deardarkheart · 1 year
I’d like to know more about Halphas, but I can’t seem to find a reliable source of information. If anyone can provide a link to some reading material, or share anything knowledge, I would appreciate it.
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deardarkheart · 1 year
infernal gods etiquette
hello everyone! this blog will be touching on proper etiquette with the infernal divine and gods/goddesses. we will firstly begin by defining who/what the infernal divine is. the infernal divine as a definition will vary on who you ask, so keep this in mind, however to me they are divine gods and goddesses who have lower vibrational frequencies, this isn't to say they aren't powerful, they're just not at high frequencies like say the angelic divine. now we can get into the proper etiquette regarding meeting, working or worshipping the infernal gods and goddesses.
> respect is upmost important
> boundaries must be set prior to any workings or worship
> it's a symbiotic relationship, expect to give and receive
> use respectful language when first meeting
> their energies are overwhelming at times, be aware of this
> do not disrespect the angelic or G-d in their name
firstly respecting the infernal divine is the most important part of working with demons. demons are lovely mentors, guides, and even sometimes { most times } take on very protective and parental or familial roles. but their kindness should not be taken for granted, respect them. don't loose respect in them. depending on the demon will depend on the relationship you have with them.
boundaries are extremely important and crucial to set up prior to a working relationship or a worshipping relationship, demons can and will turn your life upside down to teach you a lesson, this can be upsetting and will be upsetting. establish boundaries, say how far far enough is, obviously if they do see it fit as in something is harming you rather than helping, they will cross that boundary, so be aware of that.
i see it time and time again that young demonolators believe this to be a one way relationship, that they can take take take and never give in return. a lot of time this is due to angst, edgelords and truthfully, arrogance. the demonic will demand something in return for their time, work, and even compassion. you wouldn't take take take from a close friend, from a stranger, from your boss and expect to never give anything in return - so don't do it to the infernal divine. pacts or contracts especially, be careful with your wording and be careful on what you're doing, use your head and be smart.
just because they are demons, does not mean you can speak to them disrespectfully or informally. demons are actually one of the most formal entities i know, given time and proven commitment they ease a bit and allow more leniency. use their honorifics, it's a sign of respect, even just Lord/Lady will work. your first meeting them is important, be yourself of course, but don't get too casual because you think "oh they're just demons they won't care" don't forget they are also divine - don't forget they are powerful beings. this isn't to fear monger, just to remember. this ties in with the first point, it's just to really drive it home.
this is more of a warning than etiquette, it's important to note that all divine energy can and will be overwhelming - especially when it's your first time and you're adjusting to it. my first experience with Lucifer was very overwhelming, i got dizzy, my back warmed up, it was an odd experience but over time i have adjusted to the infernal divines energy. even with other divine that i'm not used to - such as norse - i get overwhelmed. just be aware of this and treat yourself well and accordingly.
and lastly, but not least, do not bash, degrade or other abrahamic figures such as angels or G-d in the name of the infernal divine. it's not a good look, and if anything, will anger the infernal divine. deal with your shadow work and religious trauma, the demonic can even help you with this bigotry mindset - they did for me. i had to ask for forgiveness for my mislead anger and resentment, i still don't like the people within the religion, but the religion itself is beautiful. guide your anger, resentment and other towards the direct source - people.
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deardarkheart · 1 year
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deardarkheart · 1 year
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