darlingsblackbook · 2 months
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darlingsblackbook · 2 months
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Gojo Satoru x Reader
Summary : The time of an old pact, promising your hand to the heir of the Gojo clan, has come. It is now your wedding, how will the two of you continue from here?
Wordcount : 1k
Warnings : Arranged marriage, mention of Naoya ( yes, he is a warning ) english is not my first language, feel free to correct me if you see any mistakes but please be respectful about it. ( I will cry otherwise )
A/N : To be honest, I write the reader with myself in mind. I have not mentioned hair color, eye color or body shape but a lot of personality traits, like being shy and awkward, were from me :) I might make this a short series with parts of their lives, feel free to leave suggestions!
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There was this ringing in your ear. It was the only thing you could hear—not the only sound. No, there were many sounds—all so muffled—there was so much happening all around you. Too many things were happening, and you just could not keep up with any of them. You felt so detached from everything happening around you; nothing felt real; you did not feel real.
You were numb, not yourself.
The only thing you could focus on was the ringing in your ear.
Until that one voice cut right through it.
"You could at least smile, you know?"
And suddenly all the water in your ears that was muffling the world around you rushed right out of your ears, and you could hear everything.
Music, laughter, singing, aunties gossiping.
You blinked once, then once again, and one last time before you lifted your head to gaze over the sea of guests through your veil.
And you were back to reality again. You were back to being the new bride—the new lady of the Gojo clan.
"The situation may not be ideal, even I can admit that, but I am not the worst person you could have been paired with." Your husband sounded amused, "Like Zen'in, for example. Can you imagine being even just acquaintances with Naoya? Blegh," he stuck his tongue out.
Your husband.
Gojo Satoru—the strongest—was your husband.
You were from an ancient clan, not as big or flashy as the elite clans of the jujutsu world. They were not even sorcerers.
However, your family had a unique trait. They were not sorcerers, but through dreams and visions, your family had the ability to predict the future. Just like your husband, your power lay in your eyes. They could not only see curses but they could also see through the veil, to the other side.
Unfortunately, the unique ability had been appearing less and less throughout the centuries and, just like your husband, you were the first in so many years to be born with the ability.
A seer.
The family heads of the elite clans are greedy; they all want to be better, stronger than the other. What better way to be a step ahead of your enemy than by knowing what will happen in the future and owning the eyes that could potentially be even stronger than those of the Gojo brat?
They all came knocking on the doors of your estate as soon as the word went out that the first seer in so long had been born. Well, you were already a few years old at the time, but only when you were a bit older could you communicate what you were seeing with your family.
Smaller clans, clans that had weakened and faded into the background, came knocking in hopes of rising to the top again.
The Kamo clan, willing to set aside their values of keeping the bloodline pure, came knocking.
The Zen'in clan—your grandfather, the current head of your clan, had immediately shot their offer down. The hand of his precious granddaughter for their heir? No way.
Only one of the big three had not come knocking, and it was only a mere two weeks ago that you found out why.
Knowing that both the abilities of the Gojo clan and L/N clan had been appearing less frequently, your grandfathers, being close friends, had made a pact. The hand of the next woman born with the L/N clan's abilities would be given to the heir of the Gojo clan if he had inherited the Six Eyes.
You had been promised to them before you were even born.
Of course, you only found out on a random Saturday night as you were getting ready to retire for the day. You were in such shock, you could not even resist—not that you wanted to. You had always known there was a big chance of being in an arranged marriage, and actually, you had been happy with it. Being the socially awkward, shy girl had always made it hard to make friends, let alone have a romantic relationship.
You had such a big heart full of love to give, but there was no one willing to receive it. You wanted someone, just for you, so badly, but there was no way you could do it on your own.
So now you were here, sitting next to your husband, at your wedding.
Happy, but in shock at how fast things went and having absolutely no idea how to act.
"-esides, look at how handsome I am~"
You averted your gaze to him. For the first time that night, you really took your time to just take him in.
Indeed, the rumors of his good looks proved to be true—much to your delight. His hair, as white as snow, looked so soft you were tempted to just reach a hand out to caress it. His bright blue eyes—a shade you had never seen, they are so pretty.
His eyebrows shot up, a certain twinkle appearing in his eyes. "I am glad you think so, wife."
"Huh?" You responded, dumbfounded. "Did I...?"
"Say it out loud?" Satoru finished your question. "Yes, you did."
Your cheeks felt like they were on fire at this point. You went from being too shy to talk to men to getting married and embarrassing yourself, all in one night.
"I..uhm..sorry," you managed to squeak out. He was just so handsome, face and body. You could see his muscles through his clothes; he was so big and, of course, older.
He suddenly leaned in, his nose just centimeters from yours, "For what?" He tilted his head to the side, eyes glancing at your lips.
You opened your mouth, but no answer came out. You tilted your chin downwards a bit, shyly looking at him through your long lashes, looking so adorable to him....
You decided to just answer with a shrug.
His lips curled up in a sly smirk, "A wife is supposed to find her husband attractive, isn't she?"
You could hardly think; he was so close.
"I must say," he hummed, leaning even closer, his lips right by your ear. His hot breath ghosting over your skin, "I am certainly not disappointed."
Time for bed, ya'll. Goodnight
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darlingsblackbook · 2 months
Will there be a part 2 of the ayato fic? Loved it alot! Probably a good one I've read in a while
Hii! I'm so glad to hear you liked the fic ♡ Unfortunately, I am not going to write a part 2. I tried to but I really didn't know how to continue it. 😭
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darlingsblackbook · 1 year
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Kamisato Ayato x Reader
Summary : A choice made by your parents without your knowledge, ended up uniting the two of you in an arranged marriage.
Wordcount : 2500
Warnings : Panic attack, arranged marriage, bad relationship with parents and angst? I have not reached Ayato's quest yet, so this might be ooc. Let me know if it is, please :')
A/N : I used to love writing but eventually stopped because it started feeling like a chore instead of a hobby, but now I'm back >:) I have never written for Genshin Impact, so this was new for me! Also, english is not my first language, so if there are any mistakes, feel free to let me know :)
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Gravel crunched underneath your feet as you silently followed your, now, husband to your new home. The whites of the heavy dress, adorned by your body, unfortunately being dirtied as it dragged behind you on the ground. You could not bring yourself to care at this moment, not when there were many things running through your mind to worry about.
Your heart hammered against your chest, you truly feared it would fall out at any moment now. Raising your hands up, you clearly see the tremors in your hands. Every step you took, filled you with more and more fear, leaving you gasping for air. And as you saw the guards and the lights of the estate, from a distance, you could no longer control the expression on your face. You could already feel the tears trying to force their way out.
You didn't want to take any step further, you truly wanted to stop right there and then. You didn't want to enter the estate, it was not your home, filled with strangers. That included your husband, you didn't know him, you knew of him and the fact he was feared by many, but that's it. You had never talked to him before, the first and last words you had uttered to him until now were your wedding vows.
What a joke
Your parents just gave you away as if you meant nothing. Just an object to exchange for more power and status. The dress, your makeup, jewelry and your hair styled to perfection felt like nothing more but a big, red bow on a present.
You always knew, it was clear from the conversations you were always left out of, the trips where you were left behind, the love and affection you were deprived of, you were the black sheep amongst your siblings.
You never understood it, you never asked them for anything, always did everything they wanted, always did your best to excel in all subjects and yet they could not find it in them to give you - even the tiniest - bit of praise.
It's not fair.
How could they just leave you with a stranger, just like that, without any care? How could they decide who you would spend the rest of your life with, without the slightest care of your own wants and dreams? Did they not care to think about your own feelings, how utterly terrified you would be? To leave the only place you've ever seen, to go live with a place filled with strangers, even share a room with one-
I mean, come on, even if you were the least favored one, you must have at least meant something to them, right?
You could no longer hold your tears back, they softly fell, leaving a shiny trail behind. You slowed down a bit, fearing Ayato might hear you, fearing how he might react. He was a complete stranger to you, you had only heard rumors about the commissioner, you had no idea what to expect from him.
Your anxiety spiked, all kinds of scenarios running through your mind. There were just too many things you didn't know, the images fabricated by your mind filling up the blank spaces.
"Good evening, commissioner." You were snapped out of your haze by the voices of the guards. You had not even realized you reached the estate. You hurriedly wiped any traces of tears on your face but, judging by the looks on the guards' faces it had no use.
They did their best to give you an assuring smile, "Welcome to the estate, my lady.", they bowed.
You managed a small smile, thanking them for the kind gesture. You wiped away any traces of the emotions raging inside of you. There were maids everywhere in the estate, you could not risk being seen like this, it would leave a bad impression.
You couldn't help but look around in awe, the Kamisato estate truly was beautiful and much bigger than your former home.
You were so distracted, your footsteps slowed down even more, you hadn't noticed Ayato had stopped in front of a door. Nor had you noticed the softness in his eyes as he gazed at your form, the corners of his lips quirked up in the tiniest smile. "Y/n."
"Huh?" You turned your head so quickly, you were pretty sure you had a whiplash, not that you could help it. It was the first time he spoke since leaving the event. You immediately straightened up, fixing your posture and raised your head as an attempt to look confident. "Yes, commissioner?"
A certain glint appeared in his eyes at the title, if you didn't know any better you would have said it was amusement. He did not comment on it, simply sliding the door open and stepping inside the room.
You took a deep breath and followed him inside. It was a simple room, a huge bed, a closet and a vanity. On the left side of the room you could see another door, probably leading to a bathroom.
Was this his room? The room you were supposed to share with him? The bed you were expected to sleep in....with him? Your cheeks turned a bright red just at the thought.
"Is the room to your liking?" Ayato asked, after seeing you examine the room. You looked at him and silently nodded. "I'm glad to hear that, if there's anything you're not satisfied with or would like to change feel free to let me know."
"Thank you", you quietly responded. You fiddled with your finger and looked around the room to keep you busy as an awkward silence filled the room.
Until... a rustling sound was heard, followed by the sound of something soft hitting the floor. Your gaze automatically drifted in the direction of the sound, only for you to immediately slap the palms of your hands on your eyes.
"I'm sorry! I did not mean to look!" You gasped, the feeling of embarrassment causing your cheeks to turn a bright red.
You heard a chuckle, followed by footsteps and then the warmth radiating from a body - Ayato was standing right in front of you.
Warm hands gently curled around your wrist, softly pulling your hands away from your face. "Don't be embarrassed, you may look as much as you desire to."
"Wha…you…I-", speechless, you were truly speechless. What were you even supposed to respond with? Was he trying to cause you a heart attack?!
"Or do my looks perhaps not satisfy you enough?" Ayato said with a raised eyebrow.
Kill me now
You frantically shook your head, just giving up on even attempting to speak. You couldn't look him in the eye, neither could you look down as his chest was right in your face, you just settled to look at the closed bathroom door behind Ayato. That's until he raised his hand and put a finger under your chin to raise your head up. "Oh? My looks don't satisfy you?"
"N-no that's not it! You look….fine…commissioner" You managed to say.
"Ayato." He said, after a moment of silence. An intense look in his eyes.
You blinked at him, "Hmm?"
"You may call me Ayato." He clarified, "We are husband and wife now after all. It would be…unusual..for you to call me by such a title."
"Oh.." you again averted your eyes to the door behind him, "I..apologize."
"There is no apology needed." Ayato cleared up and suddenly his smirk was back on his face. "Say, why won't you get ready for bed? You must be tired."
"O-oh, uhmm..o-okay" you quietly answered. Ayato finally lowered your hands and let go of only one, continuing to hold onto the other. You looked at him in confusion before a yelp escaped you as you were suddenly spun around. Your clothed back gently landed against his bare chest, his arm around your waist, holding you close.
You couldn't help the shudder that ran through your body or the soft gasp that escaped you at the feeling of his warm breath against your sensitive neck. Looking in front of you, you saw that he had turned you in the direction of a full body mirror. "L-lord…Ayato…"
The hand that was not holding onto you raised up and gently took out the hairpiece holding your hair up. The strands of hair gently fell down and framed your face perfectly. The same hand gently stroked your hair, feeling the softness and the faint scent of flowers of your shampoo wafting to his nose.
You looked up at him through the mirror, surprised at his gentleness. You had heard all kinds of things about Ayato, hushed stories that were passed from one maid to the other and had reached your ears. You were still scared, your shaky hands the proof of said feeling and reminder of how close you were to having a panic attack. Still, seeing the way he had treated you until now managed to somehow lessen the fear.
There was still one thing you were panicking about…
Ayato's eyes met yours in the mirror, he tucked a strand of hair behind your ear before he took a step back and completely let go of you. Your eyes stayed locked on each other. "Do you need my assistance in preparing for bed?"
Your eyes widened at his offer and you frantically shook your head. "N-no! I mean, I'll be fine."
"Very well," Ayato said, "then I shall continue to get ready as well."
You took a deep breath to slow your hammering heart, you would have to undress yourself. You raised your shaky hands to grab onto the outer layer of your wedding kimono. You turned your head to look in the mirror, only to be met with Ayato bare back as he himself continued to change into his sleeping clothes. You could faintly see the small scars scattered on the expanse of his back and the strong muscles as he moved.
You quickly turned your head away and hurriedly started to change into your nightwear, rushing to get clothed while his back was still turned to you as you did not feel comfortable enough yet to bare your body to him. He was still a stranger after all.
Even though it went against the advice given to you by your personal maids.
As soon as you pulled your nightgown down, you looked into the mirror again, seeing Ayato turning around right on time. His eyes briefly wandered across your form before he met your gaze.
Ayato started walking towards you until he was right behind you, his eyes still on yours. He raised his hands up and gently pulled all of your hair behind one shoulder. You held your breath when you saw his hand lowering to the back of your neck, until you felt him unlock the necklace around your neck.
His expression was unreadable and the look in his eyes so intense, you couldn't help but break eye contact. Your chest raised up and down at a fast pace, resembling the pace of your heartbeat.
"Why don't you get in bed?" He asked, breaking the tense silence. He took a step back and walked towards the vanity to store the necklace away.
You silently walked past him, to your preferred side of the bed and shyly sat down. This was the part of the night that could not leave your mind and had you scared the most.
Were you just going to sleep or did he expect a certain thing from you?
You harshly gulped, clasping your hands together as you felt the bed dip behind you. The same overwhelming fear threatens to take over again. You bit your lip, a nervous habit of yours, to distract yourself.
A warm hand landing on your left shoulder had your whole body stiffening up, you barely managed to hold yourself back from flinching. Ayato softly pulled your shoulder back in his direction, "Turn around, y/n."
You did as he said, turning your body in his direction but your head lowered as if the design on the sheet was the most interesting thing ever. Again, you could escape his gaze, he took your chin between two fingers to meet your eyes.
Did he….want-, your train of thought was cut off as you saw him leaning in. You softly gasped when his nose softly bumped against yours, his warm breath softly hitting your face and when he leaned even closer you tightly closed your eyes.
One, two, three seconds passed and then you felt it. His surprisingly soft lips placed an equally soft kiss on your forehead. Your eyes snapped open in bewilderment, that was the last thing you expected.
One, two and after three seconds, Ayato pulled away not too far though. Again he held you so close your nose almost touched his, "I do not intend to go anywhere you're not ready for yet. I understand how troubling so much change in so little time must be and the difficulty of being from everything that's familiar to you…. It may not feel like it yet but this is your home as much as it is mine and I want it to feel like such to. I do not wish for you to feel fear or unwelcomed in your own home, so if anything or anyone dares to trouble you, let me know and it will be dealt with. Do you understand?"
You could only offer a nod. A soft sigh escaped Ayato's lips before he pulled away from you. He blew out the candles on the nightstand at his side and silently layed down with his back turned to you and pulled the blanket over his form. You followed his actions and shyly rested your head on the pillow next to his, you had turned your back to him as well.
The tremors in your hands had disappeared. The pounding beat of your heart slowed to a steady rhythm and your breath evened out. The panic and fear in your body was pushed to the background as a warmth blossomed in your chest.
Still, as your lower lip trembled, you could not help it as tears welled up and softly fell. This time, they were not caused by your parents' mistreatment and neglect, neither by the aching loneliness or absolute fear and hopelessness of your future.
Instead, it was Ayato's thoughtfulness, it was the way Ayato clearly had made you his priority (despite you technically being as stranger to him too), he respected you and your feelings - just the fact you had noticed your inner turmoil and had not ignored it and done whatever he wanted ( like everyone else in your life ) was enough to reduce you to tears.
While you held your hand tightly clasped on your lips, keeping any sounds of escaping you, to avoid disturbing Ayato's sleep….
Said man was wide awake, his heart strangely aching at the sound of the soft sobs you could not hold back…
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