deardree 11 months
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deardree 11 months
Friday, November 10
That's what I did. I was supposed to either train in archery and go to a friend's house, but I I felt like resting and so I did. I think my body adjusted and felt so tired coming back to kickboxing. Still need to get my sweat on though!
Watching: Quiz Lady - I thought this was so gooood! Haha
Eating: Pancakes - again!
Listening: Top Hits on Spotify
See you when I see you! <3
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deardree 11 months
November 9, Thursday
Have you ever seen your desires happening in front of you? That's what I am experiencing right now. The past few days had so many setbacks, so many why's, and so much sadness. But it's all getting clearer now. Though I don't wanna get ahead of myself, it just feels so right - having the right people with the right words at the right time.
Let's talk about today.
It's Archery Day as I am training and preparing for the Philippine National Games on December. I did some form shooting and boy, I need to buy a new set of arrows! What an expensive vice, but who cares if it fulfills you. Lol. Also had the time to teach a friend - Bfab. As sponty as we were, we decided to eat samgyupsal at Korean Town in Obrero. It was so sulit since it was only 399 and there were A LOT of side dishes. Then we went to 4th Street, a coffee shop. It was also my first time going there, but have been seeing it on social media. Their matcha tastes good. 7/10. Bought some snacks and ice going home then prepped for work. Cleaned Robert Nugget's ear. His right ear was much more affected by the ear mites compared to his left one. Watched some more Fresh Off The Boat eps. And right now, I had to pause the Quiz Lady movie to write this so now I'm going back to watching! I also thought of doing this (based off of Hannah Pangilinan's newsletters)
Watching: Fresh Off The Boat, Quiz Lady, YT vlogs
Listening: Songs from this thread from Reddit
Doing: Archery <3
Alrighty, see you when I see you!
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deardree 11 months
Wednesday, November 8
It's Dad's birthday today. Circumstances didn't allow everyone to celebrate it together, but some of us still prepared good food and a cake to celebrate his life. As usual, I worked graveyard and sleep after the sun rises. Watched some Fresh Off The Boat episodes and the usual social media shenanigans. Then I had my kickboxing training and I was the only one who showed up. It was fun yet no fun at the same time! My Coach focused on my weakness -- body kicks! He's convinced I'm lazy to lift my feet LOL. Uhm, I'm just heavy you know. Haha. Went home, cleaned Robert Nugget's ears and prepared for another day of work! Checked my FB memories and saw my reblogs from 12-13 years ago so I tried logging in to this account and got in! Yay! This will now serve as my diary/journal since I am not a fan of physical notebooks anymore since they take up spaces and gather dusts. Lol. That's it. See you when I see ya!
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deardree 11 months
I'm back. After 7 years. :)
Oh boy, so much have changed. I was looking through my page and just wanted to tap my 15 year old self on her shoulder for being so brave, pure, and smart. It's been a while since she's expressed herself. So her 25 year old self will continue to do it now.
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deardree 11 months
Good to be back here.
Subjective Art
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deardree 8 years
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deardree 8 years
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deardree 8 years
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deardree 8 years
God allows us to feel the frailty of human love so we鈥檒l appreciate the strength of His.
C.S. Lewis (via fearlessproverbs)
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deardree 8 years
My heart鈥搕he heart I used to offer so freely, the heart are used to wear proudly on my sleeve鈥揾ad retreated deep inside my chest, wounded and seeking protection. My ability to taste and connect and feel deeply had been badly compromised. My faith with stilted it had become over time yet another way to try and fail, rather than a respite or healing relationship. I loved my life, but I had become someone I didn鈥檛 want to be around. I had become someone I didn鈥檛 want to be.
Shauna Niequist, Present Over Perfect (via yesdarlingido)
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deardree 8 years
There are really those people who really, really feel the need to mock God and the people who believe in Him. And no matter how much you want to fight back and tell them about their hypocrisies, too, you can't. You just can't because you know that they need God more than those condemnations and counter attacks. I, personally, encountered that kind of situation. A lot. Especially that I am in college. You will never know the beliefs and perspectives of the people that you will meet. And I was deeply amazed by how God dealt and moved in me during those times. Yes, I was so discouraged and so down at one point but God did not let me dwell in it knowing me that that's what I would normally do. He made sure that I was filled with His love, grace and forgiveness. And that is how I overcame. Now, God is showing me who He really is from glory to glory and that, knowing the fact that I've been running away from Him, He still pursues me. One thing that I have learned from everything that's happening in my life, including that situation, as cliche as it may sound, is that everything happens for a reason. Every rock that life has been throwing at me made me appreciate the beauty of our God. Who our God is will always be beyond words. Indeed, He is a Great I Am.
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deardree 8 years
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deardree 8 years
Grace isn鈥檛 the license to do whatever you feel, it鈥檚 the empowerment to do what Jesus says.
(via sonofhislove)
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deardree 8 years
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my bible journal recently // loving psalms
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deardree 8 years
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deardree 8 years
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