dbcafe-ng · 1 year
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(via "Praying Father of Four" Shower Curtain for Sale by DBcoo)
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dbcafe-ng · 1 year
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(via "Graced Mother of Two Girls" Cap for Sale by DBcoo)
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dbcafe-ng · 1 year
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(via "Changed" Pet Blanket for Sale by DBcoo)
we are changed
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dbcafe-ng · 1 year
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we love Nigeria
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dbcafe-ng · 2 years
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(via Something good is Coming Travel Mug by DBcoo)
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dbcafe-ng · 4 years
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dbcafe-ng · 8 years
Steps to remember
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dbcafe-ng · 8 years
Plans for Next Year
I was just thinking about my plans and the plans/goals I have for LIENe next year and I felt I should share my thoughts. Ever since I established this Business, I have taken appropriate steps to get more clients. I have called, emailed, posted articles, publicised on all social media platforms possible this has yielded manageable results but, can you imagine that I have not prayed ones. You see the problem is not just that I have not prayed its in the fact that I believe that prayer always makes all things available for me so, if I believe this why have I not prayed for clients. Its simple really, starting up is never easy there are so many things to do that, you may miss the important things and this is a fact. Man is not designed to fly solo. So always remember to ask someone or hire someone to check all the boxes on the checklist and most importantly remind you about what you believe because, it is what you believe that will work for you there is no two ways about that fact. Hire a start up assistant today we know the ropes, we share our knowledge with you and we get to know you well enough to remind you what you believe in...... Don't forget to make plans for next year. Love you and merry Christmas.
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dbcafe-ng · 8 years
Doing Our Best
Sometimes the statement "am doing my Best" may mean am doing my best the right way and may not be the wrong-est thing to say or think under pressure. Always take time to think and calm down and do your best the right way always. So ease up on that employee they might just be trying do it the right way and sometimes the wrong way looks faster but don't be seduced. As a Business Person you respect Time but, don't get pressured by Time. Do Your Best and end this year with Grace. Merry Christmas....... I know it early but still.
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dbcafe-ng · 8 years
Why we are partners
We are your partners because, we understand and respect your needs to make profits by exploiting creativity and we make it easier for you by, providing new options for you everyday. We had a great time with you this year and we hope we continue to work together Next year making the best out of creative ideas. Merry Christmas.......... We love you.
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dbcafe-ng · 8 years
Above all, try something.
Franklin Roosevelt (via hannaoliviaway)
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dbcafe-ng · 8 years
There is no healthier drug than creativity.
Nayyirah Waheed (via escapekit)
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dbcafe-ng · 8 years
Every problem, every dilemma, every dead end we find ourselves facing in life, only appears unsolvable inside a particular frame or point of view. Enlarge the box, or create another frame around the data, and problems vanish, while new opportunities appear.
The Art of Possibility, by Benjamin and Rosamund Stone Zander (via escapekit)
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dbcafe-ng · 8 years
When someone asks you to do something you’ve never done say yes, smile, and then run away and freak out. And then figure out how to get it done.
Carolyn Patton (via escapekit)
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dbcafe-ng · 8 years
NNPC/TOTAL National Merit Scholarship
NNPC/TOTAL National Merit Scholarship
Total Upstream Nigeria Limited (TUPNI), in pursuance of its Corporate Social Responsibility, is pleased to announce the commencement of 2016/2017 NNPC/TOTAL National Merit Scholarship application. The scholarship Selection Test will be conducted on Saturday December 3, 2016, at eleven (11) Centers across the Country.
Annually, Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC), and Total Upstream…
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dbcafe-ng · 8 years
Steps to remember before and after you open a store/shop in a residential location
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1.     Before you open make sure to visit the residents
A few days or a week before you open visit and get acquainted with the neighbors, you don’t have to visit every house just 2 or 3 is probably enough. Don’t be afraid to run into a potential competitor be honest, tell them you will be opening a store soon and tell them what you will be selling (you will be amazed how much information people share during a friendly gist) you might gain insights on their preferences and also, what will sell and what will not sell in that location. Don’t go all out and ask them direct questions like “what will you like me to sell in my store” that could backfire and it is not a risk a start-up should take.
2.     Be careful with the name of the store
Do not “I repeat do not” give your store or your business a name that sounds judgmental or spooky (the name of your store should not make people think about their sins that, may be your personal believe/goal but that, is not your business’ goal). Let the name be something simple, easy to remember and impartial to any and all cultures, religions or social norms you have enough competitors already do not put yourself at a disadvantage. Please and please! Remember that your customers are not buying whatever it is you are selling they are buying your brand so you need a brand that sticks.
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3.     Give something to the neighborhood
I will advise a sign post if there is no major one close by. Don’t feel bad, put your store’s name on it boldly it is your sign post any way but, make sure that there is a significant addition to its content that makes the sign board a land mark (like the major/common name of the place/road or the closest junction) make sure that the land mark content is not over shadowed by any other content on the board. Do not give the task of sign post graphics design to just anyone and make sure you check and recheck for errors.
4.     You need to get your customers to like and then trust you
There many ways to go about this steps but I will just look at one in this article. Get your customers to trust you by being available to them 24/7. That is just the secret, make sure that your customers can always trust you, to have what you say you have in your store. Build a website to monitor customer response and to build a relationship with them. If you can afford to hire more than one sales person, have them take shifts or take shifts with a sales person yourself (make sure you take the morning shift and do not leave until the next person has arrived) because you want to keep your store open for as many hours as possible in a day. Trust me!
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5.     Develop a brand standard
All your services and processes must be consistent. If it is “welcome to LIENe” you say to every customer as they walk in, let it be the same for every employee (in other words if it is “welcome to LIENe” no one should say “Good day how may I help you”). Make a logo and stick to it, make sure that your customers know you for one thing at a time particularly. Write down how the services in the store is to be rendered and make sure to educate your staff on these processes so that your business processes can be consistent because brand is consistency in other words.
6.     Be couscous of common start-up wrong practices
Be watchful of any wrong business practice that can give your store a bad rep and trust me these bad rep stick for a long time. Do not let your business fall into old traps. Make sure your sales reps are polite and treat your customers with respect. Monitor them from time to time. Do not take your sales reps’ word as golden, ask feedback questions from your customers and correct any misconceptions about your store the moment you find out about them. Do not take any misconception likely, find the source and stop it as swiftly as possible.
Last but not least, always have change to give your customers. So many stores loose customers on the issue of change in Nigeria. Customers don’t like it when they have to come back for change or lose money all the time over forgotten change. Go to the bank as often as you can and get small (polymer) bills (at least if you are not know for anything else, your customers should always be able to count on getting change from you).
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dbcafe-ng · 8 years
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50 Small Business Ideas for the Faith Based Economy http://ift.tt/2dEUnnj
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