daveofcamelot · 2 years
I don't know what it is about MO I love her though want her to be my wife more than anything it's scary but at the same time so revealing them myself
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daveofcamelot · 2 years
Honestly you was Christianity or colder only one could be the winner and colder winner
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daveofcamelot · 2 years
On the other side I told MO about coda this isn't the first time that I mentioned it I am a priest after all
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daveofcamelot · 2 years
I guess I should let you know I'm still working at Wendy's my life is going fine except for the shadow that runs at me and he scares me and he doesn't exist as soon as he starts running I realize that but it's so vivid and real it's dark shadow that just runs at me like he wants to hurt me and it's also real
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daveofcamelot · 2 years
Let's see me and MO are still beginner I still love her right now my heart is filled with doubt though that's probably something left over from the last one but I hope she never cheats on me ever
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daveofcamelot · 3 years
Still exhausted no longer sick I don't think I hope I never get sick like that again even with the medicine I keep on hearing and seeing a few things not as much as I was I just need to give the medicine more time
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daveofcamelot · 3 years
Okay so haven't been on here for a very long time still together with MO that's going good I think I'm in love finally real love I keep on getting in trouble at work I'm just not doing well but I'll make it through so now
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daveofcamelot · 3 years
Okay so I can fill my personality changed again guess it's going to happen the rest of my life there's no avoiding it we're just going to have to make the most of it
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daveofcamelot · 3 years
It's Monday the 17th I'm going to go into a panic attack there is no stopping it it's going to happen and there's nothing I can do to stop it
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daveofcamelot · 3 years
So I guess I made it through my first fight with my girlfriend which wasn't much of a fight really I told her how I felt she told me how she felt and we worked it out from there it was just that simple the problem is I'm falling even more in love with her just because of it life is full of ups and downs the ups that makes it worth it
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daveofcamelot · 3 years
Well I guess I did it again mistaken kind words for caring she don't care about me sorry show me that she don't care about me
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daveofcamelot · 3 years
Been crazy here lately got a certain Girl on My Mind and I can't get her out of my head medicines going all right I feel filter but I haven't drank yet so I guess I drinking pills working
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daveofcamelot · 3 years
I'm dazed and confused today
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daveofcamelot · 3 years
I'm so different than what I used to be the changes jarring I don't really know what to think about it I worried that I'm going through a mid-life crisis or maybe I'm going through a crisis over losing dad none of the changes that I've done or dangerous or bad just different it's just a whole lot at once and I don't know how much more change I can take
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daveofcamelot · 3 years
I want to take this down right quick because in this moment I feel like I'm not good enough it's that Sensation that I want to get over that I'm not going to know then I'm never going to be and there's really no standard to that I just don't know why I feel that sensation right now
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daveofcamelot · 3 years
On GTA V Weston wanted to build a truck like me it's cute he wants to be like me I built a car my favorite one more incredible that I've ever built one before the PS4 version is so much better Nathan and Weston played some basketball before the weather got cold I got some good pictures
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daveofcamelot · 3 years
Okay let's see I've had my son for the last couple days going to hang out with Nathan the last couple days that's been cool had to work today hung out with my friend Steven it was all right now I'm just sitting in the lower field trying to get myself to relax
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