dc-warfare · 7 years
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Lord Voldemort doesn’t stop for nothing, not even for the one who’s making themselves call CORD. He gave the Death Eaters a very specific mission, and on this day, September 25th, such task has to be fulfilled. 
First, the trap was set. A little box containing a curse, and an irrelevant magic object inside - that was the bait. A curse breaker, specifically selected. Dedalus Diggle had enough contacts among the Aurors to let everyone know about the lonely Death Eater that broke into his office and threatened him. He was supposed to open the box and leave it at a certain place behind the Leaky Cauldron. A murdered sister, to make it look more real; such is the way terrorism works. The distraction was set. 
Second, the real mission. To infiltrate inside the Ministry and erase all records of new muggle borns born that year, so they would never know about the Wizarding World. 
Three groups. One inside the place, two outside. Divide and conquer, that is the philosophy the Death Eaters are sticking to today. This is only a battle, not the war. Who will win? Who will lose? Who will survive? Who will die?
(find what happened to your character under the cut. events are for the most part interconnected, so it’s recommendable to read all the text until the end even if your character isn’t tagged.) 
@yaxleyx you’re in charge of the second group, the one’s who’re supposed to intercept the Aurors that show up at the back of the Leaky Cauldron and guide them slowly to the front of the Ministry. The trap goes as planned, you manage to rule the battle for a while until you reach the Ministry and some more people start showing up. You assume they’re part of the Order of the Phoenix. Your group takes @flowerswakefield as a hostage. @ohitslucius, @evnroxier and @rcokwood you surround her and torture her multiple times. @thundrstorms and @countingbodieslikesheeps hold the front with Andrew, challenging whoever wants to rescue her. 
@diggleded, @coffeedisorder, @amesbones, @eddieboners, @vforoctavia are caught in battle with this group of Death Eaters. At first it feels like you’re losing, then you gain ground, and that’s when they decide to take Florence as a hostage. You immediately charge to rescue her. One of the masked people is especially fixated on you, Lily Evans. You don’t know it, but it’s Andrew Yaxley. He overpowers you eventually, shooting an unknown curse at you. You fall down, convulsing on the floor. Thorfinn Rowle, you take care of Dedalus Diggle in a particularly violent way. Gashes, burns - you lose yourself for a little bit there. Dedalus you fall, only to recover consciousness seconds later, feeling the blood running down your torso. Edgar, Amelia and Octavia manage to get to Florence and retrieve her unconscious body. Not without consequence. Lucius fires a curse towards you, Amelia. Octavia you see how your trainer embraces his little sister, taking the hit for her. He can barely stand before the Death Eaters vanish and make their retreat; but not before you get to strike one of them.
Lucius Malfoy, you get hit by Octavia’s cruse. Bleeding and weak, you crawl to @narcissab. Narcissa you don’t know who’s able to sneak into your room like that at this hour, with the many layers of security Black Manor has up. You find your future husband, bleeding on the floor, asking for help he never thought he would. 
@abouttonks you see this whole thing happening and rush to help, selfless as you are. Nothing could have prepared you for how vicious these people are, though. You get caught in the crossfire, hurt your leg pretty bad. @pandcrica and @lovexgood are hiding when they see this happen. Risking your own security you both go out an aid the man lying on the floor, rushing to St. Mungo’s.
@fenriirgreyback your task in charge of another group of Death Eaters is to cause general chaos and destruction going down Diagon Alley. You choose for your team, of course, the havoc makers. @cxrrxw-girl, @smallerstrange, @xcarrow, @sophiadarling, @verdantmeadow all go with you. You scatter, so you don’t find much of an opposition. Both Carrows witness as Sophia and Sabrina sneak towards Knockturn Alley, even though that place was supposed to be off limits according to your superiors’ orders. Sophia Wilkes and Sabrina Greengrass, you find your objective soon enough. The explosion at Borgin & Burke’s entrance and display will be reported later as part of the attack, or so you seem to think. 
@pxdfxot, @fairbornstar, @hextiajones, @peterpettigrxw, @icecream-headaches you try to chase down the scattered Death Eaters down the alley but soon enough you find yourselves at a loss. You retreat to the Ministry to help the others, only to find that the group has left. Lily Evans is still shaking violently on the floor, hit by an unknown curse. Sirius you pick her up, tears running down your face, and take her to St. Mungo’s immediately
@bonfireofthevcnities, @lorcantonedeath, @katrinawyns, @cxnstncerosier you find yourself in the middle of the alley when the chaos starts. Katrina steps up, managing to break into the shop were Emma works, and hiding everyone under the counter. No one gets severely hurt, except for a few scratches. Katrina Selwyn, being a hero leaves an acid taste in your mouth. Lorcan you choose to hide, but something insides you craves for the terror outside.
@firewxrkprewett and @frxckledprewett both of you are caught in a strange situation. Your father has come to St. Mungo’s to visit Fabian when the Patronus charm calling you both arrives. You tell him to stay, he follows after you anyway. Even if you don’t know it, Rabastan Lestrange hides behind the mask that fires the killing curse at him. His body falls like a puppet in between you two. You are petrified. 
The third and final group in charge of infiltrating is formed by @magnuslupus, @asderanged, @pennshingleton and @dvlohovs. They lock the record and documents’ office down, taking six employees as hostages. “Have fun with them, but don’t kill them, we’re taking them alive.”, Rodolphus Lestrage says. Bellatrix and Antonin you both look at each other silently planning on ignoring the command. Penelope you’re frightened. This is the most important task of all, and you need to make a good impression. The destruction begins, but things go out of hand. One of the employee rebels, and you  - the eldest Lestrange - snap and lose control. Penelope you hear Rodolphus approaching you. “Torture him”, he says. “Focus your anger, he’s going to ruin this if he keeps talking, show him who is the boss here. Make him suffer.” And you do, oh how you do it. And this is a sign for everyone else. Play time for you Antonin, who have been itching for this and for you Bellatrix, who look at your husband with satisfaction as you both start ending the lives of these soon to be corpses, one by one. 
By the time @mister-moody, @jamesprongster, @imbeingfrank, @queenoficing arrive there, the hostages are completely blasted and you all force the Death Eaters to escape. Part of the Muggle Born records can be saved, but most of them burn in the ground. You return to the rest of your people, counting your loses and your winnings. 
@andromedablackism, @theflowxrqueen, @mary-macc you are in St. Mungo’s and are left with the consequences of the attack. Andromeda you see two people helping Ted in, and your cousin comes to you as well, carrying Lily Evans along with Marlene McKinnon, Emmeline Vance and Peter Pettigrew. Daisy you see Edgar Bones, barely standing, brought by Octavia and Amelia. Mary you see the Prewett twins, devastated, carrying the body of their father. You three see tons and tons of wounded people caught in the middle of the attack, some of them without possibility of salvation. And you wonder, is this all worth it?
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dc-warfare · 7 years
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A very specifically placed note was found by @mr-alastor-moody on the 11th of September. It was a Sunday morning, he was working on a weekend again. Ten days had happened since the murder of Dirk Cresswell and a week since the church attack. The little piece of parchment only had a location written, and under the few words, a signature in big calligraphic red inked letters. CORD. 
You are the first ones to get to the place, alerted by Alastor Moody himself. There’s a small team assigned to the task and they’re all asked to lay low. @coffeedisorder, @firewxrkprewett, @imbeingfrank, @frxckledprewett & @pxdfxot. @fairbornstar, @peterpettigrxw, @icecream-headaches, @ofstagisms, @rxmusjxhn, @auroralice & @amesbones are ordered to stay in the headquarters, ready to leave immediately in case the situation gets complicated. @shackleblog & @flowerswakefield are instructed to appear afterwards with the Aurors team. 
The place written on the note was no more and no less than the burnt down church. In the centre of the main altar, you all see what you feared the most. There’s a body, a female corpse belonging to Azahlia Zabini. It isn’t difficult to find out that she has been dead for over a day now. On her body there’s something carved and already cauterised. The skin is deeply burned, gushed and scarred, but the single word stands out among the gruesome and awful display. RETALIATION.
Those of you who work at the Ministry are alerted first. The Aurors and members of Law Enforcement get to the place where they find the crime scene. Inhabitants of Hogsmeade or people who were spending the day there, will be most likely the firsts to find out and maybe see something of the crime scene. The others will have to ask around or read about what happened in the news. The Zabini family was immediately informed of the event; so pureblood houses in contact with them can also have details about the finding. 
CORD purposely played you, you are sure of that. Those of you who are members of Law Enforcement know about the fact that the mysterious killer let Alastor Moody know first of all. It’s impossible for you to search the crime scene or the body without alarming the massive amount of Aurors, healers, press and people in general; so the only solution is to retreat and regroup.  For now, the safest bet is for someone in Law Enforcement to ask St. Mungo’s for private access to the body. Nonetheless, every move has to be consulted with the Dark Lord, whose only demand for now is to find out whether Azahlia Zabini was tortured before her death. There’s a strong risk of exposure, and the situation is getting more and more intense. 
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dc-warfare · 7 years
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Death Eaters: 
A meeting with Lord Voldemort was held between him and Bellatrix Lestrange, Rodolphus Lestrange and Andrew Yaxley. Immediately after that, every Death Eater - marked and unmarked - was called to discuss the procedures following the disaster. Every young recruit, especially those without a mark, were submitted to extensive interrogations (painful in some cases) in order to determine their innocence and to secure their silence. No one was found a suspect and the conclusion of it was that Azahlia Zabini had blown her cover on her own. On the subject, it’s been decided that there will be no attempts of rescuing her, and that should she re-appear alive, the problem has to be dealt with quickly and swiftly. The various intel gatherers inside the Ministry are set to find information about CORD’s identity and a decision will be taken when there’s more data available. 
Order of the Phoenix: 
The day after the murder the members were called to Hogwarts to talk to Professor Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall. There was also a small service for Dirk Cresswell held there. Alastor Moody couldn’t be present due to his obligations as an Auror, but sent a Patronus spell with a newly discovered clue that Florence Wakefield was also able to confirm. There was evidence of a struggle inside one of the rooms of the mansion, and a faint trace of magic was found that could potentially trace one of the wands involved (Zabini’s or CORD’s). Members are advised to stay on constant watch in case they’re needed to follow this trail, independently from the Ministry’s officials. Dirk’s connection to the Order and the content of CORD’s letter are to remain a secret. Order members inside the Ministry are commanded to find more information about CORD’s identity and report to Professor Dumbledore directly and immediately. 
For those present at the ball, the contents of the letter are public and well known already. However, the last Daily Prophet’s article doesn’t mention a thing about it. Most people at the Ministry are closed off and refuse to give any useful information. Once more, you’ve got the feeling that you’ve been left in the dark about something. Whether you choose to pursue a deeper investigation or not, is up to you. 
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