datwitchbitch-blog · 3 years
Hai there!
Hai, my name is Georgina, i am 21 years old i am a female and go by she/her pronouns. I am looking for an internet friend as honestly my ones are shit and don’t really support me. I am autistic, have adhd, anxiety and borderline personality disorder; I am also a practising luciferian witch, but i am open to christian friends as i also respect your god as much as i do mine. I work with Lucifer, Lilith, Aphrodite, Ares, Hades, Persephone, Apollo, Dionysus and Odin. If you are going to mock or trash my beliefs, dont fucking bother messaging me.  I am in a sexually poly-amorous  relationship, so if you’re open for that, that’s cool if not thats also cool. Please be in the UK as timezones confuse the fuck out of me lol you must also be 18+! message me if interested 
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datwitchbitch-blog · 3 years
Bored as hell
Add me on discord if you want: georgimay215#1514
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datwitchbitch-blog · 3 years
if ur not borderline i promise u that u don’t get it. ppl have tried to tell me that they understand how obsessive i am in relationships because they get mad when their bf is talking to other girls. no. u don’t get it. and u should be happy u don’t get it. it’s not cute to have panic attacks in the middle of work because ur partner texted u in a “different tone”. it’s not fun having ur whole day ruined because u just remembered they have friend and ppl they care about outside of u. it’s not normal to genuinely want to die because they didn’t compliment u with the same enthusiasm they usually do. it’s scary and embarrassing and guilt inducing. u don’t get it and i’m so glad u don’t but pls stop trying to relate to something that u physically can’t. it doesn’t make me feel better it makes me feel invalidated and embarrassed because u DONT know how deep it goes.
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datwitchbitch-blog · 3 years
When your partner gets a bad case of food poisoning..
Welp, looks like i'll be praying to Apollo and baking some bread for offerings
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