deaths-devotee · 10 years
I see...
"...preposterous amounts of naked pictures. Why???"
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deaths-devotee · 10 years
"And I love it, dear~"
"Can we have a moment of respect and silence for Viper and Terrorblade. Two that have been cursed with fucking useless dumb-looking backwards wings."
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deaths-devotee · 10 years
"Now now, darling. I would not call zhem 'dumb'. ...maybe... 'mentally impaired'."
"Can we have a moment of respect and silence for Viper and Terrorblade. Two that have been cursed with fucking useless dumb-looking backwards wings."
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deaths-devotee · 10 years
"Aww, how sweet of you, darling~"
Hey what kind of glasses do you want? I got a psy lens right here.
"I don’t understand?"
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deaths-devotee · 10 years
Welcome to Tumblr, my darlings.
"Today, we'll be playing All Like."
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deaths-devotee · 10 years
Jed: Say please.
Jed: Say please! Come on!
Jed: Then please it~ My butt is facing.
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deaths-devotee · 10 years
Combat stats - Krobelus the Death Prophet
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★★★★★★☆☆☆☆ Strength ★★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆Defense ★★★★★★★☆☆☆ Speed ★★★★★★★★★☆ Intelligence ★★★★★★★☆☆☆ Accuracy ★★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆ Agility ★★★★★★★★☆☆  Stamina ★★★★★★★★★☆ Teamwork
Will tag on PA post
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deaths-devotee · 10 years
"Zhat... is ze wisest decision, darling..."
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deaths-devotee · 10 years
"Heh, you will be, darling. I can see it in your future. You'll be much smarter and wiser zhan anyone else you know~!"
After a couple of minutes of wandering, she finally found the right place. Walking to a stall filled with witchcraft relics and items of prophecy, such as amulets and gemstones, staffs and sashes. Even a blindfold worn on a mannequin head, which the hag-like stallkeeper describes as "all-seeing... omniscient."
Krobelus picks up the lad to let him see over the counter. "Just be careful not to touch anyzhing, darling. ...well, actually you can. All of zhese are quite useless at the moment, unless zheir user knows ze proper mezhod in using zhem."
The stallkeeper was a bit surprised at the sight of a young human boy. She raises her brow and stares at Nortrom. "Krobelus, why do you have that juvenile with you? He could be easily stolen or destroyed here!"
Krobelus replied with nothing but a stoic look on her face and a raised brow. "Zhis boy is nozhing like ze ones you have known. He is a special one, hence why I trust him being zhis close to zhese artifacts." "Hm, true, else he might have already stuffed these gems in his mouth by now."
"Kid again"
A look of dread crossed Nortrom’s face as he frantically shook his head. “No! Wait! You ca—-” A blinding flash of light filled the area, and when it cleared there stood not a tall, well built male, but a small child that looked no older than 8 years of age, black hair trimmed short and clothing appearing to be a school uniform of some sort. Nortrom had no recollection of anything beyond his eight year old self. There was no Ancient, no war, no Silencer. There was only a cantonment in the mountains and the events there within.
The child looked about, panic taking over and mouth gaping wide. “Where am I?!? Oh nooooo… If the preceptors find out I left I’ll get in trouble!” Stumbling about and away from the lodge, the small child ran from the location and hopes of finding some sort of landmark. The area confused him: forests like this were not found near the Hazhadal Barrens, and according to his geography lessons, no where near where he lived either. This was bad. This was very bad.
After an entire day of wondering the night fell, with with it, heavy rains. Finding some refuge under a larger tree the child curled up and sat. Nortrom was scared, lost, cold, hungry, and crying. He had never been out of the Cantonment before.
[[Welp, if anyone wants to RP with kid Nortrom go right ahead. Unlike some of the other threads, he knows absolutely nothing that his 8 year old self wouldn’t know. ]]
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deaths-devotee · 10 years
"Oh of course, darling. You may stay here for as long as your heart desires~ ...I do not have much customers recently, anyway... so go ahead, dear."
Her large, claw-like hands surround the crystal ball, with a greenish smoke seen swirling inside it.
"Misfortune? Oh dear, zhat's such an impolite zhing to say. Death is not a misfortune. In fact, feel happy if you know you are going to die today. I know I will be~"
"Good day to you miss. I trust you have been fairing well?"
"Hmm?", Krobelus said as she looked up from staring into her crystal ball. "…hm. Anozher customer? How may I help you, darling?"
Xander has met Krobelus at her tent in the middle of a forest. Doing her part-time job as a misfortune teller, she’s eager to know what this white-haired man has to tell her.
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deaths-devotee · 10 years
"Good day to you miss. I trust you have been fairing well?"
"Hmm?", Krobelus said as she looked up from staring into her crystal ball. "...hm. Anozher customer? How may I help you, darling?"
Xander has met Krobelus at her tent in the middle of a forest. Doing her part-time job as a misfortune teller, she's eager to know what this white-haired man has to tell her.
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deaths-devotee · 10 years
[[ A harbinger and another Harbinger. Krobelus adores the presence of the Devourer. The Forerunner of Fate and his beating of baleful wings, Krobelus knows that good things are going to happen with him around. They'll get along FINE.. or at least from her side. ]]
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deaths-devotee · 10 years
[[ Krobelus has a lot of prophecies to fulfill, and one of them seemingly involves the Bronze Legion. She sees Tresdin as a “key” for her, so perhaps she’ll try to mess with the Commander to satisfy her needs. ]]
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deaths-devotee · 10 years
Well, Krobelus and Sven rarely interact, but despite that, Krob can see a slightly dark future for the Knight. She watches over him to see how his future unfolds, all the while without the Knight's knowledge. ]]
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deaths-devotee · 10 years
"Jealous? Oh ho ho hon~!"
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Just noticed that Death Prophet has a nice fucking ass!
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deaths-devotee · 10 years
People for a long time have used the cuttlefish's shell to carve casts for metal jewelry. These people were called cuttleboners. By me. ...and now by you.
Ze Frank
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deaths-devotee · 10 years
[[ ...well, I, the mun, barely know your character, so I dunno how Krobelus would interact. ...but, judging with your char's description, well, Krobelus will just see Xander as one of those "special darlings". Or client. Depends on how they meet each other. ]]
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