deaddoberman · 2 days
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deaddoberman · 2 days
It’s happening againnnnn
I just got a rush of happiness that was so strong it’s actually uncomfortable. What the fuck. I feel like a teenager????
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deaddoberman · 3 days
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deaddoberman · 4 days
^^^^^ this user is a cum dump for tgirls
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deaddoberman · 5 days
Ugh, I have to be honest for a minute.
You were a rainbow in my gloomy world. A small glimmer of light when I felt like the most useless, most pathetic person in the world.
It was more than just a crush. I told you that but I don’t know if you fully understood it.
I saw so much of myself in you. I was scared and anxious and riddled with mental health problems, just like you were. I was quiet. People ignored me and thought less of me. I saw the same thing happen to you.
But I always looked at you with love. I believed that you were capable. When I looked at you, I saw a beautiful light that shined so bright it was blinding. I saw every color of the rainbow in your eyes. When I saw you, I could only ever see a person I loved. A person who I wanted nothing but the best for.
I hated myself so much. Every time I looked in the mirror I wished I could be anyone else. I wanted to be someone who was brave enough to do all the things I wanted to do. It hurt. I was so angry with myself. I couldn’t understand why it was so hard for me to just function the way everyone else did.
But when I looked at you, I saw me. But I couldn’t hate me when she was in your body. I loved you so much that even when I saw my own eyes in yours, I still couldn’t feel anything but love. You taught me to be gentle with myself. You taught me that it isn’t my fault that I feel scared all the time. You taught me to spare myself some empathy.
I wish you could learn the same things from me, but I understand why it’s hard. It has nothing to do with who you are, it’s just a chemical deficiency. You’re not broken and you’re not a lost cause. You are worth the time and the space you take. Don’t deny yourself of what you need. You need it.
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deaddoberman · 7 days
I am too drunk to be hearing the song Heart R*per for the first time………….
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deaddoberman · 7 days
“You can’t listen to the same garbage song all day” I can and I will
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deaddoberman · 9 days
I wake up sad about stupid shit
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deaddoberman · 11 days
What could have been if people weren’t terrible. This is why we can’t have nice things
We are literally in the worst fucking timeline
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deaddoberman · 11 days
We are literally in the worst fucking timeline
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deaddoberman · 12 days
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t4t couple kissing sloppy style for free hrt
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deaddoberman · 14 days
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deaddoberman · 15 days
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deaddoberman · 15 days
“I’m smarter than you because I’ve lived longer”
Okay, old :)
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deaddoberman · 17 days
I don’t want to be me anymore!! I want to be someone else. Why am I jealous of a bitch who doesn’t even exist? I literally made her up. But I wanna be her so bad
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deaddoberman · 18 days
My heart just sinks when I think of you. You must have felt so alone……. I really hope you’re in a better place now.
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deaddoberman · 18 days
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