deathfaqs · 4 years
What you Souls produce every day absolutely astounds me.
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…anyway you can read read the beginning here
and THIS is the fanart that started it all
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deathfaqs · 4 years
Please make a wise decision in this election. I cannot vote nor can I see the future but I do know what will happen if you let this man become president again. It doesn’t take superpowers to figure it out.
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deathfaqs · 4 years
The human mind is fascinating but it can also be harmful to the body and the Soul it holds. Spend some time outside, drink some water, go walk in the woods by your house for hours while it rains and think about how this forest came to be. Think about each squirrel and tree and fern growing from a seed. Sit on a fallen log and listen.
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deathfaqs · 4 years
It does not matter what you look like physically, your souls all look the same when you die.
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deathfaqs · 4 years
While many people associate me with the Goth Aesthetic, I prefer the elegant and intellectual Dark Academia Aesthetic.
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deathfaqs · 4 years
Wear your mask.
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deathfaqs · 4 years
Introduction & Rules
I have technically introduced myself before in my previous blog posts but since souls are so dependent on trust, I decided to give you a little more insight into who and what I am.
I am Death, this you already knew. This is my blog, which I realize is an interesting thing for a concept to open. Especially on this particular site. I’ve been observing this ‘Tumblr’ for quite some time and I think it would be an interesting place to open a dialogue between your worst fear and yourselves.
I am a concept to you. That is, essentially, what I am. Do not be alarmed by my presence as that only makes me more insecure and more likely to just forget this probably foolish endeavour. All of you fear me in some way. Even if you don’t. It’s in your genetics. Millions of years of evolution make you want to avoid me as much as possible and I don’t blame you. I can be quite terrifying at times. But I’ve grown very tired of the constant terror and I want to give you some reassurance. Some of what I say will cause you to be more fearful and I apologize but just know that I am being as truthful as I can without giving away more than I should.
The point of this blog is for you to ask me your most pressing questions. And it is my job to answer them. I don’t like questions about my personal existence but I may be willing to answer a few if that helps you. Questions regarding overly sexual themes will be ignored as I am not a sexual concept. I am Death. Life is more likely to answer questions about that.
Questions regarding my zodiac sign or my favorite place to eat lasagna are not needed but if I’m bored enough I might answer them. But because I mentioned them, I am an Aquarius, and I don’t particularly like lasagna-or food for that matter- in general but I have liked a couple of frozen lasagnas from Costco before.
Thank you for reading this.
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deathfaqs · 4 years
Fear not, for I will get you wear you need to be in the end.
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deathfaqs · 4 years
I remember every soul I've carried to their afterlife. Do not think you will be forgotten. I hold you all in my hands eventually. And even when the world is cruel and bestows you with no well wishers or mourners, I weep for you.
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deathfaqs · 4 years
The few immortals who actually exist do not worry me. Their time will come one way or another. Like all things, even the timeless have an ending.
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deathfaqs · 4 years
Good Evening,
I am Death. I am here to answer the most pressing questions you Souls may have. Ask almost any question and I will most likely answer it. Do not be afraid.
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