davidhsteinberg · 1 year
just finished rewatching no good nick (yes i did this in two days, putting a pause on both my shadowhunters rewatch and blue lock viewing. now i can get back to them!) and i am unabashedly emotional. it is legitimately one of the most thematically coherent and tightly plotted shows i’ve ever seen while still having an air of whimsy and fun to it. and yet it somehow still also manages to be a nuanced portrayal of grey morality and the bad choices people make even if it’s for understandable reasons (on both sides!) and how harm perpetuates harm. impeccable!
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davidhsteinberg · 4 years
American Pie Presents: Girls’ Rules
Not that anyone cares necessarily but for the record, my draft of this script was from 2010 and was called American Pie Presents: East Great Falls. It was about four guys who all fall in love with the same woman, a new kid at school. Universal decided in 2017 to hire new writers to flip all the genders which I actually thought was a great idea. My script was written in a different era and I wish I’d thought of making a female-centric version of AP. But in 2010 no one was looking to make that kind of movie. Anyway, I’m glad they told the story from the point of view of women! I really didn’t have much to do with that version though so the end result was really a product of the director, the final writer, and the two writers between me and the final writer. They did hire some women to do punch up during production but the rumor is true that all the writers were men up until that point. Ugh, I know.
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davidhsteinberg · 4 years
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Name that episode!
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davidhsteinberg · 4 years
Hi! Here I put the link so you can read the first episode of the continuation of No Good Nick!
#NoGoodNick #Nick #Franzelli #Molly #Ed #Liz #Jeremy #Thompson #script
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davidhsteinberg · 4 years
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A page from an early preliminary outline for part 2 of No Good Nick. Note the B story about Ed being left out of Words with Friends was replaced, Molly and Jeremy working against each other at Crescendo was a late addition, and Kate became Will!
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davidhsteinberg · 4 years
Little late to the party but I would love to see some ace representation! But also chronic illnesses that aren't always "visible". For example, I suffer from trigeminal neuralgia and since it's not "visible" people think I'm lying or exaggerating when I say I can't do things bc of the pain, which in my case is not constant but it's there sometimes. And there are so many examples of that type of thing. (Sorry for any mistakes , English isn't my native )
Great ideas, thank so much for the input!
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davidhsteinberg · 4 years
is it too late to save the show? :( if not, could you tell is how to save it, or what might give it a chance?
Yeah, I’m afraid so. The reality is the sets are gone and the actors have moved on to other projects. I mean, it’s not impossible if Netflix wanted to spend a ton of money to rebuild the sets and negotiate new deals for everyone but that’s just not realistic. So let’s just pretend we didn’t tease season 2 with the picture of Nick’s mom and instead it ended with her hugging the Thompsons!
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davidhsteinberg · 4 years
What was the inspiration behind Jeremy’s Coming our story? I ❤️ the show btw!
Thank you! We wanted to do something iconic like the famous Ellen scene from the 90s. It had to be funny but also real and emotional with Jeremy spiraling out of control and Liz calming him down with her love and support.
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davidhsteinberg · 4 years
more muslim characters! and more bisexual characters! and more ace characters! and especially more characters who are religious and also queer, because i feel like a lot of young kids struggle to reconcile those two parts of their identity if they were religious beforehand. thanks!
Love this, thank you!
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davidhsteinberg · 4 years
more desi/southeast asian characters that aren’t stereotyped! there are SO few brown teens in western media, and even fewer are actually taken seriously and not treated as the token “nerd” with an overly strong accent. (not that there’s anything wrong with an accent! but what i’ve seen most of the time is that it’s faked and played off for humor). also, just wanted to say that it’s really cool that you’re asking us for our input and it feels good to have someone who’s listening 💗
Cool, thanks for the feedback!
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davidhsteinberg · 4 years
I just finished No Good Nick, and I am a damn 25yo but god? I am a sobbing mess. It was such a special show. Teen shows are so fucking important, imagine all the kids who’ll see this show and know that it’s okay to be you, to feel sadness, to be mad because life ain’t fair, to be yourself, to break down, to change, to become a better person even if you did bad things…
And how many queer kids will see Jeremy, Eric and Lisa and feel less alone? And know that there’s nothing wrong with them…?
Please, continue giving our kids this type of media, so they’ll see that life’s hard but they’re not alone
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davidhsteinberg · 4 years
A very very important question tho: what hogwarts house would the cast be in? The only ones I’m certain about would be Liz as a Slytherin and Ed as a Hufflepuff but Molly could be either of those, Nick could be literally any of the houses and Jeremy would be good as either a Ravenclaw or a Slytherin
This was actually one of the ideas we had for the quiz Nick and Molly give each other but we ultimately went with Game of Thrones. I think Nick is in Gryffindor but Jeremy is probably Ravenclaw. What do you think?
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davidhsteinberg · 5 years
A thread about episode 15 — the FLASHBACK EPISODE!
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davidhsteinberg · 5 years
Is Masipag actually Nick’s mom’s last name, or was that a lie to not blow her cover?
Yes, that is Nick’s mom’s real last name.
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davidhsteinberg · 5 years
Who’s older, Molly or Nick? I know that Nick turns 14 at the end of part one, but how old is Molly? Are they both freshmen, because they go to the same school Jeremy does?
They’re basically the same age and they’re in the same grade: 9th. Molly turned 14 just ahead of Nick showing up.
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davidhsteinberg · 5 years
After the part two finale, do you think that Tony Franzelli would take Nick’s words to heart and rethink his own prejudices against the Thompsons, or do you think it would only make him hate the Thompsons even more than he already did, because he’d blame them for taking his daughter away from him?
What do you think? Do you think Tony learned a lesson and is on the path to redemption? Or is Tony driven deeper into his own victimization?
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davidhsteinberg · 5 years
You didn't ENTIRELY wrap everything up. There are still a number of important questions such as: 1. How Jeremy & Eric's first date go? 2. Did Molly get her followers back? 3. What did the Thompsons name the mixed breed dog they got from the shelter? 4. HOW DID THE HARBAUGHS KNOW NICK'S MOM?? How did she and Tony meet? What happened to her? Is she really departed or… deported????
No, we definitely didn’t wrap everything up.
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