ddarlingwendy-blog1 · 9 years
"...You really think of me as an enemy? Or - a friend of an enemy, even? I don't understand why you and Peter feel the need to bicker with one another as often as you do - really, what is even the point of it all? What has he ever done that's been so awful to deserve your ire? And - I beg your pardon? I hardly have any sort of reputation, thank you very much. I do my best to keep my nose out of any and all forms of gossip - it simply isn't something that I'm interested in when there are so many more important things for me to focus on."
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"But - doesn't it ever get lonely being out on the open sea with only your crew to accompany you? I can't imagine being away from land for more than several weeks at a time...but it's truly something that you enjoy? And - I don't understand. If you claim to loathe balls such as this one as much as you do, then how on earth could it possibly be to your benefit to attend one in the first place? Wouldn't you rather be, erm...having Smee fetch you drinks on your ship instead?"
“It’s Wendy. Wendy Darling. I’m not quite as daft and oblivious to the rest of the world as you clearly seem to think, Darling child. I pay close attention to my enemies…and friends of my enemies, as well, in this case. Just because someone is known as something doesn’t mean it should be taken as a compliment. I’d hate to hear what you think of your reputation among observers of your little group.”
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“I tend to stay away from the villages if I can help it; the sea is where I belong. Not town. And that would be Smee, correct; he does all of my errand-running for me. He should be around here, somewhere–he was supposed to fetch us drinks. I hate balls; loathe them, even. But it was in my best interest to attend.”
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ddarlingwendy-blog1 · 9 years
"I - well - it isn't as if you even know my name, Mister...Mister Everett. And I wasn't calling you anything even remotely insulting in the slightest! You're very well-known as Captain Hook - I hear people in the village talk about you all the time."
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"Yes, it's just - I don't think I've ever seen you leave your boat before! I've seen your, erm...your first mate? Is that the...pirate-ly correct term? I've seem him out and about town before, but...never you. Do you - do you attend balls regularly?"
“I do have a name, you know. And a real one, too–not the ridiculous pet names and insults your precious Pan gives me.”
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“The invitation was extended to all of Verden, was it not? And so I am. What of it?”
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ddarlingwendy-blog1 · 9 years
"...I suppose I didn't quite think that through. Perhaps I could, erm - find a tablecloth to wrap myself up in or something of the like? The things I do for you, Peter Pan."
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"But - this is lovely, isn't it? The party? Even with the astronomical amount of candy that Micheal and Josh are going to eat themselves sick with - everything is so beautifully decorated? I...I'm very glad that we came together, you know. You and I, I mean. As - erm, friends, of course."
“I think I could pull off a skirt, I’ve got great legs. But if I were wearing your skirt Wendy, what would you be wearing?”
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ddarlingwendy-blog1 · 9 years
"Oh, I - Mister Captain Hook?!"
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"I didn't - I didn't expect to see you here! And - you're even wearing a costume?"
“You’d think some of the people who were sobbing hysterically over Maleficent raining all over the Festival of Joy’s parade would be a bit more wary about attending a costume ball so soon after the last incident.”
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“But then again, most of Verden has the attention span of a group of squirrels.”
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ddarlingwendy-blog1 · 9 years
"Well, if your tights end up ripping, I am not stitching them up for you. I think you'd just have to borrow my skirt at that point, Peter."
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“There’s so much food here! How are we supposed to eat all of this in just one ball? With this much food I don’t think my costume will fit by the end of this.”
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ddarlingwendy-blog1 · 9 years
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"I...well...I suppose that if Peter is going as the infamous Robin Hood, then it only makes sense that I join him as Maid Marian, yes?"
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ddarlingwendy-blog1 · 9 years
Truth be told, Wendy had been thinking about Peter ever since the moment she had first woken up earlier on in the morning. Then, throughout her lessons and from the beginning of her shift at the pub to the end of it, he had been on her mind non-stop...something that, admittedly, wasn't nearly as unusual as she was making it out to seem. For as long as she could remember, Peter Pan had been her best and closest friend, and...somewhere along the way, he had become more to her. More than she had ever expected, more than she could even begin to bear. Her feelings were strong and relentless, but she did her best to keep them to herself - she knew better than to think that Peter returned them, and she didn't want to ruin the friendship that they had due to the fact that...due to the fact that she was in love with him. So she kept her mouth shut, and she focused on appreciating what they had instead - a bond unlike any other. A bond that could withstand anything.
Running into Peter at the end of her shift had been a surprise, but a very pleasant one. She had been hoping to see him at some point, and the moment she had caught sight of him, in all of his lanky - but really, really handsome - glory, she had immediately lit up so fast that it was almost comical, her entire face brightening until it shone as vibrantly as the setting sun they were about to watch with one another. She hadn't realized just how utterly...romantic it had sounded when she had suggested it, not until Peter had teased her about it, but she would be lying if she said that she hadn't thought of it before. It was nice to spend time alone with him like this - she loved her brothers, of course, and she tolerated Isabelle, but...being with Peter, and just Peter, was a dream come true for Wendy, one that she hoped and prayed that she wouldn't be waking up from anytime soon. They were walking towards the docks, a place they had visited a thousand times in the past, and Wendy - somewhat nervously - kept up a steady stream of chatter until they were just about there. She babbled so much when she was around him, even more so than usual, but it was easily a dozen times worse when they were alone like this...when they were so close that she could feel the heat of his body radiating off of him and into her.
There was no helping the way that the apples of her cheeks flushed with pleasure when he told her that she would be on his team for the upcoming snowball fight, that she would be his secret weapon - rosy heat flooded all the way down the delicate curve of her neck to her decolletage, and she very nearly choked on her words before she managed to get them out. "Only so long as you promise not to shove snow down poor Joshua's pants again - that's called playing dirty, Peter Pan," she teased, and playfully, she nudged her hip against his, wondering just when it was that he had gotten so tall. She was forced to look up at him now, and in the light of the setting sun, he was breathtaking. "And whoever loses makes the hot chocolate for the winners! Or - actually, if we beat my brothers, I'd much rather not allow them anywhere near the kitchen. So - regardless of who wins and who loses, I will prepare the cocoa, and we'll all be very careful while we drink it so not to make a mess on the counters. Agreed?" The docks were in sight now, and Wendy looped her slender arm through Peter's so that she could lead them both towards their favorite spot - the very same one that they had claimed as theirs back when they had been less than the ages they were now.
She sat down at the edge of the dock, her legs dangling off of it, and she looked up at Peter from beneath long, dark, and fluttering eyelashes, urging him to seat himself alongside her. The sun was barely halfway set, and already it was spilling its last few rays upon the shimmering surface of the water...it was beautiful, and Wendy was thrilled to be sharing it with Peter. "I suppose we should have thought to bring along a few blankets," she said with a soft laugh, wrapping her arms around herself in an attempt to fight off the incoming chill. "It isn't so bad, though - and the view more than makes up for it, wouldn't you agree?"
September Sun | Peter & Wendy
Peter slipped his feet into his shoes before opening the door and taking a deep breath. The smell of the rain lingered in the air mingling with the typical scents of fall all blending into a peaceful harmony that was somehow comforting and exciting all at the same time. Setting off to the cafe up the road with Wendy he kept his ears peeled and was delighted to hear the sound of a squirrel scampering up a tree accompany the mush of wet leaves under his feet.
While Peter would normally enjoy the sunlight filtering down through the clouds while it lasted it was a little hard when it was glinting off the road, still wet from the last rain, and directly into his eyes causing him to squint. The streets were bustling, as they usually were during midday, with merchants and children all enjoying the fall sun since winter was coming soon and sun that warmed your skin would soon be a privilege the people of Mirindra knew not.
After waving at a friend of his grandfather’s Peter shoved his hands deep inside the pockets of his dark blue tunic in an effort to fight off the autumn chill and attempted to pay attention to exactly what Wendy was saying but he was reminded yet again of just how much girls talk so instead he watched the way the sun danced through the highlights and lowlights of her blonde hair. She laughed at something she had said and Peter forced down the spark of deliberately unnamed emotion that sprang to life in his chest at just how truly beautiful she looked while laughing. Struggling to come up with something to distract him, Peter blurted out the first thing that came to his mind.
“So I’m thinking about challenging Joshua and Michael to a snowball war this winter. Want to join? You’d be on my team of course, can’t have someone else use my secret weapon." 
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ddarlingwendy-blog1 · 9 years
"No, I - no! This is not me huffing! There is no huffing!"
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"Oh, I do remember the mud angels. I also remember the way mum nearly fainted when she saw our footsteps all over the carpet leading into the foyer. You have grown up a lot since then, yes - much too quickly, if you ask me - but I'll always remind you to wipe off your feet before coming inside nevertheless, as well as check up on you to ensure you're eating properly. Are you sure you aren't hungry? I've got an apple in my purse you can have! I can even cut it for you, if you'd like, when we're back home - and perhaps you can have it with a glass of milk and some pretzels? I had a salad for lunch, so I'm perfectly fine, little brother - let me do the mothering here."
“You’re starting to huff. Are you sure you’re relaxed, Wendy?”
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“I am not! Michael is the dirtiest of us all, and everyone knows it. And you and I were in the mud just as much as he and I when we were kids. If my memory’s correct, we made mud angels at least twice. Plus, I’ve grown up a lot since then. Yes, Mother. I ate breakfast already. Wendy, take a breath. I’m perfectly fine. I think you need to eat.”
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ddarlingwendy-blog1 · 9 years
"I - I resent that, thank you very much! How many times has my so-called 'nagging' been of assistance in the past, hmm? Plenty! Someone needs to remain on the straight and narrow when it comes to you, Peter Pan. You're a very bad influence."
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"Of course it's really been years! I...I've known you for nearly half my life, Peter. I figured you would be hungry! It'll be my treat, alright? I have my tips from the restaurant - people were quite generous today! We'll sit down and have a nice meal, and you can tell me all about your grandfather and the work he's been having you do. I'll also have you help me study for my upcoming exam! It's on basic human anatomy, so it shouldn't be too difficult - I've had that memorized for years now. And I - no! No no no! It isn't...I...it doesn't have to be romantic at all! I mean - it isn't romantic at all! It's just...it's just...um...two friends sitting by the docks and watching the natural progression of the setting sun! And we don't - we don't even need to, if you'd rather that we didn't. I mean - it's just - it was only an idea, Peter, so if you'd prefer to just...do something else, then - that's fine! That's more than fine!"
“They may be young and foolish, Wendy, but I doubt they’re brainless enough to believe that. Nonetheless I will try although you do nag quite a bit. Not that you heard that from me of course.”
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“Has it really be years? I suppose time really does fly when you’re having fun. And don’t pretend Michael and Joshua didn’t use a fair amount of bandaids as well, all children do. Now that I really think about it I am quite hungry but I don’t think Grandfather is working me too hard maybe a little harder than necessary but I suppose that’s to be expected since he claims I’m irresponsible. Which I’m sure we both know is a complete load of rubbish but that’s a conversation for a different day. If you don’t have anything else to do company would be lovely although watching the sunset sounds a little romantic, don’t you think darling?”
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ddarlingwendy-blog1 · 9 years
"Do me a favor and tell them that it's also the nature of boys to enjoy doing a bit of housework every now and then and see if they believe you, alright? At least that way they won't be able to accuse me of nagging them, which - I don't nag! I mean...well. I don't nag often. But when I do, I promise that it's entirely out of love!"
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"Peter Pan, I've known you for years now, and if there's only one constant that always remains true, it's the fact that you and trouble get along like two peas in a pod. And I've most certainly caught you dozens of times! My parents were always wondering why we ran out of bandaids as often as we did - because I was putting them to use on you. Yes, yes, you should eat! You're looking a little peaky - is your grandfather working you too hard, do you think? I know it's just because he wants you to learn, but...still. I know you don't enjoy being cooped up inside all day. Maybe, erm...maybe, now that you're off for the day, you and I could spend the rest of it...together? We - we could even go down by the docks, if you'd like, and...watch the sunset?"
“Yes, I’m sure it’s Michael that goes on and on about me, Wendy, absolutely. But I will talk to them although it is in the nature of boys to be messy. Or at least that’s what my mother has always told me.”
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“Me? Getting into trouble? Jeez, darling it’s as if you don’t know me at all! I never get in trouble. Mostly because I never get caught. And food always sounds good if you ask me but it would be nice to catch up with you, it seems like my grandfather always wants me at the shop these days.”
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ddarlingwendy-blog1 · 9 years
...I - I resent that!
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Peter and JanE seem to be getting alonG nicely....I wonder how Wendy would feel about that
Jealous, I’m assuming. After all, doesn’t the eldest Darling child hate all women Peter interacts with?
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ddarlingwendy-blog1 · 9 years
"I - I am relaxed! I'm always relaxed! Why are people constantly insisting otherwise?"
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"And - oh, Joshua, you know just as well as I do that you're capable of being every bit as messy as Michael. Do you know how many times I fetched the two of you out of the mud when you were younger? More than I can even begin to remember. But - never mind that. Have you eaten yet today? Are you hungry? Thirsty? Would you like me to make you something to eat?"
“Wendy, relax. You sound just like Mother. You know it’s all Michael’s fault. I tend to keep my feet tidier than he keeps his entire person.”
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ddarlingwendy-blog1 · 9 years
"I suppose this means that I'm stuck with perpetually dirty floors then, yes? Unless you'd like to talk to the boys, of course - they always listen to you, even more so than they do our parents. You should hear the way Micheal especially goes on and on about you when we're at home - you're his hero, you know."
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"I - I'm fine! I...I was just thinking about you, actually, when you came in. It seems as if it's been ages since I've seen you last, and - I was starting to get a little worried. You haven't been getting into too much trouble, have you? And - oh, yes, we should go to the cafe together! Getting something to eat sounds wonderful, and you and I can catch up as well."
“It probably would be easier but I’m sure they’d protest to the idea. I know I wouldn’t want someone standing inside the door frame to wipe me down before I came inside.”
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“I’m doing quite well actually, and yourself? I was actually planning on heading up to the cafe after I popped in to see you and we both know I’ll never say no to company.”
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ddarlingwendy-blog1 · 9 years
"Just because they're children doesn't mean that they can't wipe their shoes off before coming inside! Really, I should just start waiting for them with a towel each - after all, it would be much easier for me to take a shower than to redo the kitchen floors from top to bottom again."
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"But...I...Peter! How - how are you? Are you doing well? I was wondering if I'd see you today. Have you had anything to eat yet? I could fix something for you, if you'd like, or - we could go to the cafe up the street?"
“They are children, darling. Do you really expect anything else? I’m not even sure why you try anymore.”
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ddarlingwendy-blog1 · 9 years
"I love my brothers dearly, I do, but sometimes I can't help but wonder just how it is that merely two sets of feet manage to track in this much dirt only after I've swept and polished the floors."
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ddarlingwendy-blog1 · 9 years
"There there - you'll be right as rain if you just allow yourself to rest for a moment, sir. Admittedly I don't have much experience when it comes to...erm...recovering from a night out on the town, but I'm glad that this is helping nevertheless. I'm not so sure about the state of your jacket, though, but hopefully a good scrub will ensure that it's good as new! And - sorry, what was that? A mister...Lawrence is going to kill you? Is he the one you were travelling with?"
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"Um, well - it might be moving a little fast for you, yes, but I promise everything will start slowing down soon enough. You're sure you're alright to stand? Your legs still seem a tad shaky, sir - let me know if you'd like to sit down again. The hotel with the...red roof? Oh! I know exactly which one you mean - it's the biggest inn in town! Have you, erm...come a long way then, sir? Your accent isn't like any of the ones I've heard before, though it is very pleasant-sounding. Just this way is a little coffeeshop - we'll stop and get you something warm to drink, and some food to put in your stomach, and then I'll take you to the hotel with the red roof. Does that sound alright with you, mister...oh dear, I can't believe I forget to ask you your name! It's just - well - fish innards."
“Ah, mademoiselle, I do not think moving is a very good- oh, all right. I think if I just sit like this. Yes, that is much better. Merci, this is helping with the stench a little. I am not very used to being around so much fish. Wait, there’s what on my back!? Ugh, well it will wash out….I think. Fish innards do wash out, yes? Oh dear, Lawrence will kill me for this!”
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“Okay, easy does it. I think if I can get on my feet- there. That wasn’t so bad! Say, is the world moving very fast or is that just me? What I wouldn’t do for a coffee right now! If I am truthful, Miss Wendy, the water may do me some good, but let us not find out now, yes? Ah, my traveling companion and I have a hotel in town. The one with the red roof…or was it green? Would you happen to know one like that?”
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ddarlingwendy-blog1 · 9 years
"Oh, I - no no no! Let me help you, sir - if you sit up just like...just like so, and rest your head between your knees, then it won't be nearly as bad. I promise. And - here's a bit of cloth to hold over your nose to block out the smell. There, I - is that better? Even a little bit? I'll also...erm...wipe away what appears to be some...fish innards from your back..."
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"Yes, yes, of course! Do you think you can manage standing? Rest on me if you need to - you seem very wobbly, sir, if you don't mind me saying, and I'd hate for you to fall into the water. It does seem rather likely that a fair amount of drink was involved, yes - is there anyone here that I can help you find? Or - or perhaps I can guide you back home?"
“Ah, the docks is it? That would explain the, um, the pleasant aroma of fish that is not at all overwhelming. I just need a moment, mademoiselle. Aishidanza, I’m going to be sick.”
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“Okay…Okay, I think it passed. My name is Naveen, and a hand would be appreciated, Miss Wendy. I don’t quite recall the events, but given my state I can assume that drinks were involved. One too many, I suspect.”
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