deathconquers-blog · 6 years
they have him playing gardener, and negan really fucking hates it. he is a man who thinks HIGHLY of himself - a savior, of course - and this kind of dirty work is below him. he is scowling and doing a piss-poor job of the work assigned to him, ready to take swing at anyone who has the nerve to cross him.
so when someone approaches him - someone he’s never even SEEN, as far as he can remember, let alone threatened - it is all he can do to keep his shit together.
“if i have to listen to another god damn threat you better make it a FUCKING good one.”
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deathconquers-blog · 6 years
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Pacific Rim: Puprising
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deathconquers-blog · 6 years
T E D D Y     G R I M E S .
teddy couldn’t stop walking towards the familiar outline in front of him. impossible, he had decided some time ago that he would ever find anyone he really knew again. then he’d found rick and carl and now, he didn’t believe anything anymore. he cleared his throat. why was he walking towards this stranger? it wasn’t him? was it? “ian?”
( @deathconquers )
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ever since he arrived he kept hearing the name GRIMES, almost like a mantra in this place. every time he heard it, he doubled back, waiting to hear the name T E D D Y , waiting for the note of familiarity. it never came, and the longer it happened, the more foolish ian felt. he’d lost teddy, just as he lost everyone but KATELYN.
so when he hears his name, when he catches the familiarity of the voice saying it, he stops in his tracks and looks slowly over his shoulder, DISBELIEF clouding his senses. “no way.”
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he takes a few steps forward wondering if, maybe, he’s finally cracked. ian had fallen in love with him, once. if teddy’s was the last face he saw on his way to lunacy, it wouldn’t be such a bad thing. “teddy? you’re really here, right?”
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deathconquers-blog · 6 years
E M I L Y     C A S S E L .
Emily had a drink in her hand, but it was only her second so she was still alert and socializing smoothly. She approached one of her fellow trainers with a smile. “Nice to have a day off of work, isn’t it?”
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dean has been holding a a drink in his hand for an HOUR but has barely had more than a sip. he’s spent his time in the apocalypse on edge, being freed from one prison and thrown headfirst into another. joining the kingdom had given him the opportunity of some kind of NORMALCY that he was used to, but even that wasn’t enough to remind him how to relax. so when emily asks him about being off work, he can’t help but laugh at himself. “yeah,” he says. “almost forgot what a day off was like. can’t even get a beer down. feels like i’m breaking the law. stupid, right?”
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deathconquers-blog · 6 years
D A K O T A    F I N L E Y .
“– Look, it’s no offense or anything but I work alone.” The redhead said, as she gave the person a shrug. She wasn’t being mean at all but for a while now, she had adapted to being alone. While it did get boring, she was only looking out for herself. Losing her family a few short months ago in a walker attack late at night had taught her many things. Don’t get too close to anyone and to find some place high to rest her eyes. There had been several nights where she hadn’t slept because there wasn’t any place unless you count a broken down van or firetruck. Neither or those were safe. 
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dorcas almost LAUGHS at the girl’s turn of phrase, and shakes her head. being ALONE had sounded like a good plan to her, too. solid. her and the dogs. even before then, she and em had thought they would be fine, too. alone is good. alone is safe. she wonders now how she ever could have been so STUPID. she wonders NOW what she and em would be doing if they’d just gotten here before. “alright,” doe says, not unkindly. “listen. i’m not gonna try and talk you into something you don’t want to do, and nobody here is gonna get on their knees and beg you to stay. all i’m saying is that relying on a bloody cliché is the quickest way to die. maybe not today, probably not tomorrow, but it’ll happen. so you can go. no one is gonna stop you. but once you do, no one can help you, either.”
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deathconquers-blog · 6 years
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deathconquers-blog · 6 years
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deathconquers-blog · 6 years
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deathconquers-blog · 6 years
M I C H O N N E .
walking up to negan was an exercise in control for michonne. she wanted to kill him. she wanted to string him up from the gates of the kingdom so everyone could see. she wanted to cut his hand off for what he had done to rick. she was furious. but michonne had never been impulsive. michonne was measured and dangerous. glaring ahead, she stopped in front of him. “you remember me?”
( @deathconquers )
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negan remembers EVERYONE from the lineup. he had spent all of a few minutes with them but how can he forget the faces of the last people he threatened before THEY took him? they had been an impressive bunch, save for the asshole who got himself shot and couldn’t sit up straight, but yes, he remembers HER. as far as he can tell she and rick fucking grimes had some kind of THING. it was all so predictable. “sure i do,” he says, cocky. “you’re ricky-dicky’s GIRL, right? or is he your BOY? something tells me you belong to no-fucking-body.”
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deathconquers-blog · 6 years
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―C. Love
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deathconquers-blog · 6 years
G L E N N     R H E E .
Glenn sat with Hershel Jr, on his lap, as he feed him. He wished this could be their everyday for the rest of their lives, enjoy the peace and quite that this morning was offering them but Glenn knew that wasn’t possible, mostly right now. They had dealt with a threat but now there was a new one lurking. Smiling down at his son, he gave him another portion of the food before looking up at the person approaching. “Good morning! Is everything alright?”
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hershel jr. is the first baby doe has seen since before the outbreak - something that, for all this time, she NEVER imagined possible. for so LONG it has seemed like the end. there was no future, no past, only now, and only soon. after EVERYTHING, after em, after the dogs, “SOON” only ever meant DEATH. hope is not something she’s regained, but hershel jr... hershel jr represented LIFE. it makes her wonder if it’s possible that lilypad and her little will were still out there, off in london, surviving. “all’s fine as far as i can tell,” she clarifies quickly, only half-truthful, and smiles to prove herself. “i was just wondering if i could say hi to the little one. it’s been years since i’ve seen a baby.”
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deathconquers-blog · 6 years
C A R O L .
carol stood in front of negan with hard eyes. she’d never met the man, but she’d met a lot of his people and she’d seen what he’d done to rick. “so you’re negan? i have to say, i’m disappointed.” she said flatly.
( @deathconquers )
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negan LAUGHS at the woman’s greeting, not unkindly - he is helplessly impressed by the boldness of her approach. “i have GOT to say, i’ve been sitting in here all fucking day listening to people grill me about why i did what i did. you, sweetheart, are a god damn breath of fresh air.” he looks her up and down, and bites his bottom lip. “so why don’t you enlighten me. WHAT is it about me that is so DISAPPOINTING?”
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deathconquers-blog · 6 years
S I M O N .
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“It’s so good to see you.” Simon said as he stepped into Negan’s cell. Folding his arms, he leaned against the wall and looked at his former boss. “I feel the need to inform you, that I don’t think you’re going to ever get out of here. Half the people want your head on spike, the other half… well they could care less if you get eaten by walkers.” Simon explained as he adjusted his pants. “All you had to do, was keep your cool, and you’d be out with us, but instead you chopped off that stupid little prick’s hand for no damn reason, now you’re going to rot.”
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“i see you held the fort while i was gone. GOOD.” negan is pleased to see that at least SIMON has not changed. everything about this place DISGUSTS him, and his anger has spread to all the people who’ve changed within it, all the people who have contributed to changing the world he so CAREFULLY built. simon’s words might PISS HIM OFF, but at least they’re familiar. “no GOD DAMN reason. would you fucking listen to that. my RIGHT HAND MAN and you think i did it for no god damn reason?” negan pushes off the wall he’s leaning against and approaches, frustrated. “just because we have a COMMON ENEMY, that puts THEM above US? ‘cause that’s what it FUCKIN’ looks like they’re thinking. i come in here and they’re telling ME how it works, how to lead MY FUCKING PEOPLE. that is NOT how this shit’s gonna be. i ESCAPED one prison already. i’m gonna escape this piece of shit one, too.”
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deathconquers-blog · 6 years
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Negan’s Playlist (1/?): Intwine - Cruel Man. (x) “— What brings you along this way? Feeling lucky, wanna play? But don’t do as I do. Just do exactly as I say…”
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deathconquers-blog · 6 years
M A G G I E     R H E E .
“i gotta ask. what was goin’ through your head when you decided to do that? you spent five months with those people. we were bein’ reasonable. all of us, workin’ together, to take care of them. no more providin’ for you. but that wasn’t good enough, was it?”
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negan watches the woman enter with a BAD TASTE in his mouth, and wishes very much that she hadn’t shown her face in such a short distance from him. he wouldn’t HURT her - god no, especially not now that she has a baby - but he takes NO PLEASURE in seeing her like this, looking down on him. this is NOT the way the world was supposed to work. “i just WASN’T SATISFIED. too fucking greedy. yep. you got me all fuckin’ figured out, don’t you, mama bear?”
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deathconquers-blog · 6 years
A R A T      Ş I M Ş E K - V O L K O V .
“is this really fucking necessary?” arat shot the guards a glare as they patted her down for weapons, rolling her eyes as her weapons were confiscated. “oh, hey, watch where you put your fucking paws! you think i’m gonna put a weapon up there? what the fuck is wrong with you?” she shoved him off of her as they finished their search. then, she stepped into the cell and leaned against the doorway. “what the fuck were you thinking?”
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negan is unspeakably RELIEVED when he hears arat’s familiar voice, and smiles to himself in his cell. some things NEVER change - and at the very least she hadn’t since he’s been gone. it is a welcome string of fuck’s when she finally leans in the doorway. “ARAT,” he greets, before she lays in. he shakes his head and frowns, holding his hands out at his sides. “hi, negan. how the fuck are you, negan. boy am i glad to see you’re still fucking alive, NEGAN.”
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deathconquers-blog · 6 years
R E B E K A H     T A Y L O R .
“You ever think about the people that you lost?” The question fell out of Rebekah’s mouth before she even had the chance to elaborate further, her head turning to look at the person walking up to her. “I mean, your family. Old friends, boyfriends, girlfriends. Right after all of this shit started. I was too busy working… I didn’t even get the chance to say goodbye to my family. I don’t even know if they’re out there…” She trailed off, shrugging her shoulders, “By the time I was able to even get out of work, we were getting pushed out of Ohio.”
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doe can count on one hand how many personal questions she has answered with honesty since em died. she’s taken so off guard by rebekah’s that she stops walking - even takes a small step back - and her expression momentarily falls into one of GRIEF. she swallows hard while rebekah speaks, pressing her lips together and looking from her to the ground and back. “you couldn’t have known,” she says finally, a pathetic attempt at consolation. “i mean... it’s not... i try very hard not to think about that. otherwise i’d go mad. or... madder.”
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