dear-me--from-me · 4 years
I was almost going to sleep at a normal time tonight
I hate everyone
I wish I wasnt here
I wish I could confide in my family and they wouldnt judge me
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dear-me--from-me · 4 years
I trusted you
And you're ruining my life
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dear-me--from-me · 4 years
You're going to be okay
You've felt this bad before
You've thought about this before
But don't do it
People love you
This won't be your life forever
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dear-me--from-me · 4 years
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dear-me--from-me · 4 years
Tomorrow is my last day at work
I gotta say bye to all my friends
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dear-me--from-me · 4 years
You just messaged me
When I saw your name it took my breath away
I know you're not here
But it's nice to wish sometimes
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dear-me--from-me · 4 years
My heart can't let you go
But my mind says you've found someone else
I dreamt had a nightmare last night that you came to visit
You picked me up, we laughed, kissed, made memories
Then you told me you found someone else and this can't happen
I sobbed, I couldn't understand why you would do this to me
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dear-me--from-me · 4 years
I miss you so much it hurts
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dear-me--from-me · 4 years
I want everyone to leave me alone
I want to disappear for a month or 12
And find who I am
But I can't do that
You want me to be a better version of you
But what about the best version of me
Who is that?
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dear-me--from-me · 4 years
I feel empty
What am I supposed to do now?
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dear-me--from-me · 4 years
I feel like everything around me just crumbled
This year has really taken everything I looked forward to away from me
Can it be over yet?
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dear-me--from-me · 4 years
There are permanent and temporary people that come into your life
I learned that the hard way but now I know from the beginning how to tell if someone is staying not
But you
I can't figure you out
We both say we want to be permanent but I feel like you're on the tips of my fingers and I can't fully grab your hand to hold on tight
So, are you staying or leaving?
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dear-me--from-me · 4 years
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dear-me--from-me · 4 years
I wonder if you'll make it down for my birthday...
You made sure you came back for yours
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dear-me--from-me · 4 years
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dear-me--from-me · 4 years
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dear-me--from-me · 4 years
Oh, dear life,
Why do you give some a thunderstorm of problems while others only get a few drops of it? Why do you give a deep ocean of sadness, worries, and mental illnesses to some while others get none of it? Why don't some people have to worry about what their next meal would be while you let others starve to death? Why do some get all their desires while others don’t even get their basic needs for living? Why do you do this? Why?
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