my-moo-moo · 26 days
a condition where your womb starts swelling when you’re aroused, leads to embarrassing situations when your eyes fall upon someone attractive and your jean button pops open.
or when you’re on a first date and your match flees in horror when a bump begins filling your lap.
even worse, when you’re making out with someone and all of a sudden your belly shoots out pushing you apart.
until you meet someone who’s attracted to the way you balloon up and offers to keep you swelled up permanently.
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my-moo-moo · 1 month
kitty in the wall
The calico cat hybrid was running through the streets, with a pack of mutts at her tail. She had been minding her business, looking for a safe space to make a nest and have her kittens.  It was the worst timing for trouble to find her in the form of horny rabid studs. 
The dogs, triple her size, were soon going to catch up to her shorter limbs. Though she could also use size to her advantage to pass through small spaces. This was her neighborhood— she knew every path and shortcut, and she happened to recall a crack in a wall into a safe private home that she had passed through before. Looking back one last time at the pack hot behind her, decisively, she turned down a quiet dead end corridor to her path of escape.  
As she charges her heavy body forward, she could feel the pressure mounting at her pelvis, instincts screaming at her more urgently than ever to stop. She launches herself into a leap towards the open hole in the wall, flew through the air and smack— her normally smooth entrance was haltered by the swell of her chest. 
She was stuck. She had sorely miscalculated her ability to pass through spaces with how drastically her body has changed these past weeks. Panic rises as she hears the barks coming close behind her. There was no going back, or she’ll fall into the mouths of horny mutt dogs. 
She wiggles the fat of her sore and sensitive breasts trying to force them through the hole in the wall. Clenching through the pain, she squeezes with all her might one boob at a time through the tight space. They pop out on the other side, the pressure causing milk to squirt out of nipples. 
The next affair was the round mass attached to her usually tiny frame. She takes a huge breath in and uses her knees for leverage against the wall and pushes… PUSHES. She hears the barking moving in and gives her all in one final shove. Something gives, but not to her favour. Liquid is trickling down her bare legs leaving behind a blaring ring of fire. 
“Well, well, well, what do we have here?” The pack of mutts snicker behind her. “A pussy with their pussy sticking up in the air. Free for all to enjoy.” Her butt is yanked up further by her sensitive tail. Wind exacerbates the coldness all over her wet and vulnerable behind that she could not see nor touch. She can’t even hiss her usual annoyance before contractions overrun her body.
Despite the precarious position she is in, there’s an innate desire to push. She can’t ignore it, not when the first kitten is pushing against her canal.
She’s already close judging from the dogs’ heckling reaction. “It’s too bad she’s already plugged up.”
The head of her kitten bobs in and out of her pelvis, and she wants to feel it for assurance but there’s no way to. Instead she feels foreign paws rub up tauntingly around her tender folds. “Help! My kitten is stuck!” she yells out.
“I’ll help stretch you out, kitten,” drawls a mutt. She feels a pressure pressing against her contractions, pushing the kitten back in, nulling all the progress she has painstakingly made so far.
“No! Stop it!” Her shrieking yelps and meows echo unacknowledged through the alley as the mutt pummel their throbbing cock in her irritated, stretched sleeve. Impatient, another mutt forces their thick cock alongside the first, not caring as her abdomen wrecks in intensifying contractions. She’s about to burst as their knots balloon, shooting streams of seed in her as her kittens rustle restlessly in the womb. She’s not sure what will rupture first, her pussy, her womb, or her mentality.
When the first dogs go limp, she’s not given a moment of relief before the next ones cram her again. The commotion she is making draws out the owners of the home to the scene. “Please… help me,” she croaks with her strained vocal cords. There’s a glimmer of hope as they approach her, but it's crushed when they shut her up by shoving their own cock down her throat.
By the time they’re bored of playing with her in this way, she’s utterly exhausted, but her pussy has been abused so loose that her kittens slip out of her with gravity anyway. Her last kitten descends with friction— even with haziness, she suspects something isn’t right. She feels a stray leg drag against her walls. Impatient, one of the mutts dig their clawed paws into your canal, prying it open wider, and pulling the kitten out. 
At last, she is emptied of her kittens. She ignores the blazing pain of her entire lower half to try to escape through the hole again, there’s a strong grip holding her back by the tail. She’s given no time to recuperate before she’s being pummeled down by another cock.
Her breasts have swelled so full with milk the option to escape the way she came in was void. There will never be a moment where there isn't a cock shoved up her pussy, sometimes there's even a crowd of strays waiting for their turn to pounce on her. Her belly will be permanently swollen from now on with litter after litter, with each litter eventually stretching her so wide that her belly hung down to the dirt floor.
She will become a permanent fixture in the neighbourhood— the kitty in the wall.
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my-moo-moo · 1 month
making up for lost time
A man from a large rural family who’s always wanted a large family himself shouldn’t be compatible with a career woman who’s never had a desire for kids, but they both loved each other too much to let go. 
She thought he would’ve given up hope sooner or later. He was patient through her many work trips and work promotions, while enviously watching babies continuously born in their family and friend circles, and kids even growing up into adults. In a blink of an eye, she was already in her late-30s and her excuses were running dry. 
Maybe it was societal pressure or him wearing her down, but she thinks getting off the pill and leaving it up to fate is a decent compromise. Given her old age and being on birth control most of her life, she’s not certain she can even conceive.
She sure does conceive— three babies in her at once, and her husband was quite proud about it. It was two more than she was prepared for, but the silver lining was that she’s knocking out a “large enough” family for her husband in a single pregnancy. She can go straight back to work without much time off. Her husband laughed and said that 3 children is hardly a large family in his eyes, but he’s grateful for whatever she gives him. 
She hadn’t expected how much she would enjoy pregnancy. For once she didn’t have to think, instead trusting her body to do the work. She enjoyed the pampering from everyone around her— even her coworkers lessening the workload off her plate. She enjoyed the newfound intimacy that sparked in their old relationship, her husband utterly obsessed with touching the growing bump shooting out from her midsection.
The way her husband took care of their babies, juggling diaper changes and feedings masterfully, made her even more attracted to him. He was clearly made to be a father. She wanted to return to work quickly after birth, but he got to her first. The swell of her belly hadn’t even gone down when it began filling up again, this time with quadruplets. 
“I’m just making up for lost time,” he joked. 
In the last four years of her 30s, she had three pregnancies and 13 babies— almost as many children as her husband’s mother had spanned over decades. But she would overtake her through her 40s, frightening her doctors with back to back high risk pregnancies at her mature age.
In spite of everyone’s expectations, he got the large family he always wanted.
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my-moo-moo · 1 month
There’s a liquid that coagulates into solid balls when met with a protein found inside the uterus. The more time given to interact, the larger the balls can form.
There is a streamer that utilizes this liquid in their content. They have a tank of this liquid in their bedroom that is hooked up to a thrusting dildo machine. They would strap themselves down and hand over control to their viewers. They would donate money to thrust and squirt liquid in her pussy, with more money increasing the frequency.
There’s a camera positioned right at her slobbering and stretched out pussy and one monitoring the expansion of her stomach. It’s no wonder their viewership has been skyrocketing lately. Sometimes there would be thousands of viewers, with hundreds of donations backed up in the queue, causing the machine to piston into her at full speed. Every time they would yell out “slow down” or “I’m too full”, the viewers would only be invigorated to drop more money.
Over time, they’ve been able to handle more liquid in their womb before tapping out. They would then show off the large distending bump they’ve been able to achieve thanks to their viewers. They would talk to their chat and do other content, and often even perform paid requests, all while holding in the immense pressure pushing against their cervix. 
Before ending the stream, they would birth the balls that have developed in their overstretched stomach. With the camera pointed directly in their bulging folds, they would push each ball out of her pussy. Some people thought that their loud moaning and screaming was an exaggeration, but they would maintain it was very warranted. The size of the balls could range from ping pong sized all the way to volleyball sized, depending on how long she left the liquid in there. As their strenuous labour progressed, the balls left inside only got larger than the last and harder to push out especially with their spent energy.  
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my-moo-moo · 1 month
conceit brings nothing good
“Pregnancy is a walk in the park,” he naively declared a mere three months into his pregnancy, receiving death glares from all his friends. “I don’t know what you guys were complaining about.”
He had gotten pregnant his first month off the pill, despite hearing stories from friends that conceiving is not as easy as it seems. That was the beginning of his ego being delusively fed. He experienced no sickness nor aches, the only sign of pregnancy was the glow under his skin and the cute little bump that emerged— which he flaunted on his social media, making the effort to dress up in curated daily outfits. 
With his first trimester flying by like a breeze, he already started planning the rest of his year. He booked tickets for two separate babymoons, one his partner and one with his friends. He ordered a bunch of pregnancy clothes that would last him for months. 
He already signed onto modeling work a mere month postpartum. Since he had barely gained a kilogram yet, it should be easy to continue managing his pregnancy weight. He may be pregnant but he wasn’t letting go of his habit of eating healthy and working out every single day.
“You’re going to regret all these plans a couple months from now,” one of his friends cautioned. “Just you wait.”
He all but scoffed off the concern. 
In the days leading up to his ultrasound, his belly had popped. It was undeniable to any stranger he was pregnant, but it was still very manageable. He didn’t suspect anything amiss until he showed up to his routine ultrasound appointment. His heart dropped when he heard that they had discovered not one but four fetuses in his womb. No one could understand how they missed it the first time. 
He started ballooning rapidly since then, passing the max weight he set for himself to gain throughout the entire pregnancy at a mere halfway point. He mourned his once pristine baby bump as a dark line now ran straight through the middle and stretch marks littered his skin. The developing babies, struggling to find room to grow, continue to push his belly to limits in all directions. Even his ribs and hips weren’t spared from being pried apart. Not even the clothing he bought especially for pregnancy fit anymore. He resigned that a portion of his belly will always be exposed to the air.
His flat chest started swelling as well, into full on breasts that would produce enough milk for four babies. They were so itchy and sensitive that it was painful to brush over them. Milk would sporadically leak from his nipples, staining his shirts, but he had long given up on presentability. 
Forget working out, he can barely get off the bed to go to the bathroom without breaking a sweat. It was a struggle to put one feet in front of the other with his gravid belly pulling at his back and hanging in front of his thighs. Not that he felt any relief sitting and lying down either. Even when lying still, there was never a peaceful moment during the day where one of his babies wasn't kicking up a storm inside his body. He was certain all his inner organs were littered with purple bruises.
When his friends would call him, he would still lie, saying that the pregnancy was going smoothly. “I can go past the goal gestation week of 32 weeks, no problem. Besides, I’m growing quadruple the amount of babies and I still haven’t complained as much as you guys.”
It was a relief that they have not seen in person the slobber he has reduced to, but they kept reiterating they were excited to see him again for the babymoon trip.
He was going to be 7 months pregnant, yet astonishingly the doctors had cleared him to go. His partner with the loud mouth, leaked that knowledge to his friends so he had no excuse and had too much pride to cancel the trip.
That’s how he found himself in his assigned airplane seat with his ass barely fitting, and his enormous belly almost reaching the seat in front of him, and pushed up against the armrests. As soon as the plane took off, the person in front reclined his seat, as far as it would go over his belly, and completely knocked out. He bit back his wince of pain, and any complaints, not wanting to cause a scene. And so he was forced to sit still for 8 back aching hours, the pressure on his belly and bladder almost exploding. 
With the arrival to his destination did not come any relief. Turns out his friends have organized a packed schedule from the moment they landed. When they would ask him if he wanted to stay back in the hotel to rest, he would shake his head stubbornly. He clutched his belly in his arms, waddling as best he could to keep up with their pace. They would walk for hours on end until his back, legs, and pelvis were on fire, yet his fake smile never faltered.
His friends kept saying he was small for carrying quadruplets. They guilted him in thinking he wasn't doing enough for his babies so they could order him extra plates of food. In his past life, he would never think of eating this amount of calories in a week let alone a single meal, but they kept piling on his plate. He just couldn’t refuse.
The babies seem to be having a growth spurt, his suspicions proven correct when it was time to board the flight home. His belly had stretched too far outward that he could no longer fit the plane seat. It was the most embarrassing moment in his life when he was escorted off the plane, but at least his friends stood by his side. They cheer him up and suggest driving him home, making a month-long road trip out of it… and he agrees.
(Once they strap him in the backseat, they won't be bringing him home until they witness him break.)
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my-moo-moo · 2 months
The Seaside Storks’ journey from obscurity to champions is the story that will be remembered in college football history. Their meteoric rise in the ranks is not the only notable story coming from Seaside. The accompanying cheerleaders that provided unwavering support to the team also brought in quite a bit of buzz themselves. 
It’s hard to miss the Seaside Storks’ cheerleading team, not because of their matching bright cobalt blue uniforms, but by their bare rounded stomachs, in various stages of pregnancy. Yes you heard right, all of the squad was visibly impregnated by the final game. It caught some first time viewers by surprise, but you wouldn’t have blinked an eye if you’ve been following these underdogs since the start of the season.
The cheerleaders have been providing a morale boost to the footballers in an ingenious way. Multiple times during a game, the football players would run to the sidelines, bend the cheerleaders over and slip under their short pleated skirts to vent out their frustrations. A couple minutes later, they would come back out on the field rejuvenated and invigorated to bring home points for the team. They also put a new meaning to bench warmers: resting teammates would often have a cheerleader to themselves tending to their fatigue and warming their cocks. It’s rumored they would attend the training sessions to provide support as well. It’s no wonder the last few cheerleaders who hadn’t gotten pregnant began swelling up by November. 
Seaside does not hide away from their team’s predicament, instead highlighting the girls’ fecund bellies with their signature itty bitty pleated skirt and bikini tie-front top that barely hold in their developing bosoms. Their gravid forms do not stop them from fulfilling their more traditional role as cheerleader either. They manage to lead spirited chants and pull off synchronized dance routines just as well as any other team, all while flaunting their hypnotizing bare bellies.
One would assume that their scandalous public antics would draw criticism, instead they have captured a new group of audience who have gotten invested in the sideline steaminess. Excitement was built upon watching new pregnancies announced and pre-existing pregnancies progress with each game of the season. Seeing as the football team were also leading in the rankings, maybe they are onto something with this ingenious set up.
One of the biggest stories of the football season was the chemistry between the star quarterback Chavez and the lead cheerleader Holland. The hunky, almost 7 foot player was a beast on the field and an even more passionate lover towards the petite cheerleader. His intimidating looks turned into endearment with his tradition of rubbing her belly before the game and lifting her in a dramatic kiss at the end of a win. 
As early as the beginning of the playoffs, Holland, who kick started the chain of pregnancy amongst the team, drew huge speculation as to when she would give birth. Bets were placed on the birth date and details, with some even speculating she was pregnant with multiples. Anticipation surmounted at the quarter finals when fans noticed that her large protruding belly had dropped significantly, hanging down over the hem of her skirt.
Despite popular guesses, she showed up to every event in high spirits, all the way to the final game. She never left the sidelines cheering on the team until the final seconds when Chavez sprinted for a 20-yard touchdown, sealing the win for the Storks.
In the hecticness of the celebrations, neither the football players nor the crowd had noticed anything amiss until Chavez ran towards the scene in the sidelines. The cheerleaders were holding onto Holland who was splayed out with her legs apart. Once he made it to his lover’s side, Holland gave one final push, the baby shot out of her and straight into the quarterback’s hands— the same steady hands that had just clinched the championship. The crowd erupted in a second round of cheers, just as loud as the winning touchdown. 
People had no idea that the lead cheerleader was in active labour during the game. There were some in hindsight recalling moments where she would clutch the underside belly and steady herself against the boards. Our correspondent was able to have a quick interview with the new mother who explained, “Oh I was feeling consistent contractions since last night, but I just couldn’t miss out on the final game. It was after the halftime performance when my water finally broke. I didn’t want to distract our team who had worked so hard to make it here, so I clenched my thighs together and tried my best to keep him in. Good thing the baby was so big that his head was lodged in my pelvis for a while.”
The healthy eleven pound baby boy was held up proudly next to the championship trophy for the stadium to see. The newborn is in the highest height and weight percentile and fans are already anticipating that he inherited the football star's athleticism. Wouldn't it be a story of a lifetime if the baby born after the team’s first ever championship win grew up to be their new star quarterback one day?
When asked if she would be taking a leave from the cheerleading team next season, she simply turned down the idea. “Nothing will ever prevent me from being on the sidelines to support my boys,” she replied.
An incredible feat of athleticism was witnessed last Sunday coming from both sides of the team hailing from Seaside. The Storks’ historic triumph has captivated the nation, putting the small coastal college on the map and maybe changing the game of cheerleading forever.
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my-moo-moo · 4 months
waist training
The entire time he’s known her she’s been obsessed with modifying her body appearance to the extreme. Specifically, she’s been zeroed in on the narrowness of her waist, graduating from sizes of corsets quicker than you can keep track of. She would meticulously measure her waist everyday, seemingly never satisfied with the results she’s achieved. Even when she possessed the perfect hourglass look every model would envy, she pushed further into extremes. Envy eventually turned into legitimate concern with people wondering if she had removed a couple ribs, or how crushed her organs were. It did not help that her extremely tiny waist was only exacerbated by the bountiful breasts and wide hips she’s always maintained. 
Of course, he loves her and finds her beautiful throughout all phases of her body change. But sometimes, when he wraps his hands easily around her itty bitty waist, he can’t help to think it’s such a shame that her natural child bearing hips are wasted on triviality. 
When her friends come to him in desperation to start an intervention to stop her from getting even smaller than she already is, he was vindicated to enact his desires.
For months you watch her continue to pull her laces tighter, so tiny a gust a wind could snap her in half. He wonders if his plan has worked at all, suspecting maybe her reproductive system wasn’t functioning at full capacity with such body modification. Her situation has gotten so dire, he began to slip more herbs in her drink. 
One morning he hears her yell out loud as her maid tightens her laces for the day. It’s a peculiar scene as she is normally unfazed by the painful process— and that’s when he knew the tide was turning. Still her stubborn self has her assistant brace her knee on her back and pull hard enough for her knuckles to turn white. She puts the blame on the cooks for making unhealthy meals. 
She puts herself on a strict diet ever since so that her month's worth of tightlacing progress wouldn’t be reversed. All of his attempts to convince her that she was making a health-endangering decision went ignored. 
He watches quietly in the corner as the back panels of her corset drifts further apart, lacing growing looser and looser, despite being pulled to the max. He maintains that he doesn’t notice any changes in her appearance whilst knowing the numbers on her logs show her the harsh truth. Her poor maid receives the brunt of her anger, being scolded that her arms have gotten too weak. 
A short few weeks later, the maid was fired and she refused to take her corset off for sleep like she should be doing. Her futile attempts to stop the inevitable had barely slowed down the millimeters she was gaining to her waist every day. Her breasts are already spilling out of her dresses with its enlargened areolas peaking out the hem, if that’s any indication of how the rest of her body is changing beneath the restraints. All she was doing was compressing her organs further— barely able to catch a shallow breath and only able to nibble a bite before feeling full.
He was concerned about the health of the life squished inside the tight space, but it turns out they’re stubborn just like their mother. Instead of her usual flat stomach, the rigid lower bonings of her corset start to flare outwards with the pressure. The laces at the back are pulled completely taut and thin, straining the eyelets that he’s sure are about to snap at any moment. 
With the permanent grimace on her face, it’s clear that she knows her body is growing rapidly, however she’s still in denial as to the reason why. Any suggestion to visit the doctor would result into full blown fits, so he resolves to let her discover the hard truth on her own.
She held out longer than he expected. It took one unexpected sneeze, that led to a loud rip of a seam. Her hands immediately fly behind her to keep her corset secure, but it only exacerbates the tear in the construction.
Tears are flowing down her cheeks as if she knew her bubble is about to burst. There’s no way they could lace her back again.
“It’s time to let it go, darling,” he tells her gently. He distracts her with pecks on her cheek as he slowly removes her fingers away from the corset. With some help loosening the rest of the laces, the crusty corset falls off her body, and her body is set free. She watches in horror as her gut spills out of her like a landslide. It’s a wonder she had been holding all that in for so long. Her sobs become louder and forlorn, especially now that her lungs were able to properly expand once again.
It took plenty of effort to calm her anguish down. He repeats in her head that a few short months the baby will be out of her and she can start her tightlacing ambitions over again. Her hand clutches the pronounced bump settling in her lower abdomen, hanging onto the reassurance that her rib cage remains narrow, and her curves are still pronounced. 
Unfortunately, she only began to accept the damage one baby would do to her pristine body, and would’ve never expected the bombshell the doctor was going to drop— or rather a total of four bombshells. 
She fainted at the announcement and he couldn’t blame her. She’s spent her lifetime training her body to be the record smallest, and it’s about to be utterly and irreversibly ruined in under a year’s time. He doesn’t dare to let out his part in this.
A quadruplet pregnancy was practically unheard of— no one around her, not even her doctors could confidently tell her what to anticipate. Clinging onto her delusions, she tried to exercise and minimize her intake to limit her growth. Incontestably, none of the efforts she has known to be true could halt the growth of the babies. Without any restraints, her belly shot outward, gaining inches frustratingly quicker than she’s ever managed to squeeze out in a year. It looked especially ridiculous, like a sore thumb, given her narrowed torso. And then her belly began to spread to fill out her waist, pushing her unnaturally bent rib cage back outward.
Her doctor had been concerned her spine might split in half, let alone be able to carry four fetuses, but defying expectations, her body was highly adaptable because of her long experience with waist training. Her organs were used to functioning with limited space. The same lower ribs that were susceptible to molding are even more easily pried apart to make room for the growing babies. And just like he had clocked, her hips were made for childbearing and only continuing to widen with the rushing hormones.
When she had finally lost complete definition at her waist, she broke down, giving up entirely on the strict regimens she had always followed. And yet she still clung onto her obsession with numbers. Every single day when she measures her circumference, the measuring tape slips a couple notches, and her despair slips even further. He tells her how proud he was that she was gaining weight. He tells her how beautiful she was, glowing more than ever. 
He wasn’t sure if she was internalizing what you were saying, when he would catch her examining her rapidly changing body in front of the mirror. One morning she comes waddling to you to share the news she had gained ten whole centimeters around in a single day. It is then he could identify the exhilaration behind her timid expression and encourages it, whispering praises in her ear. A small smile slips out and it slowly grows more confident with time. 
She started eating beyond her fill, and would be noticeably disappointed when her daily measurements were stagnant. The obsessiveness that used to fuel her extreme waist cinching was now redirected to expanding her midsection. She was seeing results quicker than ever which only fueled her brain’s addictive reward system. 
As a result of her body’s hard work, her transformation was so drastic, family members barely recognized her. 
His fingers used to touch when he wrapped his hands around her teensy tiny waist, but now he’s not even sure his arms would make it all the way around. Gone are her concave curves, her gravid belly has gotten so enormous that one could see it bulging out, even from the back. The mass stuck out far in front of her, until it got so heavy it drooped against her thigh. Her breasts and buttock have received similar treatment of getting even more plump and bountiful, like they were meant to be.
His vision from the start has been more than realized. His instincts were right. This wasn't the figure she had always lusted for, but she suited this version of curvy. With all this extra padding enveloping her bones, she looked extra youthful yet sexy. He will savour these last weeks of pregnancy until she got her body back.
Everyone assumed that she would rebind herself in a corset immediately after birth. The babies have left her body, but her ribs remained flared outward, bones jutting out from her sides. Her hips have been widened and fat still clung onto her body. He doubts she could get back to the extreme state her body was in pre-pregnancy, but even after her doctor cleared her for regular physical activity again, she seems to have none of her old drive to slim down. He catches her grabbing and pulling at her loose, stretch mark ladened skin, and wonders if she despises what the pregnancy (what he) did to her body.
“Are you sad that you lost all your progress?” he asks with guilt weighing heavy in his heart.
“Yes,” she admits, but he doesn’t expect what she follows with. “I… I miss my belly. Do you think my belly could get larger next time?”
He smiles. His little push has not only irrevocably changed her body, but her mindset. She would always have an innate desire for waist training— just now in the other direction.
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my-moo-moo · 4 months
the struggle to breathe
It’s this very position that likely got you pregnant: him lying flat on his back and you sitting upright on his thick cock. It’s hard to imagine it had been only some months ago when the change is so staggering.
It took a formidable amount of effort for you to heave your burdensome self over his body, but you descend easily over his cock, already loose and wet enough to forgo resistance. Your gravid belly follows, plopping on top of his body.
It lands with an audible flop sound, and you swore you also heard him let out an involuntary gasp. Meanwhile, you moan with the relief of the weight off your straining back and the pleasure of your sleeve being stretched apart. 
“You good?” you asked with a knowing smile. If anyone knew how heavy this enormous mass was, it was you who had to lug it around everywhere.
“Yup,” he choked out too promptly to believe. “Are you still okay with this?” 
“Mmm… it feels good to rest this monstrosity down for once.” You pat the side of your taut and stuffed belly. Now that your strained abdominal muscles can relax, your belly spills over the expanse of his abdomen all the way past his chest. The babies inside your womb tussle with the disruption to their living space, throwing limbs out in every direction.
If it were up to him, you wouldn’t be doing this at all. He’s been afraid to touch you further than second base ever since you hit your second trimester, making excuses that you could see right through. This was one of the few positions you can still have sex in yet still it’s not without its difficulties.
You brace your heavy body with your arms and grind your hips slow and grueling. Gradually, you start leaning forward, pushing against the shelf of your belly to chase the perfect pleasure spot. With all the effort you’re exerting, it’s no wonder you’re panting and sweating buckets. Incredulously, when you glance down upon your idly laying partner, he too was completely red in the face, jaw slack open to capture shallow breaths.
“Am I too heavy on you?” you ask.
“Certainly not darling. You— you’re beautiful,” he sputters out.
“That’s not what I asked,” you reply, pushing down on him harder.
“You're— still ve— very light.”
You narrow your eyes suspiciously. “Hm… Why does it seem like you’re struggling to breathe?” There's an underlying sense of gratification, knowing that his growing babies has been crushing your organs into a corner, lungs barely able to expand with oxygen— and he's finally getting a taste of what you experience everyday.
“I— I’m not!” he grunts between his teeth.
You lean forward as far as you can, putting all of your gravid weight against his chest. You peak past the curve of your stomach and watch your partner squirm with panic. 
Laughter manages to escape between your own strained breaths. As his skin begins to morph from red to pale white, you feel a certain type of power you’ve never possessed before. You can’t believe within a couple of months, your body on its own has grown heavy enough to be able to cause asphyxiation.
When you finally get off him, it takes a good while for him to catch up on oxygen. “If you wanted me to call you fat, you should’ve said so,” he grumbles afterwards.
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my-moo-moo · 4 months
School pick up time was the most hectic part of her day. She would have to race her minibus from the elementary school to the middle school to pick up all her kids, and then drop off her kids at their various after school activities, all while tending to the wailing twin babies in the backseat, chasing after rogue toddlers, and cradling her heavy bump, active with baby kicks. 
Practically all the moms in the school knew her because she has a child in every grade. She seemed to always be in various stages of pregnancy, one may make the mistake of assuming it was one long pregnancy if not for the new baby on her hip. Knowing how difficult it was to raise just one child, the parents wracked their heads in disbelief at how she could handle having multiple babies at once while taking care of double digit amount of children.
They would often joke that her husband needs to keep his hands off her poor body and she would laugh along. When she gave birth to triplets and then fell pregnant with quadruplets a couple of months later, the jokes evolved into genuine concern. During a soccer game, one mom finally became brave enough to tell her husband to go get a vasectomy already. 
“You think I haven’t threatened to do that yet?” her husband defends himself like his life is at stake. “The moment the doctor clears her for physical activities, she tries to jump me like a starved dog. If I don’t attempt to stave off her attention, she would be getting pregnant a lot sooner. And if I don’t give into her, she would threaten to get a new partner.”
“I just don’t like feeling empty inside, can you blame me?” she whines while cradling her gravid belly. 
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my-moo-moo · 5 months
how personal is too personal?
You’ve been the personal assistant for the CEO for many years already. You wait on him hand and foot from morning until late nights. You work longer than anyone else in the office and he is very particular about everything, but he pays well. Arguably, you are the one who knows the CEO the best— better than even his friends and family. You can gauge his mood, and anticipate his next request for you without him saying it.
One day he shocks you with a request you’d never expect to hear as a personal assistant. He asks you to carry his child. You’re completely taken aback by this crossing of work boundaries, but he explains himself like it’s the most logical request ever. One, he is too busy to go out on dates and you aren’t in a relationship either. Two, you are the only one he trusts to carry a healthy and competent heir to his business empire. Three, you had signed a binding contract agreeing to listen to everything he asks of you, business and personal wise.
You can’t afford to lose this job so you agree to be inseminated. Within weeks, you fall pregnant and he praises you for always being on top of your assigned tasks. It wasn’t easy to continue to keep up with the pace of a workaholic maniac yet he doesn’t hire another assistant to pick up the slack. He expects you to do all the same work while you carry his baby in your womb because he doesn’t trust anyone else in the world to be his right hand man.
Though, he does give you a fat bonus at the end of the year, and gifts you designer clothes to specifically wear at the office. Albeit a bit tight and revealing, you quite enjoy the attention you attract from all your colleagues, and especially from the CEO, who would normally rather stare at spreadsheets.
Even when you are heavily pregnant past your due date, you are still expected to fetch his coffee from his favorite spot in town. All your grievances dissipate when he praises you for your hard work. You feel immense pride that nobody could replace you at your position. And now definitively, no one can erase your role as the mother of the CEO’s heir. You carried his baby so well in spite of everything that he might even ask you for a backup heir.
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my-moo-moo · 5 months
demigod of fertility
She should have known she couldn’t run away from her true purpose. She was the daughter of Freyja, the Goddess of Fertility. She knew she had inherited her mother’s godly powers, when she had started bleeding before all her other classmates in school. Historically, all of her siblings have been stuck popping out children year after year, and refused to be trapped into such a life. When she began attracting boys like flies, she took precautions in her own hands. She began chopping her hair short, and hiding her feminine curves under layers of ugly oversized clothes so as to not even attract the male gaze. Hiding away from town, she avoided interaction with people, swearing that complete abstinence was her only option. She couldn’t trust the miniscule percentage of failure of birth control or condoms alike. She knew that any sliver of a crack in the barrier for sperm to swim past would automatically result in pregnancy. 
As the years pass by, her body only grew more desperate to carry life. Her menstrual cycles become almost unbearable with bloating and cramping that left her bedridden for an extensible fraction of the month. Still, her stubbornness kept her from giving into the temptation of falling in line.
This stubbornness was not only affecting herself, but horny men from all walks of life who have been awaiting a chance to knock up the once-in-a-lifetime demigod of fertility. In particular the sweet, potent stench of her fertile womb has been becoming far too distracting for the wolves in town. It was this collective obsession that led to a gathering of a rally of alpha wolves in one bar to enact a plan to end her abstinence. Once one of them gets her pregnant, surely she would give in to her breeder life purpose.
It’s not surprising when a brawl erupts in the bar as they argue who was going to have the chance to fuck her first. Hormone-high alpha meatheads are throwing punches in all directions and hurling others into the wooden furniture, all without the demigod’s presence. 
Almost one dead man from being shut down, the night is saved when one of the alphas takes charge and stands up on the bar to gather the attention of the mass. “I’m not sure it will even need to take sex to impregnate her,” he says with a smirk across his face. 
She only came out closer to the town to bathe in the dead of the night and even then she chose the smaller secluded pond. It didn’t take much effort for the wolves to uncover her daily routine when she smelt like the sweetest dessert in the midst of the gangly forest.
Unaware of the starving wolves hiding in the bushes, she began stripping her clothes down to her undergarments. She had her underwear halfway down one of her juicy buttcheeks, when her ears caught a shuffle of leaves behind her. She pauses her motion, in that singular moment of being caught unaware, a large beast launches at her, pushing her into the pond with a large splash. 
She flails in the water to get her bearings and when she finally manages to surface, the predicament she was in washes upon her. She was surrounded by wolves who had their large cocks out in their hands. Assuming that they were all there to gang rape her, she begins backing away from the shore. Strangely, the wolves don’t chase after her, instead they begin pumping their throbbing dicks until ropes of white cum stream into the water. 
Caught flustered by the unexpected course of action and circled on all ends by feral wolves, all she could do was wade in the water as she tried to figure out her next move. It didn’t take long before she felt an unfamiliar tug in her belly. Her hands fly over the plane of her stomach, immediately feeling a roundness straight out of her nightmares. She jerks back in shock and starts wading back to the shore, but the resistance of the water is frustratingly slowing her down. 
The wolves laugh at her splashing around desperately, not bothering to take their hands off their dick to help her. She manages to pull herself onto the rocks like a beached whale and looks down upon the irreversible damage on her body. 
The head of the pack steps over her and glances down with a winning smile. “Look at you, we didn’t even need to put our dicks in you. Your womb soaked up all the sperm in the water like a bone dry sponge.” 
Red hot embarrassment rises to her cheeks. Sometime during her struggle her underwear had fallen off her so the only thing left covering her modesty was the tight bandage she normally used to compress and conceal her heavy breasts. She had barely been in the water and her belly had already swollen up to look like she was halfway through her pregnancy. The wolves’ seed could’ve only just fertilized her eggs yet her body was already betraying her, growing and expanding without halt to accommodate her babies, like it’s been eagerly awaiting their entire life for this moment. her skin stretching without resistance.
The wolves start centering into her. “Should we let our pups’ birth break your hymen, or shall we break you in first?”
She pulls herself up on her feet and starts running like what she knows to do. Her built athleticism is already shot with her lungs struggling to expand to full capacity and her changing centre of balance causing her to stumble. The wolves are running behind her, not even at their full speed capacity, rather teasing her for the sake of the chase. Her body wants to stop, but her stubborn brain doesn’t want to give in.
She kept stumbling through the forest until she hit a dead end— a large cave in the mountain side. Unbeknownst to her, the wolves had herded her right into their den. 
She hunches over to catch her breath, clutching her heavy belly, already resigning to her doomed predicament. The head alpha sweeps her up into his arms like she weighed nothing, not waning in spite of her persistent squirming. The wolves howl in celebration as he walks her into the den and deposits her into their nest.
He tears her clothes away as if the fabric were made of tissue until all that was covering her was bandages bound tightly around her chest. With one swipe, his sharp claws tear through her chest bindings and her bountiful breasts burst free, even more voluptuous than before. She hastily covered her arms over herself, but there was no denying the freedom she had felt— as if she could breathe properly for the first time. 
Each of her legs were hitched up by a wolf as the pack alpha readied his cock over her entrance. Without any prep, he forces his thick head into her virgin pussy, wiggling it in. She couldn’t even see past the expanse of her baby bump, yet could already still anticipate she’s far too tight for him. She yells out from the top of her lungs, “No! It can’t fit! It’s too big!”
Disregarding her concerns, he continues slamming his cock further in, her wet sleeve only yielding to the intrusion. “Don’t lie to me,” he grunts. “Look at you sucking me in. You want this as much as your body does.”
“Please stop! I’m already fucking pregnant! You already got what you wanted!”
“What makes you think we want you only as a breeder? Look at the line up of wolves ready to have a chance to use you like a sleeve.” She lifts her head around for the first time, taking in the crowd of wolves that have gathered to watch her humiliation.
Without halt in the pummeling, he trails his free clawed hand over the curves of your body. “I can’t believe you’ve been hiding all this from the world, but I guess it worked in our favour. Everyone wants you, but it was our wolf pack who managed to capture you for our own use.” The reality dawns upon her that they won’t be letting her out of their clutches and any efforts to escape will be futile. There will be a hard chance she would be able to look up at anything but the rocky walls of this very cave for the rest of her life.
His hands stop over her breasts, palms barely able to surround the entire mass, and clenches down. White milk squirts all over his hairy chest with a steady stream. She couldn’t believe her eyes that she was already lactating this early. “Seems like our pups are going to be well fed,” he chuckles. 
“I wouldn’t be so sure of that. Look at how swollen she already is. This could be the largest litter we have ever seen in the pack,” another wolf pipes in.
Two full months later, she became the encapsulation of fertility that she was always meant to be. Her short hair had grown long enough to cover the modesty of her nipples. Her heavy melon-sized breasts constantly leak trails of milk without stimulation, yet no one is worried if she would have enough to feed her litter. Her skin somehow has maintained its glowing, baby soft nature even when it has stretched without restriction to accommodate the pups. Her gargantuan belly weighed so much it hung down to her knees, yet her wide and built hips were still strong enough to hold her upright. Though, she was never required to move, being tended upon hand and feet by the pack. 
When labour came, she managed to push out each and every pup of hers faster than the wolves could lick them clean. All ten of them were plump and healthy, and they were certain she could carry more next time. And this next litter was imminent because the alphas were already lining up to impregnate her as soon as that last pup latched onto her nip.
She wouldn’t run, not even flinch away this time. All the omegas in the pack have been gaping and worshiping the demigod, filling her ego so much for her to accept that this was her calling after all. Why had she wasted so many years denouncing her identity?
One day when help comes to save her from the wolves, it is only another pack of creatures wishing to use her for themselves.
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my-moo-moo · 5 months
battle of the concubines
Concubine Asteria had been groomed from a young age to become the Queen of the nation. She was the eldest daughter of the former King’s advisor and she had spent her youth studying court politics and orbiting around the then Crown Prince. It worked. Her extraordinary beauty managed to attract the Crown Prince’s attention and her kindness and etiquette had won over the civilians’ hearts.
All had changed when the Crown Prince had acceded to the throne and brought the princess of their greatest rival nation into their court as a token of peace. Concubine Delphine was a ditzy spoiled princess who didn’t know any of their customs and could barely speak their language, but somehow that became her charm that pulled the King more into her favor. She was the new shiny toy, while the ever loyal Asteria, who was used to the King’s undivided attention, faded into the background. Every night that the King was not in her bed, Asteria questioned whether her spot on the throne was imminent as everyone had once assumed. 
To say she was seething with jealousy would put it lightly. It was grossly unfair that she dedicated her entire life to the King for a foreign princess to come into her territory to take it away from her. She knew that many in the nation did not want the enemy’s princess as their queen, but none of that stopped the King’s infatuation. 
Hope returned again when Asteria fell pregnant with the King’s child. The King, overjoyed by the news of becoming a father, returned to her side again to fuss over her wellbeing. She had two good months of feeling like everything had returned to normal, before Delphine announced that she was pregnant as well. She should’ve expected the attention whore wouldn’t let her experience her first pregnancy in peace.
It’s an unspoken rule that the concubine who births the first male heir to the throne would be crowned the Queen, the legal wife of the King. The whole nation was now waiting to see which concubine was going to come out on top. 
Asteria was further along in her pregnancy, and thus she had confidence that she was going to birth the first child for the King. Yet there still was nagging worry that there was a 50-50 chance that the baby would be a princess. The results were up to God. All she could do now is to visit the temple religiously without missing a day to pray for the baby nestled in her womb to be a boy. 
Her nerves came into full hilt when her due date had finally arrived and the baby was showing no signs of coming. The doctor had assured her that the babe in her belly was healthy and it was normal to not go into labour right on the due date. 
“But do you think it looks like I’m carrying a boy?” Asteria prodded the palace doctor, modeling her bare belly in different angles. It’s been an unclear consensus whether or not the shape of her belly had meant she was carrying a boy or girl. She’s been keeping track of Delphine’s pregnancy everyday and comparing it against her own. It had become her pride that she had been carrying more forward than her, a known indicator of a male fetus, and she wasn’t afraid to flaunt her bump and make it known. Behind the scenes though, she held onto the snide comments that it was only because her torso was shorter and she was further along in her pregnancy. 
Before the palace doctor could come up with his answer, the doors to her chamber flew open. “Concubine Delphine went into early labour!” the servant announced to the doctor. Asteria almost fell to her knees before the doctor guided her to sit down. She hunches over her large overdue belly and sobs, “This can’t be! I’m supposed to give birth months before her!”
“Don’t be too upset. There was nothing you could do about it. Whatever happens today, you’ll always be the Queen in my heart.”
She felt hands patting her back soothingly, but she only wailed harder. Despite the words, Asteria felt like this was her fault. Her spot on the throne was being torn out of her hands and her stupid body won’t go into labour like it’s made to. And she couldn't forget Delphine, that conniving bitch. "She likes to act all innocent and demure, but I swear to the heavens she did this on purpose," she seethed.
"What? Why would Concubine Delphine make herself go into labour early when it could endanger her child's life?" Asteria looked away. She didn't have a definitive answer, but she couldn't dispel the nagging suspicion in her brain. “Speaking of which, I must go assist the birth now. There could be complications with the babe being so early.”
All of a sudden, a revelation washed over her. She grasped the doctor’s coat in her fists, pulling him back. “Don’t go. You must put me into labour. You are the most knowledgeable doctor in the nation. There has to be something you can do!”
The palace doctor pursed his lips, contemplating his decision carefully since his next actions might just change the fate of the nation. “It won’t be easy, but I can try.” and it certainly will be painful.”
“I’ll try anything, anything at all.”
The palace doctor promptly sent his assistant to assess the situation with Delphine in the bedroom next door, while he prepared to help Asteria. 
His first course of action was to serve her an awfully bitter herbal concoction of evening primrose oil and red raspberry leaves that was supposed to induce her uterine contractions. Asteria downed it without complaint as the assistant rushed into their room sharing that Delphine had been unknowingly in labour for hours now and was already 4 centimeters dilated. 
The doctor ordered his assistant to do everything he can to stall Delphine’s labour. The dire situation really set in. The herbal medicine could take a while to set in, but they didn’t have that kind of time. In comparison, Asteria’s cervix had started effacement, but barely even dilated yet. With a grave expression plastering his face, the doctor suggested they do something more invasive.
“I can handle it,” she assured the doctor. “A woman worthy of being Queen would be able to handle it,” she added, more to herself. 
That’s how the concubine found herself laying down with her legs apart by stirrups and the doctor’s finger digging deep into her. He slipped a cold metal instrument right into her cervix and carefully began prying it apart, coaxing her cervix to dilate by force. It wasn’t painful, more uncomfortable and strangely spine-tingling with the doctor breathing right into her pussy and his finger stroking deep in her inner walls. In her short lifetime, she has only ever let the King defile her, but this innocent matter wasn’t anything when the King was unfaithful to her without a blink of an eye.
Things start kicking into action when she begins to feel tightening around her stomach. But any sense of accomplishment is quickly shot down when the assistant informs them that Delphine is already 6 cm dilated. “They’ve been feeding her magnesium and elevating her hips up! But it's just not working! ” he tried to explain. “She’s having contractions for hours now, and she’s growing tired… maybe we should let her—” 
“No! Elevate her hips even more, don’t let the baby crown!” The doctor shouted, head still between her legs.  Asteria felt a sharp jab, and followed by a gush of fluids flowing out of her. “I got you started with dilating and now I broke your water prematurely to intensify your contractions. Your body should take over now.”
The doctor was certainly correct. Not only has her body’s natural hormones kicked in, but the effects of the herbal medicine she had chugged earlier. She could barely utter a word out in between each wave of contractions that wreck her belly, sometimes not even a moment to breathe. She wasn’t even afforded the comfort of laying on her bed, instead the doctor had her squatting by the mattress, letting gravity pull her heavy baby down to position. Even when her thighs trembled, someone would pull her back upright from under her arms. 
She went from 1 to 10 centimeters dilated in a mere couple of hours, catching up to the day’s worth of labour that Delphine went through. She could already feel the immense pressure of her baby’s head lodged tight in her pelvis. And judging by the increasing pitches of her screams, she could tell she was close as well. It was going to be a close race to the finish line. Each of her screams were only motivating her to push harder. 
“Please get this baby out of me!,” shrieked Daphne. 
“That weak bitch… doesn’t even have… an overgrown baby to push out,” Asteria gritted between her teeth before a battle cry erupted from her throat. The widest part of the baby's skull was now splitting her open farther than ever before. There’s no stopping here now, she needed to get this baby out of her at this instant if not for her position, but to finally get some relief. Her doctor was urging her to slow down or else she would tear, but she told him to shut up and start pushing down on top of her stomach. 
Between her own screams, she heard the voice of the medic next door, “You’re almost there, your highness… Just one last push!” 
“I’m! Closer!” Asteria belted out. An unyielding force pushed down on her womb, and at the same time, she fuelled all her hatred for the foreign princess into one last push. The pressure in her pelvis finally lets go as her baby shoots out of her like a cannon.
She is heaving with heavy breaths in the aftermath, when she hears the announcement. “Congratulations Concubine Asteria, it’s a… girl.”
There’s a deafening silence that followed that was interrupted by another wailing cry in the distance. A heavy newborn was placed on her chest while blood was flowing out from her like a river, but neither was what Asteria was focused upon. Time seemed to stall as she waited for the news to come back to her.
“Concubine Daphne has given birth to a princess.”
Asteria let go of the breath she didn’t know she was holding. At least she had another chance at the throne. She laughed to herself maniacally when she came to the conclusion that  she technically ended up winning this time. She not only became the mother of the eldest princess, but her baby was chubby, healthy and full term.
It was hours after his first daughters were born when the King finally made his visit to the concubines’ wing. All the attendants could feel the disappointment in the King’s solemn silence as he made the rounds. He grimaced when he saw Concubine Asteria’s battered form and asked the doctor to stitch her back up extra tight. And he hadn’t wanted to hold the tiny premature princess from Concubine Daphne at all. With one cursory glance of pity, he instead asked for the wet nurses to give her around the clock attention. 
It was clear that he wasn’t going to crown anyone anytime soon… until he at least gets his healthy son. As for his concubines, it seems like neither of them are ready to give up on their spot on the throne.
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my-moo-moo · 5 months
ground zero alien invasion
You made a grave mistake having sex with an alien one time. 
You don’t remember much of the experience. Only flashes of memories remain, brief and disjointed. You normally weren’t someone to engage in one night stands, but the man you met told you it was his only day in town and you just couldn’t miss this opportunity. 
And so you remember stumbling home drunk from the club with the hottest man you’ve ever attracted. You shrunk away in surprise when you felt his ice cold fingers around your waist, but his dazzling smile pulled you back again. One moment you have your eyes closed, writhing with each lick of a tongue teasing at your entrance. A slobbering kiss on your neck makes your eyes peel wide open again. It then came upon you that you were in fact not being eaten out this entire time. Instead, your one night stand was replaced by a blue-skinned alien with its tentacle-like appendage part way into your pussy. 
Before you turn into full-fledged panic, he whispers foreign words into your ear and pushes deeper into you, splitting you apart with the girthy part of his cock. Thoughts of leaving go down the drain as he begins to make you feel better than any date has ever achieved, penetrate you deeper than has ever been explored. Even if you weren't hallucinating, what would be so wrong with having a sex with an alien?
The last thing you remember is screaming as he breaches through your cervix.
For the entire morning immediately following, you question your mentality— whether you had been lucid dreaming, or you were tripping balls. Your body had felt bloated and achy, like your insides had been thoroughly rearranged— something that you wrote off as a result of the rough sex last night.
You were only forced out of bed by the intense rumbling of your stomach. You fight the wave of exhaustion to make yourself a hearty lunch. Perhaps you had a little too much food because you needed to untie the drawstring of your sweatpants afterwards.
As you finish cleaning up your kitchen, you accidentally bump your abdomen against the countertop. You flinch back and your hands fly over the afflicted spot. Just then you are made aware of the fact that your belly curves underneath your palm. You rush to the bathroom to look at yourself properly in the mirror. Your eyes widen at the sight. You’ve never seen yourself get this bloated before.
You poke at the strange mass attached to your waist— it's solid and cold to the touch. You swear your breasts look bigger than when you wear your most padded pushup bra. You don’t know how long you stand there transfixed by your own reflection. You swear every time you take a breath in, your belly expands a bit more, and it doesn’t retract down when you breathe out. 
Your brain tries to sort through all the explanations of what’s happening to you, but it keeps leading to the same absurd conclusion that couldn’t possibly be real. There’s one blaring conclusion that keeps coming up, but it’s so absurd that you’d sooner believe that you were dying of an unknown disease. 
The only thing you can think of doing was going to the emergency room. It’s not surprising when the nurses don’t take your concerns seriously and put you in the back of the waiting list. As you wait in the uncomfortable plastic chair, you continue to grow without halt. You’re forced to watch your belly go from being just perfectly tucked underneath your t-shirt to spilling underneath the hem and pushing your thighs apart. Some people, who’ve been there as long as you have, begin to double take your appearance. 
When a new nurse comes in for a shift, you had to grab the opportunity. You clutch your underbelly and waddle yourself down the hall to the fastest of your capabilities to flag her attention. She looks your heavily pregnant body up and down and immediately her first question is to ask if you’re in labour. You have no idea what that would entail, but you spit out yes, and you’ve been waiting for hours already.
Things move quickly thereafter with you getting sent to get an ultrasound. Finally, you’ll get the answers you’ve been waiting for. 
“How far along are you?” the doctor asks you. 
“I don’t know. I don’t know anything. I woke up this morning and I just blew up… like a… like a balloon… in one day! Aren’t you the doctor here?” you stammer without making much sense. 
She looks at you incredulously and her eyes only widen when she looks back at the ultrasound screen. 
“Well… you are certainly pregnant,” she starts. 
“Oh…” Your heart falls to the ground. You knew this was a possibility but hearing it confirmed makes the dire reality set in. You’re having a baby. “Is it… healthy?” you ask. 
The doctor doesn’t answer your question, instead seems to be rendered speechless as her eyes dart around monitoring the screen. 
When she finally looks back at you, she is literally shaking from head to toe. “What the hell is in your womb?” she shoots at you with malice underlying each syllable. 
“I told you… I don’t know,” you whisper. It was then you felt a tumbling within your belly as if your baby was greeting you. Your arm wraps around your belly, a surge of protectiveness rising over you even though you’ve barely processed the news of being pregnant. 
“We need to burn that thing with fire,” she seethes, 
You promptly clammer off the hospital bed. You grab the nearest scalpel and waves in front of you like a maniac. “Don’t touch me!” You don’t know where that confidence came from because you’ve always been afraid to even run a red light.
The doctor backs away in fear, and tries to reason with you more cautiously, “Didn't you come here wanting to stop whatever was happening to you? 
You shake your head. You had forgotten why you had come here at all and all that was clear to you was that you would do anything to protect the baby in your belly. 
“We need to run more tests to see what is growing inside you,” she tries to reason, but you don’t trust her any longer. She makes the grave mistake of reaching out to grab you, prompting you to puncture her in the arm. Fresh red blood sprays onto your hand and you panic. 
Escaping the yells from behind, you clutch your now heavy overdue belly and stammer out of the hospital, barely stopping to breathe despite the baby already restricting your lungs. You speed all the way home and you don’t stop until you get home and bolted your door and all your windows. 
Finally, you catch up on your breathing and head over to your mirror again. When you left the house a mere couple of hours ago, you looked like you could possibly be sporting a beer belly or maybe in your second trimester, but now it was undeniable to any stranger that you were very pregnant. It would now be more of a question of when you were going to pop or if you were carrying two. 
Either way, you are convinced you are going into labour soon. Though you don’t feel any contractions yet, your skin is tight as a drum already and your pelvis feels like it’s going to bust under all the weight. You could not fathom possibly getting larger. There is just  no way. 
Utterly exhausted by the events of the day, you resign to lying down in your bed. You’re waiting for any sign of labour, before you lose the battle to sleep. 
Pacing around your living room, you wait for the first sign of labour. At any moment you should either feel contractions tighten around your abdomen or water leaking down your legs. Instead you continue to grow outwards, resembling more like you are carrying twins. You stripped off all your clothing at this point, annoyed by how restricting it felt against your ever growing body. 
It wasn’t too long before you were jolted awake by the intense pressure on your bladder. You groan as the baby inside you makes the situation worse by a strong kick. When you finally peel your eyes open, you can barely comprehend the sight before you. Never have you ever seen such a gravid belly on anyone let alone yourself. You made a grave mistake closing your eyes briefly and now your belly is hanging out part way off the edge of your mattress. Essentially pinned down into your soft mattress, you grunt to push your heavy torso upright. You try to leverage yourself against your bed frame, on your elbows, with the edge of the mattress— all with futile success. There was a deep-seeded fear for a while that you were going to be stuck in that spot forever. Fortunately, minutes of struggle lead to eventually succumbing to sliding your body off the bed like a beaching whale, with it your bladder losing in the battle.
Regardless, you are determined to waddle yourself to the bathroom to see the state of your soiled body. Given how insanely top and front heavy you are, you need to hold yourself against the wall to avoid toppling over. You feel your thighs tremble and your hips crack with each tiny step forward. 
A wave of accomplishment washes over you when you finally make it in front of your bathroom mirror. The remnants of your old self lie in the blood stained t-shirt that has ridden up your torso to resemble more of a sports bra. Your belly has grown outward so far that the sheer weight of it began pulling the mass down to your mid thighs. When you wrap your arms around yourself, your fingertips could barely touch your non-existent belly button. Your skin has been stretched thin like a balloon, so transparent that you could see the web of blue veins underneath.
Although the baby in your belly has grown unrestrictedly minute after minute, the rest of your body has barely kept up to sustain. Fear sets in as you contemplate how you’re going to possibly birth this massive baby out your unprepared pelvis. 
Before you are left wondering any longer, you feel a gush of water trail down your legs. It couldn’t have been your already emptied bladder. 
Just over 24 hours after your encounter with the alien, the price of your horny decisions come back to bite you in the ass in the form of a big-headed alien baby splitting your pelvis in half. 
You scream at the top of your lungs as you give one last battle push. You feel the sweet relief of pressure as the baby gushes out of you at once. Umbilical cord still attached, you drag the baby up onto your deflating stomach. The baby doesn’t resemble you at all. Its eyelids are still shut, skin is a sickly translucent blue and limbs resemble tentacles. 
There’s no time to question if the baby is healthy because it begins crawling up your body on its own until it stops at your nipple. It begins suckling without any assistance at all, as if it was completely natural for a human to mother an alien species. 
There wasn’t much time to process before your body is wracked with another wave of contractions. You had thought it might be the afterbirth, until you felt another large skull lodge into your cervix.
You smile as you cradle your baby closer to your chest and start pushing again. 
You hum to your babies as they suckle out of both your tits. They’ve already put on double the weight since you’ve given birth and you already feel bittersweet that they’re growing up too fast. 
You can walk without feeling pain anymore and your outrageous belly has thankfully gone down. It’s not completely flat like pre-pregnancy, but you’re grateful you got your two babies out of your strong body. 
You pass your hand over your belly reminiscing about waking up being pregnant. It wasn’t too long ago, but it feels just like it... You run your hands back over realizing you are more bloated than before. 
You refuse to believe it until an hour later, you are clearly sporting a pregnant belly like you had woken up with before. There’s no way you could be pregnant again when you haven’t had sex since that one time with the alien. 
And yet, you continue to progress in growth like deja vu. Whilst you were freaking out, you forgot about the babies you had already birthed. You look everywhere, turning the house upside down until your pregnant belly grows so enormous it prohibits you from moving. 
Your babies were gone like the wind and it was hitting you harder than expected. You hadn’t wanted to get pregnant, but now these babies are your whole life. Your grief only wanes when you are hit with contractions once again. 
You will quickly realize your role. Your babies will grow up and leave your nest, but soon enough there is going to be another litter of babies for you to take care of. 
You get into a routine, not knowing how many weeks have passed, nor what was happening in the world outside your little nest. 
....Until one day you open your local news channel, and you find out you haven’t been alone in your experience. 
The first official reporting happened right here in our small town, but the doctor was brushed off because of absurdity. The reports of rapid pregnancies have since risen to the thousands and the CDC is now calling it an alien invasion. 
These aliens can disguise themselves as humans and we have no way of picking them apart. They are capable of infecting all the eggs in your ovaries with a single sexual encounter. After birth, they can mature into productive adults in a weeks time. We estimate that there may be 500,000 adults hiding amongst us in the United States alone.
Currently available contraceptives on the market are not effective in prevention. As a precaution, avoid sexual intimacy with all individuals. 
Symptoms of infection include rapid pregnancy in a 24 hour framework. New pregnancies will continue in succession, and as of this moment, we do not have a cure without harming the carrier’s life. 
Infected individuals may display behaviours of violence. They will lay down their life to protect their babies. Please approach with caution. 
Realization then comes upon you that you might have been ground zero for an alien invasion.
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my-moo-moo · 11 months
baby mansion
Everyone always joked that your womb was not just a house, but a mansion for your baby. 
Given that you had a short torso, a tendency to maintain extra amniotic fluid, and a history of large babies in your family— you could make sense of it. 
But most strangers passing by the remarkable mass hanging from your waist had no clue of your circumstances. You had people assuming you were about to give birth when you were merely 5 months pregnant. Once you hit your 3rd trimester, you had people coming up to you asking how many babies you were having. When you said “just one”, their reactions were far from subdued. Some continued to be in denial when you explained yourself. “Have you checked if there was another one or two hiding in there?”
Although your past three pregnancies were hard, you and your partner always wanted one more baby to even out the count to four. Four seemed like a perfect number of kids for your family. It wasn’t a light decision, of course. You were terrified as your body seemed to take on an increasingly heavier load with each pregnancy, but it was a risk you calculated. You could handle having your bullet shaped belly stretch just a bit further for another bundle of joy in your arms. It’s not like your body hasn’t already been irrevocably changed. 
Turns out, your belly would swell up by the time you had expected your next period. You didn’t even need a pregnancy test to know you had successfully conceived. In the next two weeks, your belly grew at a considerable speed. It felt like every morning you woke up, it had been another week’s worth of growth. At this point, you were starting to be concerned, thinking your next baby was going to be considerably bigger than the last. At only 6 weeks pregnant, you couldn’t explain your belly away as anything other than pregnancy. You needed to announce the news to your friends and family. 
You waddled into your first doctor's appointment at 8 weeks. While waiting, you started conversing with the expectant mother with the same sized belly as you. She kept joking about how big she felt and how she was glad her due date was next week. 
It became a huge reality check to your system— to realize that you were already this big only in your first trimester. How daunting would the months left to your pregnancy be? You tried to hold onto hope that maybe you had calculated your weeks wrong. Even the receptionist had thought you booked for the wrong examination. But nope, it was your first ultrasound. 
You swore your ultrasound tech let out a sharp gasp looking at the ultrasound screen, before she composed herself. You weren’t new to this. She must’ve been shocked that she’s still early in her pregnancy like everyone else. But when she turned the screen towards you, you almost passed out in fear. 
You were 8 weeks pregnant with quadruplets. Four babies with their own placentas and amniotic sacs. Just how big would you get from here when you already looked like you were carrying quadruplets with your singleton pregnancies? You had barely begun the journey of finding out. The process of packing up weight really kicks off in the coming trimesters.
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my-moo-moo · 2 years
more to grow (chapter 2/4)
When her due date had gone and passed without progression, she started to get a little worried. It wasn’t that she was impatient to get them out. She loved every inch of her belly even despite the aching pain of her spine and ankles. She was dreading losing this voluminous body of hers for sure. She was, however, afraid that she might really be pushing out two 11 pound babies out of her vagina if she was going to grow them any longer. She didn’t want a c-section because she was deathly afraid of going under knives. Both her boyfriend and her doctor were on the same page about that note. 
That was why she cornered her boyfriend the night before she turned 42 weeks pregnant. “Fuck me like you mean it,” she threatened, crossing her hands over her chest.  
“Baby… haven’t I been doing that all this time?”
“It clearly wasn’t good enough,” she huffed, waving over the ever present mass hidden poorly under her silk robes. The floral fabric curtained both sides of her protruding bump like it was the grand present on a Christmas morning. “You’ll fuck me into I go into labour. No exceptions.”
“You’ll regret saying that,” he growled, ripping her robes off her shoulders. The silk fell to the floor, revealing the brand set of red lace lingerie she bought for her new double D breasts. It had taken one week to arrive and by the time tried it on today her breasts were already spilling over the cups. He practically drooled at the sight, exactly like she had planned. 
He swept her off her feet into his arms with ease like she hadn’t gained 90 pounds. He carried her to their bedroom and plopped her down on their mattress, pushing her face down so her ass perked up into the air. 
His large calloused palm spanked the flesh poking out from the criss crossing harnesses of her garter. It jiggled like a soufflé pancake and she almost teared out for pure pride. She grew that all by herself. People paid big money for BBLs to get a butt like hers, but her’s is all natural. He moved her thong to the side and plunged his large member down to the hilt without warning. 
Her back arched in response to the shock. “Yes, that’s it.”
Balls slapped against her juicy ass and heavy belly against her thighs. Her babies were squirming and jostling inside at the disruption to their home. She felt a sharp kick to her diaphragm causing her to gasp out loud. She couldn’t complain, because that meant they were head down. She hoped they were getting into position to get out. 
Her boyfriend continued to slam his large dick deeper and deeper into her vagina at a relentless pace. Pain mixed with pleasure and her mind floated away to the heavens. Her entire lower half felt like it was on fire. She couldn’t even tell where the sharp pain originated from until she realized her pussy was pulsing against nothingness. She whined at the loss of contact. She was so close to reaching her peak. 
Axel had pulled out and said, “Mina darling. I think your water broke.”
She lifted her woozy head around to see a darkened spot in the sheets. They finally did it. 
He was already messaging her doctor. And within seconds he was carrying her to the car. “Doctor Jones said we need to get to the hospital immediately. There can be many complications with twin deliveries.”
Now that she wasn’t high from pleasure, she could feel the contractions’ real strength coursing through her abdomen. Her contractions were only minutes apart. Without checking down there, she had a feeling she was dialating very quickly. By the time they got to the hospital, she felt one of her babies’ heads heavy right against her cervix as she waddled to the front desk.
With how ripe she looked, she was able to bypass the waiting room. The moment the nurses saw her, they wheeled her into an examination room, separating her from her poor confused boyfriend. That wasn’t the biggest concern on her mind though. All she wanted was to get her babies out, but there seemed to be a delay in getting her to her delivery suite. The medical professionals around her kept talking and talking. All the while, her belly kept twisting and squeezing with increasing force. They told her not to push yet, and she obeyed despite the terribly instinctual urge to do so. However, she couldn’t help that the baby itself was pushing at her cervix against her will. 
Finally, her primary physician, Doctor Jones entered her room and she was wheeled to another room that she recognized for ultrasounds. “We need to have a quick ultrasound to check the positioning of your babies before we proceed,” she explained.
Mina grinded her teeth and nodded. She wasn’t one to object against authority figures who probably knew better. Time dragged on as she swiped the ultrasound wand across and back around her belly. It felt like she was taking her dandy time while she was wincing at each increasingly intense wave of contractions. She understood that the surface area was quite large, but it shouldn’t be taking that long! Her baby wasn’t going to wait for anyone.
Doctor Jones looked solemn yet perplexed watching the screen. She pursed her lips before announcing, “Hold on. I need to consult my colleagues on a matter. 
“No!” she screamed. “Don’t leave me. The baby— I feel them— they’re coming!”
“Do not push, Mina,” the doctor commanded. She turned to the nurses and said, “Hold her legs shut.”
She groaned loudly as the nurses forced her legs closed, completely against what Mother Nature was telling her to do. The large baby head now felt even more cramped up against her constricted walls. The only thing she could do was grip the bed railings tight and watch her belly physically constrict into a tight cone shape and relax rhythmically. Her moans dragged out with each pain-wracking contraction. 
Mina doesn’t know how long it has been, but every second dragged forever. Her bound legs were not completely stopping the baby from descending. The baby is so low now. It felt like her hips were being torn apart. Every fibre of her body was telling her to push and it was getting harder to ignore it. Release from the pressure would feel so good. Finally cracking from the insurmountable pain, she flailed her arms about trying to push the nurses away. “Ennngh. I need— I need to. So much pain.”
At this moment, Doctor Jones strided back over her bedside to pin her back down to the bed. “I said stop!” Mina’s arms scrambled against her, but she was too weak to fight back.  
“Nurses, hold the patient down,” she ordered and two nurses moved their hands to hold her down by the shoulders against the bed. 
The doctor spread her legs apart and the baby’s head practically slipped down her canal. Mina audibly moans, feeling the sweet relief of pressure at last. Without even pushing, her baby’s head was already halfway out her puffy lips. Their eyes were peeking back at the doctor. “Congratulations Ms. Park. Your baby is beautiful. They’re big, strong, and healthy… but you won’t be meeting them today.”
“What??” she asked aghast. Her answer came when she felt the head being forced back into her vagina. Doctor Jones had her palm on her baby’s head and was pushing them back into her. “What the hell are you doing?” she shrieked wildly. 
“Ms. Park. Please trust me as a trained doctor. This is the only option.” Mina screamed like she never had before. If crowning was painful, the feeling of her baby’s large head squeezing back through her narrow birth canal was many times worse. “If you relax a little, this process would be less painful,” the doctor tsked. 
Another wave of contractions swept through, her womb squeezing to push the baby out the direction it was meant to. Doctor Jones furrowed her brows and put more pressure on her end. Mina felt her baby thrashing wildly within her, caught between this tug of war. Pressure, she felt pressure from so many angles. She screamed bloody murder as her entire lower half of her body was on fire. 
With her limbs restrained, she could only lay in horror as the doctor’s fist slowly disappeared into her vagina. Doctor Jones leans her entire body weight into it and finally, the head popped back into her womb. Her thoroughly abused cervix continued to throb in the wake of events. 
Her belly felt full and taut again. Yet the doctor continued pushing until the baby was deep in the far back of her uterus. The baby gave a strong protesting kick to her diaphragm that knocked the breath out of her. She then stuck both of her hands in there to perfect the positioning before pulling away. 
Mina was at a loss of words after all the screaming. Screaming would not even come close to conveying the agony she went through. She could only lay panting and feel the aftermath of every single violation that was done to her— no pain medication at all. The doctor washed her hands that were sticky with all the membranes and fluid that expelled from her. Another nurse entered the room with a cart of supplies and IV drips. 
“We have to make sure you don’t go into premature labour again.” 
Premature? Mina would’ve scoffed if she had the energy. Her babies were two weeks overdue and were likely at least 10 pounds each. 
The nurses worked together to attach her with a multitude of tubes while the doctor returned her attention to her swollen lips down south. She couldn’t see what was happening past the mountain of belly obscuring her sight. All she felt was piercing stabs deep in her canal before she passed out from the craziness that happened to her that night. 
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my-moo-moo · 2 years
more to grow (chapter 1/4)
All throughout her life, Mina has always been the smallest and shortest of her class. She had hoped and prayed for a growth spurt once she reached puberty. That never happened. In fact, she stopped growing at fifteen, landing her at a permanent height at under five foot tall. 
As she got away from her adolescent years, she began to learn to love her body the way it was. Though, she never would’ve expected that she could’ve attracted a Scandinavian hunk who was quite well over a foot taller than her. 
Sometimes they would get weird looks when they would walk down the streets hand in hand. “People must think you’re grooming a teenager…” Mina pouted to her boyfriend. 
“I double-checked your driver’s license on our first date, so you’re good,” her boyfriend, Axel teased. 
Mina slapped his thickly corded biceps and whined. “I know I shouldn’t feel this way anymore, but there’s a small voice in the back of my head that wants to know what it’s like to look like a woman— to have boobs and curves for once. And not have to be under the knife to get it.” She shuddered. 
“You’re adorable just the way you are, but…” He grabbed her entire left butt cheek in his palm and pulled her close enough that she could feel his breath against her ears. It garnered a wrinkled face of disgust by an older couple walking past them. “I know a way we can get you what you want,” he whispered lowly in her ears. She raised her brow slightly now that he garnered her attention. “When I put my baby in you, your body will quite naturally change to accommodate...” 
Axel pulled away laughing and Mina let out a nervous chuckle. He said it as a joke, but ever since it was suggested, she couldn’t get the idea out of her head. 
It took Mina weeks to gather the courage to tell her boyfriend that she wanted to get off birth control. They weren't married yet and her cafe was just taking off. Axel agreed, figuring it would take at least a couple months for them to conceive like they had heard from their friends. 
They had decided to let nature take its course, but it didn’t stop them from fucking like bunnies after the decision was made. She swore her boyfriend had a deep-buried breeding kink from how easily he was turned on now that he knew she could get pregnant at any time.
Perhaps this was the reason why only one month later her nipples were on fire from rubbing against her cotton t-shirt all night. She ripped her shirt off in a haste and was confronted by her figure staring back at her through the mirror. Not only was her breast tissue swollen and puffy, her normally slate flat stomach had a softness to it. She knew right away they had succeeded, but she peed on three pregnancy sticks just to make sure.
They were all positive.
Thankfully, Mina did not suffer from morning sickness. In fact, she had grown a good appetite which was kind to her otherwise underweight frame. Ever since she first discovered her pregnancy, she had been steadily gaining weight. The weight went primarily to her abdomen. By the time she was ten weeks pregnant, she looked like she had a few too many burger meals in a day and washed it down with a pint of beer. That was why she wore an oversized sweater to her first ultrasound appointment. “I thought pregnancy was going to make me feel beautiful, but I just feel pudgy right now.”
“Be patient, my love.” Her boyfriend tucked a piece of her ebony hair behind her ear. “By the rate you are growing, I am sure you will be out of the awkward phase soon.”
Axel’s words were backed up by her doctor, Doctor Jones, who noted she looked like she was around 4 to 5 months pregnant.
“Our baby is really growing strong and healthy.” Mina smiled to herself with a hand to her stomach. Apart from her own self consciousness, she is proud of this at least.
Axel hummed. “It’s my baby after all. I was a solid eleven pounds at birth, along with the rest of my siblings.”
Mina’s eyes widened. It was probably not as big of a problem for his mother who was a much larger woman than she was. She didn’t want to think about how her scrawny body would push a baby that size out. “Hopefully our baby will inherit some of my compact Asian genes.”
Doctor Jones, who had been focused on the ultrasound screen, said, “You better be hoping for that for both of your babies.”
Mina whipped her attention to the screen. Turned out she had not only fallen pregnant immediately, but with two babies.
Mina should really listen to her boyfriend more because true to his words, in the following months, her body had grown from prepubescent boy-like to the Hollywood actresses she drooled over endlessly. Her narrow torso was accentuated with her newly widened hips and fattened behind. 
Her boobs have ballooned from an AA cup size to a good C. For someone who found bras an unnecessary hassle before, she found herself browsing lingerie sites during her free time. When her boyfriend saw the credit card bill afterwards, he couldn’t complain after she shushed him up with an unforgettable ride on his dick in her new black leopard print bra that made her cleavage pop impeccably. Her sex life has never been more active. 
And of course, her baby bump had grown relentlessly week after week. She couldn’t get enough of it— poking at the divets where her babies greeted her and hands stroking her bump absentmindedly all day. She looked like she was ready to pop any day and the customers at her cafe never failed to let her know that. She got many comments of concern as they watched her waddle through the cafe cleaning tables, making drinks, and lifting boxes. She would just laugh and say she had 3 months left to go and watch their faces pale. She couldn’t afford to take maternity leave so soon when her cafe was barely scraping by. 
At 30 weeks pregnant, it became glaringly obvious to everyone that Mina was not horribly overdue, but heavily pregnant with twins. Some would even say she looked like she was at full term for twins already, but she had 2 months left of growing. 
At her ultrasound appointment, Doctor Jones measured the babies at 5 pounds each. She noted that it was impressive they had a high weight percentile for their gestational age even though it wasn’t a singleton pregnancy. “You could have the babies any day now and they would be fine. I could schedule you for an induction or a c-section in a couple weeks if you’d like to end your suffering.”
Mina politely declined. “I can handle it. I would prefer if my labor progressed when my babies are ready to come out into the world.” And she wouldn’t admit out loud but, she was not ready to let go of her body just yet. She’s never felt more beautiful in her life. 
“I like that attitude. And maybe your babies’ growth will slow down as they run out of space.” Doctor Jones said.
Rather than slowing down, she swore that her babies were having a growth spurt. Her torso was naturally quite short. After filling out vertically, her belly shot outward to make more room to accommodate the growing babes, adding an inches per week. She went from having a tiny 25 inch waist to more than doubling her size within eight short months.
Barely any of the maternity clothes she had bought fit her anymore.  It made sense because her belly resembled more an oblong jackfruit sized mass, than the cute round bump most people had at full term. She couldn’t even pull the stretchy band of her maternity jeans over her overextended bump. At home, she would forgo any clothing (to her horny boyfriend’s favour), but that wasn’t appropriate for work. She resorted to wearing the same rotation of stretchy clothes that hugged every single curve of her body. No one could keep their eyes off her and her confidence boosted with every whistle she heard. She relished in the compliments, because that was something she never experienced before.
Everyone around her was saying she could go into labour at any time. Twins normally came early, they told her. At 38 weeks, her navel began to droop downwards, but she wasn’t sure if it was because of the sheer weight of the belly being pulled down by gravity or if it was because her babies have finally dropped into position. 
Nevertheless, her hospital bag was packed and ready in the trunk of her car. And her fretting boyfriend was always within hearing distance from her. She was still working in the cafe everyday and her boyfriend decided to quit his job to help out. It still wasn’t enough though. One of her main baristas quit recently, so she couldn’t take a maternity leave, let alone a day off, even if she wanted to. 
You would think that being busy on her feet all day and being pounded by her boyfriend at night would have gotten her labour going, but she only started experiencing sporadic Braxton Hicks. 
When her doctor saw her for her scheduled appointment, she only smirked at her figure and said, “You know when you first came in here and we discovered you were having multiples, I was concerned if you’d make it to term because you were just so itty bitty like a fairy. But now, I am assured your body is made to stretch.”
And stretch, she definitely has. Every night she sat in front of her floor length mirror, as she religiously rubbed her collection of lotions over her skin, not missing a spot. Her skin was stretched taut like a drum, especially around the rounded torso that spilled over her lap, but to her relief, she hasn’t found stretch marks yet. It was as if her milky white skin was meant to be pulled this size all her life. She trailed her hands obsessively over and over the distinct mounds on her figure. She hoped and prayed that her new curves were permanently molded on her frame even after pregnancy. Now that she saw how beautiful and decadent her figure was this way, there was no way she was going back to being stick thin.
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