dcyswclking · 3 days
Attempt writing or finally start on the Jake gifs? Not sure yet.
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dcyswclking · 3 days
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dcyswclking · 15 days
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She really couldn't deny it and she wasn't going to. Knew she had made mistakes too. However there had been times where she had just watched him from a distance and when he had noticed it some remark had almost always been given, let her react in the way she saw fit, mostly defensive. Like she was right now. A habit which was hard to shake. "You haven't been much approachable with your kook prince attitude." Granted, there had been reasons for that and instead of reading the signs the right way she had used them to justify her decision. Looking back it was most likely one of the most selfish things she had done, if not the most selfish. "I know that!" Voice momentarily rose at the constant reminder it was all on her. It was, there was no denying it and Kie knew it so well. "I was hurting, Rafe. Felt like the whole world was against me and I did what felt like the only right decision at that time. I chose to protect myself from ever getting hurt like that again."
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"oh come on, don't act innocent. you act like your surprised, kie. that you haven't been treating me the same way they have these last few years." rafe might be projecting a little bit but he still stands by what he says. how it feels to be ignored and berated by someone he thought he could trust. "like it's my fault we have this distance to begin with? you're the one who walked away, kiara. you're the one who shut me out when sarah decided to show how much of a bitch she really can be. you ran away, not me."
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dcyswclking · 15 days
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This was such a warm gesture and seeing that grin upon the other's face, Alicia couldn't help herself, but to smile in return as well. "That's very sweet of you, thank you, Minah."
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@dcyswclking (alicia clark) liked for a randomized starter
26. for a domestic starter .
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"i made us some poptarts." minah grinned as she made her way over and placed the plate in front of the other. "i know they're not a lot of people's favorites... but i thought to make you some anyway."
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dcyswclking · 16 days
It was a whirlwind of information. Glimpses of how people died, their last moment, names, so many names, countless and none really stuck long enough to be fully registered, to be remembered. Not that Evan did know any of them, at least he believed he didn't. If Natalie's name was among them, he most certainly wouldn't catch onto that. There was just too much to filter out specifics. It was weird, in a way his head felt like it was about to burst, giving him the feeling of wanting to scream and yet he felt so detached to his own body that he was incapable to do so, to even lift a limb. Like he was only connected with it by a string.
He didn't know how much had passed until the flood was slowly dying down, if time had even continued on without him noticing or if it had been only seconds. Yet at the edge of his consciousness he felt something. Was it a touch? Something caressing along his shoulder? Along his arm? The more he focused on it the more he was dragged back, began to feel more of himself, his own body. How heavy it felt, exhausted.
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The spirits had died down to a mere humming, one the blond was too familiar by now and in a way it was comforting to know the worst was over. However, now he clearly felt it. There were hands on him! Eyes flew open and in a reflexive movement Evan shot up with his upper body, not knowing his chaser's head was right above him. His head collided with the man's hard, sending a shot of pain right through it. Evan groand hands coming up to hold it while he simultaneously moved to roll over to the side. "S-sorry. I'm sorry." He stuttered.
The blond didn't know where he was, but the first thought of getting away remained.
Being given the choice, the boy seemed unsure what to do. Trevor watched him, saw his body tremble. It was a pity he couldn’t see all of his face, couldn’t see that look in his eyes when the brute came closer. Trevor didn’t expect the boy to turn and come running into his arms for shelter, he knew that it wouldn’t be that easy. And it wouldn’t be that much fun if the boy wouldn’t fear him. He had begun to like that feeling, being feared, being intimidating. It was a powerful addicting feeling. And he liked that he didn’t have to run around covered in blood like Alan or growl like the beast that Rumancek was or have any of that unnatural strength that Noah had. His power was different. More subtle. In that way, he was not so different from Rennie. People trusted him and feared him at the same time. That was probably one of the main reasons why Big Jim liked him so much, like he was his own son – no, his son was a pussy. Trevor was his true son. And despite not really giving a fuck about the man’s opinion, Trevor did enjoy the benefits it got him.
Trevor was unable to see the boy’s face, to see his mind work, he only imagined the panic – that obviously was overwhelming or the boy was hurt so very severely, so that he just collapsed into Trevor’s arms.
Alan, only stunned for a moment, lifted his knife, but Trevor stopped him, yelled a command at him. And, though very disappointed, the bulky man put his knife away. For a moment some lively excitement showed in his eyes, as he was very keen on seeing Trevor gut the boy he lifted now into his arms, carrying him more like a damsel in distress than the prey he was.
“What are you doing with him? Can I watch?” Greedily Alan licked his lips.
Trevor shot him a glance.
He carried the unconscious boy out of the building. Truth was, he wasn’t exactly sure what he was going to do with him, but he surely didn’t want Alan to watch. Outside, the receding daylight fell into the boy’s face. The eyes closed, he seemed to be in a deep slumber not even reacting when he lifted him into the backseat of a jeep that had stopped for Trevor to pick him up and take him back to camp.
The driver wasn’t as curious as Alan, just watched him through the rear-view mirror, how he cradled the boy in his arms, brushed strands of hair out of the face, but kept quiet.
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No one said anything when Trevor carried the boy to his place, carrying him like any other loot from the raid. Noah wasn’t there. They didn’t really live together, just spent most of the nights together here. Trevor put the still unconscious blond on the bed. He tried to wake him, patted his pretty cheeks, but he seemed to be far gone. Trevor frowned. Only now did he think about the possibility that the runner had been bitten and was now in a fever. He needed to check him for bites and other wounds. To be safe. So he began to undress him. And his hands caressed over every inch of soft skin he exposed.
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dcyswclking · 16 days
Hope was a flimsy thing. Short lived when he had been certain he had made the right call. He couldn't have been more wrong. The arm blocking his way made him attempt to duck, yet the tight grip that caught him by his hood pressed into his throat preventing him from doing so and ruined his plan altogether. Shit, why hadn't he just given up? The glare he was given now only confirmed he had made it worse for himself. Causing new tears to well up in his eyes. They weren't going to help him. Nothing was and no one either.
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If the guy who was so close and holding him in a tight grip wasn't scaring him enough already, then the ice cold shiver the second voice sent down his back sure added to it. Evan didn't fight the grip on him, but he was clearly all tensed up, fearing for his life when he was forced to see who had joined them. The blond sensed death surrounding the man, telling him what the bloody knife also gave away. He had recently killed and the spirits whispering were increasing, making it harder to hear his chaser's low voice right next to his ear. Fate really had a twisted humor when it came to him.
Now, what real options did he really have here? It was certain death or delayed death if he played along and yet, there was still a part within him that wanted to live. Which hadn't fully given up.
The adrenaline within his body was the only thing that let him stand upright when his chaser let go of him, considering how shaky his knees felt. Evan couldn't think. The noise in his ears was nearly unbearable the closer that bulky guy stepped and the blond was certain he didn't imagine it. He needed to make a decision. However that never consciously happened when the mental wall broke and a heavy wave of information came crashing down on him. Overwhelmed his senses in a matter of seconds until everything went black and his body slumped against his chaser.
Trevor waited, looked at the scared thing and waited. But instead of taking the offered hand, that dumb boy tried to make a run for it. Trevor groaned and rolled his eyes, a millisecond before he darted to the side. The boy was fast. But not fast enough. Trevor’s palm pressed against the wall, his outstretched arm blocked the blond from getting any further. Before the boy could duck under it, Trevor gripped him by the hood. The flashlight dropped to the floor in the quick movement. But being so close now, he could see the boy’s face clearly. Those bright blue eyes widened. Gazed at him like the deer in the headlights. And he was as beautiful as that. Beautiful and vulnerable. And still alive.
Trevor’s own face was unreadable. The fake kindness gone, he just glared at the pretty boy.
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“I told you not to run.”
A movement behind him caught his attention. From the corner of his eyes, he saw a shadow standing in the doorframe, a massive figure blocking the sunlight.
“You got him.” Trevor recognized the voice at once. “Kill him already, so we can head back.“
Trevor span around, one arm around the boy’s smaller body, his hand gripping his chin to direct his gaze to look at the bulky man who had stopped some feet in front of them, blocking the only exit. The newcomer was carrying a bloody knife, his dirty shirt covered in blood, but no wound was to be found on his face or body. His greasy red hair had an earie glow from the light coming from behind him.
“That’s where you want to run?” His lips so close to the blond’s hair, he just needed to whisper. “I’ll leave the choice to you. You can run to him and try to make it out. Or you can stay with me. And I’ll keep you safe from him. I’ll keep you.”
It wasn’t that he had planned it, but being as impulsive as he was, Trevor had decided to keep this boy for the only reason that mattered: he wanted him. This frightened little thing that fought for his life so fiercely, so fucking beautiful.
“It is your choice,” he whispered in a dark low voice, his lips touching the boy’s ear.
And then, he let go of him, let go of the hood, let go of the chin he was gripping, took both his arms off the runner. And waited.
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dcyswclking · 16 days
Violence. Why was there always so much violence? As if having the dead walking wasn't already enough? No, people still had to fight each other. Take, take, take. If it wasn't supplies, it was food. If it wasn't food it were lives. Evan knew this raider didn't do anything half-hearted. Felt the rise of death within the area. It was heavy in the air and his ears buzzing due to it. But the blond continued fighting it, continued to keep the upper hand. Unknown for how long it would remain that way.
If it wasn't for the flashlight he might not have noticed his chaser had him cornered. The first words had went passed him due to the increased whispering within his ears. He got a look at the man's face and maybe under entirly circumstance he might be considered a friendly one, but Evan knew what they did, what they were still doing and this guy was part of them.
Resist as long as you can and use any opening to make a run for it. Thea's words were so clear in his mind as if she was talking to him in this very moment. But she wasn't, in fact, he hadn't heard nor seen her in way too long. Could only hope she was alright, was better off as he was, they were. Nat! Hopefully she had made it out. But all this were matters for another time.
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The missing weapon in the other's hand gave the blond a false boost of confidence. Figured he could use the gap between the guy and the wall and slip past him if he was fast enough and moment of surprise was on his side. Something he went for without another thought, darting forward he aimed for it.
closed for @dcyswclking cont. from here – the zombieverse au
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Things were getting tedious, not just for him, he could feel it in their group; the raids had become more brutal, more savage. And as much as Trevor enjoyed the freedoms Big Jim was granting him, it was like something was missing. Unlike the other soldiers, like that brute Alan or the goddamn wolf, he didn’t feast on the violence alone. He needed more to satisfy his appetite. So much more.
He spotted a runner, maybe not first, but he was the one to call dibs. “I got him,” he growled before anyone else could claim his prey. The runner was fast, very fast, but there was nowhere to run. They had surrounded the group. The runner must have realized that by now and gone hiding somewhere. Trevor followed his intuition and entered an empty warehouse, the windows boarded-up, so not much sunlight could get in. The perfect place to hide for a little frightened thing.
In the dim light, Trevor saw a spot of bright blond hair, someone was cowering behind crates. The corners of Trevor's mouth twitched as he saw the small creature trembling. The golden soldier took a detour, slowly approaching from the other side, so the boy – yes, it was just a boy he had noticed by now – had nowhere to escape.
“What have we got here, hm?” His dark voice resounded in the empty building. He pointed his flashlight into the boy's direction and as he walked closer Trevor could see part of his face. A very scared face. A very pretty face.
He stopped, just some feet away. He lowered the light, so the boy could see him if he dared to move his eyes. Trevor had put his knife away and instead held out his now empty hand, palm up, in an inviting gesture.
“No need to run anymore, I got you,” his voice was lower, friendly even. But there was a deliberate ambiguity in his statement.
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dcyswclking · 17 days
🎶✨when u get this, list 5 songs u like to listen to, publish. then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (positivity is cool)🎶✨ p.s you don’t have to answer if you don’t wanna!
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The songs I'm currently listening to the most, in no particular order, are as followed:
Chk Chk Boom by Stray Kids
Gucci Knife by Carlie Hanson ft. MASN
Savage Daughters by Alexia Evellyn
You Only Want Me When You're Drunk by Nate Smith
Whiskey On You by Nate Smith
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dcyswclking · 17 days
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"It's not like you have many options here, do you?" Granted there were differences. Lots of them if he was being realistic, yet lending his cap for something as trivial as helping a Cameron to get away from a party wasn't such a big deal, right? Setting his half empty drink onto the table he removed his cap and held it out to the other. "I'd just appreciate to get it back some time." Possibly his brother would notice if one was missing, but he could worry about that if it becomes relevant.
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"if i keep my head down, maybe." rafe added with a slight chuckle. lifting his drink to his lips, he takes a sip. "you'd actually help me sneak out of here?" he can't help but be skeptical because after all, maybanks and camerons don't get along all that well. still, he actually thinks about taking the offer up. all he wants to do is get on the boat and take out. away from the noise.
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dcyswclking · 17 days
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"I am? That's your observation? Wow." She really couldn't be surprised if this was his opinion. "Honesty? Okay, you can have that. I don't know how to fix this distance between us. I don't even know if you want to fix it. It's like every conversation I have with you the distance only increases. And I can't help but wonder if it would've made a difference hadn't I shut you out. If some things could have been prevented." Okay, this was more than she had thought would come out, but there was no taking back and honestly, she wasn't sure she even wanted to take any of it back.
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rafe can't imagine that it wasn't slightly intentional at some point. especially the way she reacted every time she saw him when she was with them. acting like he was scum and rafe won't deny that he played into his part. the eldest cameron shrugged as if that was a response at all. "that you're just like everyone else in my life." he quips back quickly, almost like he had no control of it. "honesty, kie. hell i don't even know. it's not like it's going to change how you feel or what you do."
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dcyswclking · 17 days
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The patting suddenly felt heavy on his shoulder. "Heh, then prepare I'm going to be more a liability than help." The words were out before he could even reconsider them. His dad's words about his uselessness were so burnt into his subconsciousness that it was often difficult to look past them.
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"well, i like to be prepared so then when or if they do, you can help me make sure we survive, yeah?" rafe chuckled, lifting his beer to his lips as he pats a hand on evan's shoulder.
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dcyswclking · 17 days
“You look at me the same way That you did when we were together And I can’t tell if you still love me Or if you never did”
after we broke up (via
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dcyswclking · 17 days
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She wanted to believe that. She really did, but how could she keep up hope when all trails had been dead ends? Who knows if her brother was even still alive? "It does..." Alicia admitted with a sigh, rubbing at her face. "We don't even have a trail on him at the moment. How's this even possible, unless..." She didn't dare to voice it. Nick being gone for an extended period of time wasn't an unusal occurance, however, things had been entirly different then. Now, she had all the more reasons to fear for his life.
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@dcyswclking (alicia clark) liked for a randomized starter
7. for an angsty starter .
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“we're  going  to  find  him,  okay?”  sonny  spoke  to  the  other  as  she  stood  in  front  of  her.  she  knew  that  the  other  was  struggling  and  had  to  find  some  way  to  keep  that  hope  up.  “i  know  that  it  feels  impossible,  but  we  will  find  him.”
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dcyswclking · 18 days
"Yeah. They're a Japanese kawaii metal band." She explained while fishing for one of her wireless in-ear headphones in the pocket of her sweater. Once she had found it she wordlessly offered it to him, already picking a song on her phone with her other hand.
"Debatable." Nabi responded, yet it was hard to miss how passionate he was about those movies. "Not exactly. If I had to pick a movie which story and romance I liked, then I'd say the Notebook. It's more realistic, then a hundred something vampire falling in love with a minor, no?" Yeah, she hadn't seen them, but even the basic plot wasn't unkown to her, unfortunately.
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“Babymetal?” Zach repeated, genuine curiosity showing in his face, while he tried to fight the mental image of his baby sister as a toddler hitting his head with her plushy calling Zach a “drummy”, which sounded more like “dummy” as she had trouble pronouncing the “r” at that age.
“The movies are still so good, right?” Zach beamed at her. “The setting, the story, the music, the romance – maybe minus the stalking and killing bits, but, yeah. So you like them too?”
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dcyswclking · 18 days
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Yeah, no. Kie didn't buy that smile even for a second. "Your definition of fine clearly differs from mine. — Sit down for a bit, will you? And leave the rest to me. You're no use if you're collapsing from running yourself into the ground."
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@dcyswclking (kiara carrera) liked for a randomized starter
50. for a dishonest starter .
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“kiara,  i'm  fine.”  sonny  stated  with  a  smile  on  her  face.  though  she  just  came  from  a  hunt  and  is  now  still  on  her  feet  helping  people.  despite  being  stabbed  not  too  long  ago.
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dcyswclking · 19 days
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Brow furrowed at the response and glare thrown her way, making her take back the offered hand. "Suit yourself." She simply retorts while finding her spot to sit down. "You can be certain it won't happen a second time." His attitude wasn't all too surprising, nowadays a lot had one like that, but she won't let it ruin her success. Certain Nat would be proud of her had she witness that shot.
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“Didn’t ask for your help.” Troy shot her a glare and instead of taking the hand she offered, he used both his hands to push himself up and climb onto the truck’s bed on his own, the vehicle already moving when his feet left the ground. Sitting up, his palm ran over his forehead, he still tried to catch his breath. It had been close. Too close.
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dcyswclking · 19 days
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"And leave you like this? No chance." She might be many things, but certainly not someone who left someone else to themselves if they looked this upset. "What happened?"
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@dcyswclking (nabi kim) liked for a randomized starter
17. for a hostile starter .
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"go away." minah spoke to the other as she tried to get herself together.
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