dbapm1-blog · 5 years
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Best Israeli hummus while taking your Israel tour!
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dbapm1-blog · 5 years
The best Hummus in Israel
A weekend ago I was remaining in a long queue of individuals outside of an unbelievably decent eatery, situated in the old Jaffa (Yafo) port by the name The elderly person and the ocean, holding back to get a table to this nourishment processing plant of brilliant administration and radiant server administration, that now and again resemble a move.
 I couldn't help myself from over hearing an uproarious talk between a gathering of individuals that were standing directly before me in line.
 Those noisy individuals were discussing a humus dish, a basic humus dish that they ate a couple of days prior.
 Le'nagev humus
 The humus dish they were discussing, is one that you don't go to a café to eat it or as it's brought in Israel "le'nagev humus" as there is no eatery, and very one realizes who is making this humus or where is coming from.
 The intriguing part I picked from over tuning in to their discussion about the humus, is that it is set up by a person who calls himself "ha'bore", in English it implies the maker.
 Nobody knows the character of the individual behind ha'bore, it is kept behind a drapery. The main known method for reaching him and request the slippery humus dish is by entering a mystery WhatsApp gathering.
 The Whatsapp bunch status is "on a need to know premise".
 Moreover, the individuals who think about it, pass it starting with one then onto the next with extraordinary mystery.
 Moreover, it is passed starting with one then onto the next with extraordinary mystery.
 In case you're fortunate to get to the talk gathering, you should make a request, and, the request is worked by a request bot, he was a clever bot, he makes Marvin style wisecracks while during the time spent requesting, there are no menu alternatives, you can pick either humus for 1 or for 2.
 When you're set, you should send your area and next, pay (indeed, is an expensive dish) and, a human bike conveyance rider will be en route once the humus dish is finished.
 Presently you supplicate, you ask that ha'bore will discover time in his bustling calendar and, prepare your request in a convenient way and before your stomach juices bubble.
 A covered conveyance fellow
 At that point, following 20-30 minutes of stomach turns a covered conveyance fellow discovers you, hands over a dark colored pack, says nothing and rides away.
 Subsequent to pulling a few strings and conversing with a nearby Israel specialists visit manage, I was fortunate enough to discover a path into that mystery talk gathering, and went over the entire procedure, almost certainly that it was extraordinary compared to other hummus dishes I had while in Israel, as well as, I comprehended the virtuoso personality behind the entire activity.
 as well as, I comprehended the virtuoso personality behind the entire activity.
 It isn't the humus that your purchasing here, it is an incredibly all around idea baffling nourishment conveyance experience that your purchasing here, and it's working, it got me snared.
 The best humus in Israel/Tel-Aviv
 The humus dish is currently part of Tel-Aviv culinary features and a persona that the entire city discusses.
 Ayla shomroni, a dependable ha'bore humus client and a Tel Aviv night life master stated:
 ha'bore is a popular all around beautified gourmet specialist in Israel that everybody knows, except for this new serving specialty he chose to keep a window ornament of puzzle,
 plus, it appears as though it is working bravo.
 Ayla shomroni
 Ha'bore designed an entirely different nourishment specialty I haven't seen anyplace yet aside from Israel, it's a mission to discover something, it's a sustenance departure room.
 What's more, similarly as with numerous things imagined in Israel, this one will definitely take Europe and soon the US by tempest.
 Until distribution of this article there was no remark from ha'bore in respects of the inquiries that we sent him, keeping the puzzle on.
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dbapm1-blog · 5 years
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Jerusalem of Israel experts.
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dbapm1-blog · 5 years
Israel - the novel place to travel
Israel is one of the novel places on the planet.
We can see this uniqueness first as a result of the distinctive climate between the regions of the nation.
We will begin from the north of Israel which snowing in the driving rain winter and the mid year the climate is delightful and blustery.
Going down south to the focal point of Israel, the focal point of Israel for the most part moisty and sweltering in the mid year and not cold in the winter.
The Negev is the desert of the nation it is hot at daytime and cold after the sun goes down.
In the Negev going south to Eilat, you need to through the Arava and the dead ocean, the dead ocean is one of the world marvels and without a doubt you should visit there and in Masada. Israel specialists are continually adding these to the Israel VIP visits.
Eliat is the recreation town of Israel, the remote shores of the dead ocean, the most stupendous inns of Israel and all the Israel attractions.
We should make reference to Jerusalem is the core of Israel in the middle of the mountains, however it's heart by the area and by importance.
In each spot, I referenced there are numerous activities, and any place you will visit, you won't see something very similar twice.
Visit and traveler each spot since Israel is a mosaic of religion, individuals, and areas.
You when guests can accept day by day visits or taking however many days as could be expected under the circumstances to visit each site.
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dbapm1-blog · 5 years
Israel tours by Israel experts
Israel is a small country and it offers many diverse touring and recreation destinations, from the snow-capped Mount Hermon and the Sea of Galilee in northern Israel to Jerusalem’s wailing wall and the cave of wonders to the Negev desert, Bedouin villages and to Eilat in the south. Here you will find a collection of tours, hikes, sporting events and outdoor group activities that will introduce you to the land of milk and honey.
Northern Israel tour destinations
Mid Israel touring
Jerusalem & The area tours
Southern Israel tours
Across Israel
Southern Israel tours:
Dashing through the Sand
Glide down the Dunes in the Negev Desert  
For some they are the paradigm of barren terrain, last remnants of an unspoiled landscape. For others, they are yet another challenge to conquer. “Ski” down giant sand dunes, with either skis or a board, without heavy gear and without adverse weather conditions. This exhilarating experience suits kids over the age of two as well as adults.
A Geological Wonder
A breathtaking Experience for Desert Lovers
The Ramon Crater in the Negev desert is Israel’s largest national park and one of its most breathtaking natural phenomena. Stand with a view of the crater, whose beauty and massive size inspires us to think about the vastness around us. At night you can gaze at a rain of stars under the clear desert sky. This is an amazing place for meditation, hiking or jeeping.
Dolphin’s in Eilat
Meet the Eilat Dolphins in Their Natural Habitat
The Dolphin Reef in Eilat is a relaxing experience it holds no performances. Instead, a calm and relaxing atmosphere surrounds you while watching the dolphins swim and play in their natural habitat. You can stay for hours and enjoy dolphin watching from special rafts or even swim near the beach, where the dolphins live, and view them up close. If they choose to, the dolphins can interact with the people in the water and may even join you for a playful swim. This is an outstanding experience for kids, interaction with the Dolphins will engrave a memory for a life time.
Birding in the Desert
Watch Raptors at Ramat HaNegev Birding Center
Israel is known as being one of the unique places in the world to witness and experience bird migration, with the southern Ramat HaNegev Birding Center specializing in desert birds and wildlife. We invite you to visit the center, which monitors local keystone species populations and offers birding education and tours throughout the year. An interesting fact is that the proceeds of the birding tours go to bird conservation!
Gardening in the Desert
Walk the shoes of a Community Gardener for a Day in the Negev Desert
Community gardens are a fun and satisfying way to connect to people and the environment in an urban setting, which explains why they became such a trendy pastime in many cities in Israel and around the world. Israel Experts invite you to volunteer in a community garden in Be'er Sheva, The Negev Capital that serves underprivileged minority groups.  You’ll be amazed at how much can grow in a small space at extreme conditions.
Ultimate Desert Survivor
Have you got navigation skills? Stamina and Leadership Abilities in the Negev Desert
Travel to the Negev Desert in southern Israel for an exciting Survivor experience in the Desert. The day will challenge your troubleshooting skills, problem solving technics and train you to think in new and creative ways. You will be able to accomplish things that you never thought possible in the most magnificent setting imaginable, Be an ultimate Israeli version Bear Grylls for a day (without the drinking capabilities)!
Meet the Bedouin
Experience a Bedouin Village and Meet Its People
The Bedouin village of Hura runs several community projects, empowering its residents in various fields. Israel Tours invite you to visit the village, in the Negev desert in Southern Israel, and meet its mayor. While there, you will join the students who work on a building project in the community, break bread with them and discuss local issues and the unique problem solving while absorbing local mind set.
Hebrew Gospel
Introduction to the Community of the “African Hebrew Israelites of Jerusalem”
Meet the Hebrews of Dimona, a small community of African-American descent, who believe they are descendants of the ancient Israelites. Visit the city of Dimona in southern Israel to hear about the community’s unique journey to the Promised Land and enjoy a remarkable Gospel concert.
Starting Anew
Visit a Town That Is All about New Beginnings
The town of Yeruham, in the Negev Desert, is home to people from diverse communities and backgrounds. We invite you to meet its people and hear their stories in a special panel. The elderly residents will tell stories of immigrating in the 1950s and how they were forced to settle in that area by Zionist settlement groups, while the young will talk about their decision to return and raise their life as families in their hometown with that enjoy a delightful local Jewish-Arab spicy food .
The Man Who Put Israel on the Map
Meet One of Israel’s Greatest Athletes Turned Statesman and Philanthropist
Tal Brody changed the way basketball was played in Israel and turned Maccabi Tel Aviv into a world-class team. Tal Engraved the phrase: “We are on the map! And we are staying on the map – not only in sports, but in everything.”, Today Tal is Israel’s International Goodwill Ambassador, traveling around the globe introducing various audiences to Israel’s culture, sports and everyday life. Join Tal for a visit to one of the projects he founded to help at-risk youth become involved in basketball.
Israel Tours to Israeli Olympic Gold
Meet Members of Israel’s Renowned Paralympic Team
Over the years Israel became a Paralympic powerhouse, winning a total of 123 gold medals in the Paralympic Games over the years, Zipora Rubin-Rosenbaum with 15 gold medals and Uri Bergman with 12. Have a talk with Inbal Pezaro, a paraplegic Israeli swimmer who won 4 silver medals at the 2008 Summer Paralympics in Beijing, and other outstanding Israeli athletes whose goal is to triumph over their physical disabilities and represent Israel in competitions around the globe.
Sailing against the Wind
Join Israel Experts to an Inspirational Cruise with a Group of Extraordinary Sailors
Set sailing with people with physical disabilities. Whether disabled from birth or as a result of accidents or military service, members of this group do not know the meaning of “giving up” and are committed to living their lives to the fullest. During this adventurous encounter they will teach you how to make the best of your abilities and inspire you to do the (seemingly) impossible.
Water Sports in the Mediterranean shores
Israel Is a Water Sports Nation, Come and Join the Fun!
Israelis love water sports, especially beach-matka play which only makes sense considering we have beach areas on both the Mediterranean and the Red Sea. Our windsurfers and kitesurfers regularly win Olympic and World championships. Israel Experts invite you to try Stand-up Paddle Surfing (SUP), which is a Hawaiian style surfing method that became very popular in Israel in recent years.
Surf Power
Helping Disadvantaged Teens Catch a Wave to a Better Life
In surfing, falling off your board means it’s time to get back on and give it another try. HaGal Sheli, which means “My Wave” in Hebrew is a social enterprise that uses surfing to teach life skills to youth at-risk and boost their self-esteem. Making the Mediterranean Sea as a classroom, the youth experience personal empowerment and learn to never give up on themselves but instead, how to fall and get back up again.
Home Away from Home
Meet Refugees and Immigrants Living in Israel  
The neighborhoods of Southern Tel Aviv are home to large numbers of refugees both legal and illegal migrant workers. Tour to the neighborhoods and learn about the lives and dreams of non-Jewish people who come to Israel in attempt to improve their lives creating a better lasting life for their children.
Shalom Gay Tel Aviv
Attend a Panel of LGBT Activists
Tel Aviv is recognized globally as one of the world’s cultural open-minded cities. The city is home to a world renowned annual Gay Pride celebration as well as to numerous gay and queer establishments and community centers. Israel Experts invites you to Tour Tel-Aviv with them and attend a panel with representatives of the Israeli LGBT community and hear about their experiences as gays living in the harsh hot Middle East.
Diversity and the City
Tour the City of Ramla Where Jews and Arabs Live Side by Side
Ramla, which means god is great above is a city in central Israel, where religious, secular Arabs and Jews from various ethnic origins live together. Israel Experts tours invite you to travel and learn about Ramla’s incredible history, take a walking tour in its famous market, eat a mouthwatering “Fricassee” which is a Tunisian Fry Bread Sandwich filled with Tuna fish and salads and hear about the amazing community initiatives that are changing the face of the city.
On the Waterfront
Tour to a Beachfront Arab-Israeli Town and Meet Its Residents
The Arab-Israeli town of Jisr az-Zarqa has a long history of coexistence with the neighboring Jewish cities. Today the town, located north of Caesarea at the northern coast of the Mediterranean, is engaged in improving its residents standard of living and promoting environmental tourism. Tour Jisr az-Zarqa, meet its people, learn about their development plans. Tour to the beautiful Caesarea National Park and the beachfront Apollonia National Park
Free Access to Play
Creating a Playground That Welcomes All Children  
Touring Israel with Israel Experts will unveil parks and playgrounds that are fully accessible to all children, regardless of their specific abilities and disabilities. Travel to one such park, in Ra'anana, a city in the center of the Sharon Plain, and learn about the specially designed equipment, while seeing first-hand how it changes the lives of the children who benefit from it.
 Jerusalem area
Faith and Heritage tour to The Christian Quarter of Jerusalem
Explore the Middle Eastern Impact on Christianity
Between the religious landmarks and narrow alleys of the Christian Quarter in the Old City of Jerusalem lies a history of bilateral influences between local traditions and Christianity. Join Israel Experts for a walking tour of the quarter and learn about the religious and cultural interface of the Middle East with Western Christianity.
Let the Sunshine In
Take an Israel Tours to a City Where Radically Different Jewish Movements Struggle to Coexist  
The city of Beit Shemesh, “House of the Sun” in Hebrew has recently become known for the many clashes between its secular, Modern-Orthodox and Ultra-Orthodox communities. Meet its residents and hear about their difficulties and about the initiatives taken by the community to bridge their differences.
Cave of Wonders
Travel to a Magnificent Wonderland of Stalactites and Stalagmites
Tread carefully between the Stalactites and Stalagmites in the Soreq Cave in the Judean Hills. Witness the beautiful formations formed by rainwater penetrating through the cave roof and dripping from its ceiling and meet the shady characters who make the cave their home. Some of the stalactites here are 300,000 years old!
Cultural Harmonies
Arab and Jewish Musicians Jam Together in Jerusalem
Nationality and religion should not matter when it comes to music. That is the shared belief of Arab-Israeli singer, Lubna Salame, and the Jewish Yemen Blues band. United by their passion for music, they created a group performance combining traditional Arab music and ancient Jewish-Yemenite melodies with modern funk influences. Travel with us to Jerusalem to meet the musicians and see them perform. Remember to bring your dancing shoes!
Beyond Belief
A Unique Bible Class Aimed at Christians Touring Israel
Participate in a seminar held by the Center for Jewish-Christian Understanding and Cooperation in Efrat. Study the Bible together with Orthodox-Jewish leaders, who will broaden your understanding of Judaism and share your own interpretation of the Old Testament.
The Light of Youth
A Craft Workshop Promoting Collaboration between Young Jews and Arabs
Travel to Jerusalem to join a candle making workshop with Arab and Israeli teens. Learn to make candles while acquainting yourself with the teamwork involved, relating teens from different religions and background to one another.
  Mother Nature’s Waterpark
A Natural Park of Spring Water Pools Surrounded by Green Lawns
Visit the beautiful Sachne Springs in Lower Galilee. This series of pools is fed by hot springs and includes waterfalls and even a natural Jacuzzi! You would be surprised to at how refreshing the hot spring water will feel even on hot day. Bring a lunch basket and enjoy a picnic on the sumptuous lawns.
Israeli heaven for Birds and People
A Beautiful Lake Visited by 500 Million Migrating Birds Each Year
The Hula Valley is a must for anyone interested in birding and even for those who didn’t know they were. The valley was once a malaria infested swampland, before being drained by Zionist pioneers in the early 20th century. These days, it is an opulent wildlife refuge with a lake that is home to a one of a kind ecosystem with wild boars, swamp cats and softshell turtles. Each year, half a billion migrating birds visit the lake on their way from Europe to Africa and back, turning the valley into a magnificent attraction for bird watchers from around the globe.
Cultivating Coexistence
Visit an Ecological and Sociological Greenhouse
The Ein Shemer Ecological Greenhouse is a unique educational facility, combining ecological and social activism. Located in Kibbutz Ein-Shemer in northern Israel, the greenhouse is a meeting place for teens from various populations that seldom come in touch in everyday life. Working cooperatively on agricultural and ecological projects brings together Jews and Arabs, religious and secular, immigrants and native Israelis, gifted students and children with special needs. Join us for a tour of the greenhouse. Meet the staff and learn how they cultivate coexistence.
Home and Away
Tour to an Educational Youth Village with a Unique Empowerment Program
Atop Mount Carmel in northern Israel lies a small village that is home and school to hundreds of at-risk and immigrant youth from around the world. Israel Experts invites you to spend time at the Yemin Orde village, meet its students and the teens who volunteer there and Participate in a volunteer project for the benefit of the students.  
Palestinian-Arabic Walk and Talk
Learn Palestinian-Arabic on the Go
If you enjoy learning on your feet you will love our “Walk and Talk” tour of Wadi Nisnas. Join us in exploring this multi-cultural neighborhood, on the lower part of Haifa in northern Israel, and learn some Palestinian-Arabic while touring its streets and famous market. Interacting with the locals is the best way to get acquainted with their language and their culture!
Across Israel:
An Epic Trail
Hike the World Renowned Israel National Trail with Israel Experts
The Israel National Trail “Shvil Yisra'el” in Hebrew is included on National Geographic’s “World’s Best Hikes: Epic Trails” list. Crossing Israel from North to South, the trail leads hikers through both ancient and contemporary landscapes, desolated and inhabited areas. The trails are clearly marked, with some sections accessible to all good walkers and others requiring significant hiking practice and skill. Along the way you might meet some of the “Trail Angels”, who help hikers with food, water and a resting place free of charge.
Jewish Sustainability
Participate in a Seminar Connecting Jewish Texts to Universal Values of Sustainability
Engage with the classical texts of Judaism in a magnificent natural setting to better understand Judaism’s traditional values of environmentalism and sustainability. Explore ethical and legal underpinnings for environmental protection, humane treatment of animals and responsible preparation and consumption of food and discuss how to apply these lessons to your life after returning from Israel.
Frisbee Peace Chance
There Is No Better Way to Connect People than through Game
Youth from throughout the Middle East learn the ways of peace via Frisbee! Join the “Ultimate Peace” organization for an afternoon of bridge building (and Frisbee playing) between Israeli Arabs, Israeli Jews and Palestinians. See what happens when teens meet “the other” for the first time and interact in a playful setting.
 World Gym
Calling All Workout Buffs for Some Outdoor Activity
Are you up for a challenge? Outdoor training (or ODT in short) is an excellent way to bring groups of people together and turn them into a team collaborating towards a common goal. Our outdoor training activities include running, relay-races, myriad types of games and lots more and are great fun for both teenagers and adult fitness fanatics.  
This is a collection of experiences that revolve around the topic of diversity in Israeli society. Here you will find tours, workshops, performances and other interactive experiences that explore coexistence, pluralism, minorities, multi-faith relations and shared citizenship in Israel’s daily life.
Learning to Live Together
A Center for Jewish-Arab Education Promoting Peaceful Coexistence  
Visit with Israel Experts one of the Yad b’yad, “Hand in Hand” in Hebrew, schools, where Arab and Jewish children learn together. Hear about the organization’s model of education, which promotes cooperation and coexistence between the religions from an early age.
Judaism and “The Other”
Meet Religious Minorities Living in Israel
The Jewish state is home to people of various ethnicities and religions. We invite you to get acquainted with the religious minorities in Israel by attending a panel of Christians, Muslims, Circassians and Druze activists. Hear about their lives and their struggles, striving to coexist with the Jewish majority.
The (Stained) Glass Ceiling
Attend a Panel of Israeli and Palestinian Feminists
Despite significant improvements in recent years, the journey to gender equality in the Middle East remains long and arduous. We invite you to attend a panel of Arab-Israeli, Palestinian and Jewish-Israeli women and learn about the differences between gender roles in the three societies.
Military Mechina
Meet Israeli Youth Who Are Preparing for Military Service
Explore the world of pre-army “Mechina” (educational program preparing young adults for their military service) focusing on social justice, Jewish identity and leadership among Israel’s young adults. Meet the Mechina instructors and join the students for a text study.
 To conclude, Israel Experts offers Israel tours across the country, with over 20 years of expertise and knowledge we are capable of showing you the real Israel and experience the local culture and cuisine through a variery of tours.
We offer group tours like Acadmeic Programs, Jewish Federations & Organizations, Youth & Teens and Synagogues. And from the exclusive side we offer Private Israel tour for Family private tours, Art Tours, Food and Wine Tours, Luxury, spa and leisure tours and Agriculture tours.
Our tours are carefully planned by our educators. It is important for us to learn about your needs and goals. Once we know what you want to achieve, our EXPERTS will design a series of encounters and experiences that will immerse you into the heart of the wonderful, magical, yet complex, mosaic of Israel.
Israel’s heritage is our passion.
We know every stone, every road, every corner, every market and the great stories behind each one
We invite you to join us for a journey into the heart and soul of Israel – as well as your own.
We love and know Israel. We want to show you and teach you.
We see this as a wonderful opportunity to share our knowledge and enhance yours as you travel, hiking or just resting through the beautiful Israel.
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dbapm1-blog · 5 years
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Israel tours by Israel experts
Israel is a small country and it offers many diverse touring and recreation destinations, from the snow-capped Mount Hermon and the Sea of Galilee in northern Israel to Jerusalem’s wailing wall and the cave of wonders to the Negev desert, Bedouin villages and to Eilat in the south. Here you will find a collection of tours, hikes, sporting events and outdoor group activities that will introduce you to the land of milk and honey.
Northern Israel tour destinations
Mid Israel touring
Jerusalem & The area tours
Southern Israel tours
Across Israel
Southern Israel tours:
Dashing through the Sand
Glide down the Dunes in the Negev Desert  
For some they are the paradigm of barren terrain, last remnants of an unspoiled landscape. For others, they are yet another challenge to conquer. “Ski” down giant sand dunes, with either skis or a board, without heavy gear and without adverse weather conditions. This exhilarating experience suits kids over the age of two as well as adults.
A Geological Wonder
A breathtaking Experience for Desert Lovers
The Ramon Crater in the Negev desert is Israel’s largest national park and one of its most breathtaking natural phenomena. Stand with a view of the crater, whose beauty and massive size inspires us to think about the vastness around us. At night you can gaze at a rain of stars under the clear desert sky. This is an amazing place for meditation, hiking or jeeping.
Dolphin’s in Eilat
Meet the Eilat Dolphins in Their Natural Habitat
The Dolphin Reef in Eilat is a relaxing experience it holds no performances. Instead, a calm and relaxing atmosphere surrounds you while watching the dolphins swim and play in their natural habitat. You can stay for hours and enjoy dolphin watching from special rafts or even swim near the beach, where the dolphins live, and view them up close. If they choose to, the dolphins can interact with the people in the water and may even join you for a playful swim. This is an outstanding experience for kids, interaction with the Dolphins will engrave a memory for a life time.
Birding in the Desert
Watch Raptors at Ramat HaNegev Birding Center
Israel is known as being one of the unique places in the world to witness and experience bird migration, with the southern Ramat HaNegev Birding Center specializing in desert birds and wildlife. We invite you to visit the center, which monitors local keystone species populations and offers birding education and tours throughout the year. An interesting fact is that the proceeds of the birding tours go to bird conservation!
Gardening in the Desert
Walk the shoes of a Community Gardener for a Day in the Negev Desert
Community gardens are a fun and satisfying way to connect to people and the environment in an urban setting, which explains why they became such a trendy pastime in many cities in Israel and around the world. Israel Experts invite you to volunteer in a community garden in Be'er Sheva, The Negev Capital that serves underprivileged minority groups.  You’ll be amazed at how much can grow in a small space at extreme conditions.
Ultimate Desert Survivor
Have you got navigation skills? Stamina and Leadership Abilities in the Negev Desert
Travel to the Negev Desert in southern Israel for an exciting Survivor experience in the Desert. The day will challenge your troubleshooting skills, problem solving technics and train you to think in new and creative ways. You will be able to accomplish things that you never thought possible in the most magnificent setting imaginable, Be an ultimate Israeli version Bear Grylls for a day (without the drinking capabilities)!
Meet the Bedouin
Experience a Bedouin Village and Meet Its People
The Bedouin village of Hura runs several community projects, empowering its residents in various fields. Israel Tours invite you to visit the village, in the Negev desert in Southern Israel, and meet its mayor. While there, you will join the students who work on a building project in the community, break bread with them and discuss local issues and the unique problem solving while absorbing local mind set.
Hebrew Gospel
Introduction to the Community of the “African Hebrew Israelites of Jerusalem”
Meet the Hebrews of Dimona, a small community of African-American descent, who believe they are descendants of the ancient Israelites. Visit the city of Dimona in southern Israel to hear about the community’s unique journey to the Promised Land and enjoy a remarkable Gospel concert.
Starting Anew
Visit a Town That Is All about New Beginnings
The town of Yeruham, in the Negev Desert, is home to people from diverse communities and backgrounds. We invite you to meet its people and hear their stories in a special panel. The elderly residents will tell stories of immigrating in the 1950s and how they were forced to settle in that area by Zionist settlement groups, while the young will talk about their decision to return and raise their life as families in their hometown with that enjoy a delightful local Jewish-Arab spicy food .
The Man Who Put Israel on the Map
Meet One of Israel’s Greatest Athletes Turned Statesman and Philanthropist
Tal Brody changed the way basketball was played in Israel and turned Maccabi Tel Aviv into a world-class team. Tal Engraved the phrase: “We are on the map! And we are staying on the map – not only in sports, but in everything.”, Today Tal is Israel’s International Goodwill Ambassador, traveling around the globe introducing various audiences to Israel’s culture, sports and everyday life. Join Tal for a visit to one of the projects he founded to help at-risk youth become involved in basketball.
Israel Tours to Israeli Olympic Gold
Meet Members of Israel’s Renowned Paralympic Team
Over the years Israel became a Paralympic powerhouse, winning a total of 123 gold medals in the Paralympic Games over the years, Zipora Rubin-Rosenbaum with 15 gold medals and Uri Bergman with 12. Have a talk with Inbal Pezaro, a paraplegic Israeli swimmer who won 4 silver medals at the 2008 Summer Paralympics in Beijing, and other outstanding Israeli athletes whose goal is to triumph over their physical disabilities and represent Israel in competitions around the globe.
Sailing against the Wind
Join Israel Experts to an Inspirational Cruise with a Group of Extraordinary Sailors
Set sailing with people with physical disabilities. Whether disabled from birth or as a result of accidents or military service, members of this group do not know the meaning of “giving up” and are committed to living their lives to the fullest. During this adventurous encounter they will teach you how to make the best of your abilities and inspire you to do the (seemingly) impossible.
Water Sports in the Mediterranean shores
Israel Is a Water Sports Nation, Come and Join the Fun!
Israelis love water sports, especially beach-matka play which only makes sense considering we have beach areas on both the Mediterranean and the Red Sea. Our windsurfers and kitesurfers regularly win Olympic and World championships. Israel Experts invite you to try Stand-up Paddle Surfing (SUP), which is a Hawaiian style surfing method that became very popular in Israel in recent years.
Surf Power
Helping Disadvantaged Teens Catch a Wave to a Better Life
In surfing, falling off your board means it’s time to get back on and give it another try. HaGal Sheli, which means “My Wave” in Hebrew is a social enterprise that uses surfing to teach life skills to youth at-risk and boost their self-esteem. Making the Mediterranean Sea as a classroom, the youth experience personal empowerment and learn to never give up on themselves but instead, how to fall and get back up again.
Home Away from Home
Meet Refugees and Immigrants Living in Israel  
The neighborhoods of Southern Tel Aviv are home to large numbers of refugees both legal and illegal migrant workers. Tour to the neighborhoods and learn about the lives and dreams of non-Jewish people who come to Israel in attempt to improve their lives creating a better lasting life for their children.
Shalom Gay Tel Aviv
Attend a Panel of LGBT Activists
Tel Aviv is recognized globally as one of the world’s cultural open-minded cities. The city is home to a world renowned annual Gay Pride celebration as well as to numerous gay and queer establishments and community centers. Israel Experts invites you to Tour Tel-Aviv with them and attend a panel with representatives of the Israeli LGBT community and hear about their experiences as gays living in the harsh hot Middle East.
Diversity and the City
Tour the City of Ramla Where Jews and Arabs Live Side by Side
Ramla, which means god is great above is a city in central Israel, where religious, secular Arabs and Jews from various ethnic origins live together. Israel Experts tours invite you to travel and learn about Ramla’s incredible history, take a walking tour in its famous market, eat a mouthwatering “Fricassee” which is a Tunisian Fry Bread Sandwich filled with Tuna fish and salads and hear about the amazing community initiatives that are changing the face of the city.
On the Waterfront
Tour to a Beachfront Arab-Israeli Town and Meet Its Residents
The Arab-Israeli town of Jisr az-Zarqa has a long history of coexistence with the neighboring Jewish cities. Today the town, located north of Caesarea at the northern coast of the Mediterranean, is engaged in improving its residents standard of living and promoting environmental tourism. Tour Jisr az-Zarqa, meet its people, learn about their development plans. Tour to the beautiful Caesarea National Park and the beachfront Apollonia National Park
Free Access to Play
Creating a Playground That Welcomes All Children  
Touring Israel with Israel Experts will unveil parks and playgrounds that are fully accessible to all children, regardless of their specific abilities and disabilities. Travel to one such park, in Ra'anana, a city in the center of the Sharon Plain, and learn about the specially designed equipment, while seeing first-hand how it changes the lives of the children who benefit from it.
 Jerusalem area
Faith and Heritage tour to The Christian Quarter of Jerusalem
Explore the Middle Eastern Impact on Christianity
Between the religious landmarks and narrow alleys of the Christian Quarter in the Old City of Jerusalem lies a history of bilateral influences between local traditions and Christianity. Join Israel Experts for a walking tour of the quarter and learn about the religious and cultural interface of the Middle East with Western Christianity.
Let the Sunshine In
Take an Israel Tours to a City Where Radically Different Jewish Movements Struggle to Coexist  
The city of Beit Shemesh, “House of the Sun” in Hebrew has recently become known for the many clashes between its secular, Modern-Orthodox and Ultra-Orthodox communities. Meet its residents and hear about their difficulties and about the initiatives taken by the community to bridge their differences.
Cave of Wonders
Travel to a Magnificent Wonderland of Stalactites and Stalagmites
Tread carefully between the Stalactites and Stalagmites in the Soreq Cave in the Judean Hills. Witness the beautiful formations formed by rainwater penetrating through the cave roof and dripping from its ceiling and meet the shady characters who make the cave their home. Some of the stalactites here are 300,000 years old!
Cultural Harmonies
Arab and Jewish Musicians Jam Together in Jerusalem
Nationality and religion should not matter when it comes to music. That is the shared belief of Arab-Israeli singer, Lubna Salame, and the Jewish Yemen Blues band. United by their passion for music, they created a group performance combining traditional Arab music and ancient Jewish-Yemenite melodies with modern funk influences. Travel with us to Jerusalem to meet the musicians and see them perform. Remember to bring your dancing shoes!
Beyond Belief
A Unique Bible Class Aimed at Christians Touring Israel
Participate in a seminar held by the Center for Jewish-Christian Understanding and Cooperation in Efrat. Study the Bible together with Orthodox-Jewish leaders, who will broaden your understanding of Judaism and share your own interpretation of the Old Testament.
The Light of Youth
A Craft Workshop Promoting Collaboration between Young Jews and Arabs
Travel to Jerusalem to join a candle making workshop with Arab and Israeli teens. Learn to make candles while acquainting yourself with the teamwork involved, relating teens from different religions and background to one another.
  Mother Nature’s Waterpark
A Natural Park of Spring Water Pools Surrounded by Green Lawns
Visit the beautiful Sachne Springs in Lower Galilee. This series of pools is fed by hot springs and includes waterfalls and even a natural Jacuzzi! You would be surprised to at how refreshing the hot spring water will feel even on hot day. Bring a lunch basket and enjoy a picnic on the sumptuous lawns.
Israeli heaven for Birds and People
A Beautiful Lake Visited by 500 Million Migrating Birds Each Year
The Hula Valley is a must for anyone interested in birding and even for those who didn’t know they were. The valley was once a malaria infested swampland, before being drained by Zionist pioneers in the early 20th century. These days, it is an opulent wildlife refuge with a lake that is home to a one of a kind ecosystem with wild boars, swamp cats and softshell turtles. Each year, half a billion migrating birds visit the lake on their way from Europe to Africa and back, turning the valley into a magnificent attraction for bird watchers from around the globe.
Cultivating Coexistence
Visit an Ecological and Sociological Greenhouse
The Ein Shemer Ecological Greenhouse is a unique educational facility, combining ecological and social activism. Located in Kibbutz Ein-Shemer in northern Israel, the greenhouse is a meeting place for teens from various populations that seldom come in touch in everyday life. Working cooperatively on agricultural and ecological projects brings together Jews and Arabs, religious and secular, immigrants and native Israelis, gifted students and children with special needs. Join us for a tour of the greenhouse. Meet the staff and learn how they cultivate coexistence.
Home and Away
Tour to an Educational Youth Village with a Unique Empowerment Program
Atop Mount Carmel in northern Israel lies a small village that is home and school to hundreds of at-risk and immigrant youth from around the world. Israel Experts invites you to spend time at the Yemin Orde village, meet its students and the teens who volunteer there and Participate in a volunteer project for the benefit of the students.  
Palestinian-Arabic Walk and Talk
Learn Palestinian-Arabic on the Go
If you enjoy learning on your feet you will love our “Walk and Talk” tour of Wadi Nisnas. Join us in exploring this multi-cultural neighborhood, on the lower part of Haifa in northern Israel, and learn some Palestinian-Arabic while touring its streets and famous market. Interacting with the locals is the best way to get acquainted with their language and their culture!
  Across Israel:
An Epic Trail
Hike the World Renowned Israel National Trail with Israel Experts
The Israel National Trail “Shvil Yisra'el” in Hebrew is included on National Geographic’s “World’s Best Hikes: Epic Trails” list. Crossing Israel from North to South, the trail leads hikers through both ancient and contemporary landscapes, desolated and inhabited areas. The trails are clearly marked, with some sections accessible to all good walkers and others requiring significant hiking practice and skill. Along the way you might meet some of the “Trail Angels”, who help hikers with food, water and a resting place free of charge.
Jewish Sustainability
Participate in a Seminar Connecting Jewish Texts to Universal Values of Sustainability
Engage with the classical texts of Judaism in a magnificent natural setting to better understand Judaism’s traditional values of environmentalism and sustainability. Explore ethical and legal underpinnings for environmental protection, humane treatment of animals and responsible preparation and consumption of food and discuss how to apply these lessons to your life after returning from Israel.
Frisbee Peace Chance
There Is No Better Way to Connect People than through Game
Youth from throughout the Middle East learn the ways of peace via Frisbee! Join the “Ultimate Peace” organization for an afternoon of bridge building (and Frisbee playing) between Israeli Arabs, Israeli Jews and Palestinians. See what happens when teens meet “the other” for the first time and interact in a playful setting.
 World Gym
Calling All Workout Buffs for Some Outdoor Activity
Are you up for a challenge? Outdoor training (or ODT in short) is an excellent way to bring groups of people together and turn them into a team collaborating towards a common goal. Our outdoor training activities include running, relay-races, myriad types of games and lots more and are great fun for both teenagers and adult fitness fanatics.  
This is a collection of experiences that revolve around the topic of diversity in Israeli society. Here you will find tours, workshops, performances and other interactive experiences that explore coexistence, pluralism, minorities, multi-faith relations and shared citizenship in Israel’s daily life.
Learning to Live Together
A Center for Jewish-Arab Education Promoting Peaceful Coexistence  
Visit with Israel Experts one of the Yad b’yad, “Hand in Hand” in Hebrew, schools, where Arab and Jewish children learn together. Hear about the organization’s model of education, which promotes cooperation and coexistence between the religions from an early age.
Judaism and “The Other”
Meet Religious Minorities Living in Israel
The Jewish state is home to people of various ethnicities and religions. We invite you to get acquainted with the religious minorities in Israel by attending a panel of Christians, Muslims, Circassians and Druze activists. Hear about their lives and their struggles, striving to coexist with the Jewish majority.
The (Stained) Glass Ceiling
Attend a Panel of Israeli and Palestinian Feminists
Despite significant improvements in recent years, the journey to gender equality in the Middle East remains long and arduous. We invite you to attend a panel of Arab-Israeli, Palestinian and Jewish-Israeli women and learn about the differences between gender roles in the three societies.
Military Mechina
Meet Israeli Youth Who Are Preparing for Military Service
Explore the world of pre-army “Mechina” (educational program preparing young adults for their military service) focusing on social justice, Jewish identity and leadership among Israel’s young adults. Meet the Mechina instructors and join the students for a text study.
 To conclude, Israel Experts offers Israel tours across the country, with over 20 years of expertise and knowledge we are capable of showing you the real Israel and experience the local culture and cuisine through a variery of tours.
We offer group tours like Acadmeic Programs, Jewish Federations & Organizations, Youth & Teens and Synagogues. And from the exclusive side we offer Private Israel tour for Family private tours, Art Tours, Food and Wine Tours, Luxury, spa and leisure tours and Agriculture tours.
Our tours are carefully planned by our educators. It is important for us to learn about your needs and goals. Once we know what you want to achieve, our EXPERTS will design a series of encounters and experiences that will immerse you into the heart of the wonderful, magical, yet complex, mosaic of Israel.
Israel’s heritage is our passion.
We know every stone, every road, every corner, every market and the great stories behind each one
We invite you to join us for a journey into the heart and soul of Israel – as well as your own.
We love and know Israel. We want to show you and teach you.
We see this as a wonderful opportunity to share our knowledge and enhance yours as you travel, hiking or just resting through the beautiful Israel.
3 notes · View notes
dbapm1-blog · 5 years
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Israel tours by Israel experts
Israel is a small country and it offers many diverse touring and recreation destinations, from the snow-capped Mount Hermon and the Sea of Galilee in northern Israel to Jerusalem’s wailing wall and the cave of wonders to the Negev desert, Bedouin villages and to Eilat in the south. Here you will find a collection of tours, hikes, sporting events and outdoor group activities that will introduce you to the land of milk and honey.
Northern Israel tour destinations
Mid Israel touring
Jerusalem & The area tours
Southern Israel tours
Across Israel
Southern Israel tours:
Dashing through the Sand
Glide down the Dunes in the Negev Desert  
For some they are the paradigm of barren terrain, last remnants of an unspoiled landscape. For others, they are yet another challenge to conquer. “Ski” down giant sand dunes, with either skis or a board, without heavy gear and without adverse weather conditions. This exhilarating experience suits kids over the age of two as well as adults.
A Geological Wonder
A breathtaking Experience for Desert Lovers
The Ramon Crater in the Negev desert is Israel’s largest national park and one of its most breathtaking natural phenomena. Stand with a view of the crater, whose beauty and massive size inspires us to think about the vastness around us. At night you can gaze at a rain of stars under the clear desert sky. This is an amazing place for meditation, hiking or jeeping.
Dolphin’s in Eilat
Meet the Eilat Dolphins in Their Natural Habitat
The Dolphin Reef in Eilat is a relaxing experience it holds no performances. Instead, a calm and relaxing atmosphere surrounds you while watching the dolphins swim and play in their natural habitat. You can stay for hours and enjoy dolphin watching from special rafts or even swim near the beach, where the dolphins live, and view them up close. If they choose to, the dolphins can interact with the people in the water and may even join you for a playful swim. This is an outstanding experience for kids, interaction with the Dolphins will engrave a memory for a life time.
Birding in the Desert
Watch Raptors at Ramat HaNegev Birding Center
Israel is known as being one of the unique places in the world to witness and experience bird migration, with the southern Ramat HaNegev Birding Center specializing in desert birds and wildlife. We invite you to visit the center, which monitors local keystone species populations and offers birding education and tours throughout the year. An interesting fact is that the proceeds of the birding tours go to bird conservation!
Gardening in the Desert
Walk the shoes of a Community Gardener for a Day in the Negev Desert
Community gardens are a fun and satisfying way to connect to people and the environment in an urban setting, which explains why they became such a trendy pastime in many cities in Israel and around the world. Israel Experts invite you to volunteer in a community garden in Be'er Sheva, The Negev Capital that serves underprivileged minority groups.  You’ll be amazed at how much can grow in a small space at extreme conditions.
Ultimate Desert Survivor
Have you got navigation skills? Stamina and Leadership Abilities in the Negev Desert
Travel to the Negev Desert in southern Israel for an exciting Survivor experience in the Desert. The day will challenge your troubleshooting skills, problem solving technics and train you to think in new and creative ways. You will be able to accomplish things that you never thought possible in the most magnificent setting imaginable, Be an ultimate Israeli version Bear Grylls for a day (without the drinking capabilities)!
Meet the Bedouin
Experience a Bedouin Village and Meet Its People
The Bedouin village of Hura runs several community projects, empowering its residents in various fields. Israel Tours invite you to visit the village, in the Negev desert in Southern Israel, and meet its mayor. While there, you will join the students who work on a building project in the community, break bread with them and discuss local issues and the unique problem solving while absorbing local mind set.
Hebrew Gospel
Introduction to the Community of the “African Hebrew Israelites of Jerusalem”
Meet the Hebrews of Dimona, a small community of African-American descent, who believe they are descendants of the ancient Israelites. Visit the city of Dimona in southern Israel to hear about the community’s unique journey to the Promised Land and enjoy a remarkable Gospel concert.
Starting Anew
Visit a Town That Is All about New Beginnings
The town of Yeruham, in the Negev Desert, is home to people from diverse communities and backgrounds. We invite you to meet its people and hear their stories in a special panel. The elderly residents will tell stories of immigrating in the 1950s and how they were forced to settle in that area by Zionist settlement groups, while the young will talk about their decision to return and raise their life as families in their hometown with that enjoy a delightful local Jewish-Arab spicy food .
The Man Who Put Israel on the Map
Meet One of Israel’s Greatest Athletes Turned Statesman and Philanthropist
Tal Brody changed the way basketball was played in Israel and turned Maccabi Tel Aviv into a world-class team. Tal Engraved the phrase: “We are on the map! And we are staying on the map – not only in sports, but in everything.”, Today Tal is Israel’s International Goodwill Ambassador, traveling around the globe introducing various audiences to Israel’s culture, sports and everyday life. Join Tal for a visit to one of the projects he founded to help at-risk youth become involved in basketball.
Israel Tours to Israeli Olympic Gold
Meet Members of Israel’s Renowned Paralympic Team
Over the years Israel became a Paralympic powerhouse, winning a total of 123 gold medals in the Paralympic Games over the years, Zipora Rubin-Rosenbaum with 15 gold medals and Uri Bergman with 12. Have a talk with Inbal Pezaro, a paraplegic Israeli swimmer who won 4 silver medals at the 2008 Summer Paralympics in Beijing, and other outstanding Israeli athletes whose goal is to triumph over their physical disabilities and represent Israel in competitions around the globe.
Sailing against the Wind
Join Israel Experts to an Inspirational Cruise with a Group of Extraordinary Sailors
Set sailing with people with physical disabilities. Whether disabled from birth or as a result of accidents or military service, members of this group do not know the meaning of “giving up” and are committed to living their lives to the fullest. During this adventurous encounter they will teach you how to make the best of your abilities and inspire you to do the (seemingly) impossible.
Water Sports in the Mediterranean shores
Israel Is a Water Sports Nation, Come and Join the Fun!
Israelis love water sports, especially beach-matka play which only makes sense considering we have beach areas on both the Mediterranean and the Red Sea. Our windsurfers and kitesurfers regularly win Olympic and World championships. Israel Experts invite you to try Stand-up Paddle Surfing (SUP), which is a Hawaiian style surfing method that became very popular in Israel in recent years.
Surf Power
Helping Disadvantaged Teens Catch a Wave to a Better Life
In surfing, falling off your board means it’s time to get back on and give it another try. HaGal Sheli, which means “My Wave” in Hebrew is a social enterprise that uses surfing to teach life skills to youth at-risk and boost their self-esteem. Making the Mediterranean Sea as a classroom, the youth experience personal empowerment and learn to never give up on themselves but instead, how to fall and get back up again.
Home Away from Home
Meet Refugees and Immigrants Living in Israel  
The neighborhoods of Southern Tel Aviv are home to large numbers of refugees both legal and illegal migrant workers. Tour to the neighborhoods and learn about the lives and dreams of non-Jewish people who come to Israel in attempt to improve their lives creating a better lasting life for their children.
Shalom Gay Tel Aviv
Attend a Panel of LGBT Activists
Tel Aviv is recognized globally as one of the world’s cultural open-minded cities. The city is home to a world renowned annual Gay Pride celebration as well as to numerous gay and queer establishments and community centers. Israel Experts invites you to Tour Tel-Aviv with them and attend a panel with representatives of the Israeli LGBT community and hear about their experiences as gays living in the harsh hot Middle East.
Diversity and the City
Tour the City of Ramla Where Jews and Arabs Live Side by Side
Ramla, which means god is great above is a city in central Israel, where religious, secular Arabs and Jews from various ethnic origins live together. Israel Experts tours invite you to travel and learn about Ramla’s incredible history, take a walking tour in its famous market, eat a mouthwatering “Fricassee” which is a Tunisian Fry Bread Sandwich filled with Tuna fish and salads and hear about the amazing community initiatives that are changing the face of the city.
On the Waterfront
Tour to a Beachfront Arab-Israeli Town and Meet Its Residents
The Arab-Israeli town of Jisr az-Zarqa has a long history of coexistence with the neighboring Jewish cities. Today the town, located north of Caesarea at the northern coast of the Mediterranean, is engaged in improving its residents standard of living and promoting environmental tourism. Tour Jisr az-Zarqa, meet its people, learn about their development plans. Tour to the beautiful Caesarea National Park and the beachfront Apollonia National Park
Free Access to Play
Creating a Playground That Welcomes All Children  
Touring Israel with Israel Experts will unveil parks and playgrounds that are fully accessible to all children, regardless of their specific abilities and disabilities. Travel to one such park, in Ra'anana, a city in the center of the Sharon Plain, and learn about the specially designed equipment, while seeing first-hand how it changes the lives of the children who benefit from it.
 Jerusalem area
Faith and Heritage tour to The Christian Quarter of Jerusalem
Explore the Middle Eastern Impact on Christianity
Between the religious landmarks and narrow alleys of the Christian Quarter in the Old City of Jerusalem lies a history of bilateral influences between local traditions and Christianity. Join Israel Experts for a walking tour of the quarter and learn about the religious and cultural interface of the Middle East with Western Christianity.
Let the Sunshine In
Take an Israel Tours to a City Where Radically Different Jewish Movements Struggle to Coexist  
The city of Beit Shemesh, “House of the Sun” in Hebrew has recently become known for the many clashes between its secular, Modern-Orthodox and Ultra-Orthodox communities. Meet its residents and hear about their difficulties and about the initiatives taken by the community to bridge their differences.
Cave of Wonders
Travel to a Magnificent Wonderland of Stalactites and Stalagmites
Tread carefully between the Stalactites and Stalagmites in the Soreq Cave in the Judean Hills. Witness the beautiful formations formed by rainwater penetrating through the cave roof and dripping from its ceiling and meet the shady characters who make the cave their home. Some of the stalactites here are 300,000 years old!
Cultural Harmonies
Arab and Jewish Musicians Jam Together in Jerusalem
Nationality and religion should not matter when it comes to music. That is the shared belief of Arab-Israeli singer, Lubna Salame, and the Jewish Yemen Blues band. United by their passion for music, they created a group performance combining traditional Arab music and ancient Jewish-Yemenite melodies with modern funk influences. Travel with us to Jerusalem to meet the musicians and see them perform. Remember to bring your dancing shoes!
Beyond Belief
A Unique Bible Class Aimed at Christians Touring Israel
Participate in a seminar held by the Center for Jewish-Christian Understanding and Cooperation in Efrat. Study the Bible together with Orthodox-Jewish leaders, who will broaden your understanding of Judaism and share your own interpretation of the Old Testament.
The Light of Youth
A Craft Workshop Promoting Collaboration between Young Jews and Arabs
Travel to Jerusalem to join a candle making workshop with Arab and Israeli teens. Learn to make candles while acquainting yourself with the teamwork involved, relating teens from different religions and background to one another.
  Mother Nature’s Waterpark
A Natural Park of Spring Water Pools Surrounded by Green Lawns
Visit the beautiful Sachne Springs in Lower Galilee. This series of pools is fed by hot springs and includes waterfalls and even a natural Jacuzzi! You would be surprised to at how refreshing the hot spring water will feel even on hot day. Bring a lunch basket and enjoy a picnic on the sumptuous lawns.
Israeli heaven for Birds and People
A Beautiful Lake Visited by 500 Million Migrating Birds Each Year
The Hula Valley is a must for anyone interested in birding and even for those who didn’t know they were. The valley was once a malaria infested swampland, before being drained by Zionist pioneers in the early 20th century. These days, it is an opulent wildlife refuge with a lake that is home to a one of a kind ecosystem with wild boars, swamp cats and softshell turtles. Each year, half a billion migrating birds visit the lake on their way from Europe to Africa and back, turning the valley into a magnificent attraction for bird watchers from around the globe.
Cultivating Coexistence
Visit an Ecological and Sociological Greenhouse
The Ein Shemer Ecological Greenhouse is a unique educational facility, combining ecological and social activism. Located in Kibbutz Ein-Shemer in northern Israel, the greenhouse is a meeting place for teens from various populations that seldom come in touch in everyday life. Working cooperatively on agricultural and ecological projects brings together Jews and Arabs, religious and secular, immigrants and native Israelis, gifted students and children with special needs. Join us for a tour of the greenhouse. Meet the staff and learn how they cultivate coexistence.
Home and Away
Tour to an Educational Youth Village with a Unique Empowerment Program
Atop Mount Carmel in northern Israel lies a small village that is home and school to hundreds of at-risk and immigrant youth from around the world. Israel Experts invites you to spend time at the Yemin Orde village, meet its students and the teens who volunteer there and Participate in a volunteer project for the benefit of the students.  
Palestinian-Arabic Walk and Talk
Learn Palestinian-Arabic on the Go
If you enjoy learning on your feet you will love our “Walk and Talk” tour of Wadi Nisnas. Join us in exploring this multi-cultural neighborhood, on the lower part of Haifa in northern Israel, and learn some Palestinian-Arabic while touring its streets and famous market. Interacting with the locals is the best way to get acquainted with their language and their culture!
  Across Israel:
An Epic Trail
Hike the World Renowned Israel National Trail with Israel Experts
The Israel National Trail “Shvil Yisra'el” in Hebrew is included on National Geographic’s “World’s Best Hikes: Epic Trails” list. Crossing Israel from North to South, the trail leads hikers through both ancient and contemporary landscapes, desolated and inhabited areas. The trails are clearly marked, with some sections accessible to all good walkers and others requiring significant hiking practice and skill. Along the way you might meet some of the “Trail Angels”, who help hikers with food, water and a resting place free of charge.
Jewish Sustainability
Participate in a Seminar Connecting Jewish Texts to Universal Values of Sustainability
Engage with the classical texts of Judaism in a magnificent natural setting to better understand Judaism’s traditional values of environmentalism and sustainability. Explore ethical and legal underpinnings for environmental protection, humane treatment of animals and responsible preparation and consumption of food and discuss how to apply these lessons to your life after returning from Israel.
Frisbee Peace Chance
There Is No Better Way to Connect People than through Game
Youth from throughout the Middle East learn the ways of peace via Frisbee! Join the “Ultimate Peace” organization for an afternoon of bridge building (and Frisbee playing) between Israeli Arabs, Israeli Jews and Palestinians. See what happens when teens meet “the other” for the first time and interact in a playful setting.
 World Gym
Calling All Workout Buffs for Some Outdoor Activity
Are you up for a challenge? Outdoor training (or ODT in short) is an excellent way to bring groups of people together and turn them into a team collaborating towards a common goal. Our outdoor training activities include running, relay-races, myriad types of games and lots more and are great fun for both teenagers and adult fitness fanatics.  
This is a collection of experiences that revolve around the topic of diversity in Israeli society. Here you will find tours, workshops, performances and other interactive experiences that explore coexistence, pluralism, minorities, multi-faith relations and shared citizenship in Israel’s daily life.
Learning to Live Together
A Center for Jewish-Arab Education Promoting Peaceful Coexistence  
Visit with Israel Experts one of the Yad b’yad, “Hand in Hand” in Hebrew, schools, where Arab and Jewish children learn together. Hear about the organization’s model of education, which promotes cooperation and coexistence between the religions from an early age.
Judaism and “The Other”
Meet Religious Minorities Living in Israel
The Jewish state is home to people of various ethnicities and religions. We invite you to get acquainted with the religious minorities in Israel by attending a panel of Christians, Muslims, Circassians and Druze activists. Hear about their lives and their struggles, striving to coexist with the Jewish majority.
The (Stained) Glass Ceiling
Attend a Panel of Israeli and Palestinian Feminists
Despite significant improvements in recent years, the journey to gender equality in the Middle East remains long and arduous. We invite you to attend a panel of Arab-Israeli, Palestinian and Jewish-Israeli women and learn about the differences between gender roles in the three societies.
Military Mechina
Meet Israeli Youth Who Are Preparing for Military Service
Explore the world of pre-army “Mechina” (educational program preparing young adults for their military service) focusing on social justice, Jewish identity and leadership among Israel’s young adults. Meet the Mechina instructors and join the students for a text study.
 To conclude, Israel Experts offers Israel tours across the country, with over 20 years of expertise and knowledge we are capable of showing you the real Israel and experience the local culture and cuisine through a variery of tours.
We offer group tours like Acadmeic Programs, Jewish Federations & Organizations, Youth & Teens and Synagogues. And from the exclusive side we offer Private Israel tour for Family private tours, Art Tours, Food and Wine Tours, Luxury, spa and leisure tours and Agriculture tours.
Our tours are carefully planned by our educators. It is important for us to learn about your needs and goals. Once we know what you want to achieve, our EXPERTS will design a series of encounters and experiences that will immerse you into the heart of the wonderful, magical, yet complex, mosaic of Israel.
Israel’s heritage is our passion.
We know every stone, every road, every corner, every market and the great stories behind each one
We invite you to join us for a journey into the heart and soul of Israel – as well as your own.
We love and know Israel. We want to show you and teach you.
We see this as a wonderful opportunity to share our knowledge and enhance yours as you travel, hiking or just resting through the beautiful Israel.
3 notes · View notes
dbapm1-blog · 5 years
Israel tours by Israel experts
Israel is a small country and it offers many diverse touring and recreation destinations, from the snow-capped Mount Hermon and the Sea of Galilee in northern Israel to Jerusalem's wailing wall and the cave of wonders to the Negev desert, Bedouin villages and to Eilat in the south. Here you will find a collection of tours, hikes, sporting events and outdoor group activities that will introduce you to the land of milk and honey.
 Northern Israel tour destinations
Mid Israel touring
Jerusalem & The area tours
Southern Israel tours
Across Israel
 Southern Israel tours:
Dashing through the Sand
Glide down the Dunes in the Negev Desert  
For some they are the paradigm of barren terrain, last remnants of an unspoiled landscape. For others, they are yet another challenge to conquer. “Ski” down giant sand dunes, with either skis or a board, without heavy gear and without adverse weather conditions. This exhilarating experience suits kids over the age of two as well as adults.
 A Geological Wonder
A breathtaking Experience for Desert Lovers
The Ramon Crater in the Negev desert is Israel’s largest national park and one of its most breathtaking natural phenomena. Stand with a view of the crater, whose beauty and massive size inspires us to think about the vastness around us. At night you can gaze at a rain of stars under the clear desert sky. This is an amazing place for meditation, hiking or jeeping.
 Dolphin's in Eilat
Meet the Eilat Dolphins in Their Natural Habitat
The Dolphin Reef in Eilat is a relaxing experience it holds no performances. Instead, a calm and relaxing atmosphere surrounds you while watching the dolphins swim and play in their natural habitat. You can stay for hours and enjoy dolphin watching from special rafts or even swim near the beach, where the dolphins live, and view them up close. If they choose to, the dolphins can interact with the people in the water and may even join you for a playful swim. This is an outstanding experience for kids, interaction with the Dolphins will engrave a memory for a life time.
 Birding in the Desert
Watch Raptors at Ramat HaNegev Birding Center
Israel is known as being one of the unique places in the world to witness and experience bird migration, with the southern Ramat HaNegev Birding Center specializing in desert birds and wildlife. We invite you to visit the center, which monitors local keystone species populations and offers birding education and tours throughout the year. An interesting fact is that the proceeds of the birding tours go to bird conservation!
 Gardening in the Desert
Walk the shoes of a Community Gardener for a Day in the Negev Desert
Community gardens are a fun and satisfying way to connect to people and the environment in an urban setting, which explains why they became such a trendy pastime in many cities in Israel and around the world. Israel Experts invite you to volunteer in a community garden in Be'er Sheva, The Negev Capital that serves underprivileged minority groups.  You'll be amazed at how much can grow in a small space at extreme conditions.
 Ultimate Desert Survivor
Have you got navigation skills? Stamina and Leadership Abilities in the Negev Desert
Travel to the Negev Desert in southern Israel for an exciting Survivor experience in the Desert. The day will challenge your troubleshooting skills, problem solving technics and train you to think in new and creative ways. You will be able to accomplish things that you never thought possible in the most magnificent setting imaginable, Be an ultimate Israeli version Bear Grylls for a day (without the drinking capabilities)!
 Meet the Bedouin
Experience a Bedouin Village and Meet Its People
The Bedouin village of Hura runs several community projects, empowering its residents in various fields. Israel Tours invite you to visit the village, in the Negev desert in Southern Israel, and meet its mayor. While there, you will join the students who work on a building project in the community, break bread with them and discuss local issues and the unique problem solving while absorbing local mind set.
 Hebrew Gospel
Introduction to the Community of the “African Hebrew Israelites of Jerusalem”
Meet the Hebrews of Dimona, a small community of African-American descent, who believe they are descendants of the ancient Israelites. Visit the city of Dimona in southern Israel to hear about the community’s unique journey to the Promised Land and enjoy a remarkable Gospel concert.
 Starting Anew
Visit a Town That Is All about New Beginnings
The town of Yeruham, in the Negev Desert, is home to people from diverse communities and backgrounds. We invite you to meet its people and hear their stories in a special panel. The elderly residents will tell stories of immigrating in the 1950s and how they were forced to settle in that area by Zionist settlement groups, while the young will talk about their decision to return and raise their life as families in their hometown with that enjoy a delightful local Jewish-Arab spicy food .
The Man Who Put Israel on the Map
Meet One of Israel's Greatest Athletes Turned Statesman and Philanthropist
Tal Brody changed the way basketball was played in Israel and turned Maccabi Tel Aviv into a world-class team. Tal Engraved the phrase: "We are on the map! And we are staying on the map – not only in sports, but in everything.", Today Tal is Israel's International Goodwill Ambassador, traveling around the globe introducing various audiences to Israel’s culture, sports and everyday life. Join Tal for a visit to one of the projects he founded to help at-risk youth become involved in basketball.
 Israel Tours to Israeli Olympic Gold
Meet Members of Israel's Renowned Paralympic Team
Over the years Israel became a Paralympic powerhouse, winning a total of 123 gold medals in the Paralympic Games over the years, Zipora Rubin-Rosenbaum with 15 gold medals and Uri Bergman with 12. Have a talk with Inbal Pezaro, a paraplegic Israeli swimmer who won 4 silver medals at the 2008 Summer Paralympics in Beijing, and other outstanding Israeli athletes whose goal is to triumph over their physical disabilities and represent Israel in competitions around the globe.
 Sailing against the Wind
Join Israel Experts to an Inspirational Cruise with a Group of Extraordinary Sailors
Set sailing with people with physical disabilities. Whether disabled from birth or as a result of accidents or military service, members of this group do not know the meaning of “giving up” and are committed to living their lives to the fullest. During this adventurous encounter they will teach you how to make the best of your abilities and inspire you to do the (seemingly) impossible.
Water Sports in the Mediterranean shores
Israel Is a Water Sports Nation, Come and Join the Fun!
Israelis love water sports, especially beach-matka play which only makes sense considering we have beach areas on both the Mediterranean and the Red Sea. Our windsurfers and kitesurfers regularly win Olympic and World championships. Israel Experts invite you to try Stand-up Paddle Surfing (SUP), which is a Hawaiian style surfing method that became very popular in Israel in recent years.
 Surf Power
Helping Disadvantaged Teens Catch a Wave to a Better Life
In surfing, falling off your board means it’s time to get back on and give it another try. HaGal Sheli, which means “My Wave” in Hebrew is a social enterprise that uses surfing to teach life skills to youth at-risk and boost their self-esteem. Making the Mediterranean Sea as a classroom, the youth experience personal empowerment and learn to never give up on themselves but instead, how to fall and get back up again.
 Home Away from Home
Meet Refugees and Immigrants Living in Israel  
The neighborhoods of Southern Tel Aviv are home to large numbers of refugees both legal and illegal migrant workers. Tour to the neighborhoods and learn about the lives and dreams of non-Jewish people who come to Israel in attempt to improve their lives creating a better lasting life for their children.
 Shalom Gay Tel Aviv
Attend a Panel of LGBT Activists
Tel Aviv is recognized globally as one of the world's cultural open-minded cities. The city is home to a world renowned annual Gay Pride celebration as well as to numerous gay and queer establishments and community centers. Israel Experts invites you to Tour Tel-Aviv with them and attend a panel with representatives of the Israeli LGBT community and hear about their experiences as gays living in the harsh hot Middle East.
Diversity and the City
Tour the City of Ramla Where Jews and Arabs Live Side by Side
Ramla, which means god is great above is a city in central Israel, where religious, secular Arabs and Jews from various ethnic origins live together. Israel Experts tours invite you to travel and learn about Ramla's incredible history, take a walking tour in its famous market, eat a mouthwatering "Fricassee" which is a Tunisian Fry Bread Sandwich filled with Tuna fish and salads and hear about the amazing community initiatives that are changing the face of the city.
 On the Waterfront
Tour to a Beachfront Arab-Israeli Town and Meet Its Residents
The Arab-Israeli town of Jisr az-Zarqa has a long history of coexistence with the neighboring Jewish cities. Today the town, located north of Caesarea at the northern coast of the Mediterranean, is engaged in improving its residents standard of living and promoting environmental tourism. Tour Jisr az-Zarqa, meet its people, learn about their development plans. Tour to the beautiful Caesarea National Park and the beachfront Apollonia National Park
 Free Access to Play
Creating a Playground That Welcomes All Children  
Touring Israel with Israel Experts will unveil parks and playgrounds that are fully accessible to all children, regardless of their specific abilities and disabilities. Travel to one such park, in Ra'anana, a city in the center of the Sharon Plain, and learn about the specially designed equipment, while seeing first-hand how it changes the lives of the children who benefit from it.
  Jerusalem area
 Faith and Heritage tour to The Christian Quarter of Jerusalem
Explore the Middle Eastern Impact on Christianity
Between the religious landmarks and narrow alleys of the Christian Quarter in the Old City of Jerusalem lies a history of bilateral influences between local traditions and Christianity. Join Israel Experts for a walking tour of the quarter and learn about the religious and cultural interface of the Middle East with Western Christianity.
 Let the Sunshine In
Take an Israel Tours to a City Where Radically Different Jewish Movements Struggle to Coexist  
The city of Beit Shemesh, “House of the Sun” in Hebrew has recently become known for the many clashes between its secular, Modern-Orthodox and Ultra-Orthodox communities. Meet its residents and hear about their difficulties and about the initiatives taken by the community to bridge their differences.
 Cave of Wonders
Travel to a Magnificent Wonderland of Stalactites and Stalagmites
Tread carefully between the Stalactites and Stalagmites in the Soreq Cave in the Judean Hills. Witness the beautiful formations formed by rainwater penetrating through the cave roof and dripping from its ceiling and meet the shady characters who make the cave their home. Some of the stalactites here are 300,000 years old!
 Cultural Harmonies
Arab and Jewish Musicians Jam Together in Jerusalem
Nationality and religion should not matter when it comes to music. That is the shared belief of Arab-Israeli singer, Lubna Salame, and the Jewish Yemen Blues band. United by their passion for music, they created a group performance combining traditional Arab music and ancient Jewish-Yemenite melodies with modern funk influences. Travel with us to Jerusalem to meet the musicians and see them perform. Remember to bring your dancing shoes!
 Beyond Belief
A Unique Bible Class Aimed at Christians Touring Israel
Participate in a seminar held by the Center for Jewish-Christian Understanding and Cooperation in Efrat. Study the Bible together with Orthodox-Jewish leaders, who will broaden your understanding of Judaism and share your own interpretation of the Old Testament.
 The Light of Youth
A Craft Workshop Promoting Collaboration between Young Jews and Arabs
Travel to Jerusalem to join a candle making workshop with Arab and Israeli teens. Learn to make candles while acquainting yourself with the teamwork involved, relating teens from different religions and background to one another.
 Mother Nature’s Waterpark
A Natural Park of Spring Water Pools Surrounded by Green Lawns
Visit the beautiful Sachne Springs in Lower Galilee. This series of pools is fed by hot springs and includes waterfalls and even a natural Jacuzzi! You would be surprised to at how refreshing the hot spring water will feel even on hot day. Bring a lunch basket and enjoy a picnic on the sumptuous lawns.
 Israeli heaven for Birds and People
A Beautiful Lake Visited by 500 Million Migrating Birds Each Year
The Hula Valley is a must for anyone interested in birding and even for those who didn’t know they were. The valley was once a malaria infested swampland, before being drained by Zionist pioneers in the early 20th century. These days, it is an opulent wildlife refuge with a lake that is home to a one of a kind ecosystem with wild boars, swamp cats and softshell turtles. Each year, half a billion migrating birds visit the lake on their way from Europe to Africa and back, turning the valley into a magnificent attraction for bird watchers from around the globe.
 Cultivating Coexistence
Visit an Ecological and Sociological Greenhouse
The Ein Shemer Ecological Greenhouse is a unique educational facility, combining ecological and social activism. Located in Kibbutz Ein-Shemer in northern Israel, the greenhouse is a meeting place for teens from various populations that seldom come in touch in everyday life. Working cooperatively on agricultural and ecological projects brings together Jews and Arabs, religious and secular, immigrants and native Israelis, gifted students and children with special needs. Join us for a tour of the greenhouse. Meet the staff and learn how they cultivate coexistence.
 Home and Away
Tour to an Educational Youth Village with a Unique Empowerment Program
Atop Mount Carmel in northern Israel lies a small village that is home and school to hundreds of at-risk and immigrant youth from around the world. Israel Experts invites you to spend time at the Yemin Orde village, meet its students and the teens who volunteer there and Participate in a volunteer project for the benefit of the students.  
 Palestinian-Arabic Walk and Talk
Learn Palestinian-Arabic on the Go
If you enjoy learning on your feet you will love our “Walk and Talk” tour of Wadi Nisnas. Join us in exploring this multi-cultural neighborhood, on the lower part of Haifa in northern Israel, and learn some Palestinian-Arabic while touring its streets and famous market. Interacting with the locals is the best way to get acquainted with their language and their culture!
  Across Israel:
An Epic Trail
Hike the World Renowned Israel National Trail with Israel Experts
The Israel National Trail "Shvil Yisra'el" in Hebrew is included on National Geographic’s “World's Best Hikes: Epic Trails” list. Crossing Israel from North to South, the trail leads hikers through both ancient and contemporary landscapes, desolated and inhabited areas. The trails are clearly marked, with some sections accessible to all good walkers and others requiring significant hiking practice and skill. Along the way you might meet some of the “Trail Angels”, who help hikers with food, water and a resting place free of charge.
 Jewish Sustainability
Participate in a Seminar Connecting Jewish Texts to Universal Values of Sustainability
Engage with the classical texts of Judaism in a magnificent natural setting to better understand Judaism’s traditional values of environmentalism and sustainability. Explore ethical and legal underpinnings for environmental protection, humane treatment of animals and responsible preparation and consumption of food and discuss how to apply these lessons to your life after returning from Israel.
 Frisbee Peace Chance
There Is No Better Way to Connect People than through Game
Youth from throughout the Middle East learn the ways of peace via Frisbee! Join the “Ultimate Peace” organization for an afternoon of bridge building (and Frisbee playing) between Israeli Arabs, Israeli Jews and Palestinians. See what happens when teens meet “the other” for the first time and interact in a playful setting.
 World Gym
Calling All Workout Buffs for Some Outdoor Activity
Are you up for a challenge? Outdoor training (or ODT in short) is an excellent way to bring groups of people together and turn them into a team collaborating towards a common goal. Our outdoor training activities include running, relay-races, myriad types of games and lots more and are great fun for both teenagers and adult fitness fanatics.  
This is a collection of experiences that revolve around the topic of diversity in Israeli society. Here you will find tours, workshops, performances and other interactive experiences that explore coexistence, pluralism, minorities, multi-faith relations and shared citizenship in Israel’s daily life.
 Learning to Live Together
A Center for Jewish-Arab Education Promoting Peaceful Coexistence  
Visit with Israel Experts one of the Yad b’yad, “Hand in Hand” in Hebrew, schools, where Arab and Jewish children learn together. Hear about the organization’s model of education, which promotes cooperation and coexistence between the religions from an early age.
 Judaism and "The Other"
Meet Religious Minorities Living in Israel
The Jewish state is home to people of various ethnicities and religions. We invite you to get acquainted with the religious minorities in Israel by attending a panel of Christians, Muslims, Circassians and Druze activists. Hear about their lives and their struggles, striving to coexist with the Jewish majority.
The (Stained) Glass Ceiling
Attend a Panel of Israeli and Palestinian Feminists
Despite significant improvements in recent years, the journey to gender equality in the Middle East remains long and arduous. We invite you to attend a panel of Arab-Israeli, Palestinian and Jewish-Israeli women and learn about the differences between gender roles in the three societies.
Military Mechina
Meet Israeli Youth Who Are Preparing for Military Service
Explore the world of pre-army “Mechina” (educational program preparing young adults for their military service) focusing on social justice, Jewish identity and leadership among Israel’s young adults. Meet the Mechina instructors and join the students for a text study.
 To conclude, Israel Experts offers Israel tours across the country, with over 20 years of expertise and knowledge we are capable of showing you the real Israel and experience the local culture and cuisine through a variery of tours.
We offer group tours like Acadmeic Programs, Jewish Federations & Organizations, Youth & Teens and Synagogues. And from the exclusive side we offer Private Israel tour for Family private tours, Art Tours, Food and Wine Tours, Luxury, spa and leisure tours and Agriculture tours.
Our tours are carefully planned by our educators. It is important for us to learn about your needs and goals. Once we know what you want to achieve, our EXPERTS will design a series of encounters and experiences that will immerse you into the heart of the wonderful, magical, yet complex, mosaic of Israel.
Israel’s heritage is our passion.
We know every stone, every road, every corner, every market and the great stories behind each one
We invite you to join us for a journey into the heart and soul of Israel – as well as your own.
We love and know Israel. We want to show you and teach you.
We see this as a wonderful opportunity to share our knowledge and enhance yours as you travel, hiking or just resting through the beautiful Israel.
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dbapm1-blog · 5 years
Tours for Israel Jordan and Egypt by the experts to Israel - Israel Experts
Highlights & Jordan Tour - 11 Days / 10 Nights
Sunday arrival
Sunday - Tel Aviv
·         Upon arrival to Tel Aviv Airport you will be met by our representative who will be holding a sign with your name on, immediately after passport control. Our representative will guide you to pick up your luggage, after which you will be escorted via Customs to meet your driver who will transfer you to your hotel.
·         Evening at leisure in Tel Aviv.
·         Overnight in Tel Aviv.   
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