dayoooooooon-blog · 8 years
tagged by @askthatoden and @ichimatsuskittycorner​
Name: Ariel Birthday: November 1st Gender: Probably a girl Relationship Status: Forever happily single aro/ace (And I know this is usually in a romantic sense, but I have a life partner~ Taken I guess?) Zodiac: Scorpio, ox Sibling(s): A twin sis and a lil bro. Favorite color: Greenish-blue, blue, green, black Wake-up Time and Bed Time: 5:00am, 9:00pm (sometimes earlier or later) Type of Phone: Android Love or Lust? : Friendship love~~~ Lemonade or Iced Tea?: Lemonade, I hate tea. I’m not a fan of lemonade either. I hate sour stuff. It’s okay if it’s sweetened enough I guess. Cats or Dogs? : CATS! I only like one dog and she’s hardly a dog. Coke or Pepsi?: I hate soda. Text or Call?: Text, I hate my voice/lisp so I’d rather avoid speaking…. Make-up or Natural?: natural. Met a celebrity?: Only my town “superhero” I guess. Eyes or Smile?: Smile. Looking at eyes makes me nervous, I hate eye contact…. Light or Dark hair? : Light I guess. I just know red hair is the BEST! Shorter or Taller?: Shorter, I like being the tallest one in the friend group. B) I don’t really care much honestly. Intelligence or Attractiveness?: Intelligence, I’m ugly anyways ahahaha. City or Country?: City, the country is so inconvenient and has bad internet. Last song I listened to: Does "Yer Dead Right Mate" count if it played in my head?
People to tag: I think the only ones I know that haven’t been tagged and I’ve talked to are
@sheehyami @pisces-idol @originalmatsu @doctordekapan
Do it if you want I guess.
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dayoooooooon-blog · 8 years
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Ahhhhh… it feels so great to be back in Akatsuka again, ah Kaoru-chan? It’s been forever and a day! Besides a few taller, newer buildings, the place don’t look that much different than it was the last time we were here! I just hope my services won’t be needed that much, but knowing this place who knows…….
Look who’s back, back again. Officer Katsumi Yatsugashira has been away from Akatsuka for quite a while hasn’t he? Don’t be shy, he is your friendly neighborhood officer who is here to help anyone who might need it (even those who might not). This blog is open to asks, role plays be them single lines or paragraphs. Hit me up~!
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dayoooooooon-blog · 8 years
((I used my one fair IC vote on Momo since Dayon wouldn't feel right with voting for himself.))
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dayoooooooon-blog · 8 years
((I can't believe Osomatsu didn't cheat.))
(Is Oso one of the ones who didn’t cheat? I mean, he only got 5 votes so.)
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dayoooooooon-blog · 8 years
((but it's fine. Momo and Dayon will run the country well.) ((The cheating was for the greater good.))
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dayoooooooon-blog · 8 years
((Anyone who got beyond 10 is probably a big filthy cheater.))
((Confession: Yesterday I stuffed the votes.))
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dayoooooooon-blog · 8 years
((I started cheating because Iyami somehow got a surge of votes. Hmmmmm, I wonder how a fair election would look like.))
((Confession: Yesterday I stuffed the votes.))
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dayoooooooon-blog · 8 years
((Honestly that’s just like how any Osomatsu-san election ep would turn out. Everyone is scummy on a least some level and WILL cheat.))
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dayoooooooon-blog · 8 years
#out of character ((That'd be completely IC for Iyami to say lol.))
((Confession: Yesterday I stuffed the votes.))
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dayoooooooon-blog · 8 years
((So it's been confirmed that any major players had cheating involved.))
((Confession: Yesterday I stuffed the votes.))
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dayoooooooon-blog · 8 years
((I got infinite votes since in Google Chrome incognito mode cookies aren't saved. And pfffft, I assumed Momo did it but didn't even consider Chibita.))
((Confession: Yesterday I stuffed the votes.))
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dayoooooooon-blog · 8 years
((Confession: Yesterday I stuffed the votes.))
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dayoooooooon-blog · 8 years
who is this 'she' you asked about? why is it important if 'she' is ready?? (and congrats on winning presidency)
((I assume she is Momo, but I don’t remember specifically which post this ask refers to.))
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dayoooooooon-blog · 8 years
((I go to bed and Iyami and Oso wanna kill the president.))
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dayoooooooon-blog · 8 years
((What’s gonna even happen with the winner(s) lol.))
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dayoooooooon-blog · 8 years
#We should get candy!#or dango!!#sweets!!
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“I’d definitely be up for dango, it sure has been awhile~~ dayon!”
" Momo votes for Mister Dayon!!! Momo will be his vice president!! "
“Thank you Momo! Wanna run together and ask the poll maker if we can merge our votes?”(( @pisces-idol ))
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dayoooooooon-blog · 8 years
How does two presidents even make sense?! Listen guys, I know you were just worried I would get all the attention but HEAR ME OUT. I have a plan to make everyone happy!
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