dcngerousblues · 4 years
// @bennygilmore​
a girl walks into a coffee shop, that’s how the joke begins, but the punchline never comes. stacy is a regular at bean there, done that, and she’s known to enjoy a good conversation with her favorite barista chandler. what she doesn’t expect is an old friend, benny, to be standing at the cash register, taking orders. “brainiac! you made it back to wellcliff all in one piece!” she claps her hands together. “how was big-city-boston? why are you back?” it’s easy for stacy to get lost in her excitement.
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dcngerousblues · 4 years
// @noahrayen​
“oh, great! you came!” she looks behind her at the firefighter walking off, her hand pressed anxiously to her chest. “you heard all the details on the phone, right? i need help, one of the strays ended up in a tree and can’t get down,” she points up to the tree she’s standing near where a little orange tabby is perched in the branches.
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dcngerousblues · 4 years
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dcngerousblues · 4 years
“Thanks, You do know how to make people feel welcome you know?” It was a nice change of pace, from the impression he got once he got back… His hometown was… Well he still felt a sense of uneasiness that was hard to shake off. Euphemism of the century. “And I hope I’ll be able to…well you know… soon.” He lowered his eyes. Yeah, it sucked, having to rely on the generosity of a friend. At least he had one that was willing to help out. 
“Well, around.” He shook his head. The frown though was quickly replaced by a smile. “I know that’s not a real answer isn’t it?” He chuckled. “It’s a long story, but well, to make it short I literally punched my way through college.” He shadowboxed against the air. “And out of it, shortly thereafter.” Yep…  “I do have a few adventures in between though.” He smiled, but it didn’t exactly reach his eyes.
“Yep. Couldn’t wait to dart out of town myself…” And yet there he was. 
“I bet you do.” He smirked. “Fuck I really need to get a new board somehow.” Well, after he got a few more thing sorted out maybe. “Maybe you can give me a lesson or two, might have gotten a bit rusty.” 
“Cozy.” He surveyed the home. “Tell your mom I love your house by the way.” He added politely, not that it wasn’t true though.
“Yep, just one. Anything I can help out around here?” The least he could do was play his part with the chores after all.
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“i would hope so. my mom says that being a good hostess should be my first priority in life. if you treat others well, then the karma will come back to you, or something like that,” this is her way of thanking him for the compliment regarding being welcoming. to stacy, this was just a part of her life and she was used to giving people the warm welcome no matter what creed or background they came from. “there’s no rush on moving out, mom likes it when the rooms are filled up.”
she tries to wrap her head around his answer to where he’s been. “around? like, were you in school at wellcliff community college?” she presses on, starting to walk back to the foyer and up the stairs. “i didn’t think people had a reason to fight in college. i thought it would be all smooth sailing and whatever. no cliques to worry about, not much of a reputation to keep, just classes to get through.” stacy wouldn’t have known, she hadn’t been lucky enough to attend college. wellcliff was where she had stayed and not even the community college interested her enough to go out of her comfort zone.
“dude! i totes have got you covered in the board department. i keep all my old ones in the basement,” most of stacy’s purchases had to do with her surfing hobby - boards, wax, stands, and suits. she had them all. the basement even had some wetsuits from past boyfriends of her mother or random people who came to stay with them and left their gear behind. “i can try and teach you, but you’ll have to catch up, newbie,” she giggles.
“wait ‘till you see the upstairs, it’s cozy and a half,” she points to the first door all the way down the hall. “that’s gonna be your bedroom, it’s got a nice queen bed, an old quilt, a dresser, and an attached bathroom with a shower.” their house had four bathrooms and four bedrooms, it worked out nicely for housing a whole hoard of people.
“there’s a lot you can do to help out. the crain girls can put you to work, especially when it comes to dishes or helping with cleaning. we’ll let you know what needs to be done when it needs to be done,” she answers him, crossing her arms over her chest.
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dcngerousblues · 4 years
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         “are we about to have one of those teen coming of age movies moments where i ride on the bars, you peddle, and some half-assed monologue plays saying high school doesn’t last forever but friendships do?” chuck glances down at her shirts and decides they’re not short enough to flash anything so settles herself on the bars. “don’t shit on my surprise, that was the whole point. i wanted to be like - whabam! i got you two wheels and tassles. if you’d have came with me there’d be no surprise and that just kills the fun.” chuck fakes being hurt at the flick to her arm and rubs at it. “i do nice shit for you and all i get is abuse. that’s it, i’m leaving you for another woman, her name’s rebecca and she loves me the way i deserve to be loved.”
“i was thinkin’ we’d do more of that scene in aquamarine where we peddle by the cute guy’s house while you wear a shirt for a halter dress,” she laughs, watching as chuck hops on. she’s already peddling around the “fuck-mobile,” ringing the little bell every now and then. “anyone you want to do the drive-by for, dude?” stacy asks, starting to go a further distance from the van onto the walk surrounding the boardwalk and the beach. “okay, i do have to say the surprise was real nice, chuck. you did good, and i commend you for your grand theft bike skills,” she giggles, picking up pace on the bike. “rebecca might end up smashed under my bike tire, just saying. if i can’t have you no one can,” stacy mimics a spooky voice for the last part, but it’s all in good fun, even if there was a rebecca stacy might not care.
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dcngerousblues · 4 years
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     “okay fine, i’m but a weak man who is easily bribed.” he takes the tips and shoves them in his boot. “just letting you know i eat enough for an entire football team.” he moves around to swing the kitchen door open and props it there with an old beer keg. “is that so? that’s a lot of talk for someone ‘boutta fail at corndogs for the first hour of learning.” there’s corndogs on sparky’s menu but it’s not one of their bigger dishes. people come here and order seafood mostly. “so, you’re calling me a cracker? you wound my stacy.” he playfully prods her with his spatula, tossing it in the sink as he walks further into the kitchen and grabbing a clean on. “you can’t beat me at my own game, crush. i’ve got nine years under my fry cook apron.” 
“it’s okay to be weak, ted, but usually you don’t admit it so that others won’t keep takin’ advantage of you,” she giggles, stepping behind the counter and following him into the kitchen. “an entire football team? that’s totes weaksauce, dude. i can eat as much as an entire tri-state area,” stacy sticks her tongue out, batting away his spatula. “i mean, like, are you a cracker?” she questions, looking him up and down suspiciously. “i thought you’d have only one-inch under that apron,” she cracks the dirty joke, which leaves her in stitches as she laughs at her own deprecation of teddy. “okay, okay, what do i need to know to work this thing?” she asks, looking at the fryer with it’s thick, bubbling oil.
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dcngerousblues · 4 years
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Do you think there’s a chance that we could be okay again? 
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dcngerousblues · 4 years
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      “knew you’d love it!” chuck had seen stacy getting low, not her usual self and that just won’t do. so, her little thieving escapade was worth it upon seeing stacy’s face light up. “just know i took it from the rich, they’ve got enough money for another.” she shrugs, flicking some of the rainbow tassles with a smirk that is shadowed with how proud she is of herself. “also don’t worry about riding it around, i didn’t steal it in massachusetts.”
“here, beach babe, hop on the handle bars,” stacy pats them, inviting chuck to be the passenger when she takes the bike out on its first spin. “you know, the rich can, like, totes get fucked. no one should have enough money to buy a small island, y’know?” she rings the little bell on the handles, giggling at the joyful chime it makes. “good to know you took a little road trip without me! i totes could have been your lookout, or, like, an accomplice,” stacy pouts a little, flicking chuck’s arm with her finger. “next time you go out in the middle of the night to steal me a bike, invite me along. ‘kay?”
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dcngerousblues · 4 years
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        “a favour, huh? and what do i get out of this?” he raises a brow, hip resting against on of the steel counters. teddy didn’t want to be a fry cook, he just- fell into it and he has been stuck here ever since. he flips the spatula in his hand and catches it by the handle as he thinks it over. “wait- you actually cook the hotdogs on the stand? remind me to never buy one.” he chuckles moving off the counter and walking to the window, resting his elbows on the frame. “teddy-gram- that doesn’t even make any sense. but fine, though if you burn this place down you didn’t see me and it’s all your fault.”
“i’ll give you my tips from today,” stacy pulls a measly twenty-five dollars in cash from her pockets to hand over to teddy. “and, as many free corn dogs as you want once i learn how to fry ‘em right and coat them in just the perfect amount of batter,” she adds, handing the cash over to the fry cook. “dude! i’m the best hot dog griller in the world, i’m a prodigy at it,” she rolls her eyes. the hot dogs at the stand are actually pretty good when chuck and her are trying their best. it’s not like they’re spitting on the food or leaving the packages of hot dogs outside of the fridge. it’s all as clean as a boardwalk food stand can be. “teddy-graham, like those little crackers. you know?” she gestures like she’s holding some of the bear shaped treats. “i won’t burn jackshit down, legs. catch me besting you at your own job as a fry cook.”
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dcngerousblues · 4 years
“is it bad that i replaced his lube with hot sauce or did i overreact just a little?”
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“dude! that’s totes grody and completely painful,” stacy’s legs come together like she’s the one dealing with the aftermath of jesse’s switcheroo. “did you think about the fact you might hurt the person he’d ‘do the do’ with, too? i think hot sauce is definitely means for, like, a yeast infection on top of burning.”
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dcngerousblues · 4 years
Location: WellCliff Beach Status: Open @wellcliffstarters·
“Okay, I might have missed out on the bonfires lately, but there’s no reason we can’t still do smores. We can do another bonfire. Tonight. If you want.”
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“you didn’t miss much,” stacy lies while remembering the night of absolute fun and chaos. the wellcliff bonfires were never boring, and always had something of note that happened. she smiles as rose proposes a personal bonfire. “look, i don’t know exactly how legal it is, but i’m, like, totes down! i have a bunch of stuff we could use to burn. we just have to get out the furniture in my basement without my mom knowing,” she holds her finger to her lips to imply it will be a secret between the two of them.
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dcngerousblues · 4 years
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         tossing some dirty dishes in the sink, teddy sighs heavily. his job was exhausting and by the looks he might have to take up a second job, maybe even a third. bills are piling high and some of them have some nice intimidating red font. though he shoves that all to the side upon spotting stacy through the serving window between the kitchen and the bar. “you trying to squeeze more free fries out of me, crush?” @dcngerousblues·
“actually, i have a favor to ask of you from my boss,” stacy takes on her most professional voice, which isn’t actually professional at all. “the dude wants us all to start learning how to use a fryer for corn dogs, and i immediately thought of you, teddy, the fry king. so i was kinda hoping you could teach me how to get the corn dogs just right.” she clasps her hands together, batting her eyelashes furiously. “please, please, please, teddy-gram... i’ll do anything for your help”
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dcngerousblues · 4 years
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          “feel free to bow, the queen has one upped even herself.” throwing the back van doors open, chuck reveals to stacy a bike. chuck had even drove two states over last night to make sure no one tracks it. she wheels it out, the tires bouncing when they hit the tarmac. “tada! and no, you can’t remove the tinsel tassels on the handles because they’re fabulous and give the whole thing a bit of vavavoom.” the bike is a pretty decent one, almost looks brand knew even and is sea blue. “don’t worry, i stole it off a rich kid. i went all robin hood.” @dcngerousblues·
stacy was wondering why chuck had dragged her to the back of the “fuck mobile” after their typical hot dog stand shift. the surfer who was usually in a relaxed and good mood was clearly feeling the loss of her bike with a more bummed attitude. when she sees the sea blue bike with rainbow tassels being wheeled out by chuck, a smile lights her entire face. “dude! this bike is totes radical! i’m, like, so stoked to give it a test ride...” she walks up, touching the handles and looking at it like it’s a piece of gold treasure. “robin hooded it? do you think you can give me more deets on who exactly you swiped the bike from?” she asks, already plopping onto the bright white seat.
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dcngerousblues · 4 years
“It’s a little bit of both, I guess.” He said with a smile, shrugging. Sonny was addicted, he knew that, but that didn’t mean he wanted to freely admit it. It was a bad habit, one he wished he could break, but he’d tried going cold turkey in the past and it wasn’t pretty, so he just stopped trying. “Guess I shouldn’t mention that, that’s what I call my actual mother, then, huh?” He laughed, knowing that it wasn’t the first time he’d gotten that complaint. It was like when he called someone ma’am or sir - even those younger than him got called that, and he heard so many times that it made them feel old, but he couldn’t help it. “Oh, for sure. Did she ever get back from that business trip?” When she gave him the shaka sign, Sonny couldn’t help but chuckle as reached up to remove his sunglasses, placing them on top of his head. “No? I can only assume you don’t do a whole lot of partying either, then. But you totally should. You’d be a good time at parties.”
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“makes it worse if that’s what you’re calling your actually mom, dude,” but she’s still smiling and laughing. to stacy, it doesn’t really matter what she’s called, as long as it doesn’t completely harsh her mellow. she eyes his sunglasses wondering if she would look good in a pair like that. she’s always looking for more beachwear. “actually, my mom does take a lot of business trips. she travels in, like, these psychic fairs and does seminars throughout massachusetts and cape cod on seances and reaching the dead,” it’s so casually slipped into the conversation, stacy might as well be talking about her mother selling vacuums or insurance. the girl was raised thinking the paranormal wasn’t anything but normal. “actually, dude, i’m the absolute life of the party,” she wiggles her eyebrows. “you should know, for future reference, i’m a great time at parties. you should try to find me at one. i’m usually the girl riding mattresses down the stairs or doing a messy keg stand at the very end.”
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dcngerousblues · 4 years
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        bash is sat on the beach, still clad in his jeans and button up shirt he wears for meetings. he’s swigging from a bottle of beer and can’t help watching the surfers taking advantage of the waves. a little part of him is jealous, but bash has seen too many shark documentaries to fuck with the sea on a surfboard. it’s different on a fishing boat, safer, he’s more familiar with it. and maybe it’s because he finally stopped being so emotionally constipated and is finally with luca- but he has to comment. the cliche surfer he met prior is heading for land and the compliment slips. “you’re pretty goo at that.” @dcngerousblues·
she is walking back from a long day on the waves and is surprised to hear any comment from the guy who had insulted her and her surfing to high hell the last time she’d seen him. stacy turns back, her head tilted to the side and her eyes roaming him carefully. “i thought you said it was, like, a dumb sport?” she asks, trying to wrap her brain around the compliment. “but, thanks, dude. i guess you’ve changed your mind about the waves. are you here to go out on ‘em?”
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dcngerousblues · 4 years
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bucket hats, anklets, mom jeans, high-waisted shorts, crop tops, sweatshirts, and chokers. stacy’s wardrobe is nothing short from the shelves of an aeropostale or aerie. you’ll usually catch her going barefoot, in flip flops, or some random white vans or converse that she’s had since high school. her favorite thing to wear is her wetsuit because you know what that means... surf day!
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dcngerousblues · 4 years
“The nicotine just adds another layer to the worship. My little people would suffer without it at this point.” He said with a laugh, reaching up to adjust his hat. When she laughed - no, giggled - a grin spread across Sonny’s lips and he shrugged his shoulders. “Yeah, ma - easy go-to when you don’t know a girl’s name,” He paused, tongue darting out momentarily to wet his nearly-chapped lips. “Stacy - does your mom got it going on?” His mind immediately jumped to Stacy’s Mom by Fountains of Wayne, and he hoped that she got the reference and didn’t think he was being a creeper. “I’m Sonny, by the way,” He extended his hand for her to shake. “I work down at the garage - I’m a mechanic. Lived here for a couple’a years now, actually, but the parties are definitely a plus.”
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“sounds more like an addiction than a thing your little people worship,” her head tilts to the side, like she’s just caught him in some kind of lie. “when i don’t know a name, i go with ‘dude.’ when you call me ‘ma’ i feel so old... like a mother...” she keeps on giggling, burying her head in her hands. “i, like, totes haven’t heard that one before,” ever since the song came out, stacy had heard the joke from peers, strangers, and even other family members. fountains of wayne haunts her name, but she’s not angry about it. being forever calm and collected, she simply rolls with it. “let me guess, since my dad walked out my mom could use a guy like you?” she flips the lyric from the song to fit her situation. “good to meet ya, sonny,” she smiles, taking his hand for a quick shake. then she moves back and gives him her typical shaka. “probably why i’ve never seen you. i don’t have a car that would ever need servicing,” stacy twirls one of her black locks around her index finger.
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