dawnday · 5 years
sORRY for being so ia everyone !!! ive been so occupied w volunteering nd life in general that i havent had time 2 sit down nd do replies bUT i’ll try and get to them soon !!!!!
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dawnday · 5 years
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     i  feel  extremely  soft  today  so  i  thought  i  would  just  make  a  quick  appreciation  post  for  my  mutuals  /  friends  in  my  study  break  because  i  love  you  all  so  much  !!  i’m  at  that  point  in  my  life  where  i  feel  happy,  i  feel  safe  on  this  website  &&  i  feel  loved  both  here  &&  irl  so  i  wanna  share  my  positive  feelings  &&  love  with  others  too.  i  know  it’s  finals  season  for  a  few  of  us  so  i  also  want  to  wish  everyone  good  luck  if  they’re  having  finals  &&  that  exams  don’t  define  you  &&  you  are  perfect  the  way  you  are  <3  
Keep reading
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dawnday · 5 years
𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐧 𝐭𝐨. males . 𝐦𝐮𝐬𝐞.  choi aiden . ( test muse ! ) 𝐩𝐥𝐨𝐭. i’m your older sibling’s best friend and this is the first time we’ve seen each other in a long while and wow okay you’re not as dorky as you used to be ?? time for me to stress out by teasing you
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❝  what  happened  to  your  baby  face  ?  ❞  it’s  instinct  to  reach  out  ,  to  pinch  their  cheek  gently  with  a  grin  and  a  laugh  before  pulling  away  .  ❝  last  time  i  saw  you  ,  you  were  about  this  high  and  a  kid  ,  but  you’re  so  ...  ❞  he  purses  his  lips  in  search  for  the  word  ,  hand  waving  around  before  he  snaps  his  fingers  .  ❝  well  ,  different  .  you’re  different  now  .  do  you  still  play  video  games  or  are  you  too  old  for  that  now  ?  ❞
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dawnday · 5 years
o worm its almost 1am so i think im gonna head 2 bed !!! 
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dawnday · 5 years
𝐰𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐟𝐮𝐥𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐲.   /   jaiden.
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jaiden knew that she was right, and as much as he usually would have just continued on with this act, he had been told repeatedly that, if he kept doing this, he would start to lose everyone close around him. “okay okay,” he whined, pulling her in for a hug. “stop getting so mad. i’ll help you, but don’t blame me if i might toss my half in the trash,” he paused to wait for a response. “i’m kidding! i won’t do that,” he murmured, a pout on his face.
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her  lips  stay  pursed  in  a  pout  but  frustration  and  irritation  were  quick-melting  ,  disappearing  like  glacier  tides  as  jaiden  pulls  her  in  for  a  hug  .  she  pinches  his  side  gently  ,  an  unspoken  warning  that  will  never  see  a  follow-up  as  she  looks  up  at  him  ,  features  smoothing  into  an  exasperated  smile  .  ❝  i  really  will  kick  you  if  you  toss  those  ,  ❞  she  says  ,  but  she  trusts  him  and  knows  he’s  joking  around  .  ❝  i’m  sorry  i  got  so  mad  ,  ❞  she  murmurs  ,  before  knocking  her  forehead  onto  his  chest  .  ❝  it’s  been  a  hard  few  days  at  the  restaurant  ,  and  my  brothers  are  too  busy  studying  to  help  hand  out  the  flyers  .  ❞
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dawnday · 5 years
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the  first  time  sungyeon  saw  her  ,  breathless  would  be  a  kind  statement  to  make  .  the  way  the  sunlight  filtered  in  through  the  windows  to  light  up  her  features  was  beautiful  ,  and  his  father’s  right  hand  (  who  was  nice  enough  to  be  the  one  to  guide  sungyeon  on  the  wonders  of  the  company  and  what  he  would  inherit  )  had  faded  to  the  background  ,  nothing  but  an  unimportant  detail  .  
sungyeon  didn’t  believe  in  love  or  like  at  first  sight  ,  but  he  thinks  whatever  he  felt  then  was  pretty  close  .
today  ,  he’s  put  flowers  on  her  desk  .  they’re  of  a  prettier  variety  ,  all  pink  baby's  breath  encompassed  in  a  pretty  bow  .  there’s  a  box  of  chocolates  accompanying  them  and  quietly  ,  he  thinks  that  he’s  really  outdone  himself  for  this  .  it’s  easy  to  pretend  he’s  occupying  himself  with  organizing  scrap  paper  ,  waiting  to  ask  her  who  was  the  person  sweet  enough  to  put  all  that  on  her  desk  .
  for  @wistfulreality    .
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dawnday · 5 years
𝐰𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐟𝐮𝐥𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐲.   /   jaiden.
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jaiden scowled at her words. “five years old? did you just …?” his expression was not exactly nice anymore even though he knew he was being a bit of a brat. “yeah, probably …” he muttered, crossing his arms. “maybe you can go do that then,” he noted, refusing to give in.
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there’s  a  smug  grin  on  her  lips  that  disappears  as  quickly  as  it  had  come  .  her  own  arms  fold  across  her  chest  ,  mirroring  his  stance  .  ❝  yes  ,  i  did  just  .  you’re  acting  like  a  baby  ,  ❞  she  says  ,  then  rolls  her  eyes  at  his  stubbornness  .  in  another  life  ,  she  thinks  it  would’ve  been  endearing  .  ❝  then  i  will  !  i’ll  go  find  a  stray  dog  and  i’ll  train  it  and  by  the  end  of  the  day  it’ll  be  more  useful  to  me  than  you  have  been  in  the  past  half  hour  !  ❞
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dawnday · 5 years
pleaSE give me a plot where muse a is a newly hired employee for this rly fancy company and muse b , the eldest child of the ceo , is being shown the whole place bc they’re supposed to inherit it and they meet muse a and muse b is Immediately smitten and they try to be all cool to impress them and they tell their parents they want to start working now even if it’s a small job so they can hang around muse a more often .
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dawnday · 5 years
𝐡𝐜𝐧𝐞𝐲𝐥𝐜𝐯𝐞𝐬.   /   dahlia.
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she can’t help but blink at him. once. twice. thrice, before she realizes he’s being serious about the reason he’s taking residence on her couch. irritation flares for a moment, before it slips away, just as quick as it had come. there’s no use in letting herself get riled up over his antics, it’ll only cause unnecessary stress and she’s already had a more than enough to deal with today. “and the first place you thought to stop at was my place?” if he confirmed, she’d be surprised, if not she wouldn’t. either way, she’s still mildly surprised he even tried her place AT ALL. she’s not known to be a very w a r m person in general. “i wouldn’t say my interest lies in your life, more as to why you have to camp out here for the night.” it wasn’t like she was going to throw him out now that he was here though. she may not care for much, but she wasn’t heartless. his tone makes her want to toss him out though. she won’t, but the T E M P T A T I O N is there. “you’re lucky it’s my couch you’re sleeping on for the night and not a wooden bench in a holding cell.” she pauses for a moment, easily slides back into the living room entrance from the kitchen she had wandered into while he came inside and tilts her head. “then again, you’d probably end up having to get your O W N cell if that happened.”
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❝  you  were  my  first  choice  ,  actually  .  ❞  and  he  looks  entirely  too  cheerful  for  the  way  the  room  sat  on  his  shoulders  (  but  that’s  what  he’s  always  been  good  at  ,  standing  tall  and  confident  and  so  sure  among  ashes  )  .  it’s  also  too  easy  to  lie  about  his  situation  ,  about  how  he  had  asked  so  many  people  for  a  place  before  settling  on  hers  when  they  had  all  rejected  him  .  she  wasn’t  his  first  choice  at  all  .  he  lounges  against  the  cushions  ,  eyes  following  her  as  he  contemplates  her  words  .  ❝  it’s  okay  to  admit  the  truth  ,  you  know  ?  i’d  be  flattered  to  know  you  really  cared  about  my  life  .  ❞  he’s  teasing  her  now  ,  evident  by  the  way  his  eyes  crinkle  up  in  a  smile  .  jaemin  sits  up  ,  clasps  his  hands  together  in  prayer  and  raises  them  towards  the  ceiling  .  ❝  oh  ,  kind  god  from  above  .  thank  you  for  bringing  dahlia  into  my  life  and  making  sure  i’m  spending  the  night  on  a  lumpy  couch  and  not  a  wooden  bench  .  ❞  he  raises  an  eyebrow  at  her  before  saying  ,  ❝  i  wouldn’t  mind  sharing  a  holding  cell  .  what’s  the  worst  that  could  happen  ?  someone  gets  stabbed  ?  ❞
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dawnday · 5 years
𝐣𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐯𝐮𝐬.   /   guanyin.
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      “ if you’re just going to be a buzz kill then why even come with me ?? ” he questioned, glitter specs from his shift still coating his cheeks, collarbones, and neck alike. “ if you’re gonna be a wimp about it, then just turn back now. ”
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❝  i  just  —  ❞  words  purposely  cut  themselves  off  .  he  knows  the  other  has  a  point  ,  as  harsh  as  the  words  come  .  yeol  tugs  at  the  fabric  of  his  shirt  in  quiet  contemplation  ,  shoes  shuffling  across  the  floor  before  he  murmurs  ,  ❝  i’ll  just  go  with  you  ,  i’m  sorry  .  i  didn’t  mean  to  kill  the  mood  .  ❞  he  tries  to  extend  an  olive  branch  ,  gentle  in  his  next  question  .  ❝  what  are  we  doing  ?  ❞
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dawnday · 5 years
𝐡𝐜𝐧𝐞𝐲𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬·.   /   asu.
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   “  of  course  it  hurts. “  asu’s  statement  was  quite  typical ,  her  mind  being  quick  enough  to  come  up  with  a  striking  answer . however,  she  couldn’t  say  no  to  his  proposal ,  so  she  gave  him  an  affirmative  nod . “ let’s  get  all ,  what  do  you  think ? i’m  starving ,  really . “
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❝  thanks  for  the  support  ,  ❞  he  murmurs  .  there  really  wasn’t  much  in  him  except  exhaustion  and  facts  ,  so  tired  eyes  turn  towards  her  ,  an  eyebrow  raising  at  her  answer  .  ❝  you  know  i  listed  a  few  options  ,  right  ?  can  you  really  stomach  it  all  ?  ❞  there’s  a  pause  before  he  says  ,  ❝  well  ,  i  wouldn’t  mind  coffee  and  bagels  .  ❞
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dawnday · 5 years
𝐢𝐫𝐫𝐞𝐠𝐮𝐥𝐜𝐫𝐬·.   /   sebastian.
        ‘    um,  alright,    ’  sebastian  hummed  when  the  box  was  practically  shoved  at  him  &&  he  raised  an  eyebrow,  looking  carefully.    ‘    &&  why  is  that  i  am  the  one  tasting  this  &&  not  you  if  your  step  mom  was  the  one  to  make  them  ??      ’  
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❝  the  short  answer  is  she  doesn’t  like  me  ,  and  i  don’t  like  her  .  ❞  he  tilts  his  chin  up  towards  the  box  again  ,  all  cheshire  grins  .  ❝  besides  ,  i’d  have  to  be  extremely  drunk  to  try  out  anything  she  makes  for  me  .  the  pettiness  runs  deep  .  ❞  he  says  ,  and  his  shoulders  tilt  up  in  a  small  shrug  .
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dawnday · 5 years
𝐰𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐟𝐮𝐥𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐲.   /   jaiden.
jaiden looked to her and then nodded his head again. “yes? i am …” he noted, “besides, can’t you just … you know … toss them?” he asked her, his expression smug as if he had just come up with the best idea ever. “then you don’t need my help and you’ll be done quicker,” he exclaimed, crossing his arms.
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❝  can’t  i  just  —  ❞  she  cuts  herself  off  and  scoffs  .  all  traces  of  sugary  sweetness  slip  off  her  features  ,  and  she  rolls  her  eyes  ,  expression  cutting  .  ❝  toss  them  ?  are  you  serious  ?  are  you  five  years  old  ,  maybe  ?  ❞  she  huffs  before  shoving  the  flyers  into  her  bag  .  ❝  i  changed  my  mind  ,  i  don’t  want  your  help  anymore  .  it’d  be  easier  to  train  a  dog  to  help  me  than  it  is  to  ask  you  .  ❞
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dawnday · 5 years
gonna do som replies !!! 
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dawnday · 5 years
i want to play a jock type who falls in love with the cute nerdy boy in one of his classes but won’t do anything about it because he has a hot girlfriend and he ‘can’t be gay’ but then maybe one day he gets assigned to a group project with cute nerdy boy and is forced to interact with him and the whole time the other is wondering why this big tough guy is acting so nervous
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dawnday · 5 years
updated my rules to remove the part abt shipping hehe
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dawnday · 5 years
𝐰𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐟𝐮𝐥𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐲.   /   jaiden.
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even if jaiden would never admit it aloud, the reason he wanted to say no was simply because he was lazy. his desire to be a good person didn’t ever trump his desire to be lazy. it was as simple as that. “how about you do it yourself and i’ll buy you a nice dinner as a reward, hm? then, you don’t even have to spend your money!”
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‘  ah  ,  seriously  .  ‘  she  groans  and  shoves  half  of  the  flyers  into  his  chest  ,  saccharine  smile  still  present  on  features  that  were  beginning  to  carry  the  strains  of  arguing  .  ‘  that’s  not  the  same  !  i’ll  still  have  to  hand  this  all  out  by  myself  .  are  you  really  going  to  say  no  to  a  pretty  face  ?  ‘
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