darling-girl · 11 years
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Thanks, you're sweet. I will have to give teaching some thought.
So have you been here your whole life?
No Work, No Friends
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darling-girl · 11 years
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darling-girl · 11 years
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Not overwhelmed easily, just carried away easily.
A house full of kids?
No Work, No Friends
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darling-girl · 11 years
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Not really... at least I don't think so. I am pretty sure I couldn't control a classroom full of kids at a time, in fact I'm not sure I could control even one kid.
No Work, No Friends
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darling-girl · 11 years
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Trouble, what trouble?
Other than the trouble part it sounds interesting. I would love to have a job where I do something different each day.
I haven't started school yet so I'm not sure, but looking at my books and stuff my English class looks interesting and so does my child development class.
No Work, No Friends
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darling-girl · 11 years
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Yep, a bit of everything
Seriously though I don't have any idea what I want to do. What kind of work do you do, is it interesting?
No Work, No Friends
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darling-girl · 11 years
Well hello there Wendy, I’m Shock
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Pleasure’s yours I promise you. Are you a student too? I’ve been meeting a lot of students
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How did you know? I'm starting at the college here when the semester starts, are you going to be going to school too?
No Work, No Friends
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darling-girl · 11 years
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My future’s so bright, I gotta wear shades.
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darling-girl · 11 years
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You... get to know someone new.
I'll help you, hey, I'm Wendy.
No Work, No Friends
"What’s a girl to do?"
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darling-girl · 11 years
She was intrigued when Art played the piano, did he play everything? His song was fun, and she was impressed with his skill. She nodded and laughed a little, "Don't worry, you aren't going crazy, I am new. I don't know very many people."
An idea popped into her head and she skipped over, back to the piano and sat down on the bench next to her new friend. Placing her fingers on her keys she began playing one part of the popular, somewhat silly, duet, chopsticks. Hoping that he was familiar with it and he would just jump in, she turned to him, "so are you new?"
  Art shrugged a bit, sitting down at the piano when she’d gotten up. He ran a couple fingers over the keys, playing a more upbeat melody than what she was playing. Hers was beautiful and slow, his was upbeat and exciting. He didn’t play it for long though, realizing that she’d already wandered away. “So uh.. How long have you lived here? Has it been long? I don’t think I’ve ever seen you around or anything…and if I have, sorry I don’t remember. My brains not the best out there or anything.” He laughed, a bit embarrassed and scratched the back of his head. By this point, Art didn’t really know what to say and Wendy seemed distracted so he was probably just going to leave soon unless she didn’t want him to.
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darling-girl · 11 years
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darling-girl · 11 years
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darling-girl · 11 years
She walked towards the other store, heading inside.
"School, I guess..." Wendy didn't seemed thrilled, it felt a little childish to be shopping for school clothes and she wished she had something more exciting to shop for, something that would be like an adventure. Oh well, she would have to make little things like shopping with someone new an adventure.
Wendy looked again at Meg's dark hair and long legs, trying to picture what would look good on her. "So what do you like to wear to work?"
Out and About
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darling-girl · 11 years
At the boy's voice Wendy turned, surprised. She had almost forgotten he was there. Her face reddened with embarrassment. "I'm sorry I don't know the rest, I must have forgotten it."
Shaking off her confusion with the piano, she stood up and leaned a little awkwardly against the piano. "So... " She was about to ask what he wanted to do and then she remembered that he hadn't expected to see anyone in here and probably had other plans for the day. Instead of completing her sentence she just stood all the way up and began looking around again, occasionally picking up the spare prop or instrument.
  Art smiled softly to himself, listening to the melody she had to play. It was really something to hear someone get really into their music. So he decided to just go peek at her while she was playing as well, look at her facial expression and see how into it she was. Of course, he wasn’t disappointed when he’d went around the curtain and watched her for a bit. But then she stopped, almost as if all the hard work she’d done had disappeared and been forgotten. “That was really good, Wendy. You’re a really good pianist.”
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darling-girl · 11 years
Wendy nodded, it wasn't long until she would be 21... but she wasn't sure how much the bar would be a hang out for her once she was. So she didn't say anything about her impending birthday and continued on. "Ok, I get it... maybe, so they think they have a chance." She looked again at the purple dress, "if you are looking for work clothes that may be a bit dressy." Wendy nodded to the window next door, "we might have better luck there."
Out and About
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darling-girl · 11 years
Gathering her courage Wendy lined up her fingers on the keys and began slowly playing... she wasn't sure what the song was or where exactly she  had learned it, but she played what came to her. She was almost lost in the music but then she faltered a little, she couldn't remember what came next. She tried a few different notes but nothing sounded right so she stopped.
Wendy wandered across the stage. Pausing in the bright lights center stage. She turned towards all the empty seats and tried to imagine what it would be full. As she continued towards the backstage to see what was there she called back to Art, “why do you think it’s unlocked?”
Continuing her light-footed exploring she wondered, if there was a piano there, would she dare play in front of someone. She looked back at Art who seemed if not unaware, was at least unconcerned with what she was doing. Backstage there was a piano and she brushed her fingers along the keys. It felt like forever since she had played. She thought she could almost remember her mother (who was a vague figure in her memory) had taught her when she was going up. Still unsure of both her ability and her company she sat down and tapped just a couple notes.
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darling-girl · 11 years
"The crossroads?" Wendy hadn't been in town long enough to know what Meg was talking about but she continued on, figuring if she didn't get told she would figure it out eventually. By the way Meg talked about Wendy assumed it must be a bar or a restaurant of some kind.
At the questions Wendy shook her head and smiled, "I'm free... but what do you mean by 'maybe'?"
Out and About
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