dearnobody04-blog · 8 years
Dear Nobody, Hey! It's January 25th and this month has gone really quick right? You may be wondering why I called this post 'likes' well I'm going to explain. I have made a blog (duhh) and I'm not doing to get followers or likes or to have someone to compete against. You may be at war with someone like your friend about who has more followers or likes on a photo. But on this blog I would like to keep it real , not fake. I know it's quite a short post today but I still hope that you enjoyed it. 'Stars can't shine without darkness' Ig: Dearnobody04 Dear Nobody P.s I know I just put my Instagram on here and that's because I'm not looking for likes or followers. I'm letting you guys know when and what I upload xx
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dearnobody04-blog · 8 years
Dear Nobody, Hi today is Friday, 20 January 2017. Everyone has had at least one big dream and wishes to follow the footsteps of there idol. When I was younger I wanted to be... - A ballerina - An artist - A dancer - An Actress - A Nurse/ doctor These are just some of the jobs I wanted to have. When I got older I wanted to step up my game a little and really do something I love. That was... - Singing - Acting - Modelling Now we are up to where I am now. I would like to follow my dreams by still singing but not so much acting anymore. I made this post to say I hope you guys do follow your dreams and try reach as high as you can to touch your dreams and become whatever you want to be xx 'Dream Big' Dear Nobody xx
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dearnobody04-blog · 8 years
Life Lessons You Need To Know Now!
Dear Nobody,
Hey guys! Today is Monday 16th 2017
I forgot to tell you guys when I post. I post on Mondays and Fridays every single week! Hope you enjoy!
Todays blog post is about funny life lessons that you need to know!
- Life is unfair, but it all ends good. Like when you hated doing something that you had to do something good will come round very soon :)
- Life is too short to waste time hating someone
- Don’t take yourself so seriously. No one else does.
- Make peace with your past so it won’t screw up the present.
- If a relationship has to be a secret, you shouldn’t be in it.
(This is one of my favourites) - Everything can change in the blink of an eye. But don’t worry; God never blinks.
- Over prepare and then go with the flow.
And last one...
- Your job won’t take care of you when you are sick. Your friends will. Stay in touch.
‘You only live once, But if you do it right, Once is enough.’
Dear Nobody xx
Instagram: DearNobodyBlog04
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dearnobody04-blog · 8 years
Dear Nobody,
Today is Friday 13th, which is said to be an unlucky day. Personally I don’t believe in unlucky days.
I have many fears. The problems about fears is that it is one of the most difficult thing to over come. So today I'm going to share with you my experience with fears.
I have had many fears that I have over come. Here are a list of some.
- Height
- Animals
- Fire
- Failure
- Flying
Lets start with heights. I got over it by going on high rides at theme parks and to be honest I am still a little scared.
Animals. I own a lot of animals now and if you spend more time around animals then you are sure to grow on them.
Fire. I use to always to be scared of fire and burning but now I'm not afraid of getting a lighter or matches and messing around with them at my best friends house.
Failure. I have always been scared of failing and that I would not be successful but I searched how to get over it and its as simple as keep trying and trying until you get to success. (I know, cringy right?)
Last of all, flying. I haven't been on a plane in ages but I have got use to it. And well to be honest I don't really know how I got over it.
Hope this helped
‘Your best teacher, is your last mistake’
Dear Nobody xx
Instagram: Dearnobodyblog04
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dearnobody04-blog · 8 years
The Meaning
Dear Nobody,
It’s never easy. Ok. That’s the truth. Nothing is easy. Life… NOPE… You lose you win.
The losing part has more meaning though. Losing isn’t just like a football game. It’s about life… you lose. Simple. When I say lose I mean loosing people, pets, parents and finally losing the will to live. I’m sure we have all felt that way before just wanting to die right there, but if you haven’t realised this yet it is redeemed by a good thing. That thing for me hasn’t came for me yet… soon … soon.
That’s the thing you never know when it’s coming. Sometimes good turns into bad and bad turns into good so there is no way of telling when your bad time is coming but just remember right behind that bad objective there is a good point and good reason.
I’m saying this is a good thing u lose you win. Have you guys ever felt this way? I have. 'For everything in life, There is a reason and we can always figure them out.'
DearNobody xx
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dearnobody04-blog · 8 years
Follow My Instagram To Know When I Post xx
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dearnobody04-blog · 8 years
Dear Nobody,
I have decided to start this blog. I have so many thing that I would like to say, but I have no idea how to say them out loud.
I did try writing a diary but I gave up. The idea of writing stuff to myself seems pointless. I want to feel like someone will be able to realate to what I have to say.
That's why I have decided to give this a go, and not have to worry about what people have to say and on this blog I can be totally me.
I'm going to say what I want to say and it would be awesome if you guys would join me.
I love taking artsy pictures and singing but it's not always that easy.
If anyone has been reading this let me know what you think on my Instagram and Snapchat.
'Don't worry about failures, Worry about the chances you miss when you don't even try.'
DearNobody xx
Instagram: DearNobody04
Snapchat: DearNobodyBlog
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