The secret of better work
Shawn Achor says in TED talk that what matter is not how to move people up to the average but move the entire average up in our companies and schools. The information we see on TV is about murders, natural disasters, crimes. All information is not positive in fact is negative so our brain think, that is the accurate ratio of negative to positive in the world. If we can change the way our brain process the world then we will change the way the way affect reality for this it is necessary to change the formula of happiness which is if I work harder I will be more successful and if I am more successful then I will be happier this formula is wrong every time your brain has a success you automatically change your goal to a better one, so happiness always is on the opposite side of success we pushed happiness over the horizon  and never our brain get there
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My opinion about feminism is a tendency in my country because it is a big problem and they use it to cover up the bad work of the current government that promotes it, i mean they give money to a group of people for the  manifestations and other things like that . But talking about the feminism i think it’s nice for the girls because the inequality is very obviously and they have to work hard for earn the same benefits that the men’s has so i’m proud about the girls and i’m with them because of my mum and my sister.
And what is feminism?
Social movement that asks for the recognition of women's capacities and rights that have traditionally been reserved for men.
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10 Argentina travel tips
1.) In Argentina, the Spanish is spoken and the accent takes a bit of getting used to. If you do not speak Spanish, you may encounter some difficulties with taxis, shopping, and menus. 
2.) Is it safe? Argentina is safe compared to most countries of 40 million people. The most common crime is small theft.
3.) What is the environment like in the country? Argentina is an extremely urban environment and noise and activity are constant. The weather is mild all year round with a few warm weeks in February, and a few weeks in August quite cold.
4.) What is the political situation? For the time being, Argentine policy is stable with President Macri. Argentine's are very vocal about how they feel and there are peaceful protests around government buildings several times a week.
5.) How is the economy? The economy of Argentina is flourishing with small businesses, global companies, huge fashion districts, endless restaurants and growth in tourism.
6.) Where should I stay? The accommodation options are amazing and each neighborhood will offer a different experience. You must rent an apartment if you are planning to stay a week or  plane, and a camera.
7.) What should I pack? All you really need is your passport, something to help you sleep on the plane, and a camera.
8.) What happens to the money? Bring cash and change it at the airport.  Argentina has a limit of $ 300 USD.
9.)Getting around Buenos Aires for a tourist will consist of 3 methods, but you always have to take the subways. The subways are safe, and are only filled at peak time (9am and 7pm) The rate is 7.50 pesos.
10.) What happens after getting off the plane? When you arrive at the International Airport of Buenos Aires (Ezeiza), you will first go through immigration. Before going online, make sure you have filled out the form they give you on the plane. Submit the form and passport to the official for sealing.
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