deamonangel ¡ 2 years
To everyone outside my window keeping me awake because you need to talk and put on loud music: fuck u. I hope it rains into your bedroom and your cushions get moldy.
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deamonangel ¡ 2 years
Bro I’m sobbing…
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56K notes ¡ View notes
deamonangel ¡ 2 years
Fezco x prägnante reader. (I cannot spell that for the life of me)
Tw: pregnancy so female reader, drugs, bad words, and cringe writing
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Now you see the problem was he didn’t expect me. Honestly no one ever did. And that was one thing I was genuinely always proud of. When I met him I was exactly 5 years and 3 months old. I knew it because of my diary. My aunt had brought me to the house if her colleague and sat me down next to her. There was a boy with us around double my age. And my smartass brain was… hypnotized. “Delià! Regarde il a des taches de rousseur! “ you see my problem was. I had a fable for freckles. And he had lots of those.
My aunt had to laugh at that. “What kind of language was that?” Fez had asked. And my aunt had replied “it’s french, my litte amour has just moved here from Paris! Her parents aren’t available anymore” “aw shit… I’m sorry.” He had mumbled. And then Ashtray had started to cry. And I mean which 5 year old didn’t have doll and knew how to take care of a baby. So I went up to fez who had tried to calm the boy down. “Je peut?” I asked pointing to the child. “What?” He looked at me dumbfounded.
A quick look to my aunt made her mouth ‘can I’. Which I completely butchered. He got the dig tho and passed me Ash. Making me cradle him like a doll. Whilst walking around and shushing. The fact that I walked around with his little brother stressed him tho. And he followed me around like a shadow as I walked around the sofas.
Ash calmed down. And our guardians started to talk about business in this strange language that I wasn’t able to understand yet. But apparently they made a deal about taking care of the children and shit. Which I guessed cause Fezco, Ash and I have been living together ever since.
Fez tried to impress me whilst taking care of his bro, which was critical cause the baby only ever calmed down when I sang him french lullabies.
Once we had started crying whilst there where clients at g-mas place, or more like his place now. Which had me slightly panicked cause me and him were supposed to be in the back and quiet. I was 10 at the time, and just came back from school. Ash had fallen off the bed whilst messing around with me, and hit his head. I cradled him to my chest shushing him and singing to him. But there was already heavy steps storming down the hallway, into the bedroom.
The bedroom door flung open making me flinch whilst still holding the child. A bald man with tattoos on his face stood there gun pointed at you. “You told me there was noone else here man” the man shouted whilst fez came skidding down the hallway. “Mouse they’re cool man!” He said back his voice slightly elevated. “Who the fuck are you?” He had shouted at me. I had quickly mumbled my and Ashs name.
“Come here” the man growled making me stand up, and taking the whimpering boy on my hip. He seemed a bit stunned. “And what is your name?” I asked him. My voice dominated by my french accent. “Shit why do you have a french girl, in your bedroom with a boy Fez?” He asked laughing.
The eye contact him and I shared, a silent communication made everything easier. “Listen man, thats just my family, okay?” He said making you tense up a bit. Ash had his face buried in my shirt, making it wet from snot and tears. But he had stopped crying. Only sniffing racking his body. “Then let the family join you boy!” He smiled. I quickly kissed ash on his head. And let him down holding his hand. “Come on Ash, we need to cool your bruise” I hushed to him. He nodded shyly. I gave this ‘Mouse guy’ a quick smile “I just need to get something cooling for Ash”, walking past him, trying not to stare at him. In the kitchen I got a pack of frozen peas for the boy, setting them in a towel and putting it on the reddened spot on his front. “Hold it for me okay?” I asked him sweetly. He nodded and took my hand again. I then made my way to Fez, with Ash still on my hand. He padded the seat next to him, and I sat down, making Ashtray climb on me.
“How come I’ve never seen your chick fez?” Mouse rasped laughing. Making me cringe internally. “She goes to school” fez replied trying to keep his cool. But I saw the way he was struggling to stay calm.
“Anyways man. Let’s do business as usual.” And so they started to negotiate the things fez would, should and could buy. “How about something new?” He asked but that made you look up. “We are sorry monsieur but at the moment our clientele is not interested in new shit. The young students are only interested in the shit that everyone else tries. So maybe next time. But at the moment it does not make sense for us.” That left fez stunned and even mouse and his crew. And suddenly Mouse laughed out loud again “Fez who knew that yo girl was such a business man!” He wipes away stray tears from his eyes “Shit aight Imma head out I still have some payments to gather!” He said getting up.
When he was finally gone. A huge wave of relief washed over me making me start to cry without realizing it. Fez came back from the door and silently sat down next to me. I leaned my head against his shoulder. And we both just knew this was just gonna get worse.
I watched Ash grow up so fast. Fez dropped out of school and time passed so fast that I haven’t even realized that I was already in my senior year. Fez and I had been secretly together for 2 years now. Since I was 16. It was actually our anniversary. But we both decided that we don’t really want to do shit. And it was fine like that. After school, I had to get rid of Rue and Jules as per usual. And went straight to the apartment. There I did the exercises with g-ma which were recommended by the doctor, in the case that she woke up. Which, was a distant dream, but a dream after all. I then did my homework. Which was quite annoying but it would be one of my last homework before the finals season began.
Fez came home a bit earlier, because Mouse would be coming over later, which was also stressing me out. But I tried not to show. Suddenly two arms snaked around my waist. Hands coming to a rest on my belly. “You okay ma?” He asked me whilst kissing my neck. I just nodded, to tired to reply. “Did you have morning sickness?” He hummed making me look up at him, “no I was just in a bad mood.” He hummed again. Suddenly there was a knock on the door. His whole demeanor changed. Pulling away from me. “Yo Ask who’s that?” He asked. “It’s Rue!”, “Fuck man don’t let her come in!” “Too late!” Her voice sounded from the hallway to the door. “Listen Rue you need to get out, my guy is coming over any minute, and I don’t want you here when he comes” he said walking over to the door. I heard how she made her way to our bedroom. “Yeah I’m not going until I get some drugs, and dry cloths” I heard her reply. “Yo Rue! I’m serious!” I heard her footsteps coming to the direction of the living room. Fuck. I saw how she slung her body over the couch and groaned “give me druuuugs”. Now I really felt like a dear caught in headlights. Shit. Fuck. Not cool Rue. What the fuck.
Fezco and I worked really hard in keeping our whole relationship hidden from everyone else. But Rue and Jules had become a bit suspicious that I might be seeing someone, as I had often a lot of hickies on my body. But they never made the connection between Fez and I.
Suddenly the phone rang. Making rue sit up and look to the table where I was sitting. “Ah merde…” I cursed.
“Y/n??” She looked at me questioningly. “I’ll kill you.” Fez muttered “okay Rue, I need you to be cool now. No fucking around. No funny business. You understand?” Fez said. Rue still kinda confused looked at me and him and nodded. “Okay. Ash, he’s here!” He shouted to his brother as I made my way to the door, to open it to the drug dealer, so that Rez could prepare the last things (in other words see if his pistol wasn’t empty). When he saw me a disgusting smile made it’s way on his face, making me cringe internally. “Long time no see rose!” He exclaimed, giving me two kisses on my cheeks. I smiled dryly at him, “come in!”. He had picked up the nick name for me after a couple of deals. He said that it was fitting as I had the looks of a flower but the character of thorns. Which was quite fucking cringey if you ask me.
The deal was going smoothly. Even with Rue in the house. Until he packed out some new shit. Again. Mouse always tried to push us to sell more shit. But we were quite ‘comfortable’ with the shit we already sold. He made Rue take that shit. And also wanted me to take it. “You know that I don’t do drugs, Mouse.” I said smiling at him. “You sure, sweet thing?” He laughed and I forced a smile. “Yes I am.” He stopped pushing since I had never taken any shit from him. And he knew that.
When he was finally gone, I quickly walked over to Rue, as fez and Ash got rid of it “why do you always end up in these situations?” I asked her but she was way to out of it. Fez sat down next to her head. “I am so happy…” she mumbled. “I know you are.” Fez answered. He looked at me. “I’ll call Jules.” I told him. He nodded, but held me back giving me a quick kiss.
I searched up Jules number in my contacts, and called her. She picked up immediately. “Omg did you change your mind?” She asked excitedly. She had asked me to come to the carnival with her. But I had told her that I had to work, which she thought was an excuse. “No I’m sorry love. But I need your help.” I tried to explain the situation in the simplest way possible and then asked her if we can bring Rue over.
She agreed, but seemed kind of shocked. Fez and Ash brought Rue in the car, both saying that I shouldn’t strain myself. Even though I wasn’t even in my 3. month yet.
The whole drive to Jules place, Fez had his hand on mu thigh at all times. As if making sure that I was alright. But I knew that on the inside he just needed some skin to skin contact at the moment, to reassure himself. When we arrived at Jules place, she was already on her porch seemingly nervous. Once I stepped out of the car Jules was already hugging me clinging tightly to me. I hugged her back. Fez got out as well, and seemed even more nervous. “It’s okay Jules, she is not ODing. She’s just in a bad sorta trip.” I told her trying to calm the girl down. She sniffed a bit, let go of me and wiped her tears away. “Okay let’s get her to my room.”
Fez took Rue out of the with my help, and then Jules already stepped in to help. He brought her into the house and up the stairs. Her father didn’t seem to be home at the moment. We layed Rue down on Jules bed and she curled up on herself. Jules accompanied Fez and I to his car. “So why, were you there?” She asked me as Fez was leaning against the hood of the car, next to me, Jules in front of us. I tried to hide my blush. “I-“ “Y/n and I live together Jewel” Fez said lazily. Making me confused as to how he could mispronounce her name so badly. “What?” She asked kind of taken aback. “Yeah” I sighed focusing on the situation at hand. “Is he the guys that fucking makes a piece off artwork on your neck?” I froze blushing even worse. “Oh shit you talk about me ma?” He asked a shit eating grin on his face. “Fez no.” He slung his arm around my waist, making our hips touch “Jules we don’t want anyone to know…” I said looking into her eyes. “Shit nobody’s gonna know it from me. But when I said that you need to get dicked down, I didn’t mean become Fez property.” He had to laugh at that. “I mean Y/n I didn’t even know that you knew Fez! Nothing against you Fez but like I wouldn’t’ve thought that you like associated with one another.” Now that made me smile. “We actually grew up together.” Welp… that made her mad. “Girl if you don’t tell me everything on Monday I will literally sue you.” “Yeah don’t worry I’ll explain everything. If something is happening to Rue, please don’t hesitate to contact us yeah?” She nodded and went back to her door.
When she was back in her house Fez opened the passenger door for me. “Thanks” i mumbled, instead of going to the drivers side he squatted down in front of me and hugged my waist. His ear pressed to my stomach. He took a deep breath in this position making me put a hand on his short hair. He kissed my belly, and stood up.
When we came back Ash was watching a cartoon on the TV. I quickly went passed him and put a kiss on his head. And continued through to the kitchen to cook something for those psychopaths.
Whilst I was cutting some tomatoes for a sauce Fez came up behind me to hug me. “You alright ma?” I nodded. But then had to suddenly laugh “what is it?” He asked as he put a kiss on my shoulder. “I just love the fact that you always mispronounce Jules name.” “Shit foreal?”
There might be a part 2 coming soon :)
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deamonangel ¡ 2 years
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Warnings: feminin reader, slight mention of violence, cussing, and mention of drugs!
The fact that he woke up, but didn’t know the reason startled him. He could still feel some effect of the weed he had earlier with you, but he knew for a fact that he didn’t suddenly get nauseous and woke up because of that.
And suddenly he felt it on his leg, it was something wet. That was really unusual cause he made always sure to clean you up after sex and also it should’ve been crusty if anything. So slowly to not wake you up, he took his arms from around you and liftet the blanket. His one leg that was in between yours had something wet on it and as he took a closer look he realized you had gotten your period. That made sense. You had complained about leg cramps, and cramps in your abs, and he was really surprised about how sensitive and big your tits had been. Not that he minded. But you know, he noticed. And contrary to most believes how another man would’ve reacted to a girl getting their period in her sleep and bleeding a bit on their men, he was not disgusted by it.
He felt sorta pity and sorta bad for you. He knew how you would be really ashamed and nervous when you had your period and got anything dirty. But he honestly didn’t mind. He grew up with a woman who taught him respect for girls in every aspect even their fucking period. He also knew for a damn fact if he would make one wrong comment about his girl dirtying his bed or a bed in general, his grandma would wake up just to fuck him up with a wrench again. But this time for a reason, and not by accident.
He slowly let go of you, and got out of bed. Another thing he was grateful for was that your mum had taken the “nightshift” again. Even though his client, was the man that you’re mother was seeing, and that he had bought shit from him earlier for them to have some fun.
Anyways he knew he was alone with you in your house now, which meant he couldn’t care less about putting on anything.
Butt-ass naked he went to the kitchen, grabbed you some pain meds and a glass of water and put them ready text to the sink in your bathroom. Then he started a warm bath, with the lavender salt that he knew you loved. Then he put some cloths ready for you in the bathroom as well with some pads. Cause lord he knew about your tampon complaints, and at last he prepared some fresh sheets.
And just for himself he rolled up a quick blunt again. But before igniting it, he decided to smoke it later in the bath with you, cause he also had to clean up.
So he put an actual ashtray (and not his brother), next to the bathtub as well. ďżź
He then made his way over to you.
“Hey” he softly kissed your forehead. You stirred slightly. “Hey ma” he shook you softly trying to not startle you. You groaned a questioning noise. “Ma, you started you period.” Now that woke you the fuck up.
“Fuck!” You exclaimed. Throwing the cowers off you and seeing the blood on the sheets. “Shit, Fez I’m so sorry” you mumbled. Shame rising like bile up your throat. “No no, it’s fine ma.” He said sitting down on the bed. Which made you notice the dried blood on his thigh. “Oh my god fez I am so fucking sorry!” You tried to quickly get up and search for a wet cloth to clean up his leg. “I- this is so disgusting, I’m so sorry Fez!” You hadn’t noticed the tears of humiliation running down your cheeks now. Fez did though.
“Y/n it’s really okay.” He murmured and pulled you on his lap, making you shut up for real now. He softly kissed your crown “shit I mean, whatchu wanna do about nature? Sue it?” That made you slightly giggle. “Come on ma I made us a bath.” He muttered, and picked you up in his arms, makinh his way to the bathtub. He helped you sit down. But as he tried to stand up again you held onto him. “Can you join me?” You asked timidly. He gave you a grin. “Don’t worry I planned on doing that, just wanna change the sheets.” He gave you a quick peck on the lips, and left you dumbfounded looking after his naked ass, making his way back to your room.
After he changed the bed, and but the dirty cloths lazily in the corner of a room, he came back to you. “Scoot over” he hummed, taking a seat behind you and snaking his legs around you. You sighed leaning back into his chest. The warmth of the water relaxing your cramping muscles. He ignited the blunt that he had tucked behind his ear, and after it was lit, he put a Hand on your belly, providing you a slight massage with his thumb.
This made you moan slightly in pure bliss, making him laugh a bit. “What?” You asked softly, he took a drag, before scratching his head “Shit I dunno ma, if you keep making these noises I might not continue taking care if you so innocently.” His shit eating grin only made your blush worsen “FEZ!”
Um so hello I made a sorta part 2 but not really just another one shot. I should be studying right now for my finals, but I am dying of mu period. And wanted comfort… so this happened. Also @mariee555 had asked for a part 2, which I guess will come sometime, to the other one I mean. Right now I just wanted something else and innocent to calm e down, and maybe also calm you guys down. If you guys have requests, please go on. If I am comfortable to write them I will, and if not I will switch it up a bit! Anygays 💅🏼 have a wonderful day, night, evening etc. amd if today is your birthday happy birthday! Bue bye.
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deamonangel ¡ 2 years
Fezfluff :)) cause we all need it
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Fezco is a sweetheart, to cut it short. We have been together for like 2-3 weeks now, we don’t really pay much attention to time. Either way, time is relative.
But we have known each other for much longer. I was/ am/ To be honest I don’t know what we are… what the hell am I saying?
What I am getting at is, I got to know him because of Rue. She wanted me to lend her some money, to obviously buy some drugs. But I made a deal, I buy it and I get to try some, she gets the rest.
To cut this useless story short, I got to know him, we met up a lot after that, and at party’s when he was high as a kite and I was drunk and a slunk he sometimes just hugged me, whilst doing slow circles on my hips. When I drank to much, he usually helped me, when I was in a mood to chat he talked to me when I wanted to dance… okay no that is where he pulled the line.
But I remember this one night was a sort of the pebble that made the rocks tumble. I was walking around searching for him. He was in the kitchen making him self a drink obviously.
I tumbled over there slightly tipsy “whas cool ma?” He asked me, whilst giving me a quick glance. I couldn’t hide the smile that made it’s way on my lips. He turned around and leaned against the kitchen isle. I walked over there and put my arms around his neck, running my fingers through his short hair. As if it was an instinct his hand went to my hips and rested there. “Nothing much I was searching for you…” I smiled. A slight grin made it’s way on his lips. “Anw, shit that makes me feel special” he laughed. I just grinned and hugged him. His arms snaked around my lower back and he pulled me tightly against him. I slightly swayed to the music.
“Can you make me a drink fez?” I asked him, my lips brushing his ear-shell leaving a little bit of my red lipstick on it. I felt him shudder. “Sure thing” he let go of me I gave him some space tu turn around but hugged him from the back whilst he mixed some shits together. “Damn you real clingy today” he laughed and I just hummed “if I annoy you tell me” “na, you cool”. I just snuggled my face closer to his back.
“Yo fez can I buy some” someone said to our left. Fez turned around to look at the person, I just ignored it and turned with him. “Sure man whadya need?” As they did their Business ignoring me as it was always like that since we knew each other, I realized something. When the person went away I but my chin on his shoulder.
“I’ll get a job that’ll pay me so well, I can get you and Ash out of that damn Business. You won’t have to worry about them medical bills, for your grand mother, you won’t have to worry about rent, or Ash’s education. I’ll be able to pay it all.” I felt him laugh. I let go if him. “I’m being serious fez” he turned around and pulled me by my hips to lean against him. “Sure ma, but that’ll mean you had to spend the rest of your life w’ me” his thumbs made small circles on my waist “and I am sure as hell ain’t gonna let you waste your time and life” I frowned even more at that “you know what?” He smiled at me, obviously thinking I was too drunk. “What?” “I’ll show you!” He just laughed at that kissed the crease on my forehead.
“Let’s just relax fo the moment yeah?” I gave him a half assed smile and mumbled a yeah. He passed me a goblet, with something inside, took my hand, and walked me outside, where he sat down on the sofa. He patted his thigh and as usual I sat down on his lap. His one hand that held the his drink snaked around my bum, to protect my thighs modesty and his other hand, took a blunt from his ear.
“Shit can you grab me a lighter ma?” He asked me, trying to make a puppy face. I chuckled at that, he thought I would get up and ask people, but today I have seemed to be smart! My hand went into my cleavage, and I got my lighter out. “The fuck? What else you got in there?” He asked as I gave him the lighter. “Eh…” I looked into my dress, “money, cigs, my phone aaaaand no that’s it…” he looked at me “fo real?” “Yeah for real!” A slight mischievous smirk made it’s way on his lips. He lighted the blunt up “can I look?” That made my jaw drop “Fez no!” I slapped his chest. He just laughed.
He took a deep drag from the blunt, my eyes followed every movement of his lips, a slight blush making it’s way on my face. “What?” He asked his voice deeper than usual now. “Shotgun?” He lifted an eyebrow, observing me and trying to check if I was for real. “Shit I don’t mind” he took a really deep drag, and I leant myself over grabbed his face in my hands, and pressed my mouth onto his, he opend his lips and exhaled, whilst Inhaled the smoke that came out of his lips.
I imagined he groans silently, and Iet go of his face, straightened myself and exhaled. Lots of smoke actually left my lungs that surprised me. I giggled. I grabbed his face again and looked at him “shit ma” he whispered, but didn’t complain, he inhaled from the blunt again, whilst keeping eye contact with me, as he put the burning weed off his lips, I put my moth on his again, but instead of exhaling, as he was supposed to to he kissed me. A blush made it’s way on my face. But shit I don’t mind. I kissed back smoke left his mouth as his tongue made contact with mine. I was too lazy to even fight, so I just let him explore my mouth.
He leaned back, I was left breathless. My eyes fixated on his beautiful freckled face. I giggled and slowly turned around, so that I was straddling his lap. His hand massaged my thigh that was revealed as my dress rode up. I quickly grabbed the make up wipes that I had also put in my cleavage (travel format of course) took a wipe out and wanted to clean the lipstick of his face. “What?” I looked at him. “What what?” “First of all what is that shit?” “Oh-“ i blushed a bit “you got some…” I pointed around his mouth. “Oh okay… go on” I very delicately rubbed the lipstick off his beard. “Now you’re good” “yeah?” “Yupp!” I grinned “what was the second of all?” “What? Oh-“ he looked at my chest “what the fuck do u got in there?” Now I gave him a mischievous grin, “wanna look?” He gave a boyish laugh, and scratched his head “I mean-“ I giggled at that, leaned further forward and pulled the cleavage of my dress down so that he could look. Before any of y’all start screaming. Yes I wore a bra.
He blushed a bright red and took a drag from his blunt. “Shit you gonna make me all nervous” he nervously laughed.
I wanted to day something but suddenly I heard Jules voice calling my name, “huh” i turned my torso around “come dance!” she screamed over the whole crowd. “I’m coming!” I yelled back. I quickly guided Fez’ hand to my mouth and took a deep drag. Then I stood up, he helped me fix my dress, I then grabbed his chin, he probably thought i was gonna give him a kiss on his cheek as I usually do but I quickly kissed his lips and ran off.
“Hi bitch!” Jules screamed as she saw me. She took my hand and we just moved around to the beat of the music. We danced around in the heart of the crowd. I thought I saw Fez at the entrance looking for something but I ignored it. “Let’s drink!” Jules screamed in my ear. She dragged me along the dance floor, to the kitchen. She quickly found two cups, and filled them up with some vodka. We took three shots. And now I wish to vomit thank you very much. The warmth of the alcohol seemed to grow from my belly throughout my whole body. “Wher’s Rue?” I asked her. “I dunno. Why do you ask?” I looked her in the eyes. “I thought you guys where like a thing.” She grinned her eyes leaving mine and looking at something behind me as I was trying to turn around she grabbed my shoulders “oh no yeah we totally are!” She gushed. I looked a bit confused. “Want another shot?” She really always flabbergasted me. “Eh-“
Suddenly two arms snaked around my waist, and at the same time Rue came up to Jules and gave her a kiss. “Who-“ a deep, raspy voice that gave me shivers suddenly sounded in my ears “ya can’t do that ma…” my blush was immediate. “Whut?” I asked, now I was way to drunk for that shit. He turned me around And trapped me on the kitchen counter. “Ya can’t do that ma.” His beautiful face was way to close. I could count his adorbale freckles. “Do what?” He sighed a bit frustrated “leave me hanging after a kiss, and then chase Rue after me to know my intentions.”
… what?
My eyes went to Rue who looked really pleased with herself. You gotta be shitting me. “I- me- you?- and what are your intentions?” I asked trying to sound confident. Which was obviously not the case. “Shit I dunno, what do you want em to be?” Now I was an even worse blushing mess “oh fuck- I-“ i tried to have my gaze fixated on anything else than him “I mean you and me, we” i tried to stumble out but suddenly he took my face in one hand and kissed me. Very softly. As if I was made of glass. His beard tickled my chin and I was gone. To cut it short.
He took me home that night. Nothing sexual happend we just cuddled. He helped me take of my make up and brought me to bed. When he wanted to leave I wouldn’t let him tho. “Ma your parents, I don’t want-“ “don’t worry” i smiled “my mum has an early shift at the hospital tomorrow she will be up and gone at 7 until 2” i whispered. “Just sleep here” His eyes were conflicted. “Don’t worry” he sighed. He sat down on the edge of the bed and took of his shoes. “You can sleep in your underwear I don’t mind.” He turned around to me “ You sure?” I hummed. I observed his back as he took of his shirt and pulled down his pants.
When he turned around I opened the blanket and opened my arms. He slowly climes into bed, and laid his head on my chest, and hugged his arms around my body, as his legs tangled with mine. He let out a heavy sigh “good night fez” i kissed his head. “Good night ma” he sighed again and kissed my collar bone. He seemed to be out as a light. And I just couldn’t believe my luck. Here I was with what it felt like the love of my life, laying with me. The alcohol made it feel as if we were on a boat. In the middle of the ocean. Just the both of us lost at sea. And I couldn’t be happier.
In the next few weeks nothing really changed. After school I still biked over to his store, still did my homework, and learned there like before, as he was running his Business. But instead of saying “yo she cool” to his special costumers who eyed me suspiciously he said “yo that’s ma girl, she cool”. And what also changed is that I always got unexpected kisses on my face and neck. And when he pulled me to his lap now instead of just laying his head on my shoulder he sometimes just buried his face in my neck and shoulders or back and kissed a few spots whilst sighing heavily.
Astray was, as always disgusted by us, but he once when I was alone with me told me “thank you” I hummed questionably at him, whilst looking up from my text book. “You’re helping my brother with the stress and shit. Thank you” he said really timidly. “Awwww Ashy!” I cood stood up and hugged the prematured boy. One hand fell out of his jacket and awkwardly patted my back “I don’t mind one bit don’t worry” I told him and let go of him. He just shuffled awkwardly around in his shoes. “No i’m serious tho” i smiled at him “like bruh, you don’t need to cook for us every night. Or clean the house when you’re around” he scratched his neck. I kissed his cheek “I don’t mind taking care of you guys. You’re family to me” his face was blushing, and this time he hugged me. I hugged him back and as I turned my head to the store I saw the softest look on fez’s face I have ever seen. But his attention was quickly turned back to the costumer. “And besides I can’t handle the fact that you guys would only eat, pizza instant noodles, mac and cheese or other fast food shit.” I felt ashtray laugh. “What do you think of lasagna with a salad today? At my place” i felt him nod. He let go of me, trying to play it off cooly. “Sure I’ll tell fez,” he nodded i grinned at him. And sat back down at the table they had provided for me so that I could study. “See ya later alligator” i shouted after him after he left me. I just saw how he made an acknowledging hand movement.
I was scrolling through my computer when I suddenly got an e-mail. It was the university I applied to… “oh fuck” i heard a grumble behind me. “Fez…” I hit my hand violently around behind me to get his attention “Fez?” “FUCK” he yelled out suddenly. I turned around and saw him crumpled over on my bed. Did I just hit him in the balls? “Oh shit I’m sorry Fez” I completely forgot about the e-mail as I turned around guilt trapping my heart. “I’m so sorry” I almost cried as I looked at his pained face. “Na it’s cool” he pressed. I felt like crying. “I’m really sorry Fez, I really didn’t mean to, really it was an accident!” He started to laugh, “It’s really fine ma… if I get a kiss” I tried to hide a smile. But slowly leaned down to him and gave him a kiss.
Later that night as I was laying on his chest. He asked me what I wanted to show him earlier. “Oh fuck” I muttered. I scrambled out of my bed quickly pulling over the first shirt I got in hand and grabbed panties. I sat on the ground in-front of my computer and opened him up again, the light blinding me temporarily. “What are you doing?” He asked me groaning because of the light. “Wait shut up for a minute” i told him. He just made more noises of complaints. “Fez” he hummed. “Fez” he hummed louder. “OH MY GOD FEZ” i screamed now he was awake “FUCK what happened?” He asked now seemingly nervous. “I got accepted to the online program of the uni I told u about” “fo real?” He smiled “yeah!” i grinned. “So that means ya won’t be leaving me?” “Nope” i grinned and stood up from the ground to sit on his lap on my bed. “Fo real?” I grinned even wider “yeah for real!” I leaned down my hair creating a curtain around us. His hands creeped up my hips. I gave him a chaste kiss on the lips. Before it could turn to a full blown make out session again I broke it off, making him groan again. “You always gotta be teasing me ma” he sighed. I just grinned “but you know what that means right fez?” “What?” “It means that I’ll become a psychiatrist” “and” “once my business will be rolling, which it will in this fucked up town, I’ll make enough money to buy us a big ass house.” I slowly started to kiss his jaw “I’ll be able go get you out of that damn drug business shit.” I made my way to his neck, “you’ll be able to study mathematics if you want to.” I heard him groan beneath me. “Ashtray will get a higher education, we’ll pay off all the medical bills from your grandmama and” I slowly startet to suck on a point below his ear. I let go of the skin “I’ll be able to properly take care of you.” He was breathing heavily beneath me. I felt his length pressed against me beneath the blanket. “Let me take care of you for now ma,” he laughed whilst flipping us around.
I had gotten my period badly. I was mostly in bed because each time I moved, it felt like an alien was making it’s way out of my stomach. So I told fez , that I was busy today and that I didn’t have time to come over. Which was weird because we basically lived at each others places by now. It was the first time in months that weren’t seeing each other for a day. But for me it was the better solution. Because my skin in general was really sensitive. And my uncoordinated hormones made me emotional over the tiniest shit. And also I wasn’t able to walk properly because of my thighs cramping up. Even school was not an option for me today cause even sitting down, made me want to wail from my sensitive vagina. Yeah to cut it short it was bad this month real bad. My mum even asked me if I was okay and if she should stay home from her night shift, but I know she wanted to see her boyfriend. And even if she stayed home. She couldn’t do shit. “Why isn’t Fez here?” Mum asked me whilst brushing my hair out of my face “You know how I can get mum…” she stifled a laugh at that “I don’t want to annoy him with that” “welp if he comes over later I won’t be surprised so tell him I said hi” she grinned at me . I just nodded and turned on my side, silently suffering through the pain when she left. My mum knew what fez was doing. And she couldn’t care less. My biological father actually did the same shit when he was his age. And my mum got him out of that situation. Later on he died because of his chronicle heart failure. But we were prepared. So when he suddenly past it wasn’t as violently heartaching.
Anyways I was suffering in peace and quite, when around 10 mf ing pm the door bell rang. I groaned. They will go away if I ain’t responding. But it continued until the doorbell almost became a continuous sound. “OH WHAT THE FUCK?” I screamed and made my way to the door fuming.
As I ripped the door open there stood Fezco. Fuming as well “i could ask the same thing man.” He said as he made his way in my house “what?” I asked dumbfounded. “You serious” he asked as he closed the door. He took his phone out of his pocket opened it and read “Hi sorry Fez, I’m not coming over today cause I don’t want to. Xo” i just looked at him. “And?” “What do you mean and? You mad at me? What did I do?” I sighed. Yeah it probably sounded a bit bratty “no hun, it wasn’t meant in that way” i sighed and took his hand in mine. Trying to ignore the cramping in my body. “I’m just not feeling too well fez, and I didn’t want to annoy you” he seemed to see that I was being genuine but still hiding something. “I’m sorry ma… but you know you could’ve told me. I don’t mind taking care of you.” He hugged me. I wanted to fucking sob how can someone be so sweet? He pulled me along the house and made his way to the living room where he plopped down. And wanted to pull me on his lap but Suddenly felt blood running down my leg. “I’m sorry I can’t fez” i mumbled trying to get out of his grasp. Before I dirtied his pants. “What do you mean you can’t?” I was still stood between his legs. Wanting to kill me for not changing pads, and being thankful for having put on some jogging pants. “Did I fuck your ass on accident yesterday?” My face scrunched up “what the actual fuck? no fez!” “Then tell me what’s going on!” He almost seemed to yell. I shifted around nervously. “I’m on my period” I mumbled. “What?” “I said I’m on my period and it’s just really bad this time.” Suddenly his whole demeanor changed. “Ma why didn’t you just tell me.” His hands slowly massaged my thighs “I could’ve just taken care of you like I always do.” He murmured. And hugged me so that his face was on my womb. “I didn’t want to annoy you.” I said softly massaging his scalp. “You never do ma” he kissed my belly making me laugh. “I just have to go clean up fez, I leaked” he hummed but let me go. I made my way to the bathroom. When I came out a couple of minutes later with new underwear and sweats, I saw that he had put on a ghibli movie, prepared some snacks and was making some tea. I really wanted to cry now. It should be illegal to be this cute. I made my way to him and hugged his waist. “All cleaned up?” He asked I could hear the grin in his voice. I nodded in his back. “I honestly don’t get why you were so ashamed this time, is not as if I haven’t fucked you when you were on your period yet” “FEZ!”
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