dead3ve · 9 days
Neil Perry x shy!gn!reader
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Summary: After his success in A Midsummer Night's Dream, Neil needs to prove he's worthy of other lead roles. It's hard to do this when there is an unhelpful, pretty distraction trying to help him with his audition material.
Warnings: Reader pronouns they/them. no use of y/n. Reader referred to as pretty, partner. Kissing!! no smut.
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Neil Perry was gorgeous.
He was in his element and speaking words seemingly straight from his heart, not from memory. The look in his eye was both passionate and depicting the emotion of the scene, desperation. Suddenly he lost the shimmer in his eye and looked blank, mouth bending into a small frown. Neil still stood handsomely, with his sharp bone structure and confident stature, despite this.
"Line?" Neil asked quietly, as if he was trying not to break the scene and trying not to be impatient about it. "Honey?" He called for his partner's endearingly, almost concerned that they were not responding. Neil turned to look at them, shoulders going lax as he took some steps towards them.
His turn to them made them jump and fumble with the script to find his line. They muttered a meek "sorry" and continued turning the pages of the script, trying to find where they were meant to be up to.
As the pages brushed against each other, Neil dragged a chair over to theirs so he could sit closer to the page turner. He gently put his hand over his partner's, stopping them from flipping the pages of the script. This made them stop moving completely.
They looked up at Neil with wide apologetic eyes, "I'm sorry." They spoke with a guilty smile, sighing the words under Neil's loving gaze, growing flustered.
"It's ok." He spoke into their hairline, lips tickling their skin. They could feel his smile and they were definitely forgiven.
He began pressing kisses down their hairline to the side of their face. It was making them giggle. The giddy feeling paired with the affection was making them grow red in the face. Eventually, Neil's lips pushed against the corner of their mouth, just catching their lips in the kiss. This made them turn their body towards Neil's on the desk chair they were sat at. They prepared for a kiss on the lips, knowing full well they were not going to initiate it, but wait for Neil to bring his face to theirs.
Neil knew this too. They'd done it many times before. He decided to tease though. He just simply sat and smiled at them. Admired the innocence of their expression and the heat of their cheeks. He put a hand onto the thigh that they had crossed impatiently. Neil gave a gentle squeeze and a smile. His partner folded their arms at that and looked away. No matter how shy they were, stubbornness prevailed, despite the potential loss of needed affection.
This made Neil laugh. He wrapped a hand around their waist and pulled them and their chair closer to himself. Once moved, one of his hands around their waist grazed lightly up their body and eventually cupped the side of their face, gently moving it to face his. The first thing they saw was Neil's charming grin and brown eyes.
"Have you got the line?" He teased, releasing small giggles and raising a brow as he spoke.
Their partner rolled their eyes but nuzzled into Neil's warm hand and relaxed into his grip on their waist. Neil gave a cheeky squeeze at the fat of their hip in response.
"You're not going to get any loving at this rate, pretty." Neil spoke in a whisper as he pressed his nose into theirs. He was contradicting his words.
They leaned into him, on the edge of their seat.
Their hands unfolded and found their place at Neil's shirt collar. An anchor for them when they were this close. Their thumbs methodically grazed against the tough fabric of the collar. Their knees were next to his, like four comfortable friends.
With half lidded eyes, they muttered "It's hard to keep up when all I want to do is look at you, Neil."
At that, the boy's hand that was cupping their jaw pulled their face towards his own. His lips found theirs. He ensured they could feel the love he had for them. He assumed it was translated because his partner's body slid further into his and a small sigh was heard from their lips in between the lip lock.
One of their hands left his collar and moved to the back of Neil's neck. Not far, but far enough to show the boy that they were comfortable as they had started fiddling with the short brown hair there. Neil pulled back at that. He smiled down at his partner with awe. He put his head into their shoulder, pressing kisses into their clothes. When their hand suddenly stopped, due to the surprise of the loving movement, he lifted his head to kiss them again, but before he did, he whispered onto their lips "keep doing that, pretty."
Their second hand left his collar and joined the other in his hair. Neil released an airy groan, like he was being lightly tickled. He went back in for another kiss. A needier one. Both of his hands left their face and hip to find warmth under their thighs. He was gently pulling them towards him, encouraging movement from their seat to his lap.
It worked.
With his hands helping, they moved to his lap. The kiss somehow continued as his partner moved into their new seat. Their hands ended up cupping his face and his ended up travelling from their waist to their thighs.
It was just the two of them in the study hall room, as it was only 2:00 pm. His partner liked it this way. It was when they were most confident. When they were safe with him, in his embrace, without other daunting gazes.
A few minutes later, Richard Cameron walked into study hall that afternoon. Neil fears he'll never recover from the two seconds of kissing he witnessed.
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dead3ve · 12 days
Hi! I was wondering, could you write a Steven Meeks x female reader where Meeks suggests that they go on the school roof and stargaze? He then brings the radio with them, and they slow dance together. They have just started dating when this imagine is set!
Thank you so much!
Steven Meeks x Fem!reader
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Summary: The request!! You're welcome cutie <3
Warnings: They/them pronouns. no use of y/n. fem!reader. reader referred to as girl, pretty.
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It was early days. Despite this, Meeks needed this to be forever.
He had never been on a high like this. Meeks would wake up in his bland, depressing dorm room next to a snoring Gerard Pitts and want to get out of bed to go to school. Steven found himself more patient when helping his friends with their schoolwork. He already was very patient but was somehow more so, putting their grades before his, though his 1st place never moved. The Dead Poets found Meeks more sociable too. Meeks found himself reading more and more poetry in the cave, laughing more too. He was becoming less nervous in the face of rebellion.
Tonight, the face of rebellion made Steven's knees weak and cheeks red.
They wore one of their softest woolen jumpers and held a blanket with folded arms when they found Meeks at the top floor of the school. Meeks watched them walk down the hall. He was stood holding the radio, which was wrapped and hidden in his red and black Welton coat. Meeks had a picnic blanket under the other arm too.
"Hi." Meeks said softly. He was slightly taken aback when they continued walking into his chest for a hug. Steven whispered another "hello" into their hair, resting an arm around their neck despite his full hands. They looked up at him with their chin pressed against his chest.
"Hey, Steven." They were grinning as they said it. Steven's freckled, pink cheeks were making a flutter grow in their stomach. "Where are you taking me? And what's the risky business with the blanket, handsome?"
Meeks, somehow, was growing even more red in the face. He couldn't tell if it was from the innuendo or the nickname. It may have been both. Either way, he gently pulled the folded blanket from their grasp. He readjusted the coat-wrapped radio, picnic blanket and regular blanket in his hold and then looked up at the girl.
"Follow me." Steven said simply and smiled. He began walking, and the girl matched his pace and gently held his left, folded arm. They would have taken his hand if he hadn't taken everything to hold. So chivalrous of him.
Meeks continued further down the hall and turned to push open a tall door. It opened and released a cool breeze onto the girl's face. The cool wind was sharp against Steven's burning cheeks. He continued out onto the roof, consequently dragging them with him due to their hold on his arm.
The girl hadn't seen this part of the school yet. So big and green in the heat of the summer. The light from inside the school allowed a slight golden glow to touch the first few meters of grass before the night took over. They looked over the school grounds, releasing Meek's arm as he began to put everything down. The school wasn't as threatening from the roof. There was more charm to it when above everything.
The view was distracting the girl, allowing Meeks to lay out the blankets and set up the radio in secret. Steven turned on the radio, which released a blaring static noise that made the girl turn instinctively from the fright. Meeks smiled at their cute jump.
Steven made quick work of changing the static to music. He turned the noise down slightly as he flicked through stations. Whilst he did this, the girl knelt and creeped forward, intrigued by the noisy device. They silently watched Meeks work the machine. He found something that sounded romantic. Slow with a 3/4 beat. Steven then looked up to his curious partner.
"Do you like it? Pitts and I have been working on it for a while." He spoke softly, losing confidence in his creation. Steven's gaze was tracing the girl's face as he asked, needing their pretty confirmation.
They smiled up at him and moved to sit closer to him, legs touching. They placed a hand onto his thigh. "You made a radio?" They asked incredulously, squeezing his leg and smiling in awe at the genius.
"Yeah." He chuckled in relief. He understood their surprise now. Sometimes, people got used to his smarts, people disregarded his greatness. It felt good to have it appreciated. His small chuckle made them release an airy laugh too as they leaned into Meeks. The mellow music continued.
"Dance with me, boy wonder?" They whispered into his shoulder. Almost as if they were going to be let down.
Steven took the hand on his thigh, squeezed it and stood, pulling them up with him.
The girl wrapped their arms around his neck, excited to be close to the boy they liked so much. Meeks placed his hands innocently around their waist resulting in an eye roll from the girl. Steven wanted to be polite. They wanted to be loved on. They then pressed themself into Steven.
"Hold me, handsome." They demanded it with a groan. Steven then readjusted his hold and made it a wrap around their waist, making sure their bodies were touching as they swayed. This brought a smile to their lips and blush to Meeks' face.
"Is this alright?" Meeks whispered, gazing at their face. His eyes were drawing his attention to their lips. His fingers were methodically grazing their side.
"Yeah. Perfect." They spoke gently, in a quieter whisper. They were looking at Meeks' lips too.
They ran a hand through his red hair, by his ear so they could cup his face. They both pushed their face forward hesitantly at the same time, their noses lightly touched, making them pull back slightly. The touch was a surprise. Their swaying lessened. The girl pushed forward first the second time and a kiss ensued.
It was gentle. When they pulled back, Meeks followed forward, wanting more of their mouth. More of them. The swaying had stopped completely at this point. The focus was on the lip lock. The focus was on each other.
The kiss wasn't an ask for anything. The new relationship wasn't ready for that. The kiss was a promise. The promise saying "I like you. A lot. One day, it will be more."
Eventually, the pair had to pull away, short of breath. Meeks let out an airy laugh and pressed his forehead against theirs. The girl felt Steven's warm breath against their face as he sighed. The song had ended, and something much faster had begun. This made Meeks snap out of his love-drunk state. He took the girl's hands and helped them sit on the picnic blanket.
Once they sat, Meeks laid down, pulling the girl down with him so they could lay with him. They cuddled into his chest and pulled the blanket over themself and the boy. Meeks wrapped an arm around them, pressing his lips to their forehead. The fingers on the girl's shoulder tapped to the beat of the song as the pair looked towards the sky. Meeks' other hand pointed towards the sky.
"There's Leo." He traced it a few times for the girl to see. He whispered the following question into their hair, asking "What sign are you?"
He then traced that sign for them as well.
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dead3ve · 19 days
Charlie Dalton x fem!shy!reader
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Summary: Charlie Dalton has never been good at math. When Welton allows the new female students to join the boys in study hall, Charlie is suddenly entranced by the possibilities of numbers. He isn't really, it's more the girl silently teaching him.
Warnings: frick you cameron. No use of y/n. They/them pronouns. Reader referred to as girl.
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Cameron was not correct. Even Charlie could see that. Both him and Neil were sat together, trying to prepare for the upcoming test with Cameron, who was being unsurprisingly useless.
The room was unusually quiet, considering it was study hall, when the boys would let loose before lights out. Maybe the boys were on their best behavior due to the presence of females. It was exciting. They were all new and different and pretty.
There were two girls sat at the same table as Neil, Charlie and Cameron, just further down at the other end of the table. Charlie could tell they were friends due to how closely they were sat together. One of them was whispering to the other behind their hand. The two suddenly began to laugh. It was a belly laugh. The kind of laugh that makes you hurt in the stomach afterwards. Charlie caught the whispering one's smile. Bright and wide and capturing. He couldn't look away. His ears were wishing silence from Cameron and Neil. Charlie wanted to only hear the ring of their laugh from now on.
"What's so funny?" Cameron asked accusingly. A crease had formed in between his eyebrows. The sound of laughter was disrupted.
The girls suddenly went quiet. The one with the enchanting smile looked down at their books again. Smile becoming a downturned lip and a furrowed brow. It made Charlie stop smiling with them, since joy had left their face, it left his too. The other girl next to them abruptly picked up her books and stood from the table.
"We were going to ask for help, but I don't think we don't need it." She began to walk away after her sudden outburst. She turned on her heel to look back at Neil and I, then said "I wouldn't listen to Cameron. They're much smarter anyway." She had pointed a thumb at the girl sat in front of her books, and then she marched away.
Charlie was the first to move, wanting to get to know the girl. Neil shuffled closer after Charlie, not wanting to be left behind with the wrath of Richard Cameron, who was left with a slightly dropped jaw in reaction to the sentence pointed at him.
Charlie lowered his neck, trying to lock eyes with the girl, but they didn't want to meet his. Too fearful of his charming gaze. He watched as they picked up his exercise book and then make markings in pencil wordlessly on his page over his incorrect workings. They then took Neil's book after that and did the same thing. Both Charlie and Neil watched as they worked in silence. Neil was looking at where he went wrong on the page. Charlie was looking at the girl.
He ran his eyes over the slope of their nose and pucker of their lips. The way their jumper held their shoulders and the way their hand held the graphite pencil as it ran across the gridded page.
Neil took his book back and got up, thanking the girl before he left. Probably to find Cameron and to make him see reason. Charlie stayed put though. He watched them attempt to continue their work. He noticed they weren't working writing anything on their page. They were doing the same questions that he and Neil were and they managed to do those on less than 15 minutes. What had made them slow down?
"Can I help with anything else?" They asked quietly. So quietly Charlie almost missed it.
They had turned to face him when they asked the question. It was the first time they looked at Charlie and they knew they shouldn't have. They already knew of Charlie, the boy who spoke loudly from the back of the classroom with a witty remark. The same boy who asked for girls at Welton via God in that assembly. But they had not realized the boy was so handsome. With a sharp jaw and mellow brown eyes. They let their eyes trace the length of his shoulders and the spread of his white t-shirt across his chest. This was bad. They had it bad and Charlie could tell.
Charlie played on their interest.
"You should come to study hall more often. I'd rather see you than Cameron." Charlie spoke with charisma but quietly. He wanted to charm them without scaring them off.
This made them blush and face their book again. But their sunny smile returned. Their heart was thumping in their chest. They could feel the swarm of butterflies tickling their insides.
"Numbers aren't your thing, are they Charlie?" They asked. They then picked their pencil back up and continued to write down questions and answers, knowing that their feelings weren't completely one-sided.
Charlie leaned his elbow on the table, allowing him to cup his jaw in his hand. He rested his head in his hand and let their eyes wander their figure and their hands as they write.
"Is it that obvious?" Charlie mumbled, smiling wide whilst gazing at them. This was bad. Charlie has gotten it bad, and they knew it too.
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dead3ve · 24 days
William Bonney x fem!reader
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Summary: Billy returns home after a two-day trip with his gang and finds his girl sweating and shivering, sick in their bed. Billy, due to the events of his past, does everything in his power to try and get them healthy again.
Warnings: they/them pronouns. No use of y/n. Reader referred to as girl, woman, sweet girl. Reader wears feminine clothing (nightgowns). Fever is implied, mention of throwing up. Mentions of death (Billy's family, reader doesn't die). Slight nudity (reader takes a bath). 1880s bath (taps don't exist yet).
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Billy had frozen in the bedroom doorway.
He was looking down at the lump on his bed, covered by the bedsheets. They were breathing slowly and through their mouth. The head popping out from the blankets was glowing with sweat. The heat must've been too much suddenly because they began thrashing the blankets violently from their body.
"Hey, sweet girl." Billy cooed as he gently pulled the blankets from their body in a much calmer manner. He noticed they wore their cream nightgown that he loved so much. It was sticking to their skin because of the sweat layering their body. "What's happened?" He cupped their cheeks, noticing how warm they were, and frowned in concern.
"You're home." They sighed, leaning into Billy's hand closest to the pillow. They wanted to rest. It was all they could do. Their body was in between hot and cold with hot flushes and sudden shivering. They couldn't stomach anything, nor could they breathe through their nose. The only thing to do was rot lonely in bed.
"You're warm. How long have you been like this, honey?" Billy was pushing the hair stuck to their sweaty face behind their ears. Once he did that, he slowly helped them sit up. Knowing his girl, Billy knew that they wouldn't have gotten out of bed for a while.
"The night you left. I threw up before I went to bed." Retelling the story made them feel slightly queasy. They grew worse after two days passed. "How was your trip?" They asked with closed eyes, body slumped against the headboard of the bed.
"You've been in bed for two days?" Billy was frowning. Moreso at himself than at his girl. If he knew, he would have turned his horse around so quickly. He would have only been away a few hours, rather than two days.
They slowly lifted their body forward and let the top half of their body fall into Billy's chest. He held them tightly with his arms around their waist. They had their arms around his neck. Billy held them, petted their hair with one hand and squeezed their hip with the other.
He thought about what his mother did for Billy when he was sick, before she died. She would draw a bath, make sure he felt at least clean before he went back to lying in bed. This made Billy release his hold on the girl.
"How does a bath sound, beautiful?" He spoke brightly, encouragingly, hoping his partner would accept the offer. Billy softly pushed them back down into their bed, letting them relax while he prepared the water.
He must've been too young to remember the effort of running a bath. Pumping the water, carrying the water to the house, heating the water, pouring the water, then repeating the process to slowly fill the tub. Billy didn't regret the action of drawing the bath for the sick, beautiful woman in his bed, it just made him respect his deceased mother more than he already did. It made him miss her more than he already did. He eventually had the bath ready, so he went to get the girl waiting for him.
He found them asleep again. They were laying on their stomach, on top of the covers with their head buried into their pillow. Billy laid down on his stomach closely next to them and pushed his face into their neck to wake them up by pressing soft kisses there. They softly groaned and wrapped their arms around Billy's neck, pressing their body into his.
"Your bath is ready, sweet girl." Billy mumbled into their hair.
He stood, lifting them with him. Once he got them to the tub, he helped them with their nightgown, pulling it over their head. Billy then helped them into the tub with his hands around their naked waist. He made sure they didn't slip while bending their knees to sit. He watched them relax against the back of the warm tub, a sigh leaving their stuffy nose. Their eyes closed and their neck relaxed against the edge of the tub. He kissed their forehead before he walked away from them, getting another nightgown for when they had finished their bath.
When he returned, he planned on running a bath sponge over their soft skin. He stole a bar of nice smelling soap in the city for the girl when he was away. So, Billy found their bath sponge and retrieved the bar of soap from his saddle bag quickly.
When he walked back into the kitchen, where he set up the bathtub, the girl opened their eyes at the sound of his footsteps. They saw the sponge in his hand and smiled.
"Are you joining me, handsome?" They smiled cheekily as they spoke. Their voice sounded clearer. The steam from the water must've cleared their nose a bit.
"I wasn't going to. I was going to sit next to you." Billy was smiling at the small joy he had brought them. He placed the sponge into the water and began unwrapping the paper around the lavender scented soap. "I'll join you if it will make you feel better, honey. But no funny business. I'm trying to make you healthy again."
"Then get in. No funny business, I promise, cowboy." They smiled up at the standing boy, who was smiling at them because of the nickname. They placed their wet hand on their lower thigh, squeezing. Billy could tell they were happy he was home.
They watched as Billy placed the bar of soap by the tub and the nightgown on the kitchen counter. He began to take off his clothes. Every navy blue and brown layer lead closer to his pale skin. God, they had missed him. The way he was so caring and gentle. The way he smiled over his shoulder at them when he buttoned or unbuttoned his shirt.
Once he was naked, they moved forward in the tub, to make room for Billy, who sat behind them. Some of the water rose and spilled over the tub. This made them laugh, which then made Billy laugh. Once they leaned back into Billy, he picked up the bar of soap and placed it onto his girl's naked chest. He watched their eyes brighten at the lavish stuff.
"What's this, Billy?" They asked, laying their head back on Billy's shoulder to look at him. "Smells nice." They were smiling at him.
"Found it in a store in the city. Thought you might like it." Billy was mumbling into their hair as he spoke. Simultaneously, Billy was making circles onto the girl's chest with the bar of soap.
"It must've been expensive." They had closed their eyes and gone lax under Billy's slow, cleaning hands. He had picked up the sponge from the water by then and was squeezing warm water onto the skin of their bare chest.
Billy thought about how he stole the bar from the shop and smiled. They don't need to know that just yet. If they did, he might not stay in the bath with them. So instead, he said:
"Anything for you."
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dead3ve · 25 days
Hi! I absolutely love your writing! I was wondering, if you are interested, could you write a Todd Anderson x shy female reader where they go on a picnic and when the sun begins to set, they read each other poetry they wrote for one another? They would be dating at that point! Thank you so much!
my first request babyy!! thank you so much <33
Todd Anderson x fem!reader
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Summary: In the beginning, Todd was shy, closed off and cautious around girls. All of a sudden, he's found himself bathing in the glow of a sunset, reciting his written words to who he wrote about.
Warnings: they/them pronouns used. no use of y/n. First Todd Anderson fic. Reader referred to as girl. kissing
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It had taken Todd weeks to flirt with his partner. Initially, the girl was the one to take Todd's hand, or hold his face, or pull him into the kiss. Todd's partner was the one to make him flustered. He rarely ever saw them blushing because of his actions.
However, Todd was witnessing his girl blushing, looking down and fiddling with the gingham picknick blanket as Todd recited one of his longer poems to them. They couldn't look at him, due to the heat in their face and beat of their heart, so they looked at the setting sun. The poem was about their relationship. It was about the first time they snuck out of Welton together without the other Dead Poets. Todd's partner took him dancing. It was the first time Todd had felt brave.
The girl remembered the way Todd was able to hold their waist without having to ask. He was able to nuzzle into their neck without hesitation as they slow danced. It was the first time Todd kissed them. The first time they were kissed by Todd. Not the other way around.
Once he finished his poem, Todd looked up from his notebook and looked at the blushing girl. Their head was looking towards the sun and their lips were smiling. Thier left hand was resting on Todd's thigh. He could feel their joy from their fingers.
"I didn't know you wrote about me, Todd." They spoke in whispers. The way Todd usually spoke when he was feeling anxious or shy.
Todd put his hand out and pulled their face back to his. Something they had done to him many times. "I write about things that inspire me." He smiled at their red cheeks, giggling slightly as he talked. He enjoyed the girl's growing shyness.
His partner scooted closer to Todd, making sure that their legs were touching. Todd put an arm around their waist once they were settled. He hadn't felt in control before he met his girl. They allowed him to have that in between his confident friends and his careless parents.
"I wrote that short story about you." They'd admitted it into Todd's shoulder. Their voice was muffled into the knitted jumper. "Mr Keating asked me about it after he marked it." They spoke the rest of it into Todd's jumper as well. Their warm breath kissed Todd's skin through his jumper.
"Really?" Todd spoke into their hair. "What did he say?" He asked, speaking into their hair. At that he began pressing kisses onto their hairline.
His partner squeezed themself into Todd's chest, turning their face up to Todd's to receive a kiss on their lips, blush still bright on their face. Todd smiled and did what they'd silently asked for, leaning his head down to press his lips to theirs. Todd wrapped his arms around them, settling into the kiss.
"Mr Keating told me I was good for you. That we were good for each other." They were mumbling against Todd's lips. "Said he hadn't seen you so vocal in his class." They went back to kissing Todd once they finished their sentence.
Todd thought about the lesson while they kissed. He'd only said two sentences because he had answered two questions. Todd hadn't really said anything in comparison to his friends and classmates. He pulled away from the kiss suddenly, making a small smacking sound from the pair's lips. Todd looked his partner in the eye.
"I only said two things that lesson." Todd asked raising an eyebrow. He had been quiet, how was he being loud?
"Exactly. That was more than usual, handsome." They brought back their flirty charm saying this. His partner pulled Todd's face back down to theirs, making sure the kiss continued throughout the sunset, wanting to bathe in the warmth of the final rays of sun, and Todd Anderson's tight embrace.
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dead3ve · 26 days
William Bonney x fem!reader
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Summary: Billy's friend gets wounded during an attempt to steal some cattle. He's heard of a doctor who lives nearby who treats outlaws. He flirts with the woman who saves his friend and ends up pining over them.
Warnings: blood and gore slightly. They/them pronouns. reader referred to as doctor, woman, lady. Reader wears 1880s clothing (skirts). Whiskey is used to treat wounds (wild west.) First billy fic. Sorry if it's bad :) they'll get better <3
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Billy saw the house as he and his horse galloped down the dusty hill. His friend was laying horizontally over the white horse. The wind was harsh against his face and his hands were slippery with red blood on the reigns. Billy swore every few meters as he approached the house.
Suddenly, the front door of the house whipped open. A woman ran through the open door and towards the gate. They pushed the wide gate open, allowing Billy to ride into the house yard. Billy pulled his friend off of the horse, once he stopped in the yard, and the lady closed the gate. The woman approached the other side of the wounded man to assist in walking him into the house with Billy. Once they were inside, Billy was led to a kitchen with a wooden dinner table. He laid his friend down gently on the table after being told to do so.
He leant over his friend, grabbing his shoulders. "You're going to be fine." His reassurance turned into firm yelling. "I promise, you'll be fine." He felt like the gun shot was his fault.
"Mr, you need to get out." The lady had grabbed Billy by the shoulders and began to pull slightly, attempting to encourage him away from the table. He wasn't going to move. "Your friend won't be alright if you don't let me save him." Their voice had raised. It was firmer than his voice. Their grasp on Billy's shoulders squeezed.
Billy stepped away at that. He left the kitchen and walked out of the house. He paced the house yard impatiently as his friend was treated. He went from pacing to petting his horse. The process was repeated several times.
The woman worked. Whiskey had been poured, both for cleaning the patient and to help sooth him. Blood had been lost. Most of it on clothes and the table. Once the sun had fallen behind the hills, the wound had been stitched up and the man had fallen asleep. The woman stepped outside, hoping to see his friend in their house yard.
Billy looked up as he heard the front door open. He had been pacing the length of the lawn. He saw the woman wiping her hands down with a bloodied kitchen cloth in the doorway. Their skirt and shirt had been soiled with blood. It looked bad. Billy stepped onto the verandah, needing to hear about his friend's health. The way he grasped his hat mournfully gave that away to the woman.
"Your friend's asleep. He's going to be just fine, Mr." They spoke softly, gently, not wanting to stress Billy further. His shoulders relaxed. "What's your name?"
"Billy." He spoke plainly and breathily. His chest rose and fell with relief. He smiled when you gave your name and thanked you for saving his friend's life. He held your bicep when he said thank you. Billy needed you to feel his sincerity.
"Come in Billy. I have dinner on the stove and a spare room that you can stay in until your friend is well again." The woman stepped to the side of the doorway. Billy walked in. He took of his shoes, not wanting to dirty the woman's floors. Once he stood from his shoes, the woman pointed down the hallway, directing Billy towards the sitting room.
Billy walked in to find a small living room. He sat down on the plush couch. He sank into it, feeling relaxed for the first time in hours. He could smell the food the woman had prepared. It smelled like stew. Something harty. Billy heard the lady walk into the living room so he sat up straight, eager to eat. They gave him a full bowl of stew and Billy took it with a grateful smile. His hands brushed theirs as he took the spoon from their gentle hand. He gave a soft "thank you" as they sat down next to him.
"Could you tell me what got your friend shot today, Billy." The woman asked softly. Billy looked down at his bowl of food. He was shot because they were stealing cattle. That's something that shouldn't be shared with this woman. The woman placed a hand on Billy's biceps, softly squeezing in reassurance. "I only treat outlaws, Billy. I've kept a few secrets."
This made Billy trust the woman. He was in a nice house, his friend won't die, he's being fed and kindly looked after by a pretty woman. Billy looked at them with stern brown eyes.
"Farmer caught us stealing cattle." Billy spoke quietly. He didn't want to scare the doctor's touch away from him. "The man shot at us as we rode away."
The woman frowned at Billy after that. "I'm assuming you're fine? No scratches or scrapes."
Billy smiled at the concern. He shook his head but the woman's eyes were perceptive. They noticed the grazes on his hands. Billy fell trying to get his friend onto his horse. The woman placed their dinner on to a small table next to the couch, and raced back to the kitchen to get the whiskey and some cloth. When they came back in to the sitting room, they opened the bottle and pressed the cloth to its lips. Then they tipped it upside down, evenly wetting the fabric with alcohol.
"You don't have to do this, Miss" Billy spoke quietly, looking at them work. He was finding himself enjoying the look of the woman. Especially when they were focused, due to the stern brow and tight jaw. "I already have to pay you for my friend. "
"Give me your hands, Billy." They spoke firmly as a response to Billy's soft politeness.
Billy held his hands out in front of himself, hovering in the air between the two. The doctor pulled them down to their lap so his hands could be still and so that they could work precisely. Billy watched as they worked. Looked at them. He talked to the woman while they worked. Told stories of his travels and of his friends. Some of which, the woman had treated before. It was safe to say Billy had charmed the woman, and the woman's hospitality was charming him.
The woman gently wrapped Billy's hands in clean, white bandages, once they finished with the whiskey, saying the wound needs to stay clean. Their healing hands lingered on Billy's. Billy squeezed their hands as a response.
The couple must've sat like that for a while. Both looking at each other. The woman was originally looking for more injuries, but it turned into committing Billy's features to memory. Billy was doing the same thing. Hoping that when he closed his eyes that night, their face would be the one he would see.
Footsteps down the hallway startled them. The two jumped away from each other as Billy's friend appeared in the living room. Billy's friend gave him a smirk.
"I think it's past your bedtime, Kid." His friend spoke cheerfully, despite the pain in his stomach. "Let's leave the lady to rest, Billy"
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dead3ve · 27 days
Steven Meeks x gn!reader
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Summary: While the sun is still warm against the cold autumn wind in September, Steven's s.o wanted to study outside. The studying turned into basking in each other's presence whilst watching the geese on the river by the school.
Warnings: They/them pronouns. Kissing. No use of y/n.
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Meeks was trying to study. His hands were very against his schooling.
Meeks' left hand was in his laying partner's hair, swapping between gently removing the knots from their hair and soothingly scratching their scalp. His right hand was trying to hold the pages of his textbook flat so he could highlight the words at the same time whilst using the same hand.
Steven lifted his hand from their hair, so he could highlight the sentence without struggle. He shouldn't have done that.
"Steven," They lengthened the name, making it sound nasally and needy. "Stop doing that. You're smart enough." They turned onto their stomach as they spoke, making the sentence shake as they talked. They rested their head on Steven's thigh and looked up at him.
"You know how Hager is," Meeks smiled at them before looking down at his book. "And there is that essay Mr Keating wanted." Meeks' eyebrows pinched together as he thought of what he needed to do.
His partner noticed the list forming in his head. They pushed themself up into a seated position and made sure their thigh was touching Steven's crossed leg. They sat on their knees and moved their face closer to his focused one. They waited for him to turn. Meeks wasn't going to, as his reading was more important.
They first put their lips to Steven's freckled cheek and pressed a gentle kiss. He continued to read. Then, they put their lips to his jaw, pressing another kiss, firmer this time. Their hand made its way to the other side of Steven's face to push him into the kiss. This made Meeks turn red, but he still continued to read. Finally, they began to pepper kisses down Steven's neck and a hand had found its way to Steven's shirt buttons. This made his breath falter and his hand stop moving across the page of his book.
"Steven, you have study hall tonight." His partner was talking into his neck. Meeks could feel their warm voice against his pale, freckly neck. His top two buttons were undone at this point, their hand was placed inside of his shirt on his naked collarbone. "You have me now." After this sentence, the kisses began to be open-mouthed. Steven took a sharp breath in.
His hands were no longer in his control. They were moving up his partner's back, one holding their shoulder and the other placed around the back of their neck. Steven's thumb was smoothly caressing their neck. His hand at their shoulder moved to their jaw and brought their face to Steven's allowing their lips to meet.
The sun was warm on their skin and the Autumn breeze was cooling. Welton was in shades of red and brown with the falling of leaves. Colors that highlighted Meeks' orange.
Suddenly a flock of geese flew over the couple's heads. Steven would have been content continuing the kiss, but the geese were too distracting for his partner. Their head followed the flight and landing onto the river. They cuddled into Meeks' side, closing his book and tossing it at his feet, ensuring he wouldn't pick it back up.
Meeks turned to his partner, putting his nose into their hair. "Did you know a group of geese is called a gaggle?"
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dead3ve · 28 days
Neil Perry x fem!shy!reader
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Summary: The Dead Poets are all attending one of Neil's plays. However, Neil's friends don't realize they aren't the special member of the audience.
Warnings: Established relationship. No use of y/n. Charlie flirts before Neil does. Reader reffered to as girl
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You were clapping and smiling at your boyfriend who was bowing on stage. He was having the time of his life and by proxy so were you.
The applause grew louder as a group and formally dressed boys stood and began animatedly cheering, all of them whooping and hollering for your boyfriend, Neil Perry.
The curtain closed and the lights went up. People began filtering out of the auditorium. Talking began and the noise made you wait for silence to sound before you entered the even louder foyer.
As you sat in your seat patiently, holding the flowers you brought for Neil, pink roses, in your lap, a boy approached you. He had hair similar to Neil's in both color and style, but he walked with more swagger than Neil did.
"Did you enjoy the play?" He leant his side into the chair in front of you. He asked with a flirty tone. It made you blush, look away and scrunch your eyebrows. You wanted nothing to do with his flirting. You wanted to give Neil his roses and tell him how great he was.
This thought made you get up and leave the auditorium quickly, entering the loud and warm foyer. You would have usually found the nearest bathroom to hide out in, until it would be quieter, but Neil was right there, talking with some rich looking lady. The flowers you were holding were brought closer to your chest as you locked eyes with Neil over the shoulder of the woman he was talking to. You watched him excuse himself with his polite, charming smile and begin to approach you. Once he was stood in front of you, the flowers pushed out from your chest and into Neil's. He looked down at them and smiled as you rushed into Neil's chest as well, wanting to hug him and tell him how incredible he was. Neil's arm went over your shoulders and his lips pressed into your head.
"Thank you. I didn't need these." He spoke softly, with a smile gracing his lips. Neil couldn't keep his eyes on one thing. They went between the flowers and your beaming face. He was in awe of his partner, who was so generous and caring.
You were looking up at Neil from his chest, telling him how incredible he was. Every line was delivered perfectly. He knew when to and how to respond to other characters. Your rambling halted when suddenly there was a loud and exaggerated applause. The same young boys and the older man that were cheering for Neil in the auditorium were doing it now. You turned to see the commotion; Neil kept his hand on the small of your back as the boys circled around Neil, telling him how amazing he was as well.
It was then when you realized, these were his school friends. The one flirting with you must have been Charlie. You'd heard Neil refer to him as the 'womanizer' of the group once. You looked up at Neil and saw him smiling at all of his friends. "He must be grateful for all of this." you thought.
Who he called 'Captain' offered his hand to Neil. Neil took it and smiled wider at the man. The man must've been Neil's beloved Mr Keating.
"Congratulations, Mr Perry. A great show." Mr Keating spoke with joy and a subtle tone of authority. "This must be the girl we were talking about." The teacher turned to me.
You blushed at this. You knew Neil talked to Mr Keating often, but not about you. Neil introduced you to everyone. You ended up giving a small wave as you tried to press yourself into Neil's side. Other names were thrown into the circle, and you tried to remember them.
Knox, another boy who had similar hair to Neil spoke up. "You know Neil, if they didn't come find you sooner, you might've lost the girl." Neil looked confused at Knox, and then he looked with frowny eyebrows at me. The group began to laugh at that. Knox explained himself, stating "Charlie tried talking to them in the auditorium, when the play finished."
Charlie smacked Knox in the chest after that. Neil laughed at the exchange. You put your arms around Neil's waist and squeezed. Neil said softly to you, "You ran didn't you." Neil was giggling softly. He turned to the boys, "They did the same this with me when I first talked to them." The boys all laughed and looked at the two. They hadn't seen Neil so peaceful before. The boys all liked it. They liked them together.
"We're going to get some dinner at the restaurant down the street. You're welcome to join us lovebirds." Mr Keating had spoken. He winked cheekily at us. You turned to Neil laughing at his favorite teacher with him.
Neil took your hand and lead you out of the foyer and into the cold night, pulling you further into his side to keep you close and warm.
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dead3ve · 28 days
Charlie Dalton x fem!reader
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Summary: Charlie Dalton, who hates many of his classes at Welton, often finds himself outside of the school with permission and without. Charlie finds himself off campus, this time with permission, but doing something rather offensive to Welton's reputation.
Warnings: kissing (no smut), they/them pronouns, no use of y/n, reader is referred to as girl
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Charlie Dalton was a flirt first and a saxophonist second.
He was originally off campus to accompany a music student in their vocal assessment. The two had been rehearsing for weeks. Between rehearsals, the couple were behind the closed door of the girl's small bedroom, sharing silent confessions, and locking lips in heated acts of teenage love.
Charlie at this moment, had pressed them against their bedroom wall between his arms, and his uniform shirt had three buttons undone, revealing his pale chest to the girl. They were clutching onto Charlie's collar with desperation and their chest was rising and falling with a small pant.
They had been engaged in a heated kiss before this small break, so they stood looking at each other. Each pair of eyes looking at the other's face.
"I need to sing, Charlie." The girl was whispering. Like they didn't want to admit the fact they were not being productive. Their fingers were pushing softly Charlie's chestnut hair away from his face.
Charlie leant into the girl, groaning in protest. His chest and hips pushed into theirs, caging them to the wall, as Charlie whined in defience.
"You sing for two hours every week with me. Let me have at least one hour with your mouth." Charlie spoke in low rumbles with a cheeky grin on his lips. Those lips were mumbling against theirs by the end of the sentence, asking for more kisses.
Suddenly, the two were kissing again. Tongues running over each other's lips and teeth. Charlie's hands were beginning to travel south, running over their shirt and then sliding underneath it. His hands didn't travel higher, they only held onto the skin of the girl's waist, caressing the skin comfortingly as they kiss deepened. The girl had their hands gripped on to Charlie's hair, making sure he didn't pull away from their lips.
There was a sudden knock on the girl's bedroom door. The two pulled their lips away but didn't let go of each other at that point. Only stopping to be cautious.
"Honey, Charlie's teacher is here to take him back to the school." Their was mother outside of the bedroom. She spoke kindly, oblivious to the fact they had done nothing productive for 2 whole hours.
"Shit." Charlie whispered to himself. He brought his hands away from their stomach to re-do his buttons. As he did this, the girl's hands went back to his hair to shape it into a neater fashion that looked less romantically suspicious than it did at this moment. "I'm so sorry. I didn't even open my saxophone case." Charlie looked apologetically at the case.
The black instrument case was lying on the girl's baby pink comforter. They approached Charlie as he went to pick up the sorry instrument, holding his blazer by its shoulders for him to put on. Charlie put his arms through the sleeves and turned to look at the girl.
"Next week I promise we will have this up to scratch." Charlie meant it. He was looking at them seriously, one hand on their shoulder. Charlie gave them a quick wink and a kiss on the cheek and began to move past them and out the door, until he heard a meek "Charlie?"
He turned so quickly; he nearly fell onto the girl's scratchy, grey carpet. "Yeah?"
"You're welcome here more than once a week, you know? For more than music too."
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dead3ve · 29 days
Steven Meeks x fem!reader
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Summary: Steven Meeks and some other Welton academics are present at a competition they have been winning for 5 years. Welton lost the History prize to another private school, housing young women, breaking Welton's winning streak. One of the women makes Meeks lose all concentration, causing Welton also lose the Mathematics award as well.
Warnings: reader uses they/them pronouns, referred to as a female, girl, women. Meeks is pining. No use of y/n.
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The hall was loud. Meeks was sweating. The noise wasn't helping him solve difficult equations. With time running out he was growing nervous. Restless. He was the math genius at Welton, and he was struggling to even think. Gerard Pitts and Richard Cameron were doing more than he was.
The hall, where the competition was taking place, was asked to quieten down. A man who was round and grey-haired was talking into a microphone. He announced "The Excellence in Historical Writing award goes to the Ladies' College. We ask for two student representatives to approach the front to receive their award."
The hall erupted into applause. The Ladies' College table began to holler and cheer for their friends who stood. One of the two who stood wore the dull, navy-blue uniform of a lengthy skirt and boxy button up shirt with a heavy blazer and made Meeks turn as red as his hair. Their joy and confidence that radiated off of them made Steven feel the same way. Once they were at the stage holding the award and smiling for a photo, Meeks smiled too. The hall was quiet at that point. Quiet enough for Meeks to hear a faraway "Thank you." from the awarded girl and snickering from Pitts who was sat next to him.
Meeks stomped on his foot under the table.
Cameron was sick of his teammates being distracted by things as simple as girls. "If you're so interested in her, go and say something. You're not doing anything here, Meeks." Cameron was frustrated, talking through his gritted teeth.
"Yeah, Meeks. I'll go with you. They're at the food table with their friend." Pitts offered, attempting to sooth Cameron's insult.
Steven weighed the options out in his head. He could nail the exam, which he wasn't sure he could do because of the distracting beauty of the History girl. Or he could attempt to meet the girl, and maybe, with some charm win her over. Both, to Steven Meeks were very poor options at the time, but he decided the latter had slightly better odds with Pitts by his side.
Pitts and Meeks stood up from their table and approached the food tables where the girls prepared slices of cakes and tea for their table. Pitts went to make a cup of tea, putting him in place for a conversation.
"How is your team looking for math?" Pitts asks the girls' friend as he stirs sugar into his tea.
The girl Meeks failed to acknowledge began to talk animatedly to Pitts about the poor questions chosen for the examination. Pitts became too engaged in conversation to help Meeks, leaving the red head to stand awkwardly in front of the girl who drew his interest initially. Meeks couldn't bring himself to say anything. Maybe it was nerves. Maybe her presence was so important and radiant that it shouldn't be ignored with talk.
"You're here for math?" A quiet question left the girl's mouth. They also held a cup of tea, and they took a sip after asking the question.
"Yeah, yes." Meeks fumbled his answer. Wringing his hands tightly as he spoke. "Did you do the History essay?"
They smiled at that. They blushed and looked at the wooden floors beneath them. "Yes, I did." They looked back up at Meeks with excited eyes, "Sad I took the Welton crown?"
Meeks smiled at that. They were playful. Steven let out a small laugh of relief. "No not at all. Suits you more than us." Meeks looked at the girl, cautious of their reaction, hoping he hadn't put his foot into his mouth like he so often did.
They smiled, blushed then took a step closer to Meeks. "What's your name? I'd also like to know if you're bribing the math win from us, considering you are charming me." They spoke, knowing their words, confidently.
Meeks blushed, turning red again. He began to laugh at their statement. "It's Steven Meeks and this isn't a bribe. My friends saw me looking at you and made me leave the table because I was slowing them down. You were a pretty distraction." Meeks couldn't believe what he was saying. He was not one to do this.
Suddenly, the girl pushed her arm towards Meeks, with a pen extended in their other hand. "Can I have your phone number, Steven? The school one or your family's one. Do you board at Welton?" All of these fretful questions were asked as Meeks quickly wrote the school's phone number down onto their skin in a hurry to calm them. He gently let go of their arm and held the pen back at them.
"I board at Welton, but we leave the campus on weekends. Maybe you'd want to join me one weekend?" Meeks was asking a girl out on a date. He was red in the face and still sweating. It was no longer loud in the hall though because all Meeks could hear was their acceptance to the proposed date.
Cameron suddenly turned Meeks with a firm hand gripping his shoulder. "What are you doing Meeks? We just lost the Math prize. Dr Hager is going to kill us." Cameron was angry at Pitts but more so Steven. He began to drag Meeks away from the two girls by the collar of his blazer. Cameron couldn't handle more homework. Meeks could, if he got to see a pretty girl because of it.
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dead3ve · 29 days
Neil Perry x fem!shy!reader
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Summary: When Welton's sister school burns down, the female students end up residing at Welton as well. Neil Perry, one of Welton's finest, begins to take a liking to one of the quieter ladies.
Warnings: This is a first post :) reader referred to as female, lady, girl. gender neutral (they/them) pronouns used. No use of y/n. shy reader insert
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Neil Perry was waiting outside of the ladies' quarters. The refurbished section of Welton now dedicated to the housing of the new female teachers and students was so affectionately named the 'ladies' quarters' thanks to one Charlie Dalton. The same Dalton that had forced Neil to wait for a certain lady to exit her room. With a book in hand, Neil contemplated whether or not the girl would like his attempts of flirting.
Neil had taken a liking to this girl. They were quiet, but knowledgeable. He knew this because Neil sat next to them for his beloved English class with Mr Keating, where whenever a question was asked a whispered and correct answer comes from the desk to his left. Once, Neil caught their eye when they were whispering the correct answer. They blushed and turned to look straight down at their desk for the rest of the lesson. Neil did not wish to offend them, just to simply admire them and their mind. So, after class he caught them by the elbow, and asked "Why don't you speak in class? Your answers are always right." Neil was left holding onto the elbow of the girl whilst they looked up at him with eyes so full of longing, and a mouth sealed shut by the restraints of fear.
They responded with a meek "I'm not always right."
Neil watched the girl pull away from his hold and hurry along after their friends, each of the ladies' heavy, uniformed skirts grazing the others' as they walked to their next class.
Neil looked down at the book he had bought for the girl in his hands. A special edition of one of their favorites, according to their friends, who all giggled at Neil's shy appreciation of the girl.
Down the hall, the thick clunk of school shoes approached Neil. He looked up after being in a romantic daze. He saw them. In their regular school skirt and button up shirt. They wore a cardigan though. Autumn had entered the hallways of the school. Neil stepped into the middle of the quiet hallway.
"Hi." Neil said. The girl faltered in her walking. Slowing her approach, seeming like they were questioning that Neil was actually there to see them.
"Hi." The girl began to speed up again, once they realized he was here to speak to them.
They stopped in front of him and smiled. Big and shy and bright all at the same time. The book in Neil's hands caught the girl's attention. The colors were so clearly representing a certain franchise and the picture on the front seemed to depict a familiar character. Neil noticed their eyes wandering and smiled at their silent curiosity. He held the book out to her.
"It's for you." Neil said with a smile on his lips as the girl went to take it cautiously with a small grin. Not because they were scared of Neil, but because they did not know if they were overstepping. They were very interested in the boy, after all.
Neil, realizing that they might not understand the display of affection being attempted, decided to pull the book back to himself before they could take it.
"It's yours, I promise. But I am giving it to you because I like you, and maybe we could go get a coffee sometime?" By the end of the sentence, Neil was losing confidence. His voice grew higher, making a slight crack in the middle of the word "sometime".
Unbeknownst to Neil, who was looking down at the cover of the book held in his hands, they were beginning to smile wider as he grew more nervous. Eventually the girl took the book from Neil and began to walk away from him. Neil stopped thinking. Stopped moving. Did they not like him? Was the book the only valuable thing presented? Did Neil get the wrong idea?
"You said it would be mine. I'd like to read it so I can tell you about it on our coffee date." They spoke loud enough for Neil to hear. He was stood maybe 2 meters away, back turned from the girl. They spoke loud enough so Neil had to have heard them.
Neil turned and took a breath when he saw them looking at him already with a bashful grin and pink cheeks. The book clutched against her chest. Neil took two paces towards the girl. He pushed some fallen hair behind her ear, making her pink cheeks turn red. Neil asked:
"Sit next to me in study hall?"
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