dazuya · 2 years
Winery's Full!
Diluc is in for the surprise of his life when a seemingly normal visit from his brother turned into meeting his significant other.
Another day of the Calvary Captain annoying his brother. All he had to do was stand and smile. Always worked like a charm. Although Diluc wore an annoyed expression on his face. He was secretly happy they could take small steps to repair a severed relationship.
"Shouldn't you have work right now? Or do the knights always laze around like you do?" He said while sighing and going back to sealing his wine barrel. It was just the right time to start the fermentation process. His pyro vision provided a little warmth to it.
"Well, I am here on buisness! It's to call you to the headquarters and have you go over some strategies. Of course, take your time. I can spend all day seeing your irritated face." Diluc wanted nothing more than to kick him but resorted not to as he saw someone make their way to the winery.
"I'm sorry but this place isn't open fo-" Before he could finish his sentence, He saw Kaeya run over to them and hug them. He didn't think he'd get to see his brother so soft in front of him. Not like this, at least.
"Kaeya! I told you not to do that in public!" She said flustered while Kaeya held her hand and made their way to Diluc. Diluc gulped. He didn't know how to face this. His brother was about to introduce his girlfriend to him. He should have wore better clothes. Jesus, His hair was unkept. Is this how first impression should be made?
"You must be Diluc! Kaeya talks fondly of you two. It's nice to finally meet you. He kept pushing it off to meet you. So i thought I'd just come here myself. I'm his wife, Y/n." If his heart wasn't about to give up, It would definitely now. His wife? Just what had Kaeya done when He wasn't around for a year or two. Why hadn't he heard of it when he came back. Kaeya didn't even wear a ring- Oh. It was around his neck like a pendent wasn't it?
"It's a pleasure to meet you. I'll freshen up and meet you at the manor. Please let one of the maids seat you down." Just as Kaeya was about to slip away. Diluc made sure to say that he wanted him to stay. Grabbing his a bit too hard and smiling at him.
"And dear brother. Stay back, won't you?" Kaeya bit the inside of his cheek. He was in trouble. Maybe he should've told him before. But it was fun looking at his shocked eyes.
"What is it, Diluc?"
"Don't ask me 'what is it?' You really got married without even telling me anything? Sure, i wasn't there for a year but you could've told me when i came back. I know we don't have the best of relation-" He was cut short from his lecture when he heard the blue hair snort and let out a geniune laugh. He was about to go off on him. But Diluc was interrupted by him.
"I was going to tell you sooner but you know with the things occupying us for the past few months. But certainly, i think it was worth it to see you reacting like this. Haha. I can barely keep it in." Diluc yet again when faced in his front of his brother laughing at him, He couldn't help but want to laugh with him. He'd let the pirate wannabe have his fun for now. After all he could always show his wife the embarrassing pictures he took of her dear husband as a child.
That was problem for later though. For now, it was to make a good impression on you so that he can finally have another go brotherhood.
"Whatever. You can just tell me things you know. Now, let's hurry and meet my sister in law. She might think I'm beating you up or something." The evening was suddenly a lot cooler. The brothers felt content with this. This isn't so bad after all.
Mumbling a sorry of an excuse, They spent the evening bonding over Kaeya's weird sleeping positions. Maybe the winery would be more hearty with a few more people living in it.
Right when the couple was about to leave, He stopped them.
"You guys could maybe stay over here, you know? Of course, only if you want to. I think it would be less quieter with Kaeya running his mouth day and night." Diluc said while wiping his mouth after a hefty dinner and side eyeing them.
Kaeya almost spit out his wine if it wasn't for his wife putting a handkerchief in front of his mouth. "I- we'll think about it." He said. It was his turn to be shocked.
"Oh? Cat got your tongue, captain?" The table for three erupted in laughs. Kaeya eyed the people he loved most. He could get used to being a punching bag of jokes.
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dazuya · 2 years
Treat My Heart
Diluc can't stop himself from thinking about Doctor! reader while getting treated.
Diluc internally cursed himself at the situation he's in. He can't exactly confess to his Doctor. At least not when he was stabbed by one of the Fatui members. But the way they're gently treating his injuries while scolding him about being careful was making him feel butterflies through the pain.
'Ah to hold you in my arms' he thought. That thought came to a halt when he slapped himself. He should keep things professional. He's a patient right now. But he can't deny he hasn't pretended like he's hurt so that he can come by their office.
"Diluc? What do you say?" His train wreck of a thought is interrupted by them. Of course, he wasn't listening. He was too immersed in looking at the way their lips moved, he forgot to get what they were saying.
"I said that you don't have to come to my office everyday-" He was shocked. Did they find out? God how he hopes he won't come off as creepy. 'I should've had some self restraint.' He thought.
Suddenly feeling a warm hand on his cheek he saw them smiling at him fondly. "I meant, Don't get hurt to see me. Just wine and dine me. I'm sure you already know a thing or two about that no?"
Suddenly the room felt way hotter than it should've. Was it his pyro vision or the pure body heat that came with those words. God. A doctor's supposed to save him, not be the death of him.
"I'll take you up on that offer." He smiled back.
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dazuya · 2 years
Black Isn't Your Colour, Royal Purple Is.
A funeral is surrounded by black everywhere. Except You should be in Purple.
tw: Dead character.
After the death of one of the Captains in the Knights' of Favonious due to the Abyss attack that happened in Mondstadt. A funeral to honor them was kept. Everyone from the city was present. Including their lover, Kaeya.
He couldn't not attend it. One last goodbye perhaps. Anything to extend seeing them before a painful last seeing.
The Knights placing a flower each and giving their best to not break down. Their friends honouring their friend and keeping it together. Jean was stoic. She couldn't break down. Not right now. Maybe in the office late at night when no one would be there to hear her sobs and scold Y/n for not speaking up sooner.
Lisa could only sadly smile at them. Carrying a picture of both of them when they got out of the academy. One where both of them were hugging and smiling, Celebreating the fact that they survived hell there. Her black gloved hands would gently caress the picture.
Diluc kept a disappointed look. Everytime he saw the coffin where they lied, A tear would roll down his face. His hand coming to wipe it but somehow they wouldn't stop. A Watch on his hand. Just gifted on his previous birthday. He couldn't look at the time. It seemed to have stop. But he'd still wear it. Everyday. He wouldn't repair it. He'd keep that moment frozen in time.
The famous bard for having a witty humour was down in dumps. The moment Captain was able to drink alcohol. He was there. The good times they had were shattered in front of him.
"Another friend leaving after doing good huh?" He said. And left the chruch to sit atop his statue to look over the city for now.
Everyone was dressed in black. Their friends, The citizens of Mondstadt. The Anemo Archon. Their lover.
Kaeya knew that black wasn't for them. The moment he saw them laying there. It was real. This actually happened. He wouldn't kiss them anymore. He couldn't give witty remarks. He couldn't love. Not like he once did. Never like he once did.
Kaeya entered the church where the Funeral was held. He had a drained look. Like he didn't sleep for days waiting for someone. In his arms was a beautiful purple scarf. A bouquet of purple flowers along with it. It had gold embroidery and in bold letters it said "Y.A" Almost giving away the fact that they might've already been married.
He made his way to his beloved. Slowly placing the scarf on them. The flowers falling down like when cherry blossoms did. It was beautiful and sad. He put his forehead against their and said "Black doesn't suit you my dear. Purple does." Finally crying his soul out. No one dared to to stop him. No one saw it as disrespectful. It was a confession. A secret confession as to how he would always pour his heart out for them.
"May we be reunited and live together, My royalty." He stayed there. Even after the night passed. He stayed there waiting. For a tomorrow without them and without hope.
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dazuya · 2 years
If That's How We Reunite, So Be It
Ragnvider! adopted! reader going to Mondstadt after a decade with their new family, Only to be reminded of the things they went through by their old one.
Part 2 for Dark and Cold.
"So sweetie, We have one day off for now. Is there anything you wanna do? Or do you just wanna stay in and play with the new recruits? Hmm?" Childe asked. Although he never had a shimmer in his eyes. You could tell he was gentle to people he cared for. You could tell his words hold honesty and love.
"I do want to show you around places i loved as a kid. But you know, only if you like to, brother Ajax." You said shy and not being able to look him in the eye. You wanted to show him sides the he had shown to you. He would tell you about his family. Take you to his family. Take you to places that were special to him because you were his own. And now, you would tell him just that. That he was your brother. That without him, you would've passed that night.
"Well, Yes! i definitely would love to! This is the first time we're here and it would be amazing for you to show me around. Do you want the others to come?" He asked smiling and already out of the couch to get ready. Although you'd love to show your friends in the Fatui your old hometown. You'd show it to them another time. Not right now.
"Just you. I'll take them later. Anyways, the first place i want to take you to is windrise. Follow me!" Maybe the inner child in you always wanted someone to go there with. That place had one large Tree infront of the Anemo Archon's statue. It was the perfect place to climb up and just sing your heart out.
"Alright, Alright. Hey now! Don't trip over nothing. I don't want to carry you around all day yeah?" He said following you. Walking from your inn. You guys made your way to windrise. While you were going on about how the tree is so big and beautiful. Childe would look over you with a gentle smile. Sure you might be twenty five now. He still sees you as the fifteen year old he took in that day.
While you guys were walking there, Three people made sure you couldn't see them following you. Aether was worried that the Harbinger and his supposed subordinates were going out to make trouble. While Diluc and Kaeya were making sure that you weren't in danger. Sure they can't look after you when you're outside Mondstadt, They could least keep their mind at ease for now.
Aether was confused as to why Diluc was joining them. Kaeya, he could understand. Kaeya was a captain so it made sense that he would be there to maintain peace in the city. Diluc was a night owl. He would protect the city at night. But somehow, he left his office for today. Brushing it off, they were sneaky enough to be without ear shot distance but not be seen.
"So, This is the tree i was talking about! Isn't it Huge? Seems like it's grown a bunch since last time. Come on! let's climb it." You started to make your way on top of a branch which would support both you and childe. Childe just followed you and sat next to you.
"I'd come here whenever, my gaurdian would go to work with his kids. They were older than me so they had things to do. While, I'd sit here and look over the lake. It still looks beautiful. Doesn't it, Ajax?" A small smile on your face. It certainly was the same tree you were on. The memories came back to you. What started as a hum turned into fully fledged singing. While you were swinging your legs dangling from the branch.
Childe felt inner peace. Maybe coming to Mondstadt with you wasn't such a bad idea after all. Aether stared at you wide eyed. He wasn't that submerged into someone doing anything. Not less a Fatui memeber! Should he be admitting to find you ethereal? No but he can't lie to himself.
While the Ragnvider brother's felt somewhat relieved. That you still didn't stop singing. The same song they taught you to sing when you left lonely, Or when you were happy! They couldn't tell which one you were right now. But considering the way you smiled to Childe and his subordinates, It was clear that were happy.
"You've been hiding such a voice for me? I've been hurt. Just wait until everyone hears about this!" He joked to you. Ruffling your hair. Laughs echoed through the place. Getting down from the tree carefully, You decided to make your way to thousand winds temple. It was still in ruins, The same ruin gaurd lurking and taking rounds mindlessly.
"I'd come here to fight it sometimes! Because i didn't have a vision, I would just use sword. It wouldn't work as well and the tavern owner would come save me. But now since you taught me how to use a bow. I think i can take it on my own. So keep your eyes on me brother! After this, We'll sit on that point there. We can see the tree in windrise from here." You said almost eager to show him how hard you'd practice with your bow and make sure to make it a point to get better and make him proud. Before Childe could say anything to object you from fighting, He didn't have the heart to say no to you. He just let you be for now.
Aiming your bow at the core of the ruin gaurd, you infused it with your electro element and shot it accurately. Just like how you'd be taught. When it was down, you got close to finish the job with sword. After dusting your legs and hands, You made your way to him. Who was waiting to tell you that you did good.
"Is This what you've been doing in the ruin labs? You've gotten better i must say! Just don't get yourself in dangerous situation yeah?" He chimed. Looking out for you.
The three people who'd been following you had their weapons out. Just in case something went wrong. Diluc smiled to himself. You've grown to be able to protect yourself. Something he wanted to do. But he left you to do it on your own. Kaeya was kind of proud that you didn't let go of the sword skills he had taught you way back when you were younger. Chuckling to himself when you'd complain about it being hard when right now you were doing it without breaking a sweat.
Aether was entranced, once again. He couldn't help but admire you. You might be on the other side of his journey but he wouldn't mind taking a breather with you as his stop. Paimon made note to keep his love sick gaze for you in her mind.
"You know, I thought i was going to die that day. Thank you for taking me in. I was abandoned by my mother in front of a church. A kind man took me in. Only to be killed later, And then I met you! I wouldn't wanna go through it again but i think having my family now makes me think maybe it was worth living for. Of course you don't have to consider me as one! Just.. Thank you so much. It might not have been the best to fight and go out killing people but if i get to protect you from harm's way and your family then i think it's good enough for me, Brother Ajax." You were starting to tear up. Childe brought his hand to wipe away the tears. He pulled you in for a warm hug.
"I don't think I've ever made a better decision. And don't talk nonsense. You are and will always be my family. Even though you're stubborn. A little hostile to people. Please get along with other Fatui Harbingers. They're not bad you know? But Regardless of all that. I'm proud of you and how long you've come. Again, you don't have to come with me. Just stay with our family back home. I'll come visit you guys." The chilly windy was carrying sentiments of years which bottled inside of everyone there.
"I would always want to know you're safe. So i think I'll always join you. Even when you wouldn't want me." After a heartfelt talk between you guys. You were making your way to the city, when you noticed blonde hair in the side of your vision. Telling Childe to wait until you went and picked some flowers was an excuse to check this out.
The Ragnvider brother's made their way to childe. Not to threaten him. But to talk and find a way to perhaps connect with you.
"Look, We just want to talk about them. I know it seems like a laughable attempt to repair something that's been shattered. We just can't help it. Just once, Can we talk to them? With you or without you. Anything works." Kaeya was trying to come to an agreement while Diluc was nervously glancing around making sure you don't see them talking.
"And Why would i do that? Do you take me for a fool? I think it'd be best if you let it go. I don't want to comfort them again regarding you guys. It's heartbreaking for me." Childe hissed. Yes, he didn't want them near you. But some part of his heart wanted you to heal with them. If this had been with sibling or you. He would reach out too. He understood that. Pondering on it for a while.
"Don't come near them. I'll give you one last thing. Here. Take these. I found these on them the day i found them. I doubt they remember anything but here. Now i suggest that you take your leave before sweetie comes. And like i said. I will always make sure they're happy." Childe handed over a pair of earrings to kaeya and a wooden bracelet to Diluc. They had the initials "K.R" and "D.R" on them. Their heart swelled up and broke down. So this is what you were excited about. This is what you wanted to give them but never could.
They left. They couldn't face you again. Not when you had left such a previous thing to process. While Aether was confronted by you.
"Why were you following us?" You asked glaring at him. He merely gave you a sheepish smile and explained that he was just going around seeing Mondstadt.
Considering how his clothes weren't of Mondstadt origin. You believed him. He was a traveller from a far. So maybe it wouldn't be too bad to show him around later too. Just some genric places while you stayed here.
"I see. Well, I'll certainly see you around. Maybe show you a place or two. But don't get on my brother's bad side!" Right when you said that childe creeped up behind you. Aether's eyes were begging Childe to pretend they don't know each other.
"Well what do we have here hm? Aether and Y/n huh? What're you doing? It's getting late. Let's go back and have dinner." He said. You were confused as to how he knew him but that would be another conversation. Since your brother already knew of him. Maybe he wasn't a bad guy you thought.
"Okay. We'll take out leave.. Aether." With that the both of you left to your inn. Aether felt like he could certainly catch you up on that offer for a tour around.
Meanwhile the brothers were content. Not to their heart feelings but at least enough. They couldn't meet you outright. But at least they got one step closer. If this is how you reunite, step by step. Then so be it.
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dazuya · 2 years
Thinking about how Diluc would keep a picture of his sibling and kaeya in his office and whenever Kaeya comes over on behalf of the Knights, Diluc would put the picture down because he doesn't want kaeya to know about it.
But Kaeya has already seen it and refuses to acknowledge it because he doesn't want to tease Diluc about that cuz he has the same picture in his home too >•<
"Why do you always keep that frame facing down?"
"That's none of your buisness. Just finish up your meeting. And on your way out take some soup."
"My, i didn't know you cared for my meals."
"Shut it. Adeline suggested it since she made too much soup."
"I'll see you around, brother."
"I- You too."
Diluc couldn't sleep that night because Kaeya called him brother after a long and he wasn't even drunk. T.T
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dazuya · 2 years
Don't smile at me like that
Knights of Favonious! reader trying to keep calm when everyone's been saved. Everyone will be alive, right?
tw: //blood, injuries and death.
Mondstadt had mostly been a quite town with people living freely. Or just as they say. It's the city of freedom! Everyone doing their own thing. But gathering together as one nation.
It had also seen it's fair share of crimes. Mostly petty thefts or some brute force here and there. But what it hadn't been subjected to was an attack. A brutal violent attack ordered by the abyss. After taking control of Divalian had failed. They struck the heart of Mondstadt. It's city. Everyone had been instructed to stay in their homes. While the Knights fought endlessly for their freedom.
After days of going on, After days of madness, After days of shedding blood. It seemed to stop. Thank the lord barbatos. He seemed to listened to his people and helped them.
Everyone sighed a breath of relief. In the headquarters right after the war. The soliders were tended to. Most of them had small cuts and maybe a broken rib or two. The Captains along with mondstadt's dark Knight, Diluc gathered in the Acting grand master Jean's room.
Everyone sighed a breath of gratefulness. Finally, The city was okay. None of the citizens were harmed. None of the Knights actually lost their life. Right?
One captain sat there awfully quite. Y/n known for taking jabs at Kaeya. Known for outwardly expressing what must've been going was quite. Everyone was lost in thought as to how to proceed with the meeting.
Jean finally broke the silence. "I'm really glad to have to you captains well and alive. I should've been more sharp. I will assure this won't happen again. Not now. Not ever." The Captains nodded. Feeling hopeful.
"Y/n and Kaeya. Please stay back later so that we can discuss further strategies as to how to protect the city." Said Jean looking at the two. One nodded and the other didn't seem to catch it. Kaeya looks to his side and to his horror, He sees you gripping your torso.
"Y/n? Hey. Look at me." He said while trying to pry your hands away to check what was wrong. A gaint hole. A deep one. Just enough for them to bleed through your uniform. Just enough for you to lose your life if not treated in time.
"Why didn't you say anything sooner?! God, you're so fucking dumb. Why?" He yelled. The other captains rushing to your side. Jean was frantically trying to heal you Lisa and Kaeya held on to the hope to see you well and cheery again.
while you could only look at them and smile as you tasted iron in your mouth. Ah the bitter taste. "Please take care of my Dogs. And take care of yourselves too." Maybe today my whole facade of having my life together would shatter.
"Don't you dare smile at me like that. Don't you smile like it's your last day here. Don't look at us like that!" Lisa was starting to cry. Just when everything was going alright. They were gonna lose their morale. Their moodmaker in the knights' family.
"Did you get hurt when protecting me from that one abyss mage? I told you I could've taken care of him?! Archons, if only you could've listened to me!" Kaeya's yelling was loud and frantic. What was he supposed to do? Another person who was important just walking away from his life.
"I can't let someone i love die, Kaeya. I must say, having you all here with me when I'm gonna go is quite endearing no?" you chuckled. Of course, Trying to lighten the mood. But it didn't worked. Not right now.
"Please tell me you love me when you're all well. Please tell us you love us when you're back again. Don't say it right now. Just rest." Kaeya sighed. His hands clasped with yours.
"Jean, Please. Anything. I'll assist you. Just hurry up. I can't bear to watch that smile on their face." Lisa sits down next to Jean trying to look up spells which would be useful right now. By the looks of it, There's a hole in their torso. One which looks like it's been shot by an from an abyss mage icicle.
"Y/n. You should've said something earlier. We would've assisted you way longer. The thought of not having you and venti fighting in my Tavern does make my heart shatter." Diluc spoke with having doubts in his mind. Was this another hard goodbye he'd have to say? He practically grew up with you. You were like another sibling to him. After Crepus's death, He saw how Kaeya would open up to you. His eyes softening whenever you're around.
You'd only have positive effects with the people around you. Now you were coughing blood in agony while brushing off the pain.
"My my. I never expected Luc to say such touching words. How has he changed from that little boy huh?" The pain was getting to you now. It was hard to focus your sights on one thing. It was hard to just look at Kaeya. Somehow your heart felt more pain. It was like being torn apart.
"Luc. I think you'd love my very own pen collection. It's yours. Maybe write me cute letters. Haha. Jean. You can have, well you can have my clothes. I don't have use for those outfits anyways. They'd look pretty cute on you, don't you think? Lisa. I'd like to give you my books. Yes. The ones you begged for me to give you. They're yours. And Kaeya You can have my necklace. Open it when I'm not around. I'm sure you'll find it lovely? i don't know. I feel like you guys would like my things. Of course you can throw them out. It's up to you guys." After finishing what you had to say. It seems like you were in the middle of a group hug. Everyone there was clinging on the hope of you. Sobbing. But it was you crying. Hot tears rushed down and somehow everything felt real right now. Everything was about to be gone.
"H-hey Kaeya. Did I ever tell you I- I loved you so much? I think I'm a fool to not tell you that enough. I love you with all my heart and soul. I wish I could've been around longer to get married to you. I love you Kaeya. So much. I love you guys too. Luc, Jean and Lisa. You guys were very colourful. I couldn't thank you more." Their faces were blurry now. You couldn't seem to hear them at all. Not when Kaeya was crying and cupping your face. Not when Diluc was trying to calm everyone. You couldnt hear them.
"I can't hear anyone but i hope you're not taking jabs at me yeah? Let a dying person die with praises no?" A laugh escaped your lips. That seemed to be the last of it.
"Wake up, dear! Come on. You promised a future with me only to leave me here? That's cruel of you. Wake up, Please?" Kaeya muffled sobs against their body proved useless. He couldn't hear a heartbeat. Seems as if they had actually passed.
"That's enough Kaeya. Don't.. I- I don't know what to say I'm sorry." Diluc was staring at the ceiling trying to contain his tears. He mustn't let the others know. He should stay strong.
"Jean. Why isn't Y/n talking? Please. Say Anything. Something. Talk about how annoying i am as a librarian. Just anything goddamn it?!" Lisa doesn't seem to be accept it either.
"I'm sorry. I could only watch your glory. I wish I could've done more for you." Jean held their hand.
Everyone was alright except for the fact that they had to let go of something so important that it almost made them lose sight of the gathering. It was almost a silent agreement to hunt down the mages which did this to you and later kill it with their bare hands.
Even after years, Everyone seemed to honour Y/n's wish for them to keep their things.
Diluc kept a ridiculously large collection of pens in his room and in the Tavern. He wouldn't walk out of his house without a pen in his coat. Always carrying a part of his sibling from another family. He'd also right cute letters with the assistance of venti and send them to your address. Although no one read them. Or so he thought.
Lisa read the books they left over and over again. Looking the cute doodles. Smiling to herself. The first thing she saw was "To Lisa." She knew you were gonna gift her these regardless. Every year, she'd go to their grave and read a chapter from the book. Like a bonding time of sorts. Something that won't happen anymore.
Jean couldn't bring herself to wear their clothes. The only thing she tried on was a scarf. A scarf they knit for her. The only one she thought she was worthy of wearing. Ah it looks cute. Just like they said. Only if they were around to make her more clothes.
Kaeya opened the necklace after a year of getting it. He broke down that day. It had a picture of kaeya and his beloved. Smiling. Kissing. Being in love. Something he wouldn't ever have. Something he'll never have again. After cleaning their home, He found a letter. A letter addressed to him. It was simply filled with sweet nothing's. Just saying how much they loved him. He infact found a whole box of it. He could sit and hug the box hoping for some comfort but instead got his heart broken.
The letters Diluc sent were also read by him. He could only read so much until he stopped. He just stopped reading them. He just put them in the back of his memories. Occasionally remembering about them and going to your grave to profess his love for the hundredth time in a month.
"I wish you didn't smile at me like that when you said i love you." He said while looking down at their grave. His first love would be his last.
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dazuya · 2 years
Dark And Cold
ragnvider! adopted! reader and the unfortunate events that follows after the death of their father.
Tw: Mentions of blood and injuries.
"Stop it. You guys. Please. Just not in front of father!" Diluc and Kaeya's fighting doesn't seem to stop for anything. Diluc is going at it and Kaeya only seems to defend himself from his brother. Not even trying to attack back in the slightest. But still shit talking every chance he gets.
"I said Stop!" A lighting bolt is let out and it lands right in between the two brothers.
It was comical indeed. You were blessed with a vision. Blessing? It was life laughing at your face. It was a curse. For better or for worse that seems to have finally stopped your brothers from fighting and then to look at you.
"Can we please just get dad home and sort this out? I- I can't bare to see you guys fight. Please." Everything just comes out a hushed wispher but you're sure they heard you. After all the dead of the night was the only white noise.
"There is no home for us. Haven't you guys already done enough? I don't ever want you traitors near me. I don't want you calling my father as your own." Diluc spits out with his eyebrows furrowed. The expression is clear. Hatred. Betrayal. You name it. He doesn't trust anyone anymore. Not even his siblings. Dare he say you guys were never family.
"Is that what you truly wish for?" The question came as a surprise to Kaeya. He was going to tell Diluc off for dragging you into this. Archons! you were the youngest there and you weren't even remotely related to kaeya by blood, So why must you be a subject to this? Just someone who was left to fend for in front of the church. But again, Before he could answer no. Diluc beat him to something else.
"Yes. Don't come crawling back to our place. There is no place for you both. I hate you! Everything my father did was in vain because of you guys. A selfish lot indeed." The wound is still fresh. Right now it seems to sting more than ever. Father died. Kaeya is a spy. What does he expect from you? He doesn't wanna find out. It left a bitter taste in his mouth.
"If that's what you want. I'll gladly oblige. Diluc, Kaeya. If i ever see you again. Pretend you don't know me. You cut out ties off so i don't see a reason to stay in mondstadt. I hope you live a filling life." With that to drag your feet out of the place. It's cold. It's raining. Diluc and Kaeya look at you leave. They utter nothing. Unsure of wheather you truly meant that. They don't chase after you. They have their own wounds to tend to.
For you however it's dark out. What can you see? Nothing. No hope for your future. What were you ought to do?
It's like God had answered your question. A certain ginger head was walking right by the qingce village you were near by. He saw the uneven steps you took. Mistakenly taking you for a drunk person and he thought of playing with you even. That is until he came closer and saw you clutching your arm. It was a horrifying sight to see. Even the Fatui Harbinger was shocked. Your Arms had a dagger through it. Your body was almost soaked in blood. There were many open wounds here and there. But most importantly you looked pained. Tears threatening to spill out. But somehow still holding back.
"Little Miss. You better come with me and see a doctor right now. Those wounds aren't gonna heal themself you know?" He spoke so kindly. You didn't have the heart to refuse. You weren't the position to either. Any help. Any pitiful gaze. Just anything to put out the pain you feel.
"That.. would be very helpful." You chuckle out. Almost funnily enough you find out that he was one of the Harbingers later. What were you supposed to do? Honor your father- That's not what you deserved to call him. Honor your dead gaurdian or honor the man that saved you. You merely chose the one in front of you.
Childe was a day of hope in the dark that you needed. He played a big brother's role. Unironically and very well at that too. He was always eager to take you home to his siblings. Always more than happy to treat you lunch. Making sure you a safe and sound before you sleep. You saw both Diluc and Kaeya in him. Being an actual brother himself, He understood both sides. However he ridiculed your brothers for not going after you. Although he wouldn't say it out loud. He did drop a couple of hints that he would love to have you in his home with his other siblings. You didn't have to get your hands dirty at the Fatui. You could just do something else.
But you can't sit idly knowing the man that took you in at your worst could be out there on danger. You vowed to never leave his side and to protect him. Although childe was much older than you, he found it rather endearing. He let you stay during his missions. Of course he would still try to protect you from the bloodshed happening. Closing your eyes with his hands every chance he gets.
"So, Little Missy, you don't have to come to this mission. It's rather in a place you'd rather not visit." He spoke. Placing his warm hand on your head and ruffling it ever so gently. But you were set. When you said you'd never leave him, you meant it.
"No. It's fine. I have you now don't I? Mondstadt doesn't bother me anymore. Plus, it's not like i have family." He saw the sad chuckle you let out. No sibling deserved to go through this. They didn't either. But what was he to do anything?
"Hey now, don't say that. Teucer and I will be sad for months." He tried to lighten the mood. You saw right through him. He's always trying to keep the pain away.
"Thank you. I truly appreciate you guys." You said smiling. It was geniune this time.
After a decade. A long stretched out decade later. You find your way to mondstadt. But it isn't with intention to find your old family, No. It's with intentions with protecting the one you've been gifted with.
It was nostalgic to say the least. You were twenty five. A bigger circle of people with you. Certainly drawing the attention. You still had that same hair colour. Still the same eyes yet somehow dead. The scar on your arm seemed new. The clothes you wore. Everything seemed the same yet off.
"Let's go get a few drinks! I am certainly drained but some alcohol will sure be there to cheer me up." Childe said. Dramatically placing a hand over his head to act out as if he were in pain.
"Okay, let's go." The only time you agreed to drink with him was when you guys weren't at home. You were known to have weird drinking habits. So it was best to not show childe's family that side.
The nearest Tavern was Angel's share. Of course the well known one. You didn't object to go there. After all you didn't know anyone. Or rather you refused to acknowledge them.
The ring of doors opening altered the owner. "Welcome to Angel's share. What can I-" He looked up to be faced with his dear sibling. Does he even deserves to call you that? He remembers the harsh words he said. He didn't mean them. Not one of them. He also sees the Fatui there. He's confused. But right now he has to focus to getting to talk to you.
Kaeya who was sitting in front of Diluc was shocked as well. He couldn't say anything. The words were stuck in his throat. You were taller. More cold. The electro vision hung on your waist like his. Yet it seemed different.
The ginger next to you speaks up so you don't have to. "If you'd be kind to give us comrades a big table and loads of booze would be great!" He spoke with a smile.
Diluc couldn't say anything. He simply nodded. He would speak to you before you left. He surely would. He thought to himself.
"Come on, Dear. And please be mindful of how much you drink, yeah? We don't want you doing what you did last time." He said. You could only look away in embarrassment as you recalled how you cried and refused to let childe go thinking he'll abandon you when he was really going to the bathroom.
The way that man coaxed you rubbed Diluc and Kaeya the wrong way. It wasn't his place.
"It won't happen again. I swear." You said.
The drinks had been served. Everything was going very well. Until you met eyes with Diluc. God. You couldn't say a part of you want relieved at them doing well. But now you simply showed no emotion on the outside. For now, you were drinking a glass of wine. You were getting a bit tipsy. The drinks were getting to you. This is where you should've stopped. But you didn't. You just couldn't.
"Brother Ajax." You uttered. Three heads turned to you. Only one was overjoyed however. Diluc and Kaeya looked in horror. The one who they raised as their own for nine years was in front of them calling a Fatui Harbinger their brother.
Childe was beyond happy. He told you multiple times to call him that. But somehow this was the first time.
"Finally! You said it. I've been waiting for so long to hear you say that! You're as endearing as ever. I wished you just stay home though." He said hugging you.
You could only smile and say "How am i supposed to protect my brother if he's out fighting for our family?"
Everything came crashing down. Diluc couldn't hold back the cracking of his heart. Kaeya could only tear up at that. What went wrong? Well, everything. They would never have you smile at them. They could never have you call them brother again. They could never have you back in their family again. You were nothing but a chapter in the past.
"Can you please come back home?" Diluc spoke up to you. It came down as a surprise to childe though. He didn't think your brothers were none other than the famed protecters of mondstadt.
"I'm sorry, Sir. I don't understand you." You replied. All that you had drunk seemed to have vanished.
"Just come back home. I miss you, No We miss you. Kaeya, The maids. Everyone. I'm sorry for everything i said. I never meant them. Just please.. find your way back to us." He had a very sad look. lips pressed into a thin line. Kaeya could only say yes in a hushed voice.
"But i am home. I am home with brother Ajax-" Right when you said that you fainted. Dropping in and out of consciousness send to be one of the side effects of you drinking alcohol. Before your head could collide with the table, Childe put his hand in between. Slowly putting you to the side he turned to Diluc and Kaeya.
"You know when my sibling right here told me that their brothers left them. I would've never guessed it would've been you guys. Of course i expected more from you. Now that i know, I'll make you never get to hurt my dear again." Childe said. He had seen you grow up in front of him. Grow up? it was forced upon you. You never got a chance to have a normal childhood. Always killing, going to dangerous places. All of this could've been avoided if only one of them spoke up that night.
"We were talking to our sibling. Not yours." Kaeya spat out. All these years of searching for you. After such a long time, they finally got to see you but they couldn't hug you. They couldn't say they missed you dearly. They couldn't be a family to you when you needed them most.
"Yours you say? All you seem to have done is stab their heart. Rest assured they're with me now. Family to me. Keep your noses out of our business." With that childe carried you out of the tavern. They didn't dare chase after you again. Not when you were happy else where.
It was dark. It was cold. It was raining but you had your brother on your side this time.
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