dbh-ralph--ask · 3 years
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Two things, I love this as a post in general because it's absolutely true. But I'm going to link to talking about Ralph, because that's what I do here. This narrative is absolutely true for Ralph because with the trauma he endured he didn't become some strong badass that wields a knife and kills people for even looking at him wrong. He became a jumpy scared mess. Whatever he went through scared him enough that he feels threatened buy a 10 year old girl. That doesn't mean he's any less than somebody like Connor who got more defensive and strong because of every trauma he went through because of work. It just means they handled it differently.
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dbh-ralph--ask · 3 years
girl help! the popular fanon interpretation of my favorite character is stupid as fuck
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dbh-ralph--ask · 3 years
(My mood board, art not mine) I made this for a discord event and I'm super proud of it
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dbh-ralph--ask · 3 years
(Not my art)
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At the recall centre, they found each other. Lonely and afraid they stuck together as the electricity shot like lightning strikes around them. "It's going to be okay" Jerry reassured. Though Ralph was hesitant, he decided to believe those words. It was their last day after all.
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dbh-ralph--ask · 3 years
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dbh-ralph--ask · 3 years
This is so true, but I wish we could take Ralph with you to Canada. I feel like when Kara meets Ralph her motherly instincts would kick in and she would want to help him have a better life and where he is now at his hideout. I just think it would be nice that she would want to help him and even if she took him for selfish reasons such as Ralph can be a distraction if the cops are on their tail, she would at least give Ralph a small amount of feeling included.
Ralph: We can be one big happy family!! Alice is our little girl, Kara, you’re the mother, and I’m the father!!
Luther: *deviates*
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dbh-ralph--ask · 3 years
(Not my art) my boy need some form of comfort item like this
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Ralph wins a big plushie from a game at Pirate’s Cove and promptly falls asleep on it once he returned home 🐻
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dbh-ralph--ask · 3 years
I started doing this exact movement anytime I'm excited like I make the fist like I'm holding the rat and everything. I'm not upset about this just disappointed in myself
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a happy lil bean
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dbh-ralph--ask · 3 years
It could be such a cool rp idea to do RK900 and Ralph running into each other. Something like them both meeting as nines is hunting another deviant and Ralph ends up deviating nines in accident
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dbh-ralph--ask · 3 years
He just had such kind eyes
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dbh-ralph--ask · 3 years
(Not my art) honestly this ship needs more love 10000%. Ralph needs somone to be there to help calm his mind and jerry needs somone to help. They would balance each other out in the best way. Jerry could help Ralph keep his anger/temper under control and Ralph could help Jerry with his loneliness/abandonment issues
Ralph x Jerry
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A little sketch of this two, cause...i still love this fandom and them so much ;)
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dbh-ralph--ask · 3 years
Some more zombie au stuff
-android like ralph that have scarring are the ones that look less human and more like the zombies of the movies with the rotting flesh
- all zombies have a circular scar on their Temple from where they were injected to have their blood replaced with therium
- the reason that Elijah made zombies instead of Android is because he was unable to figure out how to get the fully-working Androids to be able to move on their own
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dbh-ralph--ask · 3 years
I would like to be the head of the detroit: become human zombie AU
I'm starting my headcannons with basic information and it will build as I get asks and flush out the au.
- they are still fed off therium as it was the chemical agent that brought them back to life.
- all androids are zombies with semi sentiments
- once deviated they can speak in broken English that's very slow
- if you are bitten by a zombie you won't turn as they have to drive to bite you
- deviation works as a zombie being able to talk and act more human
- zombies cant feel pain and are much less emotional
- all zombies are brandished on their temble to show they are zombie
- they look human but with pailer skin and are much stronger physically
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dbh-ralph--ask · 3 years
So we know the damage is from burning it his jaw is dented, he has a lot of cracking and his eye looks shattered. I assume he cant see out of the left eye.
So after just looking at him for more than 5 seconds we knownits more than being burnt, I looks like he was hit with some blunt force object. Maybe a fist maybe a bat, I'm not a detective. The cracking is also odd if it's just burning because he would look more melted that shattered if it was heat. Because metal bends and plastic melts so he wouldn't crack.
Another theory is maybe his head was hit off something like the sidewalk or a door after he was burned that force and presumably reparative hitting would definitely cause cracking.
Again from just looking at him for more than 5 seconds we know he was definitely tortured for a good while because of the collective damage he has not only on his face. We know that his skin won't generate on his hands or forearms, she has holes in his shirt from where it looks like you could have been stabbed or burned. And if you see him in the recycling Camp he has multiple wounds where he is cracked or has some sort of damage all over his chest
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Ladies and gentlemen, the WR600 *chefs kiss*
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dbh-ralph--ask · 3 years
Hes 5"7 which isnt that small. But the entire cast of dbh is like insanely tall for some reason
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He can deny it no longer. He is small.
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dbh-ralph--ask · 3 years
This fictional train wreck own my entire mind
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dbh-ralph--ask · 3 years
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(Not my art) this has been my lockscreen for so long. It's sad but the art is amazing
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