deadends · 4 years
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daniel and hello kitty are a lesbian butch/femme couple, I am just saying…
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deadends · 4 years
My uncle got a notification that someone was ringing his doorbell. This was the culprit. 
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deadends · 4 years
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some people on insta said i should post my workout routine since i mentioned how im so happy with the results, so here’s my little workout guide for my fellow trans folk! I focused on getting a more masculine body because obviously that’s what I want. I’m so happy with the results, this workout is saving my fucking life!!!! I can’t get on T soon so this has really been keeping my dysphoria in check. I barely get body dysphoria, i love how my clothes looks on me, i love feeling confident for once in my life!!! HOWEVER Don’t go overboard with working out my friends. Do not work out in a binder, you MUST take days off to let your muscles heal, and you CAN’T starve yourself! Fitness is all about health and diet! Take care of yourself. This is also MY workout routine, you may not get the same results as I have! Every body is different. 
EDIT: ahh I really didn’t expect this thing to blow up….A few people have brought it to my attention that some of the nutrition here could be wrong/not work for everyone. I apologize if I caused any harm. I think I stressed enough that you shouldn’t starve yourself to lose weight. That’s very dangerous, and if you’re prone to such habits I suggest don’t count calories, etc, and just make sure your diet is very nutritious. I just provided a way to lose weight that my doctor told me about. You don’t need to lose weight if you don’t want to. Obviously if you’re already thin there’s no need to make a goal to lose weight; that’s dangerous. Also, some of this may or may not be helpful depending on your body type. I was underweight before working out so I have no idea how it would affect someone overweight! Please don’t hold this post to such a high standard; this was just my own routine and things I do to stay in shape, I obviously can’t cater to everyone. I literally didn’t expect this post to blow up like it did, this was literally just for a few people. Sorry for any harm it caused!
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deadends · 4 years
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Entry from the Journal of ████ █████ regarding the Scareaphim:
There are two souls that have been bound together beyond the confines of human existence. I’m unsure what caused anyone to preform something as traumatic and disgusting to a child, let alone two. This entity is highly elusive and rarely recognized. This is because they have the ability to alter, create, and even destroy the very fabric of reality. ‘Scareaphim’ is something they called themselves, in a nihilistic tone. I only realized why when I saw not three, but six pairs of wings. It was merely a glimpse of beautiful and chaotic yellow light, and heavy distorting static that I had the opportunity to whiteness without forgetting. Yet to them, it has probably been more than several lifetimes. They call themselves January, and type in Latin, the language of the dead, in hoping the dead to find his light easier, allowing him to guide them to the next chance at a life where his loved ones won’t have to suffer.
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deadends · 4 years
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Original statement of Jonathan Sims, regarding the moments before he was told not to smoke in the Archives and proceeding to do it anyways.(for the like umpteenth time).
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deadends · 4 years
Hey guys I’ve been working on this continuity comic for my CreepyPasta/slenderverse oc. I’ll be hopefully working on part two and post them together, but for now have this teaser of January the Scareaphim’s origins. I hope to branch him out further as his own independent story, so if y’all wanna support my work, please go follow and interact with his blog! Thank you all so much, 💛.
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Creation of a bastardized North Star (pt. 1)
it’s time for my story to be told.
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deadends · 4 years
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Hey guys long time no see ummmm so I’ve been rly not comfortable on tumblr seeing one of my icons is a piece of shit, I’ll be working on restructuring some of my other side blogs in order to continue posting content. May make a new ic blog, can you guess who it is?
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deadends · 4 years
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deadends · 4 years
back in the old days where dvds were rented from businesses trying to cash in on blockbuster’s success, my dad used to burn the dvds so we’d have our own copy but he’d always have the weirdest label ideas. we would have candid photos with a huge title that would say shit like “POKEMON PLANT MOVIE” and “THE DAY AFTER MAÑANA”
there is only one dvd i have recovered from this time
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deadends · 4 years
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Doofenshmirtz is trans and it’s undeniable at this point.
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deadends · 4 years
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thank you thesaurus.com, that is absolutely not what i was looking for
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deadends · 4 years
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small re upload w minor edits. 👀👉👈 just wanted to see how it looked,,,,,,
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deadends · 4 years
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deadends · 4 years
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deadends · 4 years
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deadends · 4 years
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happy Thursday the 20th
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deadends · 4 years
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