On a scale of 1-10, how much does your muse want to grab mine’s butt?
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🗣 No Words Needed Starters 🗣
These were requested via messaging from someone who thought it was a good idea to have starters for characters who didn’t interact like humans did, like animals, or characters more centered in a Paleolithic-ish sort of setting/universe.
🌌 to go stargazing with my muse
👤 to groom/physically comfort my muse
🍪 to share food with my muse
🌧 to find shelter from bad weather with my muse
🌲 to climb a tree with my muse
💐 to give my muse flowers
🌞 to watch my muse from afar
🌊 to go swimming with my muse
🏹 to hunt with my muse
💤 to fall asleep next to my muse
🔗 to build something with my muse
💡 to stir up mischief with my muse
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'Natasha, Pierre and the Great Comet of 1812' starters
’ There’s a war going on out there somewhere ’
’ And ___ isn’t here ’
’ I’ve been away too long ’
’ I’m going abroad ’
’ I don’t what deprives me of the pleasure of smashing your head in with this ’
’ I’ll never be this happy again ’
’ You are so good for me ’
’ Chandeliers and caviar, the war can’t touch us here ’
’ I can’t go on living as I am ’
’ I used to be better ’
’ Old friend, I need your help ’
’ Just as a duck was made to swim in water, God has made me as I am ’
’ This is a dangerous business ’
‘ God, to think I married a man like you ‘
‘ Everything is dark, obscure and terrible. ‘
‘ I suffer more now than before ‘
‘ You are bewitching, what can I do ? ‘
‘ How I envy you and your happiness ‘
‘ We are just caught in the web of history ‘
‘ Nothing matters, everything matters, it’s all the same ‘
‘ None of us are great men ‘
‘ I must love you or die ‘
‘ How is it I notice nothing ? ‘
‘ It seems to me I’ve loved you a hundred years ‘
‘ I’m so happy, and so frightened ‘
‘ Forget everything and forgive me ‘
‘ I know you are capable of anything ‘
‘ Tonight I go away, on an adventure ‘
‘ Now you listen to me when I speak to you! ‘
‘  Who are you to tell me anything? ‘
‘  At this moment, you are more repulsive to me than ever ‘
‘  I don’t consider myself bound to answer questions put to me in that tone ‘
‘  You’re a scoundrel and a blackguard ‘
‘ I shan’t be violent, don’t be afraid ‘
‘  Besides your pleasure, there is such a thing as other people ‘
‘  We wait with dread ‘
‘  Your face is gloomy ‘
‘  ___ once told me that I should turn to you ‘
‘  But still I’m tormented by the wrongs I’ve done ‘
‘  Don’t speak to me like that, I am not worth it! ‘
‘  You have your whole life before you ‘
‘  Mankind seems so pitiful ‘
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A Ron Swanson™ sentence meme.
Because we all need to appreciate our lord and savior, Ron Swanson.
❛ Is Star Wars the one with the little wizard boy? ❜
❛ I’m just gonna stay angry. I find that relaxes me. ❜
❛ I can’t go, because I don’t want to. ❜
❛ You take me nowhere, and I talk to no one. ❜
❛ If any of you need anything, too bad. ❜
❛ I’m not sure I’m interested in that. ❜
❛ No, I am sure. I’m not interested in that. ❜
❛ I like saying no. ❜
❛ I hate everything. ❜
❛ I love nothing! ❜
❛ I regret nothing. ❜
❛ I regret everything. ❜
❛ People are idiots. ❜
❛ Never half-ass two things. Whole-ass one thing. ❜
❛ Normally, if given a choice between something and nothing, I’d choose to do nothing. ❜
❛ I don’t want to seem overdramatic, but I really don’t care what happens here. ❜
❛ Keep your tears in your eyes where they belong. ❜
❛ Dear frozen yogurt, you are the celery of desserts. Be ice cream or be nothing. Zero stars. ❜
❛ Fishing relaxes me. It’s like yoga, except I still get to kill something. ❜
❛ I’m usually not one for speeches, so goodbye. ❜
❛ No. ❜
❛ What’s “cholesterol” ? ❜
❛ Your house isn’t haunted, you’re lonely. ❜
❛ I’m not interested in caring about people. ❜
❛ Strippers do nothing for me. But I’ll take a free breakfast buffet anytime, anyplace. ❜
❛ Birthdays were invented by Hallmart to sell cards. ❜
❛ You had me at meat tornado. ❜
❛ I like saying ‘no’. It lowers their enthusiasm. ❜
❛ [Son/daughter], people can see you! ❜
❛ Please do not approach me on the street after this event, and attempt to talk to me. ❜
❛ It’s called ‘the ground’ when it’s outside. ❜
❛ There’s no wrong way to consume alcohol. ❜
❛ Creativity is for people with glasses who like to lie. ❜
❛ I don’t like loud noises, and people making a fuss. ❜
❛ There’s only one thing I hate more than lying: skim milk… Which is water that’s lying about being milk. ❜
❛ I know what I’m about, son. ❜
❛ I think there should be less talking in life. ❜
❛ Breakfast food can serve many purposes. ❜
❛ When I eat, it’s the food that is scared. ❜
❛ I was born ready. I’m [name] fucking [name]! ❜
❛ Not to worry, I have a permit. ❜
❛ I would rather bleed out than sit here and talk about my feelings for 10 hours! ❜
❛ Crying. Acceptable at funerals and the Grand Canyon. ❜
❛ When people get too chummy with me, I like to call them by the wrong name, to let them know I really don’t care about them. ❜
❛ I’m not a sore loser! It’s just that I prefer to win, and when I don’t, I get furious. ❜
❛ I wouldn’t say we’re close. ❜
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Gamora is holding onto the idea that maybe, just maybe--this time he will be able to talk to her without hiding everything. She knows it's farfetched, but she just wants him to be okay. She wants everyone to be okay.
That's why she's hunting for whoever decided to blow up her temporary home. Whoever chose to put her friends in danger--they would have hell to pay.
She's taken aback by his question and shakes her hair free of the bun. "If you want." She offers the long locks to him as she watches the coffee brew slowly before her eyes. Just the smell is enough to wake her from her haze.
"Just so you know," she starts "I still expect you to tell me what's going on in that head of yours."
keeping you silent || starmora
The warmth his touch provides leaves her in bliss. She finds herself leaning into that touch, as brief and minimal as it is. A tired smile finds its way to her lips and her hands rest on his sides.
“Perfect.” Her response is slow and still quiet.
She pulls back away from him–it’s hard to make coffee with someone clinging onto you like that, but she begins to feel chilled at the loss of contact. Gamora does her best to adjust and she moves to be standing beside him now with her hands reaching for two mugs. She tugs her hair back out of her face and into a messy bun just above the base of her hairline.
“Are you okay?” She questions, but doesn’t look back at him.
Peter misses the touch pretty much the second she pulls away. He’s never been the clingy one before, and it’s kind of unsettling how much he just needs to be around her. He’s almost lost her too many times to risk it again. But she’s right beside him. It’s fine. It’ll be fine. Between Gamora’s help and the smell of coffee, Peter just might be able to drag himself through another day. He dragged himself through high school, through college, into NASA purely on the back of wanting to get revenge. That’s not the Peter Quill that she knows, but that’s the headspace that he’s falling back into. Leaving Terra changed him. A lot. He used to take up less space, draw less attention. Kept his cards closer to his chest.  “I could braid your hair, if you want?” Answering a question with another question. The oldest trick in the book - and they’ve both gone through the deception book so much they could probably recite it backwards in their sleep.
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The way she looks at him does things to his heart, every time. He’s loved her for a while. He’s just still surprised she loves him back. Things like this - danger gives you a push, he guesses. They’d probably have taken it a lot slower if he never came down here.
If he never came here, he might never have known. He would have, really, though. He’d have got himself killed on a job somehow and come back to life. And he remembers a show he watched before he left Terra. There’s an alien guy, he tells his girl that she can spend her whole life with him but he can’t spend his with her because his species lives a real long time. But of course the guy, he spends as much time with her as he can. Even though half the universe is trying to kill them. ‘Cause she’s worth it. 'Cause he loves her.
Peter brings his hand up to the side of her face, rubs his thumb across her cheek. She seems distant and concerned and he just wants to wipe that away. She deserves to be happy. He should tell her about his fears but he can’t bring himself to do it. Doesn’t want to see fear or sadness or pain cross her face.
“Always coffee.” He smiles softly at her.
The warmth his touch provides leaves her in bliss. She finds herself leaning into that touch, as brief and minimal as it is. A tired smile finds its way to her lips and her hands rest on his sides.
“Perfect.” Her response is slow and still quiet.
She pulls back away from him--it’s hard to make coffee with someone clinging onto you like that, but she begins to feel chilled at the loss of contact. Gamora does her best to adjust and she moves to be standing beside him now with her hands reaching for two mugs. She tugs her hair back out of her face and into a messy bun just above the base of her hairline.
“Are you okay?” She questions, but doesn’t look back at him.
keeping you silent || starmora
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“Good grief not you too.” Gamora begins to wonder if all Terrans like to pretend to be these ‘dinosaurs’ she watched that movie about.
Open starter
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Gamora is lost in her head and not really watching where she goes when she feels the bump and the splash back of a bit of liquid. “Shit!” She curses and looks to the girl. “My apologies, here, let me help you.”
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Taking a sip of her drink as she walks, Anna’s attention remains on her phone, until she walks straight into someone, stumbling backwards and spilling her drink all down her front. “Damn!” She exclaims, cursing her own stupidity.
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She probably owns more of his clothes than he does at the moment. Sometimes he can’t quite believe this is a real thing that’s happening. That the pair of them have somehow achieved a kind of domesticity. They haven’t got a home, but they do have each other.  Peter genuinely doesn’t know how to answer that question. He was definitely on the verge of sleep. He was exhausted enough and comfortable enough but his brain just wouldn’t shut off. Instead, he wraps his arms around her to try and keep her warm. She always seems to run colder than he does. He’s never asked her if that’s a thing for her species. Doesn’t want to upset her. He should do better, pay more of an interest. The problem is, a drowning person will push their rescuer down to let themselves breathe. Not because they want to. Just because it’s pure survival instinct. If he lets her get too close, he’ll drag her down with him. ‘Mora deserves better, he often thinks. So he’s got to get better. Which means the answer has to be: 
“Yeah, I did, a little. You?”
Her shivering body relaxes into his and she thinks that maybe she should invest in some warmer clothes to sleep in. She found a store around the area that she didn’t entirely hate, but she was getting used to Terra and it’s strange--well...everything.
She tilts her head to look up at him, her tired eyes still dark from her lack of sleep. She’s still giving him the sweetest of glances and she’s not really sure how she’s managed to come this far from everything that has happened in her past. She starts to think; and her mind plays these dirty tricks that it always seems to divert to. Shit shit shit. She’s giving herself a hard time on top of the nagging voice that tells her this still isn’t where she deserves to be--that Peter deserves better.
Gamora lets it slide away back into the darker parts of her mind and her once blank stare has now become more understanding and riddled with concern. Maybe she just cares too much, but he’s well worth all the worry.
“A little.” Her voice is soft. She knows he’s never truthful like this, and that he probably hasn’t slept so she diverts the topic. “Coffee?”
keeping you silent || starmora
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Gamora awakes with a start and a soft, barely audible gasp. Instinctively her hand reaches for the other side of the temporary sleeping quarters only to find it empty and somewhat cold. But it's morning, and she is fairly certain she knows where her companion is.
She moves groggily, feet almost dragging in a not so graceful manner to the makeshift kitchen. She's giving her eyes time to adjust before looking him over. She shivers, a mere cold chill rushing down her back and she tugs the borrowed shirt tighter around her, his scent lingering.
"Morning." She offers with a tired smile and she moves closer. Her forehead hits his shoulder and she inhales deeply. "Did you sleep?" She doesn't ask if it was well, because she's sure of the answer. Her concern is more to whether or not the action took place at all.
keeping you silent || starmora
It feels like every part of Peter is weighted down. Just the act of getting up and getting over to the makeshift kitchen is like swimming against weights. Like whatever he does he’s still drowning.
He catches sight of his reflection in the coffee machine as he sets about using it. Shit. Genuinely, it looks like he’s in a zombie movie. Living dead’s not exactly inaccurate for him.
Movement snaps him out of his dark humour, and he turns to look at the intruder. Knuckles gone white from gripping the counter. It’s Gamora. So it’s safe. Forcing himself to relax, he attempts a smile. “Morning, babe.”
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I'm green with envy of any guy you're into
“You can’t be serious.”
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"Are you into astronomy? Because your ass is out of this world."
“I’m going to have to ask you to stop staring.”
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Mind if my comet enters your solar system?
“You can’t be serious right now.” She says this, but she’s laughing. “Peter, good grief.”
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♥ DEADPOOL SENTENCE STARTERS ↳ feel free to adjust sentences to make it fit your muse better!
❛ Ladies and gentlemen, I give you… me! ❜
❛ I had another Liam Neeson nightmare. I kidnapped his daughter and he just wasn’t having it. ❜
❛ You’re probably thinking, “Whose balls did I have to fondle to get my very own movie”? ❜
❛ You guys going for a bite? Early bird special? ❜
❛ Fuck, you’re old. ❜
❛ Fake laugh. Hiding real pain. Go get Silver Balls. ❜
❛ What the shit? That’s the coolest name ever! ❜
❛ Now, I’m about to do to you what Limp Bizkit did to music in the late 90s. ❜
❛ A fourth wall break inside a fourth wall break? That’s like, sixteen walls. ❜
❛ My boyfriend said this was a superhero movie but that guy in the suit just turned that other guy into a fucking kabab! ❜
❛ Well, I may be super, but I’m no hero. ❜
❛ But some of the best love stories start with a murder. ❜
❛ Looks aren’t everything. ❜
❛ Hashtag drive-by. ❜
❛ Ugh, stupid, stupid. Worth it! ❜
❛ That’s right! You’re about to be killed by a zamboni! ❜
❛ Tell me where your fucking boss is or you’re going to die! In five minutes! ❜
❛ I should’ve come and found you sooner, but the guy under this mask, he ain’t the same one that you remember. ❜
❛ After a brief adjustment period and a bunch of drinks, it’s a face… I’d be happy to sit on. ❜
❛ Time to make the chimi-fuckin’-changas. ❜
❛ Oh, I so pity the dude who pressures her into prom sex. ❜
❛ Whatever they did to me made me totally indestructible… and completely unfuckable. ❜
❛ Star in your own horror films. Because you look like Freddy Krueger face-fucked a topographical map of Utah. ❜
❛ Life is an endless series of trainwrecks with only brief commercial-like breaks of happiness. ❜
❛ Finish fucking her the fuck up. ❜
❛ Suck a cock. ❜
❛ This guy’s got the right idea. he wore the brown pants. ❜
❛ I’d go with you, but… I don’t want to. ❜
❛ I’ve never said this to anyone before, but don’t swallow! ❜
❛ Your right leg is Thanksgiving and your left leg is Christmas. Can I come and visit you between the holidays? ❜
❛ Maximum effort. ❜
❛ I didn’t just get the cure to el cancer, I got the cure to el everything. ❜
❛ Ahhhh. I’m touching myself tonight. ❜
❛ Ahhh! Your poor wife! ❜
❛ Wanna get fucked up? ❜
❛ Daddy needs to express some rage. ❜
❛ Shit. Did I leave the stove on? ❜
❛ Well I hate to break it to you, but your forty-eight minutes are up. ❜
❛ Right up Main Street. ❜
❛ Have you decided what you’re gonna say to her? ❜
❛ I bet it’s going to feel really big in that hand later… ❜
❛ This is a shameful and reckless use of your powers. ❜
❛ Why such a douche this morning? ❜
❛ Have you seen this man? ❜
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Send me a ▽ and I will generate a number for what my muse will say to yours.
Lyric based sentences, all from my playlist, meaning it’s incredibly varied. There’s gonna be a whole range in there, enjoy!
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✰ * º ❛  new girl sentence starters.  ❜
‘  i don’t know which fork to kill myself with.  ’ ‘  damn it! i can’t find my driving moccasins anywhere!  ’ ‘  i’m really bad at making decision.  ’ ‘  if i had a dollar for everybody i couldn’t hang out with because they hated you, i’d be so rich.  ’ ‘  i just want to listen to taylor swift alone.  ’ ‘  pink wine makes me slutty.  ’ ‘  i’m like a mailman, except instead of mail, it’s hot sex that i deliver.  ’ ‘  i don’t mean to be laughing, but are you okay?  ’ ‘  i had figure skating lessons since i was thirteen and then my mom sobered up and realized i was a boy.  ’ ‘  i don’t think it’s fair that women have an excuse once a month to act irrationally angry when the rest of us have to keep it together all the time.  ’ ‘  this plan is officially the worst!  ’ ‘  don’t pretend to know my pain.  ’ ‘  you misspelled the word ‘rhythm’ 38 times.  ’ ‘  i’m as mad as a dad in traffic!  ’ ‘  i could do this all day, son!  ’ ‘  you sons of bitches ready to party?  ’ ‘  i’m dealing with a dingus.  ’ ‘  you’re the most throat-punchable boy in all the world.  ’ ‘  that’s like the president and the vice president not being best friends.  ’ ‘  oh, goodness gracious! what are you, a sorcerer?  ’ ‘  i can buy my own pizza! can somebody please loan me $15?  ’ ‘  i gotta tell my best friend i’m in love with her.  ’ ‘  i’m– i’m pregnant. i mean, you’re pregnant. we’re pregnant!  ’ ‘  what kind of taco meat do you bitches have?  ’ ‘  i think you need me too much.  ’ ‘  i’m gonna be fine. i am. you know why? cause i met you. that’s why i’m okay.  ’ ‘  i’m the voice of reason, that’s why you brought me with.  ’ ‘  we didn’t bring you with. you followed us there in your car.  ’ ‘  saturday is a day for sleeping, and damn it, you will not take that away from me!  ’ ‘  i’ve seen his penis like… a million times.  ’ ‘  he’s my best friend. what if he gets into an accident? what if he’s horribly disfigured and i have to identify him and all that remains are his private parts? and i’m standing there and i’m saying, ‘no officer, i can’t help you because no, i haven’t seen his penis’ and then boom! he’s buried in an unmarked grave.  ’ ‘  people are the worst.  ’ ‘  hey, do you have any snacks?  ’ ‘  it’s a weird life, but it’s where i’m at right now.  ’ ‘  i was put in an awkward situation and i reacted poorly.  ’ ‘  it is perfectly fine to watch tv all day!  ’ ‘  i am not a successful adult! i don’t eat vegetables and/or take care of myself.  ’ ‘  as a matter of fact, i am tired and i am hungry.  ’ ‘  if i don’t know what’s gonna happen, i don’t do something. ever. i don’t care how much i want to do it.  ’ ‘  i’m gonna hit your ass with a ski.  ’ ‘  i want to cover everything up on my body with bubbles.  ’ ‘  how cute am i?  ’ ‘  i’m a color-blind american citizen and i can’t do puzzles.  ’ ‘  what’s your problem? don’t you want me to have a good night?  ’ ‘  maybe if we get drunk then magically everything will just happen.  ’ ‘  anything beautiful is worth getting hurt for.  ’ ‘  every prank you do turns out either too big or too small.  ’ ‘  it burns! it burns!  ’ ‘  why does your hair look so baby soft?!  ’ ‘  how do you get this thing off? get it off of me!  ’ ‘  everyone drinks midori sours! it’s a melon liqueur!  ’ ‘  what do i think the puzzle will look like? the pictures on the box. it’s a japense garden!  ’ ‘  what the hell is wrong with you, just waving that thing around like an idiot?  ’ ‘  give me the spot or i’ll kill you all!  ’ ‘  i will shred myself! i will shred myself in the shredder!  ’ ‘  that tastes disgusting, i don’t like it.  ’ ‘  sometimes i feel like you’re in one of those weird man-dog body-switch movies.  ’ ‘  where are your nipples, man?!  ’ ‘  stop being so mean to me or i swear to go i’m going to fall in love with you!  ’ ‘  i want you to get off my farm!  ’ ‘  i don’t have a vagina!  ’ ‘  this is my only face! i don’t have a lot of faces!  ’ ‘  i refuse to pay for the wifey.  ’ ‘  i don’t like it! it’s too much responsibility!  ’ ‘  shall i compare thee to a summer’s day? no, a summer’s day is not a bitch.  ’ ‘  gave me cookie, got you cookie! you gave me cookie, i got you cookie, man!  ’ ‘  back off, i’m starving!  ’ ‘  your job could be done by a vending machine.  ’ ‘  i thought god just didn’t give me abs.  ’ ‘  what you’re doing is illegal.  ’ ‘  i’m not taking advice from you. you pronounce the ‘g’ in ‘lasagna’.  ’ ‘  and i’m taking this remote because you always hit the info button by mistake.  ’ ‘  are we all just living in the mind of a giant?  ’ ‘  i don’t trust fish. they breath water! that’s crazy.  ’ ‘  do i regret it? yes. would i do it again? probably.  ’ ‘  i can’t work under pressure like this. you know i get nervous. i am just a man. i am not a god.  ’ ‘  first order of business: we eat their food.  ’ ‘  can i get an alcohol?  ’ ‘  if you are for one second suggesting that i don’t know how to open a musical, how dare you!  ’ ‘  the bees are back!  ’ ‘  i haven’t gotten a non-text message in two years.  ’ ‘  the only acceptable pet for a man to have is a saltwater fish.  ’ ‘  the point of dating is just to keep on dating and then never stop. it’s like burning fossil fuels or seeing a therapist.  ’ ‘  you ever wonder if someone in here has killed someone?  ’ ‘  you realize i say ‘goodnight’ to you every night and you never say ‘goodnight’ back? what is your problem? do you not want me to have a good night?  ’ ‘  i’ve made out with half of the people in this room.  ’ ‘  i’ve had nightmares about making out with two of the guys in this room.  ’ ‘  ah! son of a bi– …penis. that wasn’t better.  ’ ‘  someone’s personalized condoms just came in the mail.  ’ ‘  i just found a groupon for hypnosis lessons. think about what you could do with that! sex stuff.  ’ ‘  has anyone seen my good peacoat?  ’ ‘  hahaha. what a dumb idea. do it!  ’ ‘  this is the coin i had in my pocket the first night we kissed. and i always have it.  ’ ‘  i feel like i want to murder someone and i also want soft pretzels.  ’ ‘  i hate doors!  ’ ‘  suck it, mr. krabs!  ’ ‘  no, i don’t dance. i’m from the town in footloose.  ’ ‘  are you sure you’re okay? you’re walking like a disney witch.  ’ ‘  he asked me if i wanted to watch planet of the apes. i didn’t know he meant right now.  ’ ‘  would you eat your damn sandwich?  ’ ‘  when you see a dog cage for sale, you buy it.  ’ ‘  you know… i don’t get what’s going on here.  ’ ‘  hey, you made a difference. how does it feel?  ’ ‘  do you have a tank top i could borrow? you look about my size.  ’ ‘  cheers to unemployment!  ’ ‘  i was about to catch you but then you fell.  ’ ‘  there are tampons hidden all around the apartment.  ’ ‘  i think somebody had sex in my bedroom last night. i think that because they’re still in there having sex, i think.  ’ ‘  please take that thing off. you look like a homeless pencil.  ’ ‘  we are gonna make it!  ’ ‘  i’m not ready to lose you. i just got you and i’m not letting you go.  ’ ‘  i can think of five reasons why i wanted to be your friend: boob, boob, vagina, butt cheek, butt cheek.  ’ ‘  actually, that’s not fair, she might be a really nice ho.  ’ ‘  i’m not doing squats or anything. i’m just trying to eat less donuts.  ’ ‘  you’re gonna be fine. you’re gonna meet somebody and you’re gonna fall in love.  ’ ‘  who’s gonna… lay down a flag on this sweet, sweet continent?  ’ ‘  i like to improvise with my body. i’m like a sexual snowflake. each night with me is a unique experience.  ’ ‘  you can run away from your problems, but you’re just gonna find new ones that pop up.  ’ ‘  i hope you like feminist rants ‘cause that’s my thing.  ’
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