davidflores100 · 5 years
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davidflores100 · 5 years
1 / 0 ?
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davidflores100 · 5 years
Just a coffee LOL
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davidflores100 · 5 years
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davidflores100 · 5 years
A great movie: I, Tonya
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davidflores100 · 5 years
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davidflores100 · 6 years
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davidflores100 · 6 years
What are you getting in science? D+. See what I can do.
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davidflores100 · 6 years
The Sopranos cast reunion
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davidflores100 · 6 years
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davidflores100 · 6 years
Nash Equilibrium
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davidflores100 · 6 years
Henry Hill: You’re a pistol, you’re really funny. You’re really funny.
Tommy DeVito: What do you mean I’m funny?
Henry Hill: It’s funny, you know. It’s a good story, it’s funny, you’re a funny guy.
Tommy DeVito: What do you mean, you mean the way I talk? What?
Henry Hill: It’s just, you know. You’re just funny, it’s… funny, you know the way you tell the story and everything.
Tommy DeVito: [it becomes quiet] Funny how? What’s funny about it?
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davidflores100 · 6 years
Meadow Soprano: Uncle Paulie come sit down Paulie ‘Walnuts’ Gualtieri: Yeah I’ll sit with you I’m young at heart right? Who are you dear? Tara Zincone: Tara Zincone, Bobby’s niece. Paulie ‘Walnuts’ Gualtieri: [gently rubs her hand] My condolences, I’ve lost two dear friends. Jason Parisi: Sil’s hanging on. Paulie ‘Walnuts’ Gualtieri: I lost Ma last month! You can take 2007 and give it back to the Indians! … Tony Soprano: [In Dr. Doherty office] I’ve got to be frank you people got him out of his room, great so he could be Cannon fodder ? Dr. Doherty: I wasn’t aware of his latest plan. Carmela Soprano: [enters] Sorry. I should have gone before we left the house. Tony Soprano: Still on the army thing. On the other hand he can benefit from the training, the discipline. Carmela Soprano: Maybe the army’d be great for him, if there wasn’t a war going on, he used to veg in front of that TV. Oh, I didn’t tell you. He spent $200 on a set of CDs that teach Arabic. Tony Soprano: Je__ Christ, c'mon! Shish-kebab. What else do you need to know? Dr. Doherty: He says he wants to get past the hate focus it only on the terrorists I really can’t reveal much more. Tony Soprano: Right, even though we’re paying, this whole therapy thing I’ve got to tell you. Dr. Doherty: What. Tony Soprano: My mother was a borderline personality, so what? I don’t know if you knew that. Dr. Doherty: No. Tony Soprano: Well, I did not have a very happy childhood. Dr. Doherty: No? Tony Soprano: There was very little love in the house Dr. Doherty: His mentioned your mother very briefly Tony Soprano: Very difficult woman, undermining. I tried to place her in a retirement community for her own good, she turned on me, completely. You see, I could never please my mother. … [Final scene - Tony enters the restaurant and sits down, Carmela enters the restaurant and sits down the song “Don’t Stop Believin’ by Journey starts playing] ♪ Just a small town girl ♪ Tony Soprano: Hey. ♪ Livin’ in a lonely world ♪ Carmela Soprano: Hey. ♪ She took the midnight train goin’ anywhere Just a city boy Born and raised in south Detroit ♪ Carmela Soprano: [Reading the menu] What looks good tonight? Tony Soprano: I don’t know, ♪ He took the midnight train goin’ anywhere ♪ Tony Soprano: where’s the gagootz? Carmela Soprano: He just called his on his way, Mead’s coming separately she had to go to the doctor. [Tony looks up] Carmela Soprano: Switch birth control. [Tony nods]
The Sopranos, Made in America
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davidflores100 · 6 years
Dr. Jennifer Melfi: That Departures magazine out there. Did you give any thought at all to someone else who might wanna read before you tore out the entire page? Tony Soprano: What? Dr. Jennifer Melfi: It's not the first time you've defaced my reading materials. Tony Soprano: You saw that, huh? People tear shit outta your magazines all the time, they're a mess. I try to read 'em. Dr. Jennifer Melfi: I don't think I can help you. Tony Soprano: Well, change them. Bring in some new shit. Dr. Jennifer Melfi: I mean therapeutically. Tony Soprano: What are you talkin' about? I've only missed three appointments since we had that heart-to-heart. Dr. Jennifer Melfi: The new big thing these days is called psychodynamic therapy combined with Anafranil. Tony Soprano: Who? Dr. Jennifer Melfi: A medication. There's a doctor in Bloomfield you could see. Tony Soprano: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, OK? Now what the fuck is this? You're, uh, firin' me 'cause I defaced your Departures magazine. Dr. Jennifer Melfi: I'm giving you my considered medical opinion. Tony Soprano: OK, I should've asked you for the steak recipe. And missin' sessions, unfortunately, is part of my condition. Dr. Jennifer Melfi: What do you know about your condition? You miss appointments because you don't give a shit. About commitments, about what I do, about the body of work that's gone into building up this science!... Go ahead, tell me again I sound like your wife. Tony Soprano: Well, if the shoe fits. [Dr. Melfi stands up] Tony Soprano: We're making progress! It's been seven years! Dr. Jennifer Melfi: Do you want some names? Tony Soprano: [stands up] OK, listen, I'm gonna tell you somethin' and you're not gonna like it. But we can say anything in here, right? Dr. Jennifer Melfi: Go ahead! Tony Soprano: I'm chalkin' this all up to female menopausal situations. Dr. Jennifer Melfi: You're not my gynecologist. Tony Soprano: Well, you don't need a gynecologist to know which way the wind blows. [Dr. Melfi opens the door] Tony Soprano: So, wait a minute. You tellin' me after all this time, after everything we've shared in here, you're cuttin' me loose just as my son got outta the hospital for tryin' to kill himself? Dr. Jennifer Melfi: Since you are in crisis, I don't wanna waste your time. Tony Soprano: You know, I gotta be fuckin' honest. As a doctor, I think what you're doin' is immoral. [Tony walks out to the waiting room. He exaggeratedly places the page back in the magazine, looks at Dr. Melfi angrily and leaves. She closes the door] ... Silvio Dante: Have a seat. Paulie Walnuts: What's up? Silvio Dante: Phil Leotardo. Calls were made to zips. They're coming over from Naples. You contact the guy to contact the guys. Bobby 'Bacala’ Baccalieri: Phil's at his goomar's every Friday night. Paulie Walnuts: T knows about this? Silvio Dante: What? Bobby 'Bacala’ Baccalieri: What kind of question is that? Paulie Walnuts: Watch your fat fucking mouth. [almost started to fight] Silvio Dante: Hey, whoa whoa whoa whoa. What are you concerned about? Paulie Walnuts: I lived through the '70s by the skin of my nuts When the Columbos were going at it. There ain't a bigger cocksucker than Phil Leotardo. I just wanna make sure somebody knows there could be a line of cozarellis a mile long. Silvio Dante: Duly noted. So there's no problem then. ... Butch: Three pops, within a tight time frame. 24 hours, so there's no chance for them to hit back. Top three guys. Petey B.: Paulie Gualtieri? Butch DeConcini: No, management. Tony Soprano, obviously. Plus Silvio Dante, and we think, Bobby Baccalieri.     Ray-Ray: That mortadell's number three? He used to be Junior Soprano's driver.     Albie Cianflone: And you used to sell laser printers out the back of your Crown Vic.
The Sopranos, The Blue Comet
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davidflores100 · 6 years
Tony Soprano: I'm depressed. Carmela Soprano: I'm telling you. Don't you start now. Tony Soprano: What does that mean? Carmela Soprano: It means what it means. I have enough on my plate, I don't need you adding to it with your bullshit. Tony Soprano: Bullshit? It's an illness and it's fuckin' hereditary. Carmela Soprano: Thank you, I know. I am intimately acquainted with the Soprano curse. Your father, your uncle, your great-grandfather who drove the donkey cart off the road in Avellino, all of it. Tony Soprano: Oh, you think it's a joke? Carmela Soprano: Am I laughing? Tony Soprano: Well, then what are you sayin'? Carmela Soprano: He didn't get it from my family. That's all I'm gonna say. [about AJ who tried to off himself] Tony Soprano: Your family don't even talk. Your father's so bottled up it's a wonder he's even got a stomach left. Carmela Soprano: Yeah, as opposed to yours. Tony Soprano: At least my father was out front about what was botherin' him. Carmela Soprano: Right, with a bullet through your mother's beehive hairdo. ... Tony Soprano: When you were sick in the hospital, we talked. We shared a, uh... an understanding about life. Phil Leotardo: This is business, Anthony. Tony Soprano: Yeah, I know. But I'm talkin' to you here on a human level. There's a limit, Phil. C'mon. A point where business bleeds into other shit. Feelings make things financially unfeasible. Phil Leotardo: [chuckles] Charles Schwab, over here. Tony Soprano: So that's it. No leeway, no compromise, just stupid fuckin' jokes. Phil Leotardo: You want compromise, how's this? Twenty years in the can I wanted manicott', but I compromised. I ate grilled cheese off the radiator instead. I wanted to fuck a woman, but I compromised. I jacked off into a tissue. You see where I'm goin'?
The Sopranos, The Second Coming
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davidflores100 · 6 years
Christopher Moltisanti: Well, regarding Phil, I gotta ask. Whatever happened to "stop and smell the roses"? Tony Soprano: You're right, you're right. You can't fight every fucking battle, right? Asbestos. [laughs] Tony Soprano: Each day's a gift. Christopher Moltisanti: Every time I look at my kid, that's what I realize. Tony Soprano: And that shit with Junior? Please. It's just that people like Phil, they're not on that page. They'll take those roses and stick them up your ass, thorns first. ... Tony Soprano: You alright? Paulie 'Walnuts' Gualtieri: [referring to Christopher] I know I had my differences with that kid, but maybe I didn't do right by him, neither. If you were his dad, I was his Dutch uncle. And what the fuck did I do but get pissed off? Fight with him over cocksuckin', fuckin' money? And break his balls when he tried not to have a drink or a little taste of snow. Tony Soprano: It's over Paulie. ... Tony: [Talks to Carmela] Can you make me a cappuccino? That fucking machine from Paulie, you need a pilot's license. ... Julianna Skiff: Oh, hi. Tony Soprano: How are you? Julianna Skiffle, this is my wife Carmela Soprano. Julianna Skiff: Skiff. Tony Soprano: Oh, yeah, right. Julianna's a real estate agent in the old neighborhood. Carmela Soprano: And you knew Christopher? Julianna Skiff: I used to buy my meat at Satriale's. I'm a recovering addict. I owe him a lot. Carmela Soprano: That's nice to hear. Tony Soprano: Well, what are you gonna do, huh? Julianna Skiff: Nothing you can do. [refers to the one time they fooled around and Tony left in the middle] Tony Soprano: That's my point. Carmela Soprano: He was too young. Carmela Soprano: [after Julianna left] Good-looking woman.
The Sopranos, Kennedy and Heidi
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davidflores100 · 6 years
Christopher Moltisanti: [At Bada Bing!] I look in her eyes, man, and she looks back at me... [talks about his daughter] Paulie Walnuts: How the fuck do I put myself up for adoption? Christopher Moltisanti: What? Paulie Walnuts: Nothin'. Go ahead. Christopher Moltisanti: She ain't adopted Paulie. Paulie Walnuts: I'm kiddin'. What were you sayin'? Christopher Moltisanti: My point... [he's drunk] What the fuck?... It's babies. They're the future. You realize by the time Caitlin's outta college it'll be like the year 2027 or somethin'. Paulie Walnuts: She takes after you she won't be outta fourth grade by then. 'Course by that time she'll be workin' here so who gives a shit.
The Sopranos, Walk Like a Man
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