dddsfics · 3 years
I know I don’t have many followers/readers here but still wanted to say something anyway. I know it’s been...a while since I’ve updated 😂 At first I took a break because I was hitting a creative brick wall, then because things have just gotten too crazy and I haven’t had a moment to really do any writing. 🙈 (Even my other side blogs have gotten a bit neglected). I do actually enjoy writing both stories though and I’m hoping I’ll have more time later this year to get back to them! (And thank you to anyone who has followed and sorry to anyone who was hoping for more frequent updates 😂)
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dddsfics · 3 years
New update for “Opposites Attract”
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Ellen felt a warm tingle run through her veins as she took a sip of wine. The night had just begun but the energy between her and Charlie was heating up by the second. It took her back to when the two of them had started dating. The constant heat, the desire, the sex...Ellen already had to reminder herself to keep her composure. They were in public after all, and dinner had yet to be served. 
“You look gorgeous by the way, if I haven’t already mentioned it.”
Her skin began to flush. “You have. But I never mind hearing it.” 
“You really should wear that dress more often,” he continued. “I love seeing you in it.” 
Ellen smiled before taking another sip of her wine. 
“Of course I love seeing it on the floor even more.”
Charlie laughed as she nearly choked on her wine thanks to his remark. 
“Okay, if we’re going to get through this dinner you’re going to have to behave yourself,” she playfully scolded. 
“Fair enough.”
Ellen was grateful that their waiter had finally arrived, temporarily taking them out of their own little world.
“Have the two of you decided on your order?” 
“I’ll have the steak and the lady will have…” Charlie raised his eyebrows at Ellen as if he was trying to read her thoughts. “The salmon?” 
“Perfect,” she said, leaving Charlie to wonder if the comment was directed at him or the waiter. 
With a nod, the waiter grabbed their menus and darted off to the kitchen.
“I’ve still got it,” Charlie boasted with a sly smile. 
As Ellen jokingly rolled her eyes at him, she began to look around more at the restaurant. They were not the only couple seated, and she began to wonder what their stories were. Is the older couple by the window celebrating an anniversary? The couple loading up on carbs...first date night since the baby was born? The pair sipping on cocktails has to be a first date. What must they assume about us?
“Regretting the restaurant?” she heard Charlie ask, snapping her back to reality. 
“No, no! It’s a lovely place! I was just taking in the surroundings, that’s all.”
“I know it’s no Gabriel’s. Shame they closed down last year. Would have been nice to book-end our last date in town at the same place we had our first.”
“I know!” Ellen replied with a sigh. The restaurant for the first date wasn’t their usual pick--in fact, it was quite on the expensive side--but Charlie had chosen it simply to impress her at the time. The thought made her laugh, because she would have settled for even a crappy bar if it meant an evening with him.
“You realize you didn’t have to pick the fanciest place in town for our first date right?” she said with a smile. “I would have been happy grabbing a slice of pizza or something.”
“It’s true!” 
He shook his head in disbelief and took another sip of wine. “You say that now. I was a mechanic trying to win over a corporate executive. I never would have heard from you again if I had taken you to some shitty pizza joint.” 
Mirroring Charlie’s actions, she shook her head before taking a sip of her own wine. “Not true. I wouldn’t have said yes in the first place if I wasn’t interested. 
She watched intently as he rubbed at his jaw. It was a nervous tick for him, but at the moment it was proving to be a turn on for her.
“Why do you think I kept coming back to the garage?” she continued. “No one has that many car problems, babe.”
They both burst out laughing, loud enough to cause many of the other patrons to glance in their direction. But neither of them cared.
“What can I say? I was looking for the right guy to get my motor going again.”
“Okay, now who isn’t behaving?”
All she could do was smirk.
“I can’t figure out if this is the best salmon I’ve ever had or I’m just that hungry.” 
Charlie looked at her with a mouth full of steak. “Huh?” 
Ellen chuckled at the ravenous being across from her. Damn he’s even sexy devouring a steak. God, I hope he looks that wild devouring me later.
His chewing appeared to slow and she noticed him suddenly locking eyes with her. Had she made some kind of noise out loud or was Charlie catching on to her arousal? Either way, this dinner was starting to get hotter by the second...and it wasn’t the salmon. 
“Mmmm,” she purred into Charlie’s ear. His rough, wandering hands were already hard at work removing her dress...and driving her wild in the process. 
“That was the longest dinner I’ve ever sat through,” he confessed. “I spent most of it mentally undressing you if I’m being honest.” 
Ellen responded by pushing him back towards the pillows and eagerly straddling his lap. She was desperate to make contact with his lips but found her attempt unsuccessful when he opened them yet again to talk. “I mean, I was sitting there ridiculously uncomfortable and…”
Normally she’d be flattered by his comments but at the moment her brain and body were focused on one thing...and one thing only. “Babe, I love you but less talking and more…”
Finally on the same page, Charlie eagerly pulled her in for a passionate kiss, giving her the perfect opportunity to suck on his delicious bottom lip. 
As his hands tenderly made their way down her body, she found herself grinding on him. The reaction caused them both to moan. 
But his hands suddenly came to a halt, far north of where she was hoping they were heading. 
“What’s wrong?”
Charlie’s face wasn’t one of concern or hesitation, but rather, amusement. It was then Ellen realized he was glancing over her shoulder, prompting her to turn around. 
There was Sunny, front feet firmly planted on the end of the bed and a smile on his face, staring right at the action before him.
“You little perv,” she said with a laugh. 
“Don’t worry. I’ve got this.” 
Ellen and Sunny watched intently as Charlie reached into the nightstand drawer and pulled out a chew toy. With a quick flick of the wrist, the toy went flying out of the room and into the hallway. Just seconds later, a happy Sunny followed suit in the same direction. 
“Now,” Charlie began with a growl before moving a strand of hair behind her ear. “Where were we?”
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dddsfics · 3 years
New update for “The Missing Ruby”
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Right on cue, Marianne barged into the basement in her usual dramatic fashion. “Oh wonderful, you’re back! Now hurry along and come with me.”
Her urgency surprised Irene. “What’s going on?”
“I think I found who stole the original vial.”
It took more than a moment for Irene to process what she had just heard. “You..you what?”
“I’ve managed to track down the vial thief. Of course,it doesn’t mean she’s responsible for Luke’s disappearance but I have no doubt she knows where or how to find him.”
Irene nervously rubbed her hands together. “But how did you--?”
Marianne firmly grabbed her daughter-in-law by the arm and gently tugged her towards the door. “No time for that. I’ll explain later.”
Irene held her breath as she knocked on the door of room 2A. Marianne had offered no explanation as they had made their way to the room and she was starting to wonder how this confrontation was going to go. What was she even supposed to say? 
Much to her surprise, the door creaked open to reveal a short, wrinkled woman who looked like she still had sleep in her eyes. 
“I’m so sorry to be knocking this early, Ms…”
“Lehman,” the woman interjected.
“Yes. I hate to barge in on you like this, but may we come in? It’s a pressing matter.”
Irene still had no idea where she was going with this and had no time to prepare any sort of interrogation. She hoped and prayed Marianne would jump in if needed but she had yet to speak up. 
Margaret opened the door so the two could enter as requested, then she quietly shut it behind them. “Is everything okay?”
Marianne almost hovered in the corner while Irene timidly stepped forward toward the woman, who was now sitting on the bed.
“I’m afraid not. My husband Luke is…” 
Irene paused. She was heading down a dangerous path. Just as she and Luke had kept Ruby’s disappearance a secret, it was important to do the same for his. So she carefully and quickly rerouted her train of thought.
“Missing something of value. A small bottle from a carefully curated collection.”
Margaret’s eyes grew wide as she audibly gasped. “Oh dear!” 
“Yes, it’s an….unfortunate situation. 
“And you came to ask if I could help you find it?”
Irene glanced back at her mother-in-law, who continued to hover silently behind her.  “Actually...I was wondering if you might have seen it?”
What was she thinking? If this woman indeed had the vial, she was never going to confess to stealing it. Marianne was starting to make her look like a fool.
“I’m not sure,” the woman croaked as she rubbed at her wrinkled chin. “What does it look like?” 
“An apple shaped glass jar, about 4 inches in diameter. And contains a green liquid.”
Had she still said too much?
“It doesn’t ring any bells! I’m sorry, dear.” 
Irene looked at Marianne, whose face remained expressionless, before turning back to the guest. “Well if you happen to see it, please give us a ring at the front desk. Luke would very much like to have it in his possession again.”
“Of course. Best of luck in your search. I do hope you find what you’re looking for.” 
Something about the woman’s words sent chills up her spine. 
And with that, the pair left the room, knowing no more than they had when they arrived.
“You couldn’t have helped with that disaster?” Irene said a little too loudly. She and Marianne were still standing in the narrow hallway and though all of the doors were closed, it wouldn’t be tough for the guests to eavesdrop on their conversation. But she couldn’t hold back anymore.
“This woman was never going to confess to her crime! And you never even explained to me why she was accused of it in the first place. How did you find her? And what makes you think she was responsible?” 
Just as Marianne opened her mouth to speak, the room door next to them creaked open and a ginger-haired man, possibly in his 40’s, appeared in the gap. “Would the two of you mind stepping into my room for a moment? I might be able to help you.”
The two women exchanged a surprised glance, then silently agreed to enter the room and hear what the mystery man had to say.
“Please feel free to take a seat,” he began, gesturing to two rather welcoming chairs on the wall opposite the bed. Irene’s swollen feet had been bothering her that morning so she was more than happy to accept the offer. Even Marianne, who was normally too stubborn for her own good, claimed one of the chairs as her own. 
“Let me introduce myself,” the man continued. “My name is Roger Whitehall. I checked in a few days ago to get away for a bit. Work has been rather stressful and, well, that’s a story for another day.”
So far, Irene was failing to understand how this man was supposed to help them. Was this another dead end?
“For a while I hadn’t really interacted with the other guests, but a few nights ago I somehow struck up a conversation with Ms. Lehman. I think we talked for well over an hour after dinner one evening. She seemed sweet enough but was very vague about what brought her out to the inn. Not that it’s anyone’s business, of course.”
Irene, who had been sitting forward intently listening, found herself starting to mold back into the chair. It was clear this Roger character liked to talk and if they were going to be here a while, she wanted to make sure she and her unborn bundle of joy were comfortable. 
“But she said something odd. Mentioned she had a bit of a history with the place, yet wouldn’t elaborate when I asked. In fact, she excused herself to head back to her room at the time.”
“You don’t know her do you?” Marianne chimed in. 
Irene shook her head. “Not prior to her arrival at the inn. No.”
“Things only got more strange,” Roger said quietly. “When I woke up in the middle of the night once to run to the bathroom, I was certain I heard her talking to someone who was speaking a different language or something. Yet I had never once seen anyone coming or going from the room.”
Irene was beginning to feel uneasy. Ms. Lehman, despite her insistence on innocence, was sounding more and more suspicious by the second. 
“That wasn’t the only odd thing.”
Her uneasiness only growing, Irene began to nervously shift in her seat. “Oh?”
“One night, I was certain that I heard the whimpering and growling of a very angry dog.” 
There was no doubt in Irene’s mind. Margaret Lehman had been involved in the kidnapping of their beloved Ruby. And she was now the prime suspect for Luke’s disappearance too.
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dddsfics · 3 years
New update for “Opposites Attract”
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She couldn’t express the amount of relief she felt over what Charlie said. Thank God he’s such a forgiving soul, she thought. For the first time in a while, things were finally starting to feel almost...peaceful. 
“I know this isn’t the best timing,” Charlie carefully shared. “But jumping off what I just said...there’s something I need to tell you.”
Ellen nervously pulled away from Charlie, yet kept a tight grip on the hand she had been clasping. Her heart began to race as he met her eyes, and she struggled to find even a syllable to get out. Oh God, what now?
“I’m pregnant.”
 Charlie’s comment took a minute to sink in, but as soon as it did, Ellen burst out laughing so hard that she was sure she heard Sunny jump. 
“Sorry,”  he said with a smile. “But it lightened the mood, right?”
Ellen closed her eyes, and shook her head back and forth as her lips curled into a grin. “Yes, I’ll give you that. Now could you please tell me what’s really going on before I pass out?”
She felt Charlie pull her in closer to his torso. “It’s work.”
“Oh God, you were let go, weren’t you?” she wailed.
“No, no. Babe, relax.”
She let out a loud sigh of relief. The last thing they needed was for both of them to be unemployed, especially with a dog now part of their family. 
“The owners have decided to….close the shop. But the good news is that they’ve offered me a job at another location.”
“Well, that’s great news! Not for everyone else working there of course. But obviously they recognize what an asset you are and didn’t want to lose you!”
She watched as Charlie scratched at his jaw. “There’s a catch though. The location is….in a different state.” 
“It’s about five hours from where we are now. I know it’s nothing drastic but it still means a new home, a new town...everything.”
As Ellen tried to process the news, the wind eerily picked up and could be heard whistling around the backyard. It was like something out of a movie, and it sent chills up her spine. Yet, there was something about this new ‘change in the wind’ that made her heart race out of excitement. Now that she was unemployed and trying to figure out what to do with her life, the possibility of starting off somewhere fresh, with the love of her life and their new puppy, was almost exhilarating. 
As Charlie’s face grew to one of confusion, she began to wonder just how long she had been deep in thought. 
“I don’t expect you to uproot your life for me, Ellen. But if you’re willing, I’d love to start this new chapter with both you and Sunny by my side.” 
She pulled him in for another kiss that clearly caught him by surprise. “When do we pack?”
Ellen stared at the pathetic pile of clothes on the bed. Most women would have trouble figuring out what to pack and what to leave behind, but not her. With her wardrobe still consisting mostly of suits and tops from her former job as president and a collection of simplistic shirts and sweats, there wasn’t one thing she felt so attached to that she needed to bring it with her. New start, new clothes, she thought. 
It had been a little over a week since Charlie had received the offer to transfer, and as excited as Ellen was, it still felt like the entire world around her was spinning. She forgot how much was involved with moving--especially to a new state. Thankfully, Charlie had taken the lead on almost everything and no matter how much she offered to help, he kept insisting that it was his responsibility to handle. 
The only major to-do left on their relocation checklist was probably the biggest of all: finding a house. Charlie had made temporary arrangements at a pet-friendly hotel near the new shop for the three of them to stay until they could find their perfect home. It would be yet another huge step in their relationship.
Ellen began to reminisce about the day Charlie had asked her to move in with him. It was a huge adjustment transitioning from city to almost country life, but the house really had grown on her over the years. It was cozy and quaint, with a gorgeous property. I’m really going to miss it. 
“And I’m really going to miss this massive closet,” she said to no one in particular. 
Taking another look at the dark, empty space, she noticed a mid-length black dress tucked in the back that she had missed earlier. As she grabbed the hanger, the feeling of butterflies began to dance around in her stomach. It was that dress. The dress she had worn on her first date with Charlie. Somehow, with time, it had gotten pushed to the dark corners of her closet as her ever growing corporate wardrobe took over. Not anymore. This dress was not to be left behind and it was a symbol of the one aspect of her life that had only gotten better with time: her relationship with Charlie. 
And as Ellen turned to look out the window and saw him returning to the house with Sunny trotting by his side, she had no doubts that she really was blessed. 
Moments later the front door opened and she heard the pitter-patter of pup feet running around the house. 
“Be careful with that, you. Don’t go knocking anything over,” Charlie called out in the other room.
“I’ll try.”
The chuckle Charlie let out at her response as she entered the living room made her giggle. “I take it he brought home another stick?”
“Of course. The dog is obsessed. For Christmas all we need to do is wrap up a bundle of sticks. He’ll be set for a year.”
Ellen licked her lips and then sensually bit her bottom one, something she knew never went unnoticed by her partner.
“Okay, what’s up babe?” 
“What do you say we go out for one last dinner in town? I know we have a lot of packing to do but after dealing with that all day tomorrow, there’s no way we are going to feel like leaving.”
Without a moment of hesitation, Charlie walked mere inches from where she was standing until she could feel the heat radiating from his body. But before she could reach out and touch him, he started to move again, then stopped and turned his upper torso towards her just long enough to wink.  “It’s a date.”
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dddsfics · 3 years
New update for “The Missing Ruby”
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But as she looked at the labels, it was clear that the ingredient was not there as she had thought. Running to its usual place on the nearby shelf, she was met with the same disappointment and confusion upon finding it was nowhere in sight. “That’s impossible. I know I grabbed it before you arrived.”
Marianne let out a heavy sigh. “Oh my. It seems things are far more worrisome than I thought.”
Irene’s heart began to beat rapidly at her mother in law’s revelation. “ Do I dare ask?”
Sensing Irene’s increasing worry, Marianne guided her once again to a nearby chair before she started to feel faint. 
“Well,” she began. “It means that whoever was responsible for Luke’s disappearance, and likely Ruby’s, is someone on the premise.”
Irene bit her lip in confusion. “I thought we assumed as much?”
“Of course. But you didn’t let me finish,” she replied sharply. “That person, or persons, not only had to be aware that this room exists, they would also have to know what potion we were conjuring and what ingredients were needed.”
Irene was starting to understand what Marianne was trying to say, but thought it best to let her continue.
“In other words, we have someone with magical knowledge and power in our midst. And they certainly don’t mind using it to cause great harm either.”
Irene’s heart continued to pound. She and Luke knew they had been dealing with a powerful force but hearing Marianne express the same thought made her feel sick. And now, with her husband missing, she was starting to fear the person responsible even more. 
“So what do we do?” she asked with a hint of a sob. Any glimmer of hope she had been experiencing was starting to fade away, and fast. 
Marianne walked over to the table with the ingredients and rubbed her chin. “Well we have to finish the potion first and foremost. If we are lucky, it will at least give us a starting place when it comes to finding Luke.”
Before Irene could ask about the missing ingredient. Marianne whipped herself around and turned in her direction. “You, dear, are going on a little shopping trip to go get it.”
“Me? What about the inn?”
“Oh, you won’t be long. No one will even notice you’re gone.”
“Grab your coat and I’ll tell you everything you need to know.” 
Standing in front of the small brick structure, Irene felt a knot in her stomach. The shop, if one could even call it that just looking at the facade, was tucked away in the middle of the woods with no signs of life to be found besides the chirping of birds. Had Marianne not sent her there with a snap of her fingers, Irene wasn’t sure she ever would have found it herself. 
What an eerie place, she thought as she cautiously stepped up to the door and turned the knob. With barely a nudge, the door creaked open just enough for the aromas of various spices, herbs and other hard-to-identify ingredients to seep out and tickle her nose. 
“Come in, dear,” a voice from inside the shop croaked. 
Irene did just that, though she remained apprehensive about what awaited on the other side of the door. 
The shop appeared to be only one room--at least what was available to the public--and dimly lit. There were no other customers to be found perusing the aisles, and Irene assumed the voice had come from the short and stout woman currently sitting behind a small counter in the corner. 
“Can I help you find something, dear?”
Irene walked closer to the woman, who continued to sit in her over-sized chair, stroking the cat on her lap. 
“I...well Marianne Taluse sent me to…”
“Oh, Marianne!” the woman loudly interrupted, causing the cat to jump down in annoyance. “You must be that daughter-in-law she’s always talking about! Iris?”
“Right, right. What brings you to my neck of the woods?”
Irene paused for a brief moment. Marianne had been firm in her instructions about the brief errand. No one was to know what was happening with Luke, or the previous troubles with Ruby. Irene was simply supposed to purchase the items and get back as quickly as possible. 
“Oh, Marianne is short on a couple of things in her inventory. She didn’t really elaborate much further than that, but asked me to stop and get them for her.”
“Of course! And what might that be?”
Irene simply leaned forward and held out a piece of paper. The woman stood up to retrieve it, carefully scanning its contents. “Ah, yes. Not a problem. No problem at all. You can follow me.”
She was even shorter than she appeared while sitting on the chair, and Irene felt like she was walking next to a child had it not been for all of the wrinkles and slow gait. 
“I’m sorry I didn’t catch your name.”
“Darla, dear.”
Irene followed as Darla led her down an aisle near the back of the room, passing shelves of various colored liquids along the way. Despite her own extensive collection in the basement, there were still plenty of labels with names she did not recognize. 
As the pair reached the end of the aisle, Darla made a sudden stop and began humming to herself as she delicately lifted a glass jar labeled ‘tree frog essence.’ Irene carefully accepted the item as it was handed to her, making sure to respond with a gentle smile and a soft ‘Thank you.’
“And now for the other item on your list...I’ll be right back, dear.”
The comment caught Irene off guard, who watched as Darla sauntered into an adjoining room tucked behind a curtain. In just a few minutes she returned, yet appeared to not be carrying anything with her. Does she not have it in stock? Irene wondered. But the it remained a mystery to her. Not only was she completely unfamiliar with what she was supposed to be picking up, Marianne had been quite vague about what the object in question would be used for.
As Darla approached Irene, she simply handed her a small pouch that had a surprising weight to it. “This should be just what Marianne was looking for.”
“Thank you. For payment...I was told that you can put both items on her tab?”
“You bet, love. Take care now.” Just as Irene was about to head out the door, Darla called out one more time. “Oh, and it was a delight to finally meet you.”
On that note, Irene offered yet another small smile and silently exited the shop. She was anxious to return to the inn and continue the process of finding her beloved husband. But first,  she had to track down the correct tree that would transport her back home with a single touch.  
A rush of air nearly knocked Irene off her feet as she found herself standing in her basement yet again. Gosh, I hope this is safe for the baby. Marianne wouldn’t put her in danger, would she?
Oddly, her mother-in-law appeared to be missing. Even Ruby, who had been with them in the basement earlier that morning, was nowhere to be found. Where can they both possibly be?
Right on cue, Marianne barged into the basement in her usual dramatic fashion. “Oh wonderful, you’re back! Now hurry along and come with me.”
Her urgency surprised Irene. “What’s going on?”
“I think I found who stole the original vial.”
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dddsfics · 3 years
New update for “Opposites Attract”
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Margo loudly scooted her chair backwards and stood up to walk over to the kitchen counter. “Ellen, I think you’re entitled to some time to process things about your own body.”
“I know, I know. But it wasn’t just that. I took a while to tell him about the crisis at work. And that I was fired. Not to mention the only reason we have Sunny is because I wouldn’t tell him what was really running through my mind.”
As she spoke, Ellen realized just how closed off she had been. No wonder Charlie felt so hurt by her secrecy.
“Think he’ll forgive me?” she wishfully asked her friend.
“It’s Charlie.”
Ellen could only hope Margo was right.
With Margo’s house out of sight in the rear view mirror, Ellen checked around to make sure there was no one around as she slowed the car to a stop. The last thing she wanted to do was piss off an angry commuter who was trying to get down the street.
When she was certain all was clear, Ellen grabbed her phone from its place in her car’s cup holder and immediately navigated to Charlie’s name in her contacts. A part of her was convinced he would reach out to her, but also knew she was the one at fault here. But still, not seeing a new message from him...any message at all, left her stomach in knots.
“Can we please talk tonight?” she typed.
Just as Ellen set her phone back down, the screen lit up to signify a new message. Immediately she snatched up the device with baited breath. It was Charlie, and his one-word response was just what she wanted to see.
Bundled up in a blanket and fleece jacket, Ellen sat in the wicker chair on the back porch, foot anxiously tapping against the wood below her feet. Charlie was due home from work soon, and the only thing helping her remain calm was throwing a tennis ball out into the lawn for an eager Sunny to chase.
Unfortunately for her, he hadn’t quite mastered the game of fetch yet. He would usually ignore her requests to bring the ball back to her spot, run back to her with the ball still on the ground 10 feet away, or run off before she had a chance to throw it. But he got a kick out of the whole game, and his enjoyment was a great mood lifter and distraction for her.
“Charlie’s going to have to work on this with you,” she said with a laugh as Sunny rolled the ball around on the porch. “You’re adorable but you’re absolutely awful at fetching.”
The sound of a wood board creaking caused her to look up just to her right. Charlie, still wearing his oil-stained shirt and pants, stood in the doorway with an almost defeated expression. Yet his muscular body gave off a defensive vibe, like he was afraid of being metaphorical punched in the gut yet again. It made Ellen’s guilt skyrocket.
“Wanna sit?” she asked nervously, gesturing to the accompanying chair.
She didn’t even get a head nod from him, though he did take up her offer. Sunny joined him by laying down next to the chair and resting his chin on Charlie’s feet. Without muttering a word, he returned the show of affection by reaching down to scratch the pup’s head.
“I guess I’ll start…” Ellen began, knowing her comment was simply stating the obvious. “I’m sorry, Charlie. For a lot of things.”
She couldn’t bring herself to look at him yet, only her own feet, but could sense his gaze fixed on her. “I’m sorry for keeping you in the dark. And I’m sorry for not realizing how that must have made you feel. Joel and I….we weren’t ones for sharing our feelings. Well he wasn’t...and I guess that rubbed off on me too. When I met you, I felt like I could be honest in a way I hadn’t before.”
Taking a pause, she finally looked her partner in the eyes.
“So why did you feel you had to hide all of this from me?”
Ellen’s eyes darted off towards the direction of their backyard, at nothing in particular, as if she would find the answer plastered on a lawn ornament. “I...I guess with the job I was embarrassed.”
Charlie’s expression remained a mix of confusion and disappointment, yet she still had a hard time reading his thoughts.
“I know you say you’re always proud of me,” she continued. “But I still felt embarrassed being let go from a job that you’ve told me time and time again that I was ‘made for.’ In some weird way, I felt like I had let you down.”
Her throat began to feel scratchy, and she could tell she was heading for a breakdown. But before Charlie could interrupt her, she knew she had to keep going with her apologies.
“And the pregnancy test...Charlie, I was terrified. And that’s probably an understatement. I have no doubt you’d make an incredible dad. But me as a mother?”
She noticed Charlie suck in another breath. Her tears were starting to fall freely now, but she somehow managed to finish her thoughts. “I’m sorry I hadn’t clued you in, at least after the fact. And that you had to find out from our trash-snooping dog.”
Charlie couldn’t help but chuckle at her last comment, especially when Sunny barked almost as if on cue.
“Come here,” he said softly, opening his arms to her.
Without hesitation, Ellen happily accepted his invitation and quickly moved herself into his lap. As Charlie wrapped his arms around her and she melted into him, her sobbing quickly slowed down.
“Well I accept your apologies. But…I hope you don’t feel you have to hide anything from me just because you’re worried about what I’ll think.” As Ellen closed her eyes, she felt his hand tenderly brush her hair off her face. “Babe, I AM always proud of you. And it wasn’t just because you were president of a big company.”
“Well that’s good to know,” she mumbled.
“And the pregnancy test. I’m sorry that I got so angry about it. You obviously deserved time to process the news. Well, what could have been news. But I’m always here to help deal with anything potentially life changing, you know. We’re a team.”
Ellen didn’t know what to say, so she showed him just how much his comment meant to her: with a tender kiss.
She couldn’t express the amount of relief she felt over what Charlie said. Thank God he’s such a forgiving soul, she thought. For the first time in a while, things were finally starting to feel almost...peaceful.
“I know this isn’t the best timing,” Charlie carefully shared. “But jumping off what I just said...there’s... something I need to tell you.”
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dddsfics · 3 years
Apparently my last update in November for “Opposites Attract” got cut off (and I’m just now noticing) 🤦‍♀️ so I’ll have to include the rest of that in my next update. Whoops!
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dddsfics · 3 years
New update for "The Missing Ruby" Part 2
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The wind continued to whistle just outside the basement door. Ruby, normally unphased by even the loudest of storms, seemed particularly uneasy this morning. She nearly cowered in one of the farthest corners, eyes darting around the basement as she monitored her human’s frantic actions.
Rummaging through various potions and ingredients was certainly not how Irene wanted to spend the wee hours of the morning. Yet she was also grateful that the guests at the inn were fast asleep and she didn’t have to keep up the pretense that everything was fine. At that moment, her only focus was on retrieving the various items Marianne had requested.
Ten were needed for the potion Marianne planned to make to help determine Luke’s whereabouts, and while Irene was certain they had most of them on hand, her all-too-calm mother-in-law proclaimed she had to make a “quick stop” at an undisclosed location for a few things.
It had been nearly an hour since the two parted ways, and Irene was feeling more and more anxious by the second. She was grateful to have her sweet Ruby around, but, like her owner, the protective pup was far more uneasy than usual.  Even her unborn baby seemed to sense something was amiss and Irene’s hand repeatedly went to her stomach to soothe their restless bundle of joy.
“We’ll find him,” she whispered. But the confidence in her statement only served as a mask for how she really felt: terrified.
That feeling was only amplified when the basement doors suddenly swung open, causing Irene to jump and Ruby to start growling. It wasn’t until Marianne sauntered down the stairs that the pair was able to relax.
“Goodness, Marianne, you scared the daylights out of both of us.”
“Sorry, dear. You know I can’t resist making an entrance.”
Even in such a dire situation, the woman is always thinking about how to put on a show, Irene thought. It’s no wonder Luke felt she never really cared for him.
Irene walked over to the small, oak table near the center of the room and gestured to the various bottles and vials she had set there. “I’ve found everything you asked for, Marianne.”
The petite woman, now dressed in a black dress instead of her robe, eagerly stepped over to the collection. With her purple-tipped index finger outstretched, she began to brush it over each item, clearly running through a checklist as she mumbled the identity of each one.
“Dear, where’s the tree frog essence?”
Irene’s heart skipped a beat. “It’s there, I’m sure of it.”
But as she looked at the labels, it was clear that the ingredient was not there as she had thought. Running to its usual place on the nearby shelf, she was met with the same disappointment and confusion upon finding it was nowhere in sight. “That’s impossible. I know I grabbed it before you arrived.”
Marianne let out a heavy sigh. “Oh my. It seems things are far more worrisome than I thought.”
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dddsfics · 3 years
New Update for "The Missing Ruby" Part 1
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Irene hurriedly paced the floor of the bedroom, anxiously awaiting the knock on the door that was soon to follow. Ruby continued to lay in her fleece-lined bed in the corner, whimpering just as she had when Irene had woken up to find her husband gone.
The three soft taps on the door quickly caught her attention and she scurried to the door to invite her mother-in-law inside. “Oh your poor thing,” Marianne said softly as she embraced a distraught Irene. The hug certainly didn’t last as long as Irene needed at that moment, but she was still grateful for the show of affection. Luke had neverbeen fortunate to get the same warmth from his own mother. Irene used the sleeve of her robe to wipe the salty tears still falling from her eyes while Marianne took a moment to tighten her own satin garment. Then, gently guiding her daughter-in-law towards the bed, the pair took a seat on the edge of the mattress. “Let’s go back to the beginning. What happened?” Irene, still struggling to control her tears, took a deep before speaking. “Nothing seemed out of the ordinary when we went to bed. But just before midnight, Luke woke up complaining about his head hurting and went to the bathroom for a drink. I had fallen asleep again before he returned to bed and when I woke up about 12:30 he was gone from the room.” The tears started to fall at an increasing rate as she continued, “Ruby seemed really distressed and she followed me around the inn to look for him. There’s no sign of foul play but I don’t think he would just take off either.” Marianne soothingly rubbed Irene’s back. “Of course he wouldn’t dear. He’s not exactly reliable but he’s too much of a coward to do something like that.” Irene swore she heard Ruby let out a small snarl. Better directed at Marianne than me, she thought. “Something terrible had to have happened,” Irene sobbed once again. “I can’t lose him, Marianne, I just can’t.” Rather than comfort her, Marianne casually stood up from her place on the bed and reached into the pocket of her robe. “Then there’s little time to waste.”
Continued in part two... ———
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dddsfics · 4 years
I’m not sure how many people are checking here regularly but for those of you who are....
I’m taking a temporary hiatus from both stories until after the holidays. But I definitely want to pick back up with the next installment of “The Missing Ruby” in January 😉
Thanks for reading!
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dddsfics · 4 years
New update for "Opposites Attract" (Pt. 2)
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“So are you just going to keep avoiding me forever?” Ellen blurted out. It certainly wouldn’t have been her first choice of phrasing but, well, it was already out there. No use trying to take it back now, she thought.
Her pointed question caused Charlie to temporarily turn back towards her. “Are you going to keep hiding things from me?” It was as if her heart had dropped into her stomach. “Hiding things from you?” Charlie’s voice became lower and louder as he continued. “Well, you decided to avoid telling me you were going to get fired. And then that you did get fired. Now this.” Now Ellen could sense her own voice increasing in volume. “I didn’t realize I was obligated to come running to you the second something went wrong.” Great. Something else that shouldn’t have left my mouth. She began to sweat at the thought of his response. He was hurt, clearly, but whether he would snap back at her or shut down had yet to be seen. “Well, what an idiot I am then for thinking you’d want to tell when something was bothering you.” Ellen wanted to say something, anything, but struggled to get coherent words to form. So she sat there, tongue-tied, as Charlie looked in her in the eyes and conveyed to her just how much her comment his stung. Those few seconds were all he needed, then he retreated to their office. Even with the fireplace crackling, the room had never felt colder. ——— “Thanks again for letting me stop by on such short notice, Margo.” And Ellen really meant it. Margo’s life was as hectic as it could possibly get now with three kids running around. Thankfully, two of her youngsters were at school on this particular morning, with only her nearly two-year-old daughter, Allie, making a fuss. “Of course,” she replied, pouring them both some more tea. “I’m always happy to squeeze some more adult time into my day.” Ellen chuckled as Margo finally took her seat at the dining room table. “Although I’m a bit surprised you did reach out if I’m being honest. Is everything okay?” The room fell silent except for the sound of the program Allie was watching on TV in the next room. “Oh, that can’t be good,” Margo continued. “Relationship trouble?” Ellen sighed and stared intently into her tea-filled mug as if she were looking for the answer. “Along with everything else in my life falling apart.” “I thought things were going well with you and Charlie?” “They were. We even got a dog.” “YOU got a dog?” The thought of me with a pet has to be hard for her to picture, Ellen thought. Even she found it hard to believe at times, though she had grown quite fond of sweet Sunny. “Yeah,” she said with a smile. “Well, only because I couldn’t find the courage to bring up marriage. You know, just to see where his mindset was.” Margo raised her left eyebrow. “And that resulted in you getting a dog?” “Long story.” “Okay, well, what else is wrong then?” Ellen took a deep breath and paused, wondering just where to begin. “Well, two nights ago I realized I had missed my period. No, no, I’m not pregnant. I took the test yesterday morning when Charlie was at work, and then last night he ended up finding the box thanks to our nosey dog.” “And he was worried you were pregnant?” “No. He was angry because I didn’t tell him that I thought I might be.” Margo’s surprised reaction gave Ellen a bit of comfort. She knew Charlie had been behaving oddly…. hadn’t he? “Well that led to a fight and he accused me of more or less hiding things from him.” Her friend, who had been tensely gripping her mug, relaxed at the latest revelation and simply rolled her eyes. “Men.” “Well…it’s not completely untrue.” Margo loudly scooted her chair backwards and stood up to walk over to the kitchen counter. “Ellen, I think you’re entitled to some time to process things about your own body.” “I know, I know. But it wasn’t just that. I took a while to tell him about the crisis at work. And that I was fired. Not to mention the only reason we have Sunny is because I wouldn’t tell him what was really running through my mind.” As she spoke, Ellen realiz
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dddsfics · 4 years
New update for "Opposites Attract" (Pt. 1)
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Charlie, unable to ignore the sound, broke away to look down at their eager four-legged pal. “What you got there, boy?” He then carefully removed the piece of cardboard from Sunny’s mouth and read what was left of the torn label. “Babe....are you pregnant?” Ellen’s skin began to turn pink. Since the answer was obviously no, why was she having such a hard time saying it?
Charlie’s eyes began to grow wide and she quickly realized that her panicked reaction was only going to make him believe it was true. “No, no. no.” Her answer didn’t seem to comfort him, however, as Charlie continued to stand stiffly with the test box remnant in hand. “Babe?” Ellen said in barely a whisper. She had wanted him to let out a sigh of relief. Instead he was speechless. At least for a brief moment. “Why didn’t you tell me?” Her brow furrowed at the question. “Tell you? I didn’t want to worry you before I even knew the result.” Charlie’s normally animated face continued to be rather lifeless. Why is he acting like this, she wondered. He took a deep breath as if he were about to say something of the utmost importance. But all that came out of his mouth was, “Sunny’s overdue for his walk. I’ll be back in a bit.” Ellen continued to awkwardly stand in the kitchen area as her eyes followed Charlie. Without muttering another word, he reached into the closet for his jacket then grabbed Sunny’s leash hanging on a nearby hook. The pup had taken notice, and eagerly joined his master at the door, tail wagging enthusiastically. After Charlie hastily hooked the leash to Sunny’s collar, the pair left, leaving a shocked Ellen behind. ———- I can’t believe they’re still not home, Ellen thought. Charlie’s walks with Sunny were usually 30 minutes, tops, yet it was approaching an hour and the duo was still nowhere to be found. Any longer and she would start to worry, though she knew it was most likely that he was just avoiding her. But why? It’s not like she was pregnant and keeping it from him. The last thing she wanted to do was get him worked up, regardless of how he felt about the potential news, when it was possible her period was late for stress related reasons or some other simple explanation. Ellen sunk farther into the couch and wrapped the fleece blanket even tighter around her body. It amazed her how lonely the house could feel without her two boys bringing warmth and joy into it. As if she has manifested their appearances, the front door opened and Sunny charged through the entry way with a large stick in his mouth. Ellen couldn’t help but giggle. “Looks like someone had a good time.” Sunny responded by bringing his new “find” over to her to so she could appreciate it as much as he did. But all she got from Charlie was a mumbled “Yeah” before he walked into the kitchen. So much for that warmth and joy. At least someone is happy to see me. “What did you find there, love?” Sunny dropped the now slobber-covered stick on the cushion next to her and looked at her with an almost smile. “Wow, look at that!” she said happily, though chose to avoid touching it. “What a great stick you got!” Clearly Sunny thought so, as he picked it back up and began trotting around the house with it. Both she and Charlie laughed at him, and it was the first time she had heard her partner in a good mood in hours. It was a satisfying feeling. But the moment was short lived when Charlie passed through the living room, glass of water in hand, in the direction of their home
Continued in part 2...
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dddsfics · 4 years
New update for “The Missing Ruby”
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Marianne pointed her index finger at the cage door. With a quick flick of her wrist, the lock fell off and the door flung open. Ruby remained asleep through the commotion.
“Do I have to wake her up myself?”
Neither Irene nor Luke responded, knowing she would take matters into her own hands anyway. Plus, the thought of getting close to Ruby in her current aggressive state was enough to convince them to stay as far away as possible.
Marianne reached into a hidden pocket in her dress and pulled out a vial containing a pale pink powder. The pair watched curiously as she silently dumped a small pile into the palm of her hand before corking the vial once again and returning it to its place in her pocket.
She always has a trick up her sleeve. Literally, Irene thought with a laugh.
Marianne moved next to the open cage and with a deep breath, blew the powder right at the sleeping dog.
“That should do it.”
Ruby’s loud snoring finally ceased, and the couple watched with bated breath as she lazily opened her eyes.
In what felt like only a millisecond, Ruby charged out of the cage towards her leary owners. Before either had a chance to act, Marianne waved her hand at the animal who suddenly became frozen in place.
“My my. That’s one nasty curse.”
And the odds of breaking it began to look bleak.
“Are you alright dear? You look quite exhausted.”
Irene had been resting on the sofa next to the fireplace, feet propped up and hands rested on her belly, when Mrs. Lehman walked by. Obviously she was exhausted, and wondered what kind of nerve the woman had to ask her that.
“Oh, I’m fine thank you. Just a busy morning, is all.”
“Just wait until the baby arrives,” she said with a slight smirk.
Irene had to bite her tongue. “Oh, I have no doubt she’ll keep us on our toes.”
As the woman walked away, Irene thought about poor Luke downstairs in the basement dealing with his mother. She was reluctant to leave the two of them alone together, but both had insisted Irene give herself a break. Curses were quite dangerous even when handled with care, and no one wanted to risk the baby being in harm’s way.
She felt herself sigh at the sound of footsteps approaching yet again. She wasn’t one to usually sit around and relax, but now that she finally had a chance to, the last thing she wanted to do was be bothered.
Refusing to turn her head so as not to give off a vibe that she was open to conversation, she continued to stare off at the crackling fire. But the hand on her shoulder took her by surprise, causing her to jump slightly before finally turning towards the person it belonged to: Luke.
“I think we’ve had a breakthrough.”
The air in the basement was different this time around. The heaviness that has settled there for the last day no longer felt present. It gave Irene hope that things were on the upswing.
When she and Luke walked down the stairs, she was surprised to find Ruby lounging on a chair, belly side up. Marianne was sitting rather casually in another nearby, filing her nails. It was as if the whole thing ever happened.
“I don’t understand. How did you—“
Marianne proudly stood up from her chair as if she were accepting some sort of award. Luke loudly sighed at her act of arrogance.
“Well it certainly wasn’t easy, I’ll tell you that much. It also took quite a few close calls with Ruby about to take a chunk out of Luke here before I managed to save the day.”
The very image prompted Irene to hastily grab her husband’s hand, who squeezed hers back in reassurance.
“It took three different counter curses from two of my spellbooks to lift the one put on her. It’s hard to know if there will be any kind of long-term side effects of course, but it seemed to do the job.”
Irene and Luke exchanged a nervous glance, then looked in the direction of Ruby’s chair. “Is it okay to approach her?” she asked hesitantly.
Marianne motioned towards the relaxed dog as if to say “be my guest.”
“Ruby,” Irene cooed in the voice reserved for their beloved pet. 
There was a tense moment of silence as Ruby’s eyes fixated on her owners. But for the first time since her disappearance, the dog’s tail began to wag. Marianne had done it. She had broken the curse. 
Luke, following Irene’s lead, crouched down with open arms, much like he had when Ruby reappeared. Now, however, her reaction was a welcome surprise. She happily leapt off the chair, and ran over to her ecstatic humans to shower them both with kisses. 
“It’s so good to have you back, love,” Irene said with tears forming in her eyes.
“It sure is.”
Their precious Ruby was finally home. And for that, they were grateful. But the two of them were not about to rest until the person, or people, who harmed their dog had suffered the same fate.
As the clock on the room’s end table struck one, Marianne sat on the bed and flipped through one of the magazines she had snatched from the lobby. There wasn’t much to do at the dreadfully boring inn, and her sleep schedule was still a mess from her last witches retreat. Unfortunately for her, human magazines were just as dull as she imagined. If she was lucky, maybe they’d eventually lull her to sleep. 
I might have to borrow some of Irene’s sleeping potion later today, she thought. The woman certainly has a gift for them.
Mid-thought, Marianne realized the bedside phone was ringing. Though she was reluctant to answer, she was quickly glad she did. It was Irene, and she sounded out of breath.
“Marianne. I need your help.”
She sat up at the suggestion. Of course, she does. Why wouldn’t she? “What’s wrong, dear?”
“It’s Luke. I can't find him anywhere. And I’m worried something terrible has happened.”
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dddsfics · 4 years
New update for “Opposites Attract”
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Just as she was about to slip back into the bedroom, Charlie’s cheesy yet sexy werewolf joke popped back into her head. Once a month...
She audibly gasped, hopefully not loud enough for him to hear. Shit. I’m late.
Ellen could feel herself turning ghostly white. The very thought of being pregnant was too much to handle. She was terrified enough of being a first time pet “parent.” But a baby?
Since she didn’t exactly keep pregnancy tests on hand, there was little she could do until the next day. And to make matters worse, Charlie was in bed excitedly awaiting her return. Very excitedly. She knew he would be rather disappointed by her sudden disinterest in lovemaking. Except the rare times she fell sick, Ellen was never not in the mood.
Hesitantly opening the door, she slowly walked back over to the bed. Charlie immediately recognized something was wrong before she even had a chance to offer up some kind of last minute explanation for the lack of color in her face.
“You okay?” he asked, tenderly brushing her cheek.
“I’m just not feeling all that great. Maybe dinner didn’t disagree with me or something. I’m sorry, sweetheart.”
“What are you apologizing for?”
She struggled to find the right words as Charlie encouraged her to lie down and snuggly pulled the comforter around them both. No further words were spoken, and he kissed her just behind the ear—one of her favorite spots—before settling in for the night.
As Ellen pretended to drift off, all she could picture was just how tender Charlie would be with a baby. It was the first time she had ever thought about it, and it gave her a whirlwind of emotions. Sleep wasn’t going to come easy to her tonight.
Once Charlie had left for work the next morning, Ellen wasted no time getting out of bed. She had been quite lazy in the mornings since becoming unemployed, but there was too much on her mind on this particularly dawn to try and get some shut eye. To top it off, Sunny had been wide awake since Charlie had been up and about, and sat by the bed whining until Ellen followed suit. Initially she was annoyed, but the pup’s joy at her rolling out of bed instantly put a smile on her face.
“I wish I could be as energetic as you in the morning without coffee,” she quipped and lovingly scratched his head. She knew he wanted her to keep up with the affection, but there wasn’t time to be wasted this morning. Ellen simply wanted to throw on some clothes, brush her teeth and her hair, and make a run to the nearest drug store.
Sunny continued to follow her around the house as she checked off each of her hurried to-do’s, and she began to feel guilty that she wasn’t giving him more attention. But there was time for that. The test couldn’t wait.
Outfit haphazardly thrown together and hair lazily pulled back in a bun, Ellen rubbed Sunny behind the ears as a goodbye and hustled out to her car. She had no doubt he’d be waiting by the front door when she returned.
“Longest five minutes ever, right?”
Sunny, who had happily joined Ellen on the bed, rolled onto his back and barked. True to his name, he was keeping her spirits up—and her mind off her anxiety—while she waited for the results of all three tests sitting on the bathroom sink.
“I know we haven’t known each other that long but...could you see me as a mom?”
Sunny barked again, this time adding a tail wag.
“I don’t know. I mean, I think babies are cute and all.” Sunny tilted his head to the side. “Of course you are! But I have no maternal instinct. Really, I don’t. I’m just worried that I’d be a horrible, cold mother, you know? I used to leave my baby dolls outside in the rain as a kid.”
Ellen sighed and continued to rub Sunny’s furry belly as she thought aloud. “I wasn’t even sure I’d be able to handle you, you know. Charlie on the other hand...”
The sound of her phone alarm interrupted her train of thought. Moment of truth, she thought. Leaving Sunny in his relaxed state, she took a deep breath, slipped into the bathroom and stood over to the sink. All three tests were negative.
Thank God.
“You smell amazing tonight, do you know that?”
Charlie laughed loudly. “Even after a long day at the shop?”
Ellen moved closer to him and wrapped her arms tightly around his torso. “Hell yeah.”
“Looks like someone is feeling better,” he replied with a smirk. “Your appetite certainly seems to be back too. Even more impressive since you already inhaled dinner.”
“What can I say? I love a good sausage.” The pair both laughed at her poorly disguised innuendo and continued to gently sway back and forth, arms wrapped around each other.
Just as Ellen began to move in for a kiss, she heard the unmistakable jingle of Sunny’s dog tags next to their feet.
Charlie, unable to ignore the sound, broke away to look down at their eager four-legged pal. “What you got there, boy?” He then carefully removed the piece of cardboard from Sunny’s mouth and read what was left of the torn label.
“Babe....are you pregnant?”
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dddsfics · 4 years
New update for “The Missing Ruby”
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“Is she still growling?”
Ruby lunged at the cage yet again as Luke stepped into the basement, then began to snarl aggressively. “I guess that answers my question.”
While he had nonchalantly returned to the inn to take care of some things, Irene began to flip through their spell book, desperate to find some kind of help with reversing the curse.
“And I take it you haven’t had much luck either?”
Irene sighed and shook her head defeated. “Reversing your own curse is right there in chapter 13. But trying to break one set by someone else is another story.”
Luke let his head fall forward in frustration and let out a groan. The noise caused Ruby resume her growling.
“I do know someone who may be able to help us though,” Irene said innocently.
Luke knew just by her tone who she was referencing. “No. Absolutely not.”
“Sweetheart, come on.”
He watched as she stepped closer, head cocked to the side and lips curling into a noticeable pout. “I know you and your mother have never been on the best of terms, but she has enough of a history dealing with these types of spells that it would be foolish not to ask for her help. Besides, she does adore me,” she added with a smile.
“Who doesn’t?” Luke added, stealing a kiss along with it. She did have a point. His mother was certainly one of the best as far as witches were concerned, and in her younger days had dealt with enough unsavory characters to have a vast knowledge of how to handle curses. If only she wasn’t always so open about her disdain for her only son.
“Fine,” he groaned again. “But this is only because of Ruby.”
Irene’s mood instantly lifted. “I’ll go make the call.” And with that, she darted up the basement stairs and out of sight.
This was the first time in at least eight years Marianne had been at the inn, yet she wasn’t the least bit surprised to find that not much had changed. She was never able to understand what exactly about the place appealed to her son, or why he chose such a simplistic and dreadfully boring career in the first place. Not to mention all of those people he had to care for. It was her worst nightmare.
But if it hadn’t been for this woefully unimpressive inn tucked away in the woods, Luke never would have met Irene, she recalled. And she was an absolute delight.
As if on right on cue, Irene sauntered into the lobby in her mother-in-law’s direction with her pregnancy glow on full display. Marianne’s eyes grew wide with shock as they focused on her protruding belly.
“Oh, my goodness look at you!”
Though her hand eagerly drifted towards the bump, Marianne’s raised eyebrow conveyed a different response.
“I know. I know, we should have told you,” Irene admitted. “Luke was very adamant about waiting until late in the pregnancy to share the news with family and then, you know, things got busy and...”
“Oh dear, I don’t blame you. But of course I’m going to let him have it later.”
Irene let out a small laugh to ease the tension, though she knew Marianne wasn’t kidding. The fallout she had with Luke’s father when Luke was just a few years old had unfortunately caused her to harbor unfair resentment towards her only son. As an adult, Luke grew tired of her attitude and had nearly cut all ties with her until things with Irene became serious. She had insisted time and time again that they maintain some sort of relationship with Marianne. Of course, she couldn’t exactly fix things, but Irene had managed to become the glue holding things together. And at times like this, she was proud of it too.
“So, when should I be expecting to meet my first grandchild?”
“Well, if goes as expected, she should be here in a few months.”
Marianne tossed her head back and clasped her hands together in sheer delight. “It’s a girl! Oh, thank heavens. You would have had your hands full with another Luke.”
Irene playfully shook her head in response. “Come on, I’ll show you to your room and then we’ll both go join him.”
Luke felt a chill run up his spine as the basement door swung open. Yes, mother is definitely here, he thought. As she walked down the stairs, trademark scowl on her face, he had to keep from rolling his eyes at her over-the-top ensemble. Her black and purple dress, with intricate silver detail on the neckline and sleeves , looked like a child’s Halloween costume. Her hands had to have been heavy from the amount of gaudy jewelry on her fingers and wrists, and the long, black nails did her no favors. Combined with her ridiculously teased hair, it was a wonder she was ever able to be in public at all without making a scene.
“Well, well, well...” she began. “You ask for my help yet don’t bother to inform me that I have a sweet granddaughter on the way in just a few short months.”
“Actually, mother, it was Irene who suggested the idea.”
“Of course it was,” she scoffed. “Well lucky for you she had enough sense to do so, and took the time to explain your dilemma to me. She also insisted I stay in one of your empty rooms since I was overdue for a visit.”
Irene felt him shoot daggers at her with the last comment, but all she could do was shrug.
“So where is the beast anyway?”
This time, it was both Luke and Irene who gave Marianne an icy, cold stare.
“She’s still our dog, mother.”
“I honestly don’t know why you have a dog at all. Cats are far superior.”
Irene noticed Luke’s hands curl into fists, and she swore she heard a slight electric spark noise. She had to distract him...and fast.
“She’s in the cage over in the corner, Marianne. I had to give her a sleeping potion to settle her until you arrived.”
Marianne stepped closer to Ruby’s enclosure and inspected the sleeping dog before her. “Well it’s time to get her out, don’t you think? Let’s see what we’re dealing with here.”
The couple exchanged a nervous glance. This was sure to be a disaster.
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dddsfics · 4 years
Anon under the cut for spoilers!
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Thank you! 😋 Way more "fluff" than I usually do 😂
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dddsfics · 4 years
New update for “Opposites Attract”
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That Sunday, on Charlie’s day off work, he and Ellen made the 30-minute drive to the nearest animal shelter. Charlie had been even more happy than usual that morning, and she couldn’t help but feel comforted by his contagious joy. Sure, she had reservations about this big life change, but the twinkle in Charlie’s eye ever since their conversation that one evening had her convinced she was doing the right thing.
Yet the second Charlie parked the car and Ellen began to hear the unmistakable sound of barking dogs, she felt a bit of a knot in her stomach. Would she even be good with a dog? Sure, there was the family German shepherd, Duke, she adored until he passed away in her teen years, but she had never been a pet owner as an adult. And if it weren’t for Charlie, there wouldn’t be a single houseplant in their home. A cactus was about the only thing she could keep alive and even the one rescued from her former office was starting to look worse for wear.
“You ready to do this?” Charlie asked with a smile, snapping her out of her daydreaming.
She wiggled her eyes brows at him, one of her favorite ways to flirt, and the pair both exited the car before opening the door to the lobby.
The room, though brightly lit and colorful, was a stark contrast to the strong odor of animal and sound of barking dogs and meowing cats. Ellen could feel the onset of a headache and began to develop a newfound respect for the woman at the front desk.
“Hi there! How can we help you today? Are you looking for a fur-ever family member?”
Charlie chuckled at the pun while Ellen tried her hardest to feign amusement.
Grabbing Ellen’s tense hand tightly, he answered, “We sure are! A dog actually.”
The cheery woman moved closer to the counter and pointed towards a door behind them. “The dog kennels are back there. Feel free to take a look for yourself, and if you have any questions, we have a number of volunteers walking around.”
“Thank you,” they both said in unison before making their way through the door.
Even Charlie appeared momentarily frozen when they entered the wing. Compared to the front lobby, the hallway was dimly lit and lined with rows of kennels on both side. It looks like a prison, Ellen thought. She had little memory of how Duke became a part of her family but she hoped he never had to stay in a dreadful place like this.
Before she was able to give it any more thought, Charlie put his hand on the small of her back and started to guide her forward.
Each kennel had a laminated sheet clipped to the outside with information about the adoptable pup, though the pair had yet to stop to read one. Instead they simply scanned each kennel they passed, never lingering at any where the dogs seemed overly hyper, aggressive or submissive. Near the end of the corridor, Ellen caught sight of a smaller pup sitting just on the other side of the cage, quietly observing them. “Hi sweetheart,” she said softly.
The dog immediately stood up and began wagging its tail.
“Charlie, come look at this little...guy?”
He joined her next to the cage and crouched down to talk to the friendly animal while Ellen began to look closer at his informational sheet.
“Male, 2 years old, corgi and golden retriever mix, good with kids and other dogs,” she read. “A loyal companion and happy disposition, Sunny is sure to be a wonderful lifelong pal for anyone willing to welcome him into their home.”
When Sunny eagerly rolled onto his back, even with a cage separating the three of them, Ellen knew the search was over.
“Well, I think that’s everything, right?” Charlie asked with a slight shrug.
He and Ellen had spent the entire afternoon prepping their house for their new addition. Sunny now had everything he needed: a comfy dog bed near the fireplace in their living room, a big metal bowl filled with the kibble the pet store clerk insisted was “the best,” an extra long leash and two bags filled to the brim with toys.
Sunny had already made himself at home, enthusiastically running around the living room and kitchen with his tail wagging back and forth at an impressive speed. Ellen could certainly see why his previous owners chose his name. That dog really truly was a burst of sunshine and happiness.
“Sunny, here boy,” Charlie called while patting the plush bed on the floor.
“Maybe try putting one of the toys there?” Ellen grabbed a plush, squeaky chipmunk from the nearby crate of toys and tossed it onto the bed.
Sunny immediately took notice and scurried onto it, then laid down and eagerly began chewing on the toy. Charlie took a moment to scratch him on the head before joining Ellen on the couch.
“Hey, I think he’s finally settling in a bit.”
Just as Charlie had opened his mouth to reply, a golden ball of fluff had flung itself onto the pair, somehow managing to slobber on both of them in the process. The unexpected move caused Ellen to burst out laughing. Before long, Charlie was joining in too.
“That was...just...wow.” Ellen still felt flushed and her heart rate had yet to return to normal. “I don’t know if Sunny unleashed some kind of animalistic side of you or what. But if that’s the case, we should have gotten a dog a long time ago.”
Her giggling wasn’t enough to stop Charlie from sensually moving his lips to her throat. “Maybe I’m part werewolf and I get particularly wild once a month.” His low growl almost did her in. Again.
Ellen knew she would need a minute or two in the bathroom before round two, so she reluctantly broke free of his wandering hands and excused herself.
Just as she was about to slip back into the bedroom, Charlie’s cheesy yet sexy werewolf joke popped back into her head. Once a month...
She audibly gasped, hopefully not loud enough for him to hear. Shit. I’m late.
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