deadsprout · 8 hours
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deadsprout · 2 days
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Artists of Tumblr!
If you like pose references, fun action shots, and nerds being nerds, I HIGHLY recommend checking out @adorkastock & Friends' group poses for artists project! They are currently funding to get as many models and as much kit together as possible to produce a PHENOMENAL amount of cool references.
And if they hit the stretch goal, they'll be joined by YOURS TRULY, Blumineck aka That Guy That Shoots Arrows From A Pole Or Whatever! I'd love to be involved, and if you'd love to see it, check out the backerkit page HERE:
In the meantime, to whet your whistle, here are some images from the last collaboration I did with @null-entity (who is also part of this project). Happy Drawing!
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deadsprout · 3 days
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deadsprout · 4 days
i'll mock americans for their flat accents but then in my head pronounce Chopin as choppin'
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deadsprout · 5 days
okay but where is the fifth mcr album
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deadsprout · 10 days
So earlier in art class today, someone drew a characters hands in their pockets and mentioned that hands are really like the ultimate end boss of art, and most of us wholeheartedly agreed. So then, our teacher went ahead and free handed like a handful of hands on the board, earning a woah from a couple of students. So the one from earlier mentioned how it barely took the teacher ten seconds to do what I can’t do in three hours. And you know what he responded?
“It didn’t take me ten seconds, it took me forty years.”
And you know, that stuck with me somehow. Because yeah. Drawing a hand didn’t take him fourth years. But learning and practicing to draw a hand in ten seconds did. And I think there’s something to learn there but it’s so warm and my brain is fried so I can’t formulate the actual morale of the lesson.
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deadsprout · 17 days
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Olruggio sketch (said normally)
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deadsprout · 18 days
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deadsprout · 18 days
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. 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓢𝓽𝓻𝓪𝓷𝓰𝓮𝓻
...made an illustration of my new favorite star wars villain
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deadsprout · 20 days
"who asked for furiosa? nobody wanted a movie without max in it."
george did. isnt' that enough? this man has been playing in his own oc au for 40 years, when did that change? when did audiences think that an artist's creation was some kind of democracy? i, for one, trust the god of his own world to play with it the way he thinks is coolest and best
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deadsprout · 22 days
gonna martyr myself infront of the 5 people who are gonna see this, but i think taylor swift's relationship with her fans is weird and predatory and will be heavily critisized in the future for the sheer amount of manipulation that goes on in that sphere
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deadsprout · 22 days
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@mmi_ryu on X/Twitter
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deadsprout · 23 days
i mean at this point we should be suspicious of every man who gets even a little bit of power right
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deadsprout · 23 days
free my girl she did all that shit but the fandom is mischaracterizing her for it
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deadsprout · 23 days
okay so i binge watch gordon ramsay shows on the regular because he is my comfort white man. i don't care how good or bad he is, i don't like him very much, but his screaming is very comforting to me
as a result of consuming so much gordon ramsay's hell's kitchen and kitchen nightmares, i've noticed a few things
he is ALWAYS nice to people who are cooking and come from nonprofessional backgrounds. on hell's kitchen this means when the parents visit or when they do the signature dish and they are a mom. on kitchen nightmares this is most often the mother figures of the restaurant who are clearly more competant than their idiot children, people who are well intentioned but misguided, or disabled.
he loves brown haired lesbians.
season 16 features some real fuckin bullies. there are two men in particular who bully the shit out of the women there. she is a chef who is not from a kitchen/restaurant background. they call her rat face and try to tear her down so they can damage her self esteem in an attempt to make her cook worse. one of the men gets kicked off for doing bad prep and "sabotaging his team." the other ends up in a tie against this woman in a challenge and he is sent home. I do not think that Gordon Ramsay thought that this woman was going to win the whole contest, but I DO think he made a point of making sure that if she could handle it, that he would make sure that he exosed them for being frauds and sent them both home before her
they have the same music and musical stings for 22 seasons. TWENTY TWO SEASONS!! This show debuted in 2005 and they really said "if it ain't broke don't fix it."
geuinely i wish they hadn't gone the men vs women route after season 1. season 2-17 is a men vs women team and it creates the most revolting misogynstic takes, especially in the early seasons. men really just aren't very creative if their opponents are women and fragile egos don't last long in hell's kitchen
if someone does well on their first order of food, he compliments them and encourages them to keep doing what they're doing. if at any point someone messes up an order and he demands it be redone, he will NOT compliment them on the redone plate or acknowledge them in the least.
"touch that/taste that/what's wrong with that?" even though he is SCREAMING at them, this is a real teaching method. tell me what you think is wrong with this food so i can confirm whether you know it's wrong or not. if you do know it's wrong, then you know how to fix it. if you don't know its wrong, then i have to show you.
i'm going to add more as i rewatch this show because gordon is my favorite problematic white man
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deadsprout · 23 days
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** Permission to post it was granted by the artist Do not repost/edit the art without permission Please, support the artist on their page too **
Artist : Tamias栗
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deadsprout · 24 days
I bring a sort of "actually mass traumatic events have an effect on the public's mental health and you're NOT acting in isolation from that trauma, and ignoring it doesn't make it go away" vibe to the party that Americans do not like
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