deadlyvenom85-blog · 7 years
Bobby “The Brain” Heenan
As most of you wrestling fans know by now, Bobby “The Brain” Heenan has tragically passed away yesterday afternoon. His cause of death has officially been released. Bobby died due to “organ failure” caused by his cancer. His daughter was quoted as saying: “It was his time.”. 
What was your favorite Bobby “The Brain” Heenan moment? #RIPBobbyHeenan god speed!
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deadlyvenom85-blog · 7 years
Impact Wrestling - GFW
   I may get some heat for this but I have to let this be known. I have been a loyal fan of NWA-TNA, TNA, Impact Wrestling and GFW, through every company name change and so on. Through the good, the bad, the guy; along with everywhere else in between. Through an online source, and take this as a rumor until it is confirmed, that apparently Anthem Media is looking to revert back to using “Impact Wrestling” as their company name and dropping GFW entirely, along with any direct association with Jeff Jarrett due to personal and business reasons. Interesting enough, the ink wasn’t officially dry on the agreement for “Impact Wrestling” to become “Global Force Wrestling” (GFW) to begin with and now that deal is apparently off the table.
   I want to say this. This company has gone through many ups and downs, twists and turns. Hell, this wrestling company is a roller coaster with its many changes from the corporate structure down to the ring mat. I am done with seeing this company continued to be dragged into the dirt. I honestly want to see this company fold, with their wrestlers and staff going to other places to where they can have a secure job, management and so on. Doesn’t necessarily have to be the WWE, but Ring of Honor or NJPW would be two great options. 
  I wanted to believe they were heading in the right direction once GFW and Anthem had merged. Jeff Jarrett, I respect him as an athlete but he should never be allowed to run a wrestling company and he proved it by allowing his personal demons and business animosity with Ed Nordholm (Anthem) to destroy a nice business relationship. Whatever personal issues he is having right now has destroyed Impact Wrestling in the whole grand scheme of things. 
   In the end, I hope and pray the company can continue to provide for their talent and the fans who still watch and pour into the company. I really do. For me, I feel like this is one roller coaster ride that needs to come to a stop and be shut down for good. 
“Enough is enough and it’s time for a change!” - Owen Hart.
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