow Tempel
Alie arrived at our 1st-grade classroom wearing a sweatshirt with a hood. I asked her to take off her hood, and she refused. I thought she was just being difficult and ignored it. After breakfast we got in line for art, and I noticed that she still had not removed her hood. When we arrived at the art room, I said: “Allie, I’m not playing. It’s time for art. The rule is no hoods or hats in school.”
She looked up with tears in her eyes and I realized there was something wrong. Her classmates went into the art room and we moved to the art storage area so her classmates wouldn’t hear our conversation. I softened my tone and asked her if she’d like to tell me what was wrong.
“My ponytail,” she cried.
“Can I see?” I asked.
She nodded and pulled down her hood. Allie’s braids had come undone overnight and there hadn’t been time to redo them in the morning, so they had to be put back in a ponytail. It was high up on the back of her head like those of many girls in our class, but I could see that to Allie it just felt wrong. With Allie’s permission, I took the elastic out and re-braided her hair so it could hang down.
“How’s that?” I asked.
She smiled. “Good,” she said and skipped off to join her friends in art.
‘Why Do You Look Like a Boy?’
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darkgeo · 13 years
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I am an artist.  I am 57 years old.  I am broke and in debt.  (insert fucked-up story here, replete with unemployment and inability to pay for medical care) I am not a joiner and have never been much interested in politics (perhaps because I have sensed it was all a sham and have given in to cynicism) yet seeing this movement has excited me.  It is the first genuine thing in politics that I have seen in 40 years! 
        I would like to address the “1%”:  Greed is NOT good.  Ambition is good- and there will always be inequality- viva la differance.  Greed=Fear.  Greed is the irrational hoarding of wealth in the face of fear.  The reason you are afraid is that we are seeing a shift in the economic paradigm- such as has happened throughout history.  We are also facing environmental catastrophe on a scale never seen before.  The tectonic plates of economy are shifting from the old oil/consumerist/imperialist model of capitalism towards something else.  It’s not that we don’t need energy and goods- but we’ve got to get smarter, better and more equitable than ever before.  We are moving towards an increasingly intellectual, autonomous and creative phase.  You will kill yourselves trying to preserve that which must die.  The smarter of you will indeed profit from change, and I, for one, would not deny that to you- but the only way to preserve that which must be preserved (i.e., the planet (Earth, remember?)) is for us all to profit, sustainably.  We have so much potential- more amazingly creative human resource than ever, but we must all grow together as a species.  We must abandon irrational modes of governance and planning that is based upon fear!  This whole question of “socialism vs. capitalism” is bullshit!!  Things like medical care and internet (like education, roads, postal) could/should be moved into the realm of “infrastructure” to fuel a new, diverse, locally rooted yet global economy that can increase “profits” on a scale never seen previously.  for all.   The govt. is currently subsidizing outmoded and harmful industries but the movement of life on this planet is shifting- GWTP! (get with the program) 
        I am not lazy.  I am impatient to work.  I am not depressed.  The economy is, dummy!  I am excited.  I am hopeful.  I must try to do what I can, however seemingly insignificant. 
                                         the 99%. -eyesection
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darkgeo · 13 years
Hire me and you get my Rubik's Cube skillz...
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darkgeo · 13 years
Take Your Corporation To Work Day
I believe I have found a way to challenge corporate personhood and get Citizens United vs. FEC overthrown.
It's a simple chore, really.
Get out your Corporate Books, Seal, Bylaws and Stock Certificates.
Take them and place them in a nice box
Put a nice label on the box: "My Corporation, Inc."
Place the box in the driver's seat of your car
Get in the carpool lane
Get pulled over, presumably for having only one person in the carpool lane
Contest the ticket on the grounds that you "had my corporation in the car with me"
Appeal all the way to SCOTUS
I figure if we fail to get Citizens United overturned at least we can all start using our Corporate Persons to get to work faster.
Just a thought...
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darkgeo · 13 years
Getting up early to work - Fail
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darkgeo · 13 years
Introduction To Time/Life Management with Kanban
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darkgeo · 13 years
Deserving, Inspiration, and Taking Action
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darkgeo · 13 years
Parenthood as Self Improvement
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darkgeo · 13 years
What esoteric knowledge are you seeking?
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darkgeo · 13 years
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darkgeo · 13 years
The whole of the Universe and God can be summarized as a 'Field of Dreams' or an energy force-field that connects everyone and everything and through which we become inspired with ideas, our dreams, that become reality in time. When we connect to this Field we are plugged into the substance of all creation. Since this Field doesn't know the difference between daydreams, epic dreams or nightmares, it behooves you to simply DREAM BIG.
Geo the Generalist
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darkgeo · 13 years
The sanctity of marriage MUST be protected as the bible depicts!
Metaphors can be ironical?
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darkgeo · 13 years
Simple yet Profound.
Daddy: Who does daddy love the most?
Daughter: Me!!
Son: Me!!
Wife: Me!!!
Daddy: Right! Me!!
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