dazed-into-eternity · 8 years
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dazed-into-eternity · 8 years
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dazed-into-eternity · 8 years
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dazed-into-eternity · 8 years
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dazed-into-eternity · 8 years
please reblog this if your blog is safe for asexuals
(an ace safe space)
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dazed-into-eternity · 8 years
a relationship full of rough sex, blunts and bongs, and conversations about our universe and existence is what i crave
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dazed-into-eternity · 8 years
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Watch: He goes on to prove that this a slap in the face to the uniform — and yet totally accepted.
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dazed-into-eternity · 8 years
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dazed-into-eternity · 8 years
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dazed-into-eternity · 8 years
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dazed-into-eternity · 8 years
trans day of visibility
so for trans visibility day let me take you through a fun little timeline
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here ya got wee little kirby
skip forward i’m around 10 here, i was at my favorite place in the world, kiawah island south carolina
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just look at that sass
i was pretty confident in myself i mean look at those hair extensions
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skip forward to thanksgiving 2013, i was thirteen years old and wearing a dress. i had always wanted to look nice for things like this, important holidays and such. and i felt wearing a dress was the right thing to do so that’s what i did. 
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now we are getting to the darker part
so during 8th grade i was dealing with so much, on top of that i was so confused about who i was. i was continually dealing with the stress of my depression, anxiety, and other mental issues plus all of this unsure of what the hell was going on in my mind
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this is me near the end of march.
april 15th i tried to commit suicide and i ended up in hospital with a .42 BAC, i should’ve died.
i met this person, named dj. they told me how they wer genderfluid and they showed me a whole new spectrum of genders. the fact i fell in love with them is so besides the point, because what they did for me is opened me up more and helped me show me who i was.
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this was me about a week after i got out of the hospital, i stayed there for about 2 ½ weeks. 
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so this is me at the beginning of ninth grade, i was still tryng to fit into what i thought i was supposed to be and wear even though i knew deep down something was off. 
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this was homecoming, i remmeber how uncomfrotable i was in that dress, yet i just felt like i HAD to wear one, i HAD to be a girl
around winter of 2014 i began to identify as genderfluid, i told my first person, my friend maura and she was very accepting
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i began to dress more masculine when i was home alone and tried to hide my hair because it was causing me dysphoria
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yet somedays, like spirit week where i dressed up as carmilla, i still tried to put on a girly front. 
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i hadn’t gotten my hair cut like ever, and it was so amazing. march 29th, 2015 was the first day i took a step towards accepting who i was
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then we got my hair dyed ! major step forward. i was slowly feeling more comfortable with who i was. 
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yet there was still apart of me who didn’t feel like what i was was right. so i still tried to do that girly front, wore a dress for homecoming 2015
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i began getting really deprssed again and my only savior was band, this was me the last day of band at state finals. my eyes were stained from crying becuase i didn’t know what i would do. luckily i still had theatre
but then i got my first dress shirt
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i finally felt like i had something that i could wear and feel comfortable in
then a mircale happened
i got a binder january 2nd 2016
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i felt like i could finally breathe, ironic right
yet 2016 brought so many more struggles, a few suicide attempts, some relapses, etc. but this is also the year i’ve been most comfortable with my body
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slowly but surely i am becomine more accepting and comfortable with myself. wheter i’m ftm or just non-binary, who the hell knows? ( i know i sure don’t)
right now i’m just working on loving myself for the gender confused messed i am
so in conclusion. i’m kirby. i’m non-binary. and my pronouns are they/them and maybe he/him who the fuck knows
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dazed-into-eternity · 8 years
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If I’m going to be a role model, I would rather kids idolize my intention to do good and my intention to be myself and my intention to be different rather than my actions. I think my intentions are more admirable than my actions.
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dazed-into-eternity · 8 years
Dating advice from Commander Shepard.
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dazed-into-eternity · 8 years
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dazed-into-eternity · 8 years
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dazed-into-eternity · 8 years
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Robert Downey Jr. and his son Exton Downey photographed by Sam Jones.
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dazed-into-eternity · 8 years
I used to be lucky to download a few songs overnight on my computer and now I get upset if I can’t automatically stream HD movies on my phone right away.
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