dczzle · 5 years
if anyone is still around, you can find me at @zercpercent
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dczzle · 5 years
heyyyy soooooooooooooo im moving blogs. again. sorry i keep doing this i just have felt like screaming All Week and moving is giving me a little bit of peace of mind. if you want to find me, hmu and i’ll follow you from the new account but i don’t want to give it out on dash. sorry, i love u all.
edit; threads are gonna be dropped, but ships/connections won’t be
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dczzle · 5 years
heyyyy soooooooooooooo im moving blogs. again. sorry i keep doing this i just have felt like screaming All Week and moving is giving me a little bit of peace of mind. if you want to find me, hmu and i’ll follow you from the new account but i don’t want to give it out on dash. sorry, i love u all.
edit; threads are gonna be dropped, but ships/connections won’t be
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dczzle · 5 years
heyyyy soooooooooooooo im moving blogs. again. sorry i keep doing this i just have felt like screaming All Week and moving is giving me a little bit of peace of mind. if you want to find me, hmu and i’ll follow you from the new account but i don’t want to give it out on dash. sorry, i love u all.
edit; threads are gonna be dropped, but ships/connections won’t be
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dczzle · 5 years
ig like this if you’re too shy to reach out and i’ll drop that @ 
heyyyy soooooooooooooo im moving blogs. again. sorry i keep doing this i just have felt like screaming All Week and moving is giving me a little bit of peace of mind. if you want to find me, hmu and i’ll follow you from the new account but i don’t want to give it out on dash. sorry, i love u all.
edit; threads are gonna be dropped, but ships/connections won’t be
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dczzle · 5 years
heyyyy soooooooooooooo im moving blogs. again. sorry i keep doing this i just have felt like screaming All Week and moving is giving me a little bit of peace of mind. if you want to find me, hmu and i’ll follow you from the new account but i don’t want to give it out on dash. sorry, i love u all.
edit; threads are gonna be dropped, but ships/connections won’t be
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dczzle · 5 years
“I knew he didn’t love me but I adored him anyway.”
— Patti Smith // Just Kids
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dczzle · 5 years
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A collection of lyric prompts from The Useds’ albums 2002 - 2009
‘we weren’t alright.‘
‘i know im stronger now.’
‘im not going to look back.’
‘im tired and ive felt it for awhile now.’
‘its four o’clock in the fucking morning.’
‘at last its finally over.’
‘ill savor every moment of this.’
‘here i am.’
‘i dont even miss you at all.’
‘im happier now.’
‘you almost made me cry again.’
‘if you want me back youre gonna have to ask.’
‘youre gonna have to ask nicer than that.’
‘well im fucking screaming at you.’
‘its a feeling you cannot miss.’
‘im sitting here waiting.’
‘you destroyed me.’
‘take my hand.’
‘take my life.’
‘im right here with you.’
‘in your eyes i lost my place.’
‘just stay with me.’
‘every second im without you im a mess.’
‘im far from lonely.’
‘ill be just fine pretending im not.’
‘i remember every glance you shot me.’
‘i cant stand to hear your screams.’
‘im feeling so lonely.’
‘your dream vacation is my hostage refuge.’
‘hey are you okay?’
‘you look pretty low.’
‘i hope you choke and die.’
‘you never loved me.’
‘we say things we didnt mean to say.’
‘how could a fistfight be romantic?’
‘will you ever feel the same?’
‘im dying inside, you know.’
‘knock me out.’
‘fucking liar.’
‘let me be the one who calls you baby.’
‘lay by my side.’
‘would you smother me?’
‘stay by my side.’
‘i need you here with me.’
‘i told you so.’
‘theres blood on my hands.’
‘i havent lost anything except my mind.’
‘i cant escape the memories.’
‘i can be right here empty with you.’
‘i havent wasted a thing except my time.’
‘lets twist the knife til they cant stop bleeding.’
‘forgive me.’
‘no one shines like you do.’
‘you wore the scabs like an angel.’
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dczzle · 5 years
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A collection of lyric prompts from My Chemical Romances’ various albums.
“We’re not working out.”
“I’m knocking let me in .”
“You must keep your soul like a secret in your throat .”
“We’ll shoot back holy water like cheap whiskey.”
“I never thought it’d be this way.”
“These hands stained red from the times that I’ve killed you.”
“I can’t begin to let you know just what I’m feeling.”
“Can we still reclaim our innocence?”
“You strike to incinerate the lives of everyone you know .”
“We are the very hurt you sold.”
“Can we settle up the score?“
“I miss you more than I did yesterday.”
“You’re so far away.”
“He calls the mansion not a house but a tomb.”
“They’re never gonna get me.”
“Nobody cares if you’re losing yourself.”
“Am I losing myself?!”
“Life is but a dream for the dead.”
“If you wanted honesty, that’s all you had to say.”
“I’m not okay.”
“I’m just the worst kind.”
“Could I lie next to you?”
“I’m just the way that the doctor made me.”
“Give me a reason to believe.”
“You’ll never make me leave.”
“Get your gun and meet me by the door.”
“Your heart can’t take this.”
“Have you heard the news that you’re dead?”
“I’ll be here waiting.”
“If life ain’t just a joke then why are we laughing?”
“Without you if how I disappear.”
“I’m just a ghost.”
“Your memory will carry on.”
“Your misery and hate will kill us all.”
“You’ll never break me.”
“I think I’m gonna burn in hell.”
“I’ve been a bad motherfucker.”
“The hardest part of this is leaving you.”
“We all go to hell.”
“Teenagers scare the living shit out of me.”
“Strike a violent pose.”
“You won’t feel a thing.”
“You’re just a sad song.”
“Run away.”
“Where’s your heart?”
“I’m incomplete.”
“Kiss me you animal.”
“Hit the party with a gas can.”
“It’s death or victory.”
“You’ve got to make a choice.”
“Keep running!”
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dczzle · 5 years
does anyone wanna take a look at the muse page i’ve been coding? i wanna know how it looks to someone that’s not my friends blskjcfsdf
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dczzle · 5 years
ok so….. work starts today. the intense part of work. so i’m gonna get really slow. please bear with me
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dczzle · 5 years
hi i know im kinda absent rn but hmu on ims or discord bc i really wanna plot with my new batch of boys
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dczzle · 5 years
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dczzle · 5 years
ok so..... work starts today. the intense part of work. so i’m gonna get really slow. please bear with me
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dczzle · 5 years
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dczzle · 5 years
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my favourite yunho moments (2/∞)
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dczzle · 5 years
           it’s september, 1995. the start of a new school year. for thomas, scott, alex, mikey, and ollie, it’s their last, and for jesse, it’s the last he has with his friends. the six boys have been attending the carl m. pencey catholic prepatory academy (affectionately known as pencey prep by the boys) and its sibling elementary school, our lady of sorrows catholic school, for what feels like their whole lives. living in a small town, the banding together of the six seemed natural as they sought out peers with similar culture and interests as their own. 
            as teens, even generally well-behaved ones, do, the boys got into their fair share of trouble throughout high school. sneaking out, drinking, and experimenting with drug was mixed in with late nights playing dnd and gawking over cheap porno magazines that they stole from mikey’s older brothers. they’d begged countless times for their parents to cart the six of them to the movies, to comic-con, and to concert after concert (though they were denied permission to even go because jesse was too young, the night they snuck out to see green day was the best night of their lives). 
          things haven’t always been great, though. even when you’re living the dream, things never are.  ( tw; death of all kinds, drug abuse & addiction, obsession, mental illness, abuse)
thomas zhang has, as far as he knows, always lived with his grandparents. he has asked, from time to time, about what happened to his parents, but they refuse to talk to him about it. kids from down the block told him that his parents were probably crack addicts and, after a while, thomas started to believe them. in early 1990, his grandmother was diagnosed with an aggressive form of bone cancer. she passed away before the end of the year, when thomas was only thirteen years old, leaving him in the care of his grandfather who, while a kind and gentle old man, wasn’t emotionally equipped to take care of a teenage boy. 
scott yang is one of those kids that’s so well adjusted you just know there’s something going on deep down. and in his case you’d be one-hundred-percent correct. pencey prep’s freshman english teacher, mrs. ser, had always been scott’s favorite teacher. he did well in her class and she, as with all her other students, was always kind and encouraging to him. naturally, scott thought he was in lov with her, but mrs. ser was a mrs and her mr was highly abusive. scott used to dream of the day that he’d turn 18 and convince her to leave her husband so they could run away together. but halfway through his sophomore year, mrs. ser comitted suicide. her death changed scott, and he went as far as to change the way he walked home from school so he could stop by the cemetery and visit her grave. he often would- and still does- leave flowers and love letters on her grave. 
alexander kim is that friend. you know, the one who always goes to you for advice and never fucking listens. who claims to be deep but doesn’t understand a fucking word he’s staying. that’s alexander. alexander who believes that his problems are the worst anyone has ever faced ever and is so dramatic about it that sometimes you think he’ll actually die as many times as he says he will. despite his dramatics, alexander has a perfectly fucking normal life. sure, his ex was an asshole for spreading those pictures of him, but that’s not a real problem.
michael lee has rich parents. rich parents who give their rich son a hefty allowance to spend however he wants. however he wants usually translates to one thing: coke. michael thought he was so fucking cool the first time he showed up to movie night with that little plastic bag. most of the guys thought he was too. the first time. it was less cool when he started showing up high all the time. it was way less cool when, after last year’s end of the school year bash, the boys found michael passed out and unresponsive on their friend’s front lawn. he promised after that that he’d get clean, but michael lies.
oliver lau has had night terrors almost his entire life. and if anyone asked him why, he’d tell them. obviously it was because the house he lived in was haunted. it was an older house with a very creepy basement that they rented out to a weird graduate student, and believably haunted. there were ghosts everywhere in the house, and they wanted to hurt him. it’s why he’d wake up covered in scratch marks and bruises. the ghosts were trying to kill him. why would it have been anything else? oliver believed that the ghosts of a family that used to own the house were tormenting him- but mostly the son ghost. for some reason he could picture the young man perfectly, even though oliver had never seen him before. because of course it was a ghost tormenting him, and not his subconscious telling him that there was something wrong with the way their house guest looked at him across the dinner table.
jesse min has spent most of his life in quite a precarious family situation. his father has been in and out of his life since he was a baby, and jesse’s mother can never seem to find luck with keeping a job or a sugar daddy. for several instances in his life, jesse was moved out to live with his father (or, more often, his father’s friends) while his mother was trying to get back on her feet. then he’d go back to his mother so his father could get back on his feet, and vice versa. his being enrolled in private school was a means to keep him from having to change schools every time he changed addresses, and there were stretches of time throughout middle and high school that jesse ended up staying with mikey or oliver instead for a month or two while his parents were transient. he always goes back to them, though, because jesse knows how much they love him and how hard they work to give him a life they think he deserves. 
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