daxxximus · 7 years
Which is cooler: unicorns or dragons?
“Unicorns would probably taste better.”
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daxxximus · 7 years
If you were really hungry, really exhausted, AND really gross, what would you do first — eat, nap, or shower?
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daxxximus · 7 years
A secret wish.
“It’s a secret.”
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daxxximus · 7 years
is there someone you will never forget?
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daxxximus · 7 years
Favorite ice cream flavor?
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daxxximus · 7 years
What is a fact about yourself that others find hard to believe?
“I get a few laughs when I say I’m the cook. Just a few.”
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daxxximus · 7 years
If you were given a blank sheet of paper, a pencil, and nothing to do, what would happen?
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daxxximus · 7 years
What activities do you enjoy, but consider a waste of time?
“If you enjoy it, it’s not a waste. Do what you want... But stay out of my kitchen!”
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daxxximus · 7 years
What's your nightly routine? Your morning routine?
“Wake. Freshen up. Cook breakfast. Cook dinner. Clean up. Sleep.”
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daxxximus · 7 years
What's one kitchen appliance/item you wish the Spectre owned?
“A dishwasher. What, you think the dishes fuckin’ clean themselves?”
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daxxximus · 7 years
What's something no one asks you that you'd really like to talk about?
“As if I want to talk about anything.”
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daxxximus · 7 years
What is one unique thing you’re afraid of?
“I was born in the pits.”
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daxxximus · 7 years
If you were a world leader, what would you stand for?
“I don’t know.”
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daxxximus · 7 years
Three things that make you happy? Three things that piss you off?
“Food. Cooking food. Eating food. And maybe you can guess three things that piss me off.”
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daxxximus · 7 years
Yiran was ready with her sword and kept her eyes locked on the men in front of her. However, in her peripheral she could see Dax rolling his shoulders and immediately her eyes lit up and a devious look over took her entire face. She wasn’t kidding when she said that they were going to get fucked up. To Yiran, that was a word of warning. It was one last chance to make it out of here unscathed. However, none of them headed her warning. They all shakily stood their ground. Too bad for them.
Yiran saw the men raise their rifles and despite the wicked little grin on her face, she felt her starting to heart race. She didn’t have her bo staff, so she didn’t have an extended reach that would let her knock the weapons out of their hands and she definitely wasn’t fast enough to avoid a bullet unless she ducked before hand. And even that was dicey. However, her worries about the riflemen were, quite literally, knocked away when Dax threw his bag of groceries at the men. She was about to burst into a short fit of laughter as they crumpled underneath the weigh when she  saw Dax extend his arm and held out his hand to her.
While Yiran would normally make a joke, something along the lines of ‘Aww, you wanna hold my hand? I knew I was wearing you down!’ but she knew exactly what an extended hand from Dax in the middle of a battle field meant. Yiran’s dark eyes lit up at the prospect and she quickly sheathed her stolen blade, stuck it into her belt loop and grabbed Dax’s arm. Like a pair of practiced dance partners, the two of them only exchanged a look before they were perfectly in sync with each other. Yiran kicked off and jumped into the air and Dax, using his immense strength, swung her around while she delivered a series of kicks to the jaws of anyone that was unfortunate to get close enough. Yiran had fully expected Dax to put her down so she could jump at the people closest to her, but much to her surprise she found herself being violently swung upward.
“WHOA!” Yiran yelped as she soared through the air. Anyone else would have just plummeted and fallen on their ass, but Yiran twisted her body enough to let herself flip through the air in a graceful arc. She managed to land, feet first, in a crouch on the roof just above Dax. “NAILED IT!” she shouted, despite the fact the she had stumble a little bit upon landing. Thankfully, she was high up enough and flung far enough on the roof that no one saw the mistake in her normally flawless form. “Wait, Dax where are you go- Oh JEEZ! I GOT IT!” Yiran yelled frantically as she rushed forward to catch the bag Dax had been carrying. Maybe at some point she might say that it was a crazy thing to do, but Yiran’s mind was going a mile a minute and her body was acting on instinct. She quickly ran forward, arms outstretched to catch the flying bag of meat. The bag was so heavy it nearly knocked the tiny acrobat on her ass, but she managed to catch it. Or at the very least, stop it with her body. Yiran let out a groan of pain, her body aching from where the bag had hit her, but pushed through it to set it down and run to the edge of the roof. “C’mon!” she shouted over the chaos, as she extended her hand. Was Yiran thinking about the fact that Dax was probably significantly heavier than her? No. But he was one of their own and she wasn’t just going to leave him behind.
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As Dax bent down to pick up his shopping, above him he could hear Yiran exclaim a loud “NAILED IT”, and he allowed a little smirk to grace his features, before getting back to the task at hand. In truth he wouldn’t have risked throwing anyone else. Neither had Dax really expected her to catch what else he was throwing - only that she would stop it from rolling off the rooftop - but she did, and he was impressed nonetheless. That was what Dax liked about Yiran, she was trustworthy, especially in a fight. In all honesty it had taken him a while to learn how to fight in a team, as part of a crew, but if anyone had helped him open up, it was Yiran. Whether or not she was aware of it at the time.  
Her style was nothing like Dax knew; in the gladiatorial pits, brute strength was what won battles. Up against monsters captured from all four corners of the universe, speed and agility, could only get you so far, until you either got tired, or the audience got bored, because sure enough, speed was not going to be able to cut off the head of a beast when the time came. Yiran however was a performer, and Dax was somewhat charmed by the way Yiran flew above everyone, up in the solar sails of the ship. Not that he would ever mention it, but he showed it in his own way, such as being somewhat drawn to her whenever a battle broke out. It was true what they said, opposites did attract, from a purely fighting stand point.
As he scaled the side of the building, sure enough, the men below were gaining their senses, calling reinforcements and drawing their weapons. One of the riflemen who had not been entirely crushed, had recovered by now, and was aiming her weapon at the rooftops. Dax grunted as just to his right the wall exploded in a rain of bricks, as a bullet just missed his shoulder and collided with the building. It wasn’t long however till he reached the top, for contrary to popular belief, Dax was not averse to climbing. In the wilderness, he’d climbed trees, scaled everything from cliffs to waterfalls, and not unlike a regular caveman, he quickly scaled up to where Yiran was extending her arm. It was almost endearing, but Dax wasn’t one to dwell on such thoughts, and he took her hand only so he could pull her away from the edge, where the bullets were soon flying in a steadier stream. “Get back!” He sounded angry, but he was more concerned than anything. Suddenly they were out of the line of sight of the riflemen, and Dax moved to collect his groceries, swinging the sack over his shoulder. In the distance he was sure he could see the Spectre, and for what he could tell, there was a lot of movement going on around it. Squadrons of navy men were on the move towards the docks, and soon a few would be heading in the pair’s direction. Still his breathing was slow, not giving much away, though realizing now how serious of a predicament they were in. He turned back to Yiran, “Lead the way.”
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daxxximus · 7 years
Waffles, oatmeal, or pancakes?
“What are those?”
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daxxximus · 7 years
Who’s the funniest crew member? Most annoying? Most confusing? Most endearing?
“You’re all the most annoying.”
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