ddean · 3 years
tori!! happy birthday!!! 💖
vanessa !!! 🥺 thank u !!!!
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ddean · 3 years
happy birthday u youngiN!!
hehehhe!!!! thank ya 🤠
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ddean · 3 years
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ddean · 4 years
Nothing will ever be funnier and more vindicating to me as a smart person with good taste than the way Jensen Ackles read for Sam, liked Dean better so requested to play him instead, and then through acting choices and determination managed to make Dean, who was intended as the sidekick, into the most interesting and psychologically complex character on television. Like. This is why Sam Winchester reads as a minor character. This is why.
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ddean · 4 years
Dean Winchester didn’t deserve death, he was the most vibrant character on the show, he was passionate about life, about the mundane things life had to offer, food, music, sex, the relationships he built over the years, his found family, even with all the bad things that happened to him, he was still enthusiastic about life, he found pleasure in the smallest things, in the simple things life had to offer, he wasn’t after power, money or glory, he believed in doing the right thing, helping people, protecting people from having the same traumatic experience that he had… 
He wasn’t raised to have such a rough life, to be a hunter, he had four years of normal life, with people taking care of him, loving him, he had his childhood stolen from him, his innocence stolen from him, but that lil kid was always alive in his heart, he craved affection, love, to be loved back, because he remembers when he was a kid and he had that…
Dean spent his whole life thinking his own life didn’t matter, he had to put everyone’s needs first, because that is what is father demanded from him, he was never allowed to follow his dreams, he never had a chance to break free and enjoy his life to the fullest… 
Dean Winchester spent the last year of his life fighting for freedom, fighting to save the world, and once he got his so desired free will, his freedom was taken away from him in the most brutal way, he spent his last minutes having the confirmation that what he thought his whole life, was right, all that was left for him in the end was death, he spent his last minutes believing his life didn’t matter, showing how he always felt less than his brother, he died crying, sad, scared, losing everything he was working for, he got a dog, a job, he was ready to move on and see what else life had to offer… and he died, without getting the chance to enjoy his freedom, without having the chance to love himself, be proud of himself, without being able to see that he was more than just a hunter,  he died without finding peace and happiness while he was still alive, his life ended in the same way his story started, in tragedy.
You deserved better, Dean Winchester.
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ddean · 4 years
ok hear me out. once the cw realized that the covid break meant that walker was premiering right after supernatural ended they panicked that a destiel ending might upset jared stans (specifically the br*nlies and j*2 stans) and homophobes and hurt walker viewership so they not only gutted destiel, they forced supernatural into doing a 180 into a sam-centric, brothers-only ending to an extreme. this also explains the gratuitous shirtless!sam even though we haven’t seen either brother objectified like that in years and also the phone call from austin and also jared’s continued and vocal support of the br*nlie parts of the finale
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ddean · 4 years
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screencap meme | @gracefuldean asked for bruised & battered + Dean Winchester
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ddean · 4 years
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ᕙ(  •̀ ᗜ •́  )ᕗ
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ddean · 4 years
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ddean · 4 years
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A woman’s war / Unoccupied history
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ddean · 4 years
Swan Song was actually perfect ending for Dean. He learnt to "let go" of Sam. Got a kid and a woman who cared for him. Was given space to heal. Was loved.
Kripke, for all his faults, didn't hate Dean. Unlike Dabb who extracts sadistic glee by torturing Dean.
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ddean · 4 years
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lol honestly i am not surprised but mostly just baffled because storytelling???? meaningful??? it definitely WAS frustrating….
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ddean · 4 years
I remember back in season 9, 10... even 12 when Dean was done with Mary's crap and told her, "There's the door," I hoped the show was heading towards Dean learning to stand up for himself (without apologizing and grovelling later), to want things for himself, to become more independent, free himself of the familial (in the broader sense) ties that so often hurt him and tied him down to unending heaps of trauma that he could never even beging to process as long as he was still in the middle of it all.
I hoped that Dean would be allowed to become more than a blunt instrument/support system/punching bag that follows (mostly) Sam around even when it's bad for him because it's the only thing he knows, and so it's the only thing he (thinks he) wants.
Instead, Dean's last words are about how all that ever mattered to him was Sam and how he doesn't know what he would have done if Sam turned him down. He doesn't mention any dreams or hopes he might have had for himself now that he's free of Chuck's meddling, no ambitions...
And in Heaven, where he's now supposedly able to do/have whatever he wants, he just drives around and waits for Sam. Again, no sign that Dean has any life/dreams/activities that don't revolve around Sam.
They reduced Dean to "the guy who's all about Sam".
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ddean · 4 years
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Sam probably broke down crying coming across these later and remembering this moment. 
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ddean · 4 years
“but let’s talk about how they did sam dirty 😔”
no. i literally don’t care
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ddean · 4 years
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1x01 // 15x20
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ddean · 4 years
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Jensen Ackles : Louden Swain Saturday Night Special, Vancouver 2019
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