darkreviewfun-blog · 7 years
Prevention of purpura nephritis in five areas
Purpura nephritis disease, there will be serious damage to the kidneys, so the treatment of purpura nephritis is a very difficult thing. Experts believe that, compared with the treatment, prevention easier, to remind you to do the relevant prevention work.
Prevention of purpura nephritis from the details to start
1, the kidneys is the body's major excretion of organs, has been suffering from nephritis or renal dysfunction, the drug is more likely to cause toxic effects on the kidneys or induce allergic immune response increased kidney damage, therefore, drug abuse on patients with purpura nephropathy greater damage The Do not listen to hearsay medication. Care should be taken to avoid or avoid the use of nephrotoxic and induced renal impairment.
2, to keep the skin clean, to prevent suppurative infection. Patients with purpura nephropathy to prevent the occurrence of systemic suppurative infection need to be timely and correct treatment of all trauma and a variety of primary pathogens to avoid iatrogenic infection, the correct use of antibiotics and hormones, strict control support indications to enhance physical fitness, The body's resistance to disease.
3, due to excessive exertion caused by exacerbation or aggravate the condition of patients with purpuric nephropathy, which is due to whether the super-physical or super-mental work, will lead to decreased ability of patients with their own stress regulation, thereby affecting the immune system disorders increased. Pay attention to avoid cold damage, to avoid overwork, pay attention to regulate emotions, to avoid excessive sadness and fear.
4, the first is to prevent the infection of Streptococcus, followed by attention to avoid upper respiratory tract infection, upper respiratory tract infection is caused by low resistance, patients with purpura nephropathy in the winter, especially the motion to avoid a cold. To prevent the occurrence of scarlet fever, tonsillitis.
5, should pay attention to strengthen the physical exercise, enhance physical fitness, improve the body's resistance to disease.
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darkreviewfun-blog · 7 years
Precautionary measures of purpura nephritis
Purpura nephritis refers to allergic purpura caused by kidney damage, the cause of bacteria, viruses and parasites and other infections caused by allergic reactions, or for certain drugs, food and other allergies, or for plant pollen, insect bites, cold Stimulus and so on. Purpura nephritis clinical manifestations: In addition to skin purpura, joint swelling and pain, abdominal pain, blood in the stool, the main hematuria and proteinuria, occurred in skin purpura within a month, some or can also see skin purpura, abdominal pain, some only asymptomatic Of urine abnormalities. If the protein is too much loss, can also occur the performance of nephrotic syndrome, if hematuria, proteinuria persisted for a long time, can also be associated with renal dysfunction, and finally lead to chronic renal failure. Allergic purpura causes kidney involvement in the proportion of 20% to 100%, male patients more than women. Precautionary measures of purpura nephritis First of all, should avoid contact with the disease caused by a variety of "unhealthy gas" to avoid fish, shrimp, crab, pollen, milk and other allergic purpura nephritis may induce diet. Second, we should pay attention to cold and warm, prevent colds, pay attention to exercise, enhance physical fitness, improve the body resistance to disease.Once again, after the illness, to bed rest, to avoid overwork, control sexual intercourse, not eat alcohol and tobacco, diet should be rich in nutrition, easy to digest, eat fresh vegetables, fruits, for hematuria patients should not eat spicy, And seafood hair, such as rooster, fish, beef, lamb, goose, etc., so as not to help heat the fire, aggravate the condition, urine protein, should pay attention to eat more than high protein diet.
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darkreviewfun-blog · 7 years
Four symptoms can self-diagnosis of purpura nephritis
Purpura nephritis is a more common type of kidney disease, but patients can no longer find their first time sick. Found that the disease has reached a more serious point. The following symptoms of purpura nephritis to explain, hoping to help patients.
1, rash - obvious symptoms
Purpura nephritis patients rash, the beginning of the red spot-like, and later gradually become purple hemorrhagic rash, touch slightly uplift epidermis, rash often symmetrical distribution in the lower limbs, ankle knee More common. Can also be seen in the buttocks and squeak, rare torso, rash can be turned into yellow brown. Most cases of rash can have 1 to 2 times, up to 3 times repeated, individual patients can be continuous for several months or even years.
2, joint symptoms
About half of the cases have a number of qualitative multiple joint disease, mostly mild pain, some cases may have joint swelling and limited mobility. Common involvement of the joints is the knee, ankle and fingers. Symptoms more than a few days subsided, no left joint deformation, but repeated during the event.
3, abdominal pain
Some patients with purpura nephritis gastrointestinal tract most often show abdominal pain. Abdominal pain to the umbilical and lower abdomen-based, for the paroxysmal colic, abdominal pain can be disgusting vomiting and hematuria, occasionally hematemesis, blood in the stool.
4, other symptoms
Allergic purpura nephritis patients in addition to the above symptoms, but also lymph nodes, hepatosplenomegaly and other symptoms. Rare clinical manifestations of pulmonary hemorrhage caused by slightly blood, nephritis caused by hypertension and brain due to lesions caused by convulsions, paralysis, coma.
Patients with Henoch-Schonlein purpura nephritis renal dysfunction is typical of hematuria, may be associated with varying degrees of proteinuria, edema and hypertension, a small number of patients with nephrotic syndrome or rapid nephritis syndrome, renal function decreased rapidly. The clinical manifestations of kidney involvement can occur at any time, but often appear within 4 to 8 weeks of renal manifestations.
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darkreviewfun-blog · 8 years
Hold your pee will really cause uremia?
As we all know, the kidney and its related organs, is a specialized with the water to deal with the system, the body of excess water, waste generated by the metabolism of waste, mainly by the kidneys to complete.
Excretion of urine can excrete the final metabolites ,maintaining osmotic pressure of extracellular fluid and plasma and acid-base balance. If water and metabolic end products in vitro can not be ruled out, and retention in the body, at this time, the intravesical pressure will too large,not only lead to renal excretion of metabolic function waste damage,but also urinary retention and urinary bladder to reach a certain number. The bladder in order to change this state, will increase the amount of urine, to meet more and more water in the process, which can be damaged by bladder muscle expansion.
In addition, the urine in the bladder for too long  is easy to breed, bacterial retrograde to the kidney, thus easily lead to urinary tract infection and pyelonephritis.Once full habit, this kind of infection once repeated attacks, can develop for urinary sepsis
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darkreviewfun-blog · 8 years
Dietary attention with acute nephritis
1 protein restriction
When the condition improves, urine volume will increase. When the daily urine volume of more than 1000 ml, can increase the quality of the protein, but not more than 0.8 g / kg body weight per day. To 2 months to 3 months stable, can gradually return to normal.
2 low salt and low sodium diet
Patients with edema and hypertension should use a low salt, salt free or low sodium diet. Low salt diet: daily salt or soy sauce less than 3 ml to 15 ml of /10 grams, which is rich in salt food should be avoided, such as pickles, pickled vegetables, salted egg, egg, bacon, salted seafood, Hanging noodles etc.. Low sodium diet is in addition to soy sauce and salt cooking, high sodium content of food and vegetables should be limited, such as soda baking soda bread, cakes, biscuits, noodles, it is best not to exceed 500mg Na/ days.
3 limit high potassium foods
When oliguria, anuria or elevated serum potassium, should limit potassium rich fruits and vegetables, such as bean sprouts, leek, celery, spinach, broccoli, fir, bamboo, bamboo shoots, dried lily, red dates, letinous edodes, fresh kelp, mustard, mustard, mushrooms, bamboo shoots, apricot fusca, sorghum, corn, beans, tomatoes, towel gourd, balsam pear.
4 restricted water intake
Should be based on the amount of urine per day to control the amount of water. In addition to the day before the addition of urine discharge, water intake should be 500 ml to 1000 ml. If the volume of urine or accompanied by edema, daily fluid intake should not exceed 1000 ml.
5 provide adequate calories and fat
Patients with acute nephritis should rest in bed, and not too high in calories.fat content should not exceed 100 thousand joules ~5 billion 126 thousand joules every adult (25 thousand ~ 3 card wanka / kg). Energy is the main source of starch and fat, accounting for more than 90% of total energy. We should eat more fat rich unsaturated fatty acid.
6 provide adequate vitamin
Because K will limit the amount of vitamin  in fruits and vegetables and other food intake, vitamin intake significantly reduced, prone to vitamin deficiency,so should add vitamin preparations, especially vitamin C, should not be less than 300 milligrams per day.
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darkreviewfun-blog · 8 years
Foods Should Be Taboo for Uremic Patients
Uremic patients with taboo food:
1, gluten products: gluten, gluten, flour intestines.
2, beans and soy products for food taboos in uremic patients: soybeans, soybeans, mung beans, red beans, peas, tofu, Dried tofu, Soybean Milk.
3, dried fruit and candied fruit, peanuts, walnuts, melon seeds, chestnut, cashew nuts, raisins, dried peaches, dried apricots, dried persimmon. Department of nephropathy Wuhan No.1 Hospital
4, milk ice cream and two cups of milk.
5, vegetables: kelp, seaweed, pickled cabbage, pickles, pickles. These vegetables are contraindicated in patients with uremia.
6, meat: salt or salted and smoked meat, such as bacon, bacon, salted fish, salted duck, ham, sausage, salted egg, preserved egg, sardines, meat, kidney, brain.
7, seafood: shrimp, clams, mussels, oysters, crabs.
8, staple food categories: salty bread, salty biscuits.
9, fat: butter, salt, oil Machlin.
10, sugar: sugar, brown sugar.
11, outside the allowable amount of seasoning: bean sauce, soy sauce, salt, sweet chili sauce, curry powder, barbeque sauce, msg.
12, others: (1) add variety and canned food, sodium salt or soy sauce; (2) all kinds of alkali powder, powder, soda powder make products, miso, chicken, beef extract, ginseng extract, beef juice.
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darkreviewfun-blog · 8 years
What is Creatinine?
Creatinine is a breakdown product of creatine phosphate in muscle, and is usually produced at a fairly constant rate by the body (depending on muscle mass). Serum creatinine (a blood measurement) is an important indicator of renal health because it is an easily measured byproduct of muscle metabolism that is excreted unchanged by the kidneys. Creatinine itself is produced via a biological system involving creatine, phosphocreatine, and adenosine triphosphate (the body's immediate energy supply). Creatinine is removed from the blood chiefly by the kidneys, primarily by glomerular filtration, but also by proximal tubular secretion. Little or no tubular reabsorption of creatinine occurs. If the filtration in the kidney is deficient, creatinine blood levels rise. Therefore, creatinine levels in blood and urine may be used to calculate the creatinine clearance (CrCl), which correlates with the glomerular filtration rate (GFR). Blood creatinine levels may also be used alone to calculate the estimated GFR (eGFR).
The GFR is clinically important because it is a measurement of renal function. However, in cases of severe renal dysfunction, the CrCl rate will overestimate the GFR because hyper secretion of creatinine by the proximal tubules will account for a larger fraction of the total creatinine cleared. Each day, 1-2% of muscle creatine is converted to creatinine. Men tend to have higher levels of creatinine than women because, in general, they have a greater mass of skeletal muscle. Increased dietary intake of creatine or eating a lot of protein (like meat) can increase daily creatinine excretion. Measuring serum creatinine is a simple test, and it is the most commonly used indicator of renal function. A rise in blood creatinine level is observed only with marked damage to functioning nephrons. Therefore, this test is unsuitable for detecting early-stage kidney disease. A better estimation of kidney function is given by calculating the estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR). eGFR can be accurately calculated using serum creatinine concentration and some or all of the following variables: sex, age, weight, and race, as suggested without a 24-hour urine collection.
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darkreviewfun-blog · 8 years
The methods to prevent uremia
Recite this article: the end result of  chronic kidney disease is uremia, thus how important it is to find the methods to prevent uremia on the treatment of kidney disease.  In life, then, what are the methods to prevent uremia? And see it together. Uremia is extremely rare in daily life, more and more friends in the symptoms of the disease, which brought harm to their health, you must to attention to this disease, and in life need to do some prevention work of uremia, next to introduce the methods to prevent uremia for everyone.
How to prevent the occurrence of uremia?
1 don't use inferior materials for house decoration, decorate the house must ensure furniture paint and coatings used for spraying wall do not contain cadmium, cadmium can be absorbed by the body slowly, otherwise the metal cadmium is very heavy for the renal injury , especially in patients with uremia almost has the effect of irreversible damage. 2, the strict limit intake of food containing high cadmium content, in the daily life, high cadmium content of food including food made of animal liver and kidney, seafood such as halibut, crabs, these seafood are polloated by cadmium in the water, will be a large number of accumulation of cadmium in the body. Grow vegetables in the sludge will  absorb a great deal of cadmium in soil during fruit ripening. Cadmium metal restriction in the methods to prevent uremia plays a critical role, patients should be aware of. 3, the low protein diet, can give a low protein diet in patients with uremia. Normal adult need protein 1 ~ 1. 5 g/kg bw/day, but uremia patients need to eat only 0. 5 g/kg or less. Reduce the amount of protein intake to reduce the generation and accumulation of nitrogen mass metabolites in the body. If a patient needs to supplement protein substances, try choosing egg, milk food, such as eggs, milk and other high nutritional value of animal protein, less consumption of soy products such as vegetable protein as much as possible. 4, timely treatment of kidney disease can effectively prevent uremia and cardiovascular complications, such as in patients with kidney disease, especially in case of chronic kidney disease should be treated timely and effectively, after to must pay attention to avoid some of the renal toxicity drugs, to take timely measures to delay their kidney failure, and effective control blood glucose, blood pressure and blood lipid reduction, etc. 5, positive check, relevant prevention methods in uremia, positive inspection is needed. In developing uremia disease, including renal reserve capacity decreased stage, nitrogen qualitative hematic disease, kidney failure and uremia phase four periods, patients in the first two periods will only appear abnormal urine, and there is no other obvious symptoms, so need regular urine test. 6, maintain a reasonable diet, the methods to prevent uremia, in addition to the timely treatment of kidney disease and the positive inspection, patients need to develop good eating habits, keep the rationality of their diet, can eat some more high nutritional value of food, so that the body needs nutrition to get timely supply, and help to improve its own resistance to disease. But people with dyslexia can also should pay attention to not disorderly eat, pay attention to their diet. Stay away from harmful chemical substances to the kidney, to avoid containing cadmium, chloroform, ethylene and other chemicals and environment. These chemicals are generally exists in the pesticides, automobile exhaust, coatings, building and household cleaners. In the average household supplies, some chemical elements are associated with acute and chronic kidney disease, patients should pay attention to using items and see instructions, other patients should pay attention to wearing protection appliance when use spray pesticides or coating .
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darkreviewfun-blog · 8 years
Renal cyst symptoms in early-stage
The development of disease is just like affections between men and women. As time going on, their affections fade away gradually. The development of disease is also a progressive course.many patients don’t find the exist of renal cyst and this may influence the follow-up treatment. So,treat the disease early is a key. Then what is the obvious symptoms of renal cyst in early-stage.
  Sometimes there is almost no symptoms of renal cyst patients,but some patients may get infection since of cyst and the increasing pressure of cyst.
  Patients in early-stage may have little proteinuria. Generally speaking the protein in urine one day will not more than 2g.
  2.High blood pressure
  Renal cyst may press the kidney and renal ischemia may occur. Then the renin will be increase and high blood pressure occur. If patients’kidney function weaken,the rate of high blood pressure will be higher than fifty percentage.
  3.Pain on waist and abdomen
  The reason of patients with pain on their waists and abdomens is the swelling and expand of our kidneys. At the same time,renal cyst patients’kidney contains more water and the kidney may become too heavy,then it will slow down and lumbago occur. If patients get kidney stone,they may have renal colic.
  You must have already know the symptoms of renal cyst in early-stage. We really hope these can help you find your disease early and cure it timely. Attach importance to your body and keep a healthy body everyday.
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darkreviewfun-blog · 8 years
What are the foods to lower creatinine levels
High creatinine can not eat any food, foods to lower creatinine levels need to devote particular care. Intake foods to lower creatinine levels to recommend limiting salt diet. No matter which kind of kidney disease as long as there is edema must limit salt intake. Edema should be limited to 1 grams a day even asked to be free salt diet. If with the amount of urine protein, when eating foods to lower creatinine levels to reduce edema, the amount of salt can be added but also should not exceed 5 grams daily.  Low salt diet can reduce body water and sodium retention in order to decrease the edema and blood pressure. The daily 1~2 grams of salt (small toothpaste lid filled with about 1 grams) do not need to put the dishes into the dish because basically tasteless changes. The morning can eat sweets; in the afternoon will be 1 grams of salt eat vegetables dipped in a small dish.
1, This day intake amount unchanged but can taste salty can stimulate appetite. But it should be noted that a low salt diet can not eat pickles, pickled cabbage, mustard bread, Deep-Fried Dough Sticks etc. 2, to control potassium intake can not eat seaweed, spinach, fennel, Fragrant celery and radish. Because these foods contain sodium was high. Foods to lower creatinine levels eating more of these foods will equal to the amount of salt intake in patients with nephropathy. 3, how about fruits and vegetables? If kidney patients with normal urine should eat more vegetables and fruit to supply enough vitamins. Patients especially the daily urine volume decreased less than 500 ml need to selectively eat fruits and vegetables because fruits and vegetables are rich in potassium. and potassium content in serum were up to hyperkalemia for nephropathy patients with less urine, can lead to excessive life-threatening, cardiac arrest. Higher potassium fruits are: watermelon, banana, pineapple, mango, juube, muskmelon and other vegetables. If low blood potassium diuretics can eat amaranth, spinach, celery, especially carrots, bamboo shoots, potato and kidney patients in oliguric stage, fresh fruit juice is potassium rich. Melon are rich in potassium containing about 250 mg of potassium per 100 grams of melon meat. High content of potassium can cause bradycardia block life-threatening. When the glomerular filtration rate of renal tubular function reduced, disturbing potassium metabolism and can not be the excess potassium excreted lead to hyperkalemia in patients with renal failure and therefore should not eat melon. 4, foods to lower creatinine levels should not eat seafood. When renal insufficiency accompanied with urine output reduced should not eat high protein food, or will occur the uremia. So the seafood has high protein content. Shen Le mandarin fish, goby fish, dace croaker should not eat freshwater fish such as carp, especially grass carp, crucian carp. 5, foods to lower creatinine levels should not eat protein rich foods. What kind of meat should limit the intake of protein in patients with renal failure. Because of its in vivo metabolism can produce some nitrogenous waste through the urine, renal failure (oliguria) reduce the urine excretion of waste to impact the kidney. These wastes accumulation are prone to uremia. Like a frog leg, chicken, quail meat, pigeon, bird meat and other meat foods should not eat. 6, foods to lower creatinine levels, how to arrange the daily meals: (1)  eating breakfast the main non-staple food with fresh milk 100 ml plus 50 grams sugar or starch sugar, a boiling water or a bowl of fried potato starch or several pieces of cookies or a small egg, may add lotus seeds red dates porridge. Some people love to add some raisins chicken roasted sweet potato, roast potatoes can also be. (2) lunch foods to lower creatinine levels: wheat starch, Steamed, Buns, Youbing, Boiled, dumplings, steamed, buns, wonton. (3) dinner foods to lower creatinine levels: main food are the same with lunch.
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darkreviewfun-blog · 8 years
diabetic uremic diet principle
Diet is important for diabetic nephropathy and make a good diabetic uremic diet can control blood glucose effectively and regulate blood glucose in a certain scope. In this way, what are the diabetic uremic diet principle should pay a special attention to? There are several important points for diabetic uremic diet:   1、Pay attention to the intake of protein for diabetic uremic diet   In recent years, people always think being a high protein diet long is likely to aggravate high filtration state of kidney, at the same time increase generation and retention of toxic nitrogen metabolites, thus cause further damage to the kidney function. So, some experts make an advocate of controlling the protein in food of diabetic nephropathy.   2、Eat more coarse food grain for diabetic uremic diet    In daily diet, diabetic patients ought to choose more recombination and coarse food grain, especially vegetables、beans、grains that are contain abundant high fiber. For diabetic patients, monose should be strictly controlled, such as sucrose、maltose、glucose and food that contains this saccharides high. 
 3、Meal in time and quantification and eat regular for diabetic uremic diet   At least have three meal every day and be in time and quantification. Between meals 4 to 5 hours should be exist. Patients with insulin injection or patients easy to be in hypoglycemia should increase 2 to 3 extra meals a day It is an effectively way to control hypoglycemia   4、Pay attention to High calcium and low phosphorus for diabetic uremic diet   Things in high calcium are always in low phosphorus, like Animal brain、viscera、ribs、and dried small shrimps .This things always have a high capacity of hyperphosphate and should not eat a lot.   5、Low oil and low salt in dish for diabetic uremic diet   Diabetic patients should choose light food with little oil and salt. When cooking dish, steaming, boiling, salad, rinse, stew and halogen should be always used.   For diabetic uremic diet, experts points out that because of renal function failure, diabetic patients should pay special attention to the intake of salt, not too low and not too high. The former will make body lack of salt and the latter cause edema. So, experts said that in the diabetic uremic diet how much salt to take depends on patients' own condition.
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darkreviewfun-blog · 8 years
Chinese medicine treatment program of uremia  Chinese medicine treatment of uremia program implementation steps are as follows: (one) flooding of the turbid poison method 1, in the morning to get up first oral pulse Kang mixture, before noon meal oral pulse Kang mixture. 2 morning, 8:00 to 11:00 the first oral Tongfu Huayu Jiangzhuo prescription, detoxification. After the application of micro Chinese medicine 45 minutes to 60 minutes. Afternoon 14:00 to 17:00 the first oral Tongfu Huayu Jiangzhuo prescription, detoxification. After the application of micro Chinese medicine 45 minutes to 60 minutes. 3, the first night: Yangxin oral sadashi spasmolysis anshenfang. After the hot foot bath, foot bath temperature gradually increased from 37 to 40 DEG C., foot sweat for 2 hours. Foot bath after oral Maikang mixture, and then go to bed. (two) blood stasis poison method 1, in the morning to get up first oral pulse Kang mixture, before noon meal oral pulse Kang mixture. 2 morning, 8:00 to 11:00 first oral Huoxue Tongluo, removing blood stasis and toxin recipe. After the application of micro Chinese medicine 45 minutes to 60 minutes. Afternoon 14:00 to 17:00 the first oral Huoxue Tongluo, removing blood stasis and toxin recipe. After the application of micro Chinese medicine 45 minutes to 60 minutes. 3, the first night: Yangxin oral sadashi spasmolysis anshenfang. After the hot foot bath, foot bath temperature gradually increased from 37 to 40 DEG C., foot sweat for 2 hours. Foot bath after oral Maikang mixture, and then go to bed. (three) to the poison method 1, in the morning to get up first oral pulse Kang mixture, before noon meal oral pulse Kang mixture. 2, 8:00 to 11:00 in the morning to wash the spleen and stomach, Qi stagnation. After the application of micro Chinese medicine 45 minutes to 60 minutes. 14:00 to 17:00 in the afternoon to wash the spleen and stomach, Qi stagnation. After the application of micro Chinese medicine 45 minutes to 60 minutes. 3, the first night: Yangxin oral sadashi spasmolysis anshenfang. After the hot foot bath, foot bath temperature gradually increased from 37 to 40 DEG C., foot sweat for 2 hours. Foot bath after oral Maikang mixture, and then go to bed.
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darkreviewfun-blog · 8 years
What are uremic diet foods allowed for uremic patients
“Disease enters by the mouth”. Food is important for every people, especially for those who get disease. For uremic diet foods allowed, which food is good for uremia patients and which is bad become so important. Now we will introduce them for you.
1. Protein.
Generally speaking, protein intake volume of uremia patients should be controlled in 0.6g per kilometer weight. For example, if your weight is fifty kilometer, you should take 30g protein everyday.
High quality protein is good: lean meat, egg, milk and so on.
Vegetables protein is bad: beans, nut, grains, flour products, sweet potato, potato, vegetable, fruit and so on.
2. Calories.
Calories supply is also an important factor. When uremia patients control protein intake, it is easy to control food that contains much calcium, so protein in body will be consumed soon. The direct result is urea volume will increase and resistance of people will be weaken. So, after sports, one mush have some food which contains high calories and low protein.
These food are good:
Saccharides: white sugar, honey, fruit sweets and so on.
Protein power:tapioca pudding and so on.
Vegetable grease
3. Sodium.
Beside putting little salt when cooking, these things are bad for them:
Unhealthy food: salt, soy, tomato ketchup, barbeque sauce, vinegar and so on.
If they have a meal in a restaurant, it is better for them to use water clean the food before they eat.
4. Have less food which contains much potassium:
Vegetables: mushroom, leaf mustard, cauliflower, water spinach, bamboo shoots, tomato and so on.
Fruits: loquat, peach, mandarin orange, hard persimmon, orange and so on.
Other food: cafe, thick meat soup, soy and so on.
5. Water.
For uremic diet foods allowed, liquid intake everyday should be equal with discharge volume plus with 500ml. If sweat a lot, can increase it reasonably. Don’t forget to measure your weight everyday, because your weight can be a reference of water drinking.
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darkreviewfun-blog · 8 years
Key points of uremic diet
In uremic stage, patients will appear nausea, vomiting, poor appetite, abdominal distension and diarrhea, etc. Besides the effective treatment, uremic diet should be attention for patient and his family, in this way can make uremic patients get twice the result with half the efforts. Now let us learn the uremic diet principle together.   The uremic diet is as important as the treatment of uremia. All the time, kidney disease doctors are stressed about the importance of diet in uremia patients’ rehabilitation. Matching the uremic diet and treatment, become the guiding principle of uremic patients with active rehabilitation. Although in uremia stage, patients will occur nausea, vomiting, poor appetite, abdominal distension and diarrhea, based on effective treatment cooperated with diet nursing, often can make the uremia patients get twice the result with half the effort.
Key point of the uremic diet
  1. Low protein diet. In azotemia and uremia stage, patients should have a low protein diet, and the protein should contain the essential amino-acid protein, such as milk, egg, fish, lean and so on. The daily protein intake should be 20g. In this way not only ensure the supplement of the body essential amino acids, but also can make the body under the condition of the low protein supply use of nonprotein nitrogen synthetic non-essential amino acids, reducing nitrogen qualitative hematic disease.   2. The diet contain rich vitamins which is easy to digest and contains enough vitamin, especially vitamin B, C and D. Avoid coarse food mechanical damage caused by gastronitestinal hemorrhage of digestive tract. Patients in azotemia stage still have good appetite, the heat should not less than 35 cards per kilogram of body weight, but in uremia stage should be based on patient’s illness to determine. If patients’urine volume is not less, and the edema is not obvious, should not limit the water.   3. Supplement water and salt immediately. Uremic patients easily occur dehydration and hyponatremia, especially for patients with long-term inappetence, nausea and diarrhea. Once happened should immediately supply, but should pay attention to uremic patients resistant to water, sodium is poor, the characteristics of supplementary cannot too much, in case cause hypernatronemia or water intoxication.   4. Pay attention to supply calcium and potassium. The serum potassium in uremic diet is low, after using diuretic patients easy to occur hypokalemia, at this time, patients can eat some fresh fruits and potassium chloride. Uremic patients’ serum calcium commonly low, can eat some high calcium foods, such as fish, shrimp, meat bone soup and so on. Finally, I hope that uremic diet should be taken into account by the uremic patients and their family. So that is also of great help to the recovery of the disease.
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darkreviewfun-blog · 8 years
The uremic smell---oral ammonia smell when uremia
Uremia, a lot of patients will meet an ammonia smell in the mouth, but in fact, a lot of people don't know why it is, the phenomenon is not very understanding, this leads to they will encounter some problems in the process of treatment. Below I will introduce the reason of uremia ammonia smell to everyone. The kidneys with uremia can't effectively discharge the toxin inside body, make body high endotoxin levels. In urea , uremic toxins are rising, this will effect from blood vessels into the intestines, under the action of intestinal bacteria urease, urea can be decomposed to produce ammonia. When uremia, intestinal is dysbacteriosis, causing excessive bacteria breeding. Therefore, the effect of gut bacteria of uremia patients is stronger than normal people. Above caused the increase of ammonia in the gut, excessive ammonia can be released from the oral cavity, this is one of the reasons for the oral ammonia smell. In uremic patients saliva will also increase, also can produce ammonia urea after degradation in saliva, which is the direct cause of ammonia smell in the mouth. Uremia, moreover, the higher urea can be removed from the body through breath, which is controlled by pulmonary diffuse alveolar, it is also one of the reasons of the case, the ammonia smell in the mouth. Patients with oral appearance, when there is peculiar smell, especially ammonia smell, should be more vigilant about uremia. Should be timely to go to kidney specialist clinics. Combining with the history, physical examination, the necessary laboratory and imaging examination can early diagnosis, and early treatment. So we don't ignore some slight anomalies of the body, perhaps the exception is a sign of some organic diseases, has important tips for the diagnosis of the disease.
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darkreviewfun-blog · 8 years
Dialysis treatment of uremia high creatinine can maintain how long
No matter what kind of treatment, the patients hope that the curative effect can be maintained for a long time. Now for uremia treating patients often have high creatinine dialysis, dialysis treatment, uremia creatinine high-energy long. This is all used to heal dialysis uremia disease people who are quite concerned about the high creatinine question, we all hope that the method of dialysis can maintain for a long time, it’s good to treament the Uremia high creatinine from undamentally, but that is not the case, the method of dialysis also has its drawbacks. For dialysis, how much time to maintain high maintenance of uremia serum creatinine, experts do the following analysis and description: Dialysis in a short period of time, excessive accumulation of toxins in the blood and too much water, and supply the base to correct acidosis, electrolyte imbalance adjustment, replacement of renal excretion. The serum creatinine, urea nitrogen clearance index.
You will ignore the damage of uremic kidney in high creainine, the kidney damaged increased, only a small amount of compensation can work, to maintain life activities in this period because of renal function imbalance, glomerular filtration rate (detoxification) caused by decreased serum creatinine, uremic toxins such as elevated nitrogen, occult blood acid. Some patients without formal system and scientific treatment, this time the structure of more kidney disorfers, thereby accelerating the glomerular sclerosis and renal necrosis leading to kidney atrophy, the ultimate functionof complete loss, lost precious time to heal, cause lifelong regret. Uremia creatinine is highly treated in uremic patients, more popular in Hebei. The expert group in the hospital with kidney disease characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine treatment method of Chinese and Chinese medical experts forum nephropathy leads, Chinese medicine treatment through years of clinical practice developed, is a traditional Chinese medicine treatment method which is a new method of dialysis and kidney transplantation. Chinese medicine treatment for detoxification, nourishing yin and activating blood, resist hormone bad reaction, reduce the pain of the patient, the hormone can smooth withdrawal of Qi and spleen, promoting blood circulation, enhance the body resistance, to consolidate the results from infection, less rebound, tonifying the spleen and kidney, away from the cold, to prevent rebound, blood circulation has been through, reduce blood viscosity, improve hypercoagulability. In western medicine treatment and traditional treatment of uremic creatinine dialysis, dialysis results are more and more frequent, more and more frequency, urine volume is less and less, the reason is simple western medicine treatment hemodialysis is only on the surface to reduce inosine methods of recovery of renal function. Dialysis treatment of uremic creatinine high energy for a long time? Through a detailed analysis of the above content, everybody should know to heal high creatinine uremic dialysis results, a further understanding for dialysis. Therefore, the key to the treatment of uremic creatinine is the choice of treatment of uremia, which may be the treatment of patients with high creatinine,the treatment of uremic creatinine treatment options must be carefull selected to treat their physical condition.
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darkreviewfun-blog · 8 years
What Can Causes Henoch-Schonlein Purpura Nephritis?
Knowing well about how Henoch-Schonlein purpura Nephritis occur is helpful for us to prevent it. The article mainly explain the related factors which can causes Henoch-Schonlein Purpura Nephritis. If there is anything unclear after you read this article, please contact us and we will try our best to help you.
Henoch-Schonlein Purpura Nephritis occurs when Henoch-Schonlein Purpura causes kidney damages and the occurrence of it is closely related with the following several factors.
1. Infection: clinical investigation show that almost all the Henoch-Schonlein Purpura Nephritis patients have infection of the upper respiratory tract one to four weeks before the appearance of this disease. Therefore, avoiding infection is of primary importance for preventing Henoch-Schonlein Purpura Nephritis.
2. Medications: long-term taking of some medications can cause Henoch-Schonlein Purpura Nephritis. Thereby, we need to avoid taking medications casually and if we must take medicines we must the get the permission of our doctors. The common medications which can cause Henoch-Schonlein Purpura Nephritis include antibiotic, sulfanilamide, captopril and isoniazide and so on.
3. Foods: for some people, they are allergic to some foods such as fish and shrimp. For these people, if they take these foods, they are more likely to suffer from Henoch-Schonlein Purpura Nephritis. In addition, for patients with Henoch-Schonlein Purpura Nephritis, they need to think about what they have eaten before the occurrence of their disease and once these foods are diagnosed as the root cause of their Henoch-Schonlein Purpura Nephritis, they should stay far away from these foods in future.
4. Others:apart from the above several factors, plant pollen, mosquito, egg, paint, animal feather and vaccine inoculation also can cause Henoch-Schonlein Purpura Nephritis.
With the appearance of Henoch-Schonlein Purpura Nephritis, we usually have joint pain, stomachache, foamy urine, blood urine, proteinuria, rash and hematochezia. So if you are a Henoch-Schonlein Purpura sufferer and are suffering these symptoms, you are very likely to have developed Henoch-Schonlein Purpura Nephritis.
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