dearretail · 3 years
Dog attacks are traumatic events that can cause serious, even life-threatening injuries. When dogs attack, they often go for vulnerable areas such as the face, head, and neck.  Even minor dog bites can cause painful puncture wounds and lacerations and lasting injury. If you or a family member has been attacked and injured by a dog, contact the Scottsdale dog bite lawyers at David Shapiro Law, PLLC for a free consultation. We serve Scottsdale and the surrounding areas.
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dearretail · 3 years
When you’re injured in an auto collision due to the carelessness of another, you deserve justice. Despite both parties knowing who caused the physical incident, a proper investigation is required to receive a settlement; even then, the at-fault insurance company will attempt to lowball your compensation offer.
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dearretail · 3 years
When you are physiologically, emotionally, or physically injured due to the carelessness of one or multiple parties, you have the right to seek monetary compensation. A Phoenix personal injury lawyer will pursue justice for your ailment(s) and help you obtain justice for wrong-doing.
Considering hiring a personal injury attorney? Speak with a qualified lawyer who specializes in at-fault accidents. Take the first step today. Visit the office of David Shapiro Law, PLLC, your Phoenix personal injury lawyer.
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dearretail · 3 years
ach year, roughly 6.75 million car accidents happen in the U.S.
That’s crazy, right? It gets crazier. Of those car accidents, which include fender benders and wrongful deaths, 20 to 50 million people are severely injured or disabled. And 1.35 million people are killed in fatal crashes.*
To be fair, no one leaves the house thinking they’re going to be in a major auto accident. But it happens every day. In the event that you’re the victim of a car crash in Glendale, AZ, medical bills will pile up fast.
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dearretail · 3 years
Spinal cord injuries often result in lifelong disabilities for victims. Unfortunately, these injuries are not uncommon, and they occur in a variety of ways. At David Shapiro Law, PLLC, we are here to help if you need a Mesa spinal cord injury attorney by your side. We have the resources necessary to fully investigate these claims in order to determine liability. Our goal is to help spinal cord injury victims recover the compensation they need to make as full of a recovery as possible. We are not afraid to take on aggressive insurance carriers or at-fault parties in these cases.
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dearretail · 3 years
I always wanted to be a travel writer. Once I even churned out a 150,000-word manuscript about my misadventures in South Asia. But all I got from that effort was a wastebasket full of rejection letters. (Sigh…) Yet today I am a travel writer… just not the kind that chronicles foreign escapades. Instead, I compose articles about the markets from wherever I happen to find myself.
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dearretail · 3 years
Markets and commodity prices have fluctuated wildly since the Russia-Ukraine conflict broke out on the evening of February 23 (Eastern Standard Time).
And because Russia produces many of the world’s most critical commodities, this will likely continue.
Yet unlike most metals, copper didn’t spike immediately on news of the Russian invasion.
It’s starting to rally now.
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dearretail · 3 years
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dearretail · 3 years
On Wednesday, the US and other western nations rolled out economic sanctions on Russia that included halting the Nord Stream 2 pipeline project, which would funnel gas from Russia to Germany. US President Joe Biden vowed that he would “take robust action to make sure the pain of our sanctions is targeted at the Russian economy, not ours.”
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dearretail · 3 years
At the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, the mining industry took a major hit.
Countless operations around the world were forced to shut down, cutting off supply.
Demand for metals like copper slumped, driving down its prices.
But vaccine breakthroughs breathed new life into the mining industry.
Economic recovery efforts at the end of 2020 combined with new green technology trends sent copper prices into a massive rally.
By May 9th, 2021, copper prices reached a new record high of $10,512 per metric ton.
Since then copper prices have retreated.
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dearretail · 3 years
Gold took a beating in 2021 – the precious metal finished the year down 3.6%, the worst drop since 2015 as headwinds including lower interest rates, a strengthening US dollar, surging crypto prices, and increasingly optimistic economic outlooks as Covid vaccines were rolled out put pressure on gold prices. Quantitative easing that flooded the market with cash also contributed to a “risk on” market that favored high-growth, speculative tech stocks over value stocks and steadfast “safe-haven” assets like gold.
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dearretail · 3 years
Green energy is a great endeavor for our planet and commitments are being made mostly in the form of decarbonization measures such as emissions reduction targets, imposing carbon taxes and banning new car sales of petrol-fueled vehicles.
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dearretail · 3 years
Copper had a nice ride in 2021.
After a stomach-churning 2020, the red metal went on to rebound sharply in 2021, hitting an all-time high of $10,512 per metric ton on May 9, 2021 – an increase of 130% compared to March 2020’s pandemic lows.
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dearretail · 3 years
One Move To Make Before Democrats Ram Through New Spending Spree - All the politicians hemming and hawing about budgets, spending, and inflation…
It’s all theater.
All of it.
None of it is serious.
They are going to do whatever they want, disregard the obvious and predictable consequences, and ordain themselves heroes in the process.
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dearretail · 3 years
Have you ever bought a bag of chips but once you opened it, felt like the bag wasn’t even half-full? Or perhaps you grabbed a smoothie after a workout and finished it in little more than a few sips, leaving you feeling that the price you paid was not really worth it?  This phenomenon tends to cause indignation amongst consumers, as it can leave them feeling cheated or ripped off – but as a retail investor you should also be paying attention to what it means for your portfolio.
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dearretail · 3 years
Remember the Seinfeld episode, “The Opposite?”
It opens with George Costanza complaining that everything he does is wrong.
Jerry Seinfeld tells him that means he must do the opposite of whatever he thinks is right.
So Constanza takes Seinfeld’s advice to heart.
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dearretail · 3 years
If you’re one of the millions of Americans who commute to work, you’ve noticed the price to fill the tank has gone up exponentially.
With gas prices rising, consumers foreign and domestic are demanding a new solution.
That solution is electric vehicles, or EVs.
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