daughterofhypnos · 6 years
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daughterofhypnos · 8 years
hunched shoulders
short breaths 
this is my legacy 
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daughterofhypnos · 8 years
I wish you shared here more often. Your writing is great.
this is so deeply important to read for me i can't believe someone sent this . thank you .
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daughterofhypnos · 9 years
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daughterofhypnos · 9 years
We live in the same city But different States of Mind I have no time for anybody Any body No body
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daughterofhypnos · 9 years
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Drift into Time - exhibition view, Maiko Kobayashi, 2012. 
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daughterofhypnos · 9 years
You are not a concrete building 
You are not stuck 
Dear feather, you do not have wind
But you are carried 
You will go mad with the heights 
and believe you are falling into air with the ground looking more like 
the sky 
But tumble and fall 
Destinations are for suckers 
Get worn down and where you disappear 
You have arrived
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daughterofhypnos · 10 years
the howlers
the growlers
the wailers
you have holes in your shoes lighting stuck in your throat fingertips soft like velvet voices tunnelling through the fog I hear your truth spinning out of your hands I light a candle but you don't see me you just see fire and run I understand sometimes heat can be cruel but the heat between your hands and my neck have never scared me away I run into the heat eat away at the coal and ash leaving smudged prints carrying the weight of your fear I carry it for you so you can run faster
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daughterofhypnos · 10 years
jagged writing of thoughts
i have a bleeding heart and it pumps
rage and sorrow on the floor and i'm
walking in circles 
there can be the sea 
as long as i can reach it
there will always be pain
so long as humans have no wings
can only sing
all in circles 
the water seems solid i wonder
if i could walk on its surface
would i drown, or be enlightened? 
show her pouring muscles 
straining pulses 
heaving hands
and take close attention 
to where she wants to go
if it's in circles, leave
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daughterofhypnos · 10 years
part 3
my hearts sits at the top of my chest like a raindrop
until it swells and drops
down down d o w n 
and ripples 
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daughterofhypnos · 10 years
part 2
rip my roots
the seeds of my mind are not reaching water
let go 
of certain ideas of self
you are a plant
an ember
never consider yourself anything
until you remove doubt
you are not yourself with poison in your heart
this poem means nothing 
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daughterofhypnos · 10 years
quick postings of poems I don't remember writing part 1
soothe my quivering nerves 
reach out towards my hunched shoulders 
there is weakness in me 
a touch would cure me 
of wounds that i love 
help me stop loving the things that make me ugly
i love being ugly 
i deserve ugly 
i am ugly  
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daughterofhypnos · 11 years
you're found 
buried under daily routine
in between the lulls and silences of life 
i can't keep finding you there 
this guilt mimics my pulse 
in an offbeat undercurrent 
always flowing unnoticeable 
until i remember
the waves push up against my self esteem 
you're awful (i know)
be ashamed (everyday, i promise) 
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daughterofhypnos · 11 years
My friends don't know me
because I've never been sober around them
I've been in a haze of drunken 
self hate
warping who I am
like a bar napkin
folded up 
crumpled, discarded.
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daughterofhypnos · 11 years
a razor blade as a bookmark because the words I write down when I think of you are physically painful  I mark the page of you with the sharp blade  Closing our story doesn’t stop it from leaving it’s tracks Bloody  On every page I’ve tried to write since  Some days I’ll write just to feel the small ache of remembering  But the more I wrote  The further I got away from you (us)  And I can’t remember properly anymore All I know is  a dull pain of  Where we used to be
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daughterofhypnos · 11 years
my body and the similarities to my mind
i am soft and
easily bruised
with some awkward curves 
there are shadows of scars speckled on me
some occurring by accident,
childhood mistakes, lessons learned
some chosen to be there, feeling heavy and full of static 
where my waist is smallest
where i am the most vulnerable 
fits the perfect space for you 
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daughterofhypnos · 11 years
worn out
i silence myself so you can't take my words
and drag them dirty on the floor
until i apologize for ruining the carpet 
i am not afraid of you 
not at all 
my eyes do not meet yours anymore because i know
my gaze will leave you haunted
with the choices you made 
(i hope you're happy)
when you sulk around the house
in a house that is just  
the lingering echo of a potential home
Fuck you. 
where were you in the beginning of the year? 
you selfish asshole 
i once screamed at you and the next day you called it a 
"great beginning to further conversations" 
you don't understand every time i look at you
i see a liar and a coward
i see you now 
but not in my future 
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