dcnverarchive-blog · 9 years
aim: a.gabrielle kik: anaayyye
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dcnverarchive-blog · 9 years
Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars.
Khalil Gibran  (via wordsnquotes)
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dcnverarchive-blog · 9 years
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Michelle Hodkin, The Evolution of Mara Dyer
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dcnverarchive-blog · 9 years
close enough —  solo ;
“ b, ” he murmurs, gently poking one of the boy’s forearms.  there’s no response, bilal’s breath tickling soft against denver’s neck.  the thing is, he’s got to get up; morning means productivity and that means he needs a cup of tea before he can function.  there is certainly no tea under the comforter.  denver has to get up. somewhere between b curling his arms tighter around him and letting out a pleased little sigh, denver realizes that he’s actually spent the entire night asleep. “ den?  you sure you’ll be alright? ” “ yeah, course.  brought chamomile tea up from the lobby in case either of us wakes up.  i’ll be fine, b.  will you? ” “ yeah. ” he wasn’t sure if he had been surprised when b confessed his tendency towards night terrors, but when he divulged the same and the other had offered to come up and keep him company through the night, denver was grateful. they lay like this for a while, denver with his back against the headboard and b with his head in denver’s lap, enjoying the feeling of den running his fingers through his hair while they each did their respective winding down rituals with their novels and music of choice.  at some point denver begins to slow down, eyes drooping; it’s then that b presses a soft kiss to the inside of his wrist, puts both of their books and headphones away and tucks the smaller boy in. now b stirs behind him, leans forward and lands a kiss on den’s clothed shoulder.  “ morning, ” he says, voice gruff around the edges with sleep and it makes denver shiver.  “ y’okay? ”  and of course b takes the shiver as something bad, presses another kiss to his shoulder when denver nods. “ any nightmares? ” b’s hand rubs soft little circles over denver’s belly that have him torn between giggling and sighing so he just bites his lip.  “ none.  you? ” “ none, babe. ” it’s now that denver turns himself in bilal’s arms, careful not to crush them ( not that it’s possible ) and looks up into dark eyes, still soft with sleep.  he doesn’t say anything, only looks for a second before looking away, fingers unsure where to rest when b isn’t wearing a shirt. “ den. ” “ yeah? ” “ what is it? ” what is it?  it’s a thousand things, his mind urges desperately.  it’s how soft your voice is, your eyes are, when you talk to me; it’s how you let me play with your hair when you’re tired, it’s how you hold onto me like i’m actually important.  it’s the way you let me push you away ten thousand times each day and still return to look after me at the end of it all.  it’s the way you’ve broken my walls down with only a look. “ it’s nothing. ”
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dcnverarchive-blog · 9 years
push pull // purity ring
you push and you pull and you tell yourself no it’s like when you lie down, the veins grow in slow you push and you pull but you’d never know i crept up in you and i wouldn’t let go
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dcnverarchive-blog · 9 years
sorry is it bad i’m laughing at that confession tho does that make me conceited?? idk i rly hope it doesn’t i just y’all talk about den on gossip blog n confessions but he gets no anons and im??? so confused i thought nobody paid him any mind anymore??? but also if you think he’s annoying lol almost sorry but not bc i love him so xoxo gossip girl
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dcnverarchive-blog · 9 years
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dcnverarchive-blog · 9 years
You don’t need anyone’s affection or approval in order to be good enough. When someone rejects or abandons or judges you, it isn’t actually about you. It’s about them and their own insecurities, limitations, and needs, and you don’t have to internalize that. Your worth isn’t contingent upon other people’s acceptance of you — it’s something inherent. You exist, and therefore, you matter. You’re allowed to voice your thoughts and feelings. You’re allowed to assert your needs and take up space. You’re allowed to hold onto the truth that who you are is exactly enough. And you’re allowed to remove anyone from your life who makes you feel otherwise.
Daniell Koepke  (via wordsnquotes)
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dcnverarchive-blog · 9 years
imessage — bee ; dilkash
bilal: I'm fine with being patient Den I really am
bilal: but I need to know what's going on
bilal: with you, with you and knox, with...us
denver: i appreciate it
denver: i...don't know what to say
denver: knox and i aren't dating if that's what you're asking
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dcnverarchive-blog · 9 years
imessage — bee ; dilkash
bilal: and why not?
denver: i can't b please
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dcnverarchive-blog · 9 years
imessage — bee ; dilkash
bilal: i dont want anyone else to see it
bilal: you keep saying things are dangerous like im holding a beehive
bilal: dangerous is more interesting
denver: interesting is overrated sometimes, i've had quite a lot of interesting
denver: i wish i could tell you more b but i can't
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dcnverarchive-blog · 9 years
imessage — bee ; dilkash
bilal: stop fucking apologizing
bilal: i dont deserve anything and i sure as hell dont deserve anything more than you
bilal: what does that mean?
denver: of course you do b, you're the sweetest person i think i've ever met
denver: though you don't let anyone else see it
denver: and it means
denver: it means i wouldn't be able to look away once i started. and that's dangerous.
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dcnverarchive-blog · 9 years
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dcnverarchive-blog · 9 years
imessage; denver.
knox: can't explain it. s'fine now
knox: to be honest i don't know, but i just want you to be happy
denver: is it fine?
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dcnverarchive-blog · 9 years
imessage; denver.
knox: it isn't okay though denv because i can't just look at you with just words or thoughts, you know? like.. theres feelings. have been since i saw u on the pitch
knox: i know. i haven't even got the skill of ignorance under my belt
knox: it's not fine, though, and i don't think pretending it is will help much bab
denver: but how?? knox you didn't even know me then..
denver: what will help then?
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dcnverarchive-blog · 9 years
imessage — bee ; dilkash
bilal: because you won't tell me anything denver!
denver: shit
denver: b i'm sorry. i'm so fucking complicated i'm sorry you deserve more
denver: i couldn't look at you because i'd lose myself if i did
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dcnverarchive-blog · 9 years
a fun and interesting fact about me is that im a fucking idiot
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