davenport-king-blog · 9 years
Brinley stopped when she heard him call out to her. She wasn’t sure why, but she was never good at controlling her emotions around Daven. What he said next, she wasn’t expecting. She let out a sigh and turned toward him. “ If anyone should be sorry it should be me.” She said, surprising even herself at what she was saying, but for some reason she couldn’t help but be a good person around Daven, she never could. “ You had every right to call me a bitch, I was acting like one. Didn’t really upset me though, I’m used to people using that word to describe me.” She shrugged, then nodded when he mention his mom “ Yeah, I know… and i’m sorry.”
Brinley walked over to him “ Do you want to get out of here? Do something fun?” She had no idea what had come over her, but this was the kind of person she had always turned into when around Daven and she wouldn’t admit it to anyone, but she liked it. “ I mean you don’t have too, I just don’t want to waste this day away and in this hell hole looking at pieces that shouldn’t even be classified as artwork.”
Daven let out a sigh of relief when he hear Brinley apologize too. He was expecting a sarcastic comment or a “whatever”, but not that. He smiled “It’s alright,” he said softly and simply. For a moment it felt like they had never had any issues. “And thanks for understanding.” Brinley was always someone that he could go to when he was having family issues. 
He paused for a moment. Cutting class-- or field trips?-- was not really his style. His grades were important to him and he had never really been the type to skip class, unless it was for something important. But that was the old Daven. That was the uptight Daven that he learned to let go of when he moved to Mexico. There he had been out of class more than in it, and when he did go he was either drunk or high. But, now that he was back in New York, he didn’t know if he should go back to being the perfect student that everyone knew or not? What the hell. “Okay,” he said and grinned. “This place is dead, let’s go do something, anything, more exciting.”
Back to the Start || Davenport & Brinley
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davenport-king-blog · 9 years
it’s been a long day so I’ll reply tomorrow :)
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davenport-king-blog · 9 years
I definitely think so. That’s why people like you so much.
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Really? I thought it was because of my good looks and irresistible charm. 
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davenport-king-blog · 9 years
And, oh so modest as well, definitely missed that.
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Oh definitely. I’m probably.. the most humble person ever. 
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davenport-king-blog · 9 years
Brinley hated this probably more than Daven knew. She had to commend herself on being such a great actress around him. Of course he thinks she’s a bitch and he should, she dumped him without ever telling him why. She could never tell him that she actually dumped him because she was falling in love with him and she was afraid he would leave her or cheat on her like her dad did to her mom. When he left for Mexico she was relieved she wouldn’t have to see him. She would be lying to herself if she said she didn’t have feelings for him anymore. The way it ended left her with more feelings than she wanted, and now she is supposed to spend the whole day with they guy she has never gotten over. Great.
Brinley glared at him  “ That might be a little considering I am a bitch.” She muttered. Brinley followed the map to the first exhibit and stopped. It was the most hideous piece of art she had ever seen. How in the hell did it end up in a museum.  Brinley continued to start at this piece of art work, instead of looking at Daven, at least this ugly thing didn’t make her sad.
Brinley let out a huff “ I thought I said no talking.” She said still not talking to him. When he pulled out the worksheet she rolled her eyes. “ I’m acing this class so i’ll make a deal. We don’t socialize and I will do the worksheet myself on the bus, I already know everything about the art work in here anyways.” She turned around and grabbed the worksheet from and started heading towards the museum exit. There was no way she was spending the day in this god awful place.  
Daven let out a sigh. Today was going to be far from easy. He walked over to the first exhibit. He hated it, or more so didn’t understand how it could be considered art. It looked like a kindergartner could paint better. Instead of looking at the art, he looked at Brinley. She seemed to be deeply engrossed in this sub-par painting. He looked at her warm brown hair that was falling into her face, and her hazel eyes that captured anyone’s attention. All of a sudden he felt bad for calling her a bitch. In general, Daven was nice to everyone, but when it came to Brinley he turned his feelings into hate, sometimes when she didn’t even deserve it. 
“Wait!” he said as she started walking for the exit. He paused for a minute, knowing that whenever he said this there was no going back. “I’m sorry,” he waited for her to respond, and when it seemed like she wasn’t going to he continued. “I’m sorry for calling you a bitch,” he was surprised that he was actually apologizing to her. “And I’m sorry for being rude to you since I got back from Mexico. I’ve just had a lot going on. You know how ruthless my mom can be..” 
He wasn’t expecting her to wave the white flag too, but he didn’t want to hate her anymore. 
Back to the Start || Davenport & Brinley
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davenport-king-blog · 9 years
I can’t remember exactly but I remember somewhere in Italy, Brazil..just random people in random places. We really are not that great. One can never have too many friends.
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I mean we’re pretty great, people are just jealous.
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davenport-king-blog · 9 years
Well, I’d say you’re not so discreet about it, but okay whatever you say, Dav.
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Damn, you caught me. See I love it cause it’s the same old Riley, you still act the same around me unlike everyone else.
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davenport-king-blog · 9 years
“I’m so jealous. I could use a break from this city.”
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I don’t blame you.. this place can be toxic if you stay for too long.
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davenport-king-blog · 9 years
Back to the Start || Davenport & Brinley
Brinley exited the bus a few of her friends following behind her. This was the last place she wanted to be, a boring museum, with people she couldn’t stand. Normally she skipped these field trips, but her teacher warned her if she skipped again she would fail her. As they entered the museum Brinley plotted in her head how to get back at her teacher, obviously by getting him fired, but the fun part is coming up with how.  
Brinley never understood why teachers insisted on breaking off into groups that they chose instead of just letting students go with their friends. Obviously there will still be cliques after this field trip and students might now hate it so much if they got to stay with their friends, but of course teachers still think they have the power to ‘fix’ New York Prep, they couldn’t get anymore pathetic. Brinley stood there rolling her eyes as people got paired up, she pulled out her phone and started texting her friend, not looking up until she heard her name called. Brinley put her phone away and looked to see who she got partnered with and her heart stopped. Of course she got paired with Daven, her teacher probably did it on purpose just to spite her. Brinley put on a brave face and turned to her friends rolling her eyes.
He didn’t even wait for her and Brinley scoffed, she walked over to the teacher and tried to convince him to change her partner, but he was not having it. Their teacher stopped Daven and Brinley walked up to him. She stopped and crossed her arms, not even glancing over at Daven. She glared at the teacher as he walked away. Once they were alone Brinley turned to Daven. “ Don’t talk to me and we shouldn’t have a problem.” She grabbed the map out of his hand and started walking.
From this point on, Daven wished something that he had never wished before: to be back in class. Not only was he stuck in a boring museum, but with a girl that broke his heart and he hadn’t talked to in over a year. After coming back from Mexico, Daven had convinced himself he was finally over her. 
“Don’t act like a bitch and we shouldn’t have a problem,” he scoffed back. He rolled his eyes as she grabbed his map. She was so sure of herself he hated, but that’s what he loved at the same time. He picked up his pace a little to catch up with her.
“I’m just going to state the obvious, this sucks. But, we have to do this entire worksheet before we leave and I can’t afford to get a C so let’s just suck it up and act civil.” Daven crossed his arms. He didn’t know if she was going to agree or completely laugh in his face, she was always so unpredictable. 
Back to the Start || Davenport & Brinley
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davenport-king-blog · 9 years
I love it when people actually like Americans, I’ve been to some places where they weren’t so pleased. Not everyone obviously, but there are always some people who do not like America and don’t have a problem expressing that. I think I know what you mean…I’m happy you’re doing well.
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Really, like where? Everywhere I go people are fascinated by Americans which I don’t always understand since we’re so basic. Me too, and I’m happy that we’re friends and you’re back in my life.
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davenport-king-blog · 9 years
Oh wow, that’s so impressive. People must have thought you were a native. It really was a long time ago, wasn’t it? A lot has changed.
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Definitely not, but they were amazed by my American accent. Yeah it definitely has.... but at the same time it seems like yesterday.
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davenport-king-blog · 9 years
“Nope, you do it by being fearless, and not letting anything or anybody getting in your way. And of course, taking risks. That’s why my mom thinks doing a nude photoshoot will make my comeback a strong one.”
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“Well, it’ll definitely get you talked about.”
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davenport-king-blog · 9 years
I’m happy to help. Just let me know when you’re free and we can figure it out. That is - okay I can’t lie, that’s embarrassing. You were in Mexico for a year and can only say ‘buenos dias’? Maybe languages just aren’t your thing. It’s not stupid, that’s really sweet. I didn’t realize you even liked me that much…
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Well, actually I can say hola, como estas, AND buenos dias. Plus I can count to ten. I really impressed the ladies. Yeah, haha, that seems like such a long time ago.
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davenport-king-blog · 9 years
Being mean to you is my job, deal with it. And besides, you love it really.
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You’re right actually, I secretly do.
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davenport-king-blog · 9 years
“How was your trip?”
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Unbelievable. It was like paradise everyday. 
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davenport-king-blog · 9 years
“I get it all from my mother, especially her personality. Can you tell?”
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I can. You don’t become owner of a fashion empire by being a pushover, now do you? 
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davenport-king-blog · 9 years
If you ever need help with French, I can try. You know they put me in senior level this year? I can’t believe it but apparently I’m pretty good at picking up on romance languages. Oh stop, you’re not a douche, I wasn’t expecting you to remember that. …are you serious? I had no idea. You know I wasn’t going to leave you, plus it was a family vacation, I didn’t have time to meet any Dutch boys.
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Thanks, I’ll probably take you up on that offer. I’m not very good at languages, hence I lived in Mexico for a year and I can barely say “buenos dias”. I know, I’m actually laughing at how stupid that was. 
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